Whole Nation

: 2502 Falcon Fall (12)

   "Teacher, IMHO, it is very risky for Varisian to be sandwiched between the two armies of the coalition forces!"


On the window sill in the bright sunshine, Brant Bonnie in a delicate military uniform, with a pretty face cold, white legs and elegant steps, appeared in front of the fat man and put a heavy report on the battle he just received. Put it on the table, why! Why did the teacher give such an order! Brant Bonnie’s sweet voice came into the fat man’s ear. Brant Bonnie just learned that the fat man ordered the 200,000 Imperial Army to press elitely on the way to Istanbul, and suddenly turned to the south to cut the coalition’s back. , That’s what made Brant Bonnie run away early in the morning,


The sudden approach to the south seems to get rid of the coalition’s ambush in Istanbul Kyoto, but in fact it is equivalent to plunging the 200,000 Imperial Army into the future of Kyoto. Is it not possible to see the teacher as a strategic master? How undesirable is this move. For the southern coalition forces, the biggest advantage is that there are enough troops, and the loss of 30,000 or 40,000 is not enough to hurt the bones. On the contrary, the southern coalition forces also need to consider how to use the imperial army. Introducing the problem of ambush has now turned into an imperial army and jumped into the trap,


   If the coalition forces were panicked because the back road was cut off at the beginning, so that they wanted to clear the back road and were eagerly fighting hard with the imperial army going south, then now, the top of the southern coalition forces should also calm down


   The commander level of the Falcon Empire that swept across the north-central part of Obaro turned out to be so short-sighted, with no basic strategic vision!


The two hundred thousand troops cut between the main force of the coalition and the battalion. As long as the reinforcements of the battalion arrived, they could form an upper and lower siege of the imperial legion, and wipe out all the two hundred thousand empire troops on the outskirts of Istanbul Kyoto. The victory of the North-South dispute over the entire mainland,


Once the empire loses in the Istan region, the southern coalition forces will use the prestige of victory to regain control of the Istan region and break the barrier of the empire in the east. The Feishan region and the Central Europe Baro region that have just been settled are all involved. In the battlefield, even if the Imperial Army was able to gain a foothold at least, it was at least pushed off the boundary of hundreds of miles,


Thinking of this, where can Brant Bonnie sit still, the reinforcements of the coalition forces in the south may arrive at any time, and the 200,000 troops are in danger at this moment, and now every delay is irresponsible for the 200,000 imperial troops ahead, What's more, there are 50,000 people in the 200,000 army, and her ancestors of the North African Army, but it has cost her countless efforts and has not yet fully conquered the mainland. Could it be destroyed in the suburbs of Istan and Kyoto? In a fiasco?


   "What does jī move!"


The fat man standing on the balcony turned around unconsciously, rolled his eyes at the lover and his disciple, and said with a condensed voice, "It seems dangerous to cut south, but it is not as bad as you think. How can the coalition forces hook up obediently when they look out against the enemy?"


"The entry point was selected by me personally. The Lufa area is the most excellent area on the coast of the Istanbul Kyoto area. It has two transport ports with good performance. They are currently under the control of the Imperial Navy, and the material reserves are in half a month. Preparations were already in progress before. There were 200,000 empire elites in the past, and the imperial navy as a support, and the supplies were enough for a month and a half, as well as the Thor’s protection provided by the navy. With the passage of time, the logistics of the southern coalition was cut off. It will soon be discovered that they must make a choice." The fat man looked at a bay like a crescent moon in the distance outside the balcony. The white sails lined up and sneered.


"Choose?" Brant Bonnie unexpectedly shuddered, and his tone was not as anxious as it was just now. The dead fat man's ability to pay for nothing, said second in this continent, absolutely no one dared to say first, now The look of his face is even more confident, but why would it become a coalition to make a choice, Brant Bonnie couldn’t figure it out


"For a large army of more than 400,000 people, the daily military supplies are astronomical. Within five days, the coalition forces will make a line and wait for the battalion to implement the southern strike strategy. What a ridiculous way to think that they will find Before the barriers were overcome, the whole army collapsed due to lack of food!"


