Whole Nation

: 2509 Falcon Fall (19)

  Hyland, the sea of ​​fog


The commander-in-chief of the Imperial Navy, Dusterenkai, stood on the deck of the warship with a grim look, and looked at the flames exploding in the white fog in front of him from the circle of the lookout. Heideland deserved the name of the sea of ​​fog, especially In the offshore area, the fog is like a layer of cotton hóuhòu blocking the line of sight. It is almost impossible to see clearly at thirty meters away. If it was not something sent by His Majesty Falcon, Dustrengka had never thought of this kind of The ambush of the opponent in the environment, and now everything has changed. Inadvertently, Dustrengka’s gaze turned to the sky above the battleship, with several small black spots on it, and a long thick rope tied to the battleship’s main mast was facing. The sky stretches,


It is something called a hydrogen balloon, which can be raised after being filled with a certain gas. Each hydrogen balloon is carried with two people, an operator, a navy flagman, four hydrogen balloons, and four flagmen , Corresponding to the four powerful attacking squadrons of the Imperial Navy, and the mist on the surface of the sea rises to more than 30 meters and becomes very rare. At this height, I dare not say everything, but I can confirm it. The position of the target is not a problem. The imperial fleet descended south from the waters of Istan, Kyoto, and set an ambush near the coastline of Hyland. These four hydrogen balloons are the biggest reliance. Pay attention to the direction of the coastline. The main force of the southern coalition navy is still confused. When walking through, I believe that the semaphore of the target has been waving on the hydrogen balloon when I think it is extremely safe.


"Quick, readjust the target... 376 meters in front, turn left 17 degrees!" In the bombardment compartment of the Imperial Navy, such a similar sound was constantly emitted, and the thick smoke from the shooting formed a long line on the sea The smoke ring of about 100 meters cannot be determined too specific. All imperial battleships are scattered in a range. I saw countless thunder bombs dragging their tails, pouring down like storms and storms, coming in a white fog The faint explosion and red light flashed, soaring water column, the fire light reflected in the rolling sea, the roar of the Thousand Thousand Empire Empire, the massive scattering of the sound, and the fierce collision in a ship equipped with side iron On the southern warship ship,


"Booming" flames soared into the sky, and the flames caused by the hit warships could not be blocked by even the thick fog of the hòu, and soon became the target of the next wave of attack. Suddenly hit the southern coalition fleet, and was completely beaten. Chaos, unknown enemies, unidentified attacks, the vision around all sides is completely restricted, constantly seeing the friendly ship hit, the smoke billowing, the ray of light after another, instantly illuminating the entire sea surface!


The huge quantity advantage of the Southern Navy Fleet is completely useless in the thick fog of Highland. Instead, the suspension and explosion of the warships hit the whole scene is chaotic. I just saw the heavy tonnage warships driving in front of me were hit and were on the spot. It exploded, the bow was heavily pressed, and it turned into a scattered piece of water. Immediately, I felt a huge explosion came from behind. The main force of the southern navy this time was to avoid collision in the mist. At a distance of about 20 meters, such a distance is almost negligible in the eyes of the imperial navy hundreds of meters away. The length of a heavy warship is more than 20 meters. Since there is a fire burst at that location, it proves that the blow Hit the target, so bombarded towards the fire point with all his strength, it became what the Imperial Navy was doing


   "The enemy comes from the northeast direction!"


   "Quick, spread out"


The captains of the southern navy shouted almost madly. The fierce artillery fire was like raindrops. The sea surface was boiling up numerous water columns. One after another of the southern warships was hit by fire. The giant water column lifted by the Thor bomb , Just like dumplings, the dense spores in the surroundings burst like spores bursting in the sea, the water column soared, and the white waves pushed forward with the bow. Thunder bombs dragging the smoke tails, dense like rainstorms, fireballs across the sea with whistling and flames, broken wood flying across, and the solid iron hull was also ripped open. The sound of a violent explosion came out of the battleship hull. The items inside the battleship were like a hurricane. All the obstacles were crushed and the hull of the battleship hit was shocked. The speed stopped quickly, the entire bow disappeared, and the sea water poured into it.


  The huge hull of the battleship burned under the thick flames, and the naval battleships were chaotic and chaotic.


   "Adult! What shall we do?" The voice of the adjutant's request also seemed a little restless. The continuous explosion sound violently affected Robbenis's nerves! The raid turned into an ambush, and in such an incomprehensible situation, his mind was completely blank. He did not believe that the other party could know the position of each battleship in such a mist. The most likely is a rough idea. The position of the other party’s shooting is still at the level of covering the shooting. Robbennis’s combat experience is very rich. The first time I reflected it, I thought that the fleet of the Imperial Navy may be waiting in a certain direction in the mist to wait for the south to leave the fleet. Warships, waiting for the complete destruction of the entire southern fleet, Robbennis felt a chill involuntarily on his body, 370 southern battleships, this is already the greatest strength of the southern navy, and if it fails, it is not just one that is lost A battle, but the entire Inland Sea, or even the entire Obaro!


   "Adult, pay attention to port!"


Just as Robbens was thinking, the adjutants around him pushed him away, and then he heard a deafening explosion, and the hot waves directly lifted Robbenness to a heel, the deck shattered, and the sailor On the deck, the body was crooked, and his body hit the ship's side like a hoist, and some people even fell into the sea from the ship's side. The mouth made a creepy scream, and saw a series of explosions in the direction of the side deck. After that, the heat wave turbulent from the jet shot up the sea, and the sea was surging. The deck was all crushed by the falling pieces of wood. The deck was ignited by the thunder bomb, and a burst of heat wave burned to the cabin. 'S attack wave lifted the warship's deck like a toy, throwing all the debris above into the air,


"Asshole!" Robbenis waited until the explosion stopped to stand up anxiously. The sight caught in his eyes made him take a sigh of silence, his flagship was destroyed by more than half, there was flames burning, and the surrounding was chaotic. The fire extinguishing sailor, Robbenice, was so desperate