   "So, this is a trap!"


  Brant Bonnie's exquisite and beautiful face showed a surprise, reacted, the body unconsciously shuddered, it was terrible! It is already imaginable that in order not to frighten the snakes, the coalition forces will inevitably choose to delay the approach of the imperial army, hoping to stabilize the imperial army before the arrival of the reinforcements of the battalion,


   And this is the most vicious part of the whole plan


The coalition forces did not think that there was an imperial navy behind the imperial army, so every additional day the coalition forces delayed the knots around their necks until they inadvertently initiated the breakthrough battle. Opportunity and time are wasted! When the coalition responded, the time was over. With the support of the imperial navy, the security of the 200,000 imperial army was not a problem. Instead, the coalition was cut off from the logistics line. Because of the logistics problems, plus wasted time, it was like I was slammed on the neck with a rope until I was too tight to breathe.


   It doesn’t matter when the reinforcements from the coalition base camp arrived. At that time, it was too late! As long as the node of the Lufa region is still in the hands of the empire, hundreds of thousands of southern coalition forces on the Istanbul Kyoto Great Plains will be in desperation because of logistical problems. However, the upper levels of the southern coalition forces thought that the empire 200,000 troops were trapped Here, I thought I had mastered the hand of victory! Thinking of this, Brant Bonnie felt chilly behind her. Although she has always had a high evaluation of the fatty of the dead fat man, but this time, it once again refreshed the record of the dead fat man in her heart. This is the game. Middle game! If it weren’t for the fat man to speak up, who would have thought of it!


   "Your Majesty, the latest news, thirty thousand East Court troops have entered the territory of Istan!"


An imperial guard wearing a black uniform pushed the door and walked in to report that the Istanbul Great Plains is a battlefield of cavalry clusters. The high mobility of the cavalry is also the only army that can be quickly mobilized quickly by the empire. Fortunately, the empire The road construction in the Central Europe Baro region has been completed, and the completion of the Empire Avenue across the entire Central Europe Baro region is basically equivalent to extending the control tentacles of the Empire to these places. Why is the Central Europe Baro region so obedient, that is, Because the army of the empire can walk along the avenue of the empire, it is possible to be in the city within five to seven days, and the Hungarian cavalry as the empire's watchdog can even penetrate their territory in two days, although the Hungarian tooth has fallen. , But with the support of the Imperial Army, who dares to say that the sharp teeth of the Hungarians cannot bite the dead?


  "Oh, then order Ao Sen, you can start attacking!"The fat man's eyebrows raised, and the corner of his mouth was cracked.


The Imperial Army cut 200,000 south, and the Hungarian 50,000 cavalry also naturally went south, but the coalition forces did not expect that the Imperial Army slapped the coalition force at the node of the Lufa area, and as a mobile force. The Hungarian cavalry did not even stay for a moment, and went directly to the coalition base camp again, penetrated once, don’t mind penetrating again, the fat people just want the coalition to know that their so-called coalition base is in front of themselves It's just a soft egg that you want to hit, just pinch and pinch, what a base! What hundreds of thousands of coalition forces command the center, the old maid can fight once, he can fight a second time! It is to show the hundreds of thousands of southern coalition forces that have been cut off to see how they hang each other's base camp!


In fact, when it was learned that the 200,000 Imperial Army had cut off contact with the main force in the front, the southern coalition base camp already had a hunch that the base camp began to retreat in the afternoon, but the amount of mountainous materials was not undesirable. They were transported away. The Hungarian cavalry led by Ao Sen was already familiar with light vehicles. This time it was even closer. He soon captured the movement of the southern coalition base in the southern part of the Great Plains of Kyoto, Istanbul.


When the morning sun rises, the morning light shines from the edge of the yellow earth, gradually illuminating the earth rivers, mountains and plains in the front, as if washed by a layer of gold, the eyes are spread like a beautiful scroll The earth, Ao Sen on the war horse, staring at the land in front of him, a line of black is moving towards him, the queue is rolling, as if a black sweep across the land, the dust raised by the horseshoes obscures In front of the sky, countless Hungarian cavalry started to stop like a giant fan. The morning wind blew through, and the scale armor of the Hungarian cavalry clanged like it was in the ear.


  The entire Central European Baro knows that the advantage of the Hungarian cavalry lies in field operations. It is a scum in the face of various fortifications. These earth barriers were built after the last encounter with a raid. The purpose is one, to stop the cavalry group from attacking.


"Don't be afraid, the other's cavalry can't rush in. We just need to stabilize it!" The officers of the southern coalition continually cheered their soldiers on the earth barrier, and the long spears were put down and erected on the earth barrier. The cold light gun wall of the road, the remaining troops of the coalition base camp also have 30,000 or 40,000 people. Under the support of the giant **** body, the coalition infantry in front of the front line were stuck, and a layer of barricades made of mountain stones was built. A three-meter-high stone wall was built up. Upon hearing the order, coalition soldiers' spears were erected from behind the stone wall. It was possible to see that the giant catapults were also pushed behind the array, and the heavy infantry lined up. The long line, under the golden brilliance of the sun, shone with hòu heavy luster, and densely used shields to form a defensive surface. No matter how powerful the cavalry is, can it be washed up to the earth?


But the confidence of the coalition forces, when they saw the Hungarian cavalry on the opposite side separated by a stream of water, revealing a dozen or so wooden racks that had just been removed from the war horse, they immediately came to panic. The long black tube at the door suddenly caused a commotion among the coalition forces. The original tight queue unraveled a lot, and even some soldiers withdrew.


   Even the generals in the coalition base camp were stupid. No one expected that the Hungarian cavalry brought Thor! Is this still the Hungarian barbarian who only knows the longbow?


   "It's Thor!"




Regardless of how the coalition forces shouted and yelled, Ao Sen raised his right hand calmly, only to feel the ground tremble, rumbling, "The huge roar made his body slightly tremble on the horse, a dozen white from Thor The waves swelled up in the place, and I saw a burst of fire spew out from Thor's muzzle, and an arc of light traced through the void,


Thor’s base car lun moved heavily on the dirt platform and pushed out a huge trace. "Boom" seemed to be the same response. The position of the landing point, the red light cluster rolled up, the object flew up, countless Something like a broken limb, just following the soil like a rain falling from the sky,


   "My God!" The sentiment of the coalition forces has not yet come to an end


More than a dozen thunder bombs, already fiercely exploded on the coalition's ground, like a burst of fireballs, bringing a sweep, and in the roar, you can be determined that someone is taken from the ground by the huge air waves. Falling from above, the gravel was also blown up and scattered, dense like raindrops~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even more terrible than arrow clusters, the southern soldiers who hit nearby fleeed their heads, and their heads were bloody, many soldiers were simply Covering his ears with his hands, his head was lying behind the stone of the earth barrier, letting the sound keep on, letting the hot mud splash onto the body, everyone's face was ashes,


As soon as the thunder came down, all the people nearby were lying on the ground in a terrified roar. They didn’t know what this was, and they didn’t even know when this explosion would end. The most frightening thing is, no. Knowing when, with a burst of explosion, you will become a piece of minced meat scattered in the sky, a broken limb, and hit the faces of many people nearby. Your body is stiff and you feel something blocked on your face. I tried to touch it with my hands, it was greasy, and I took it with my hand and glanced at it. I immediately peeed my pants and rolled my eyes and fainted.


  As Thor fell and exploded, it was originally a temporary earth barrier built of gravel, as if it had been lifted up by people and collapsed in countless places,


   "Woo" "The desolate Hungarian horn is like a sword that stabs all the Hungarians with red eyes, and a loud shout breaks the loneliness on the battlefield where only Thor thunders "Go!"


   Hungarian cavalry rushed like a tide, and the trembling horse hooves shook the earth, and the ground seemed to sink.


   followed immediately. In the thunderous sound of horseshoes, the Hungarian tooth cavalrymen hung their bows towards the sky in the sound of the horseshoes everywhere. The large clusters of arrows shone under the sun, and dazzled under the sun, facing the earth's barrier in front, which fell like a downpour, (to be continued) [This text is provided by Qihang Update Team @沃林主主]

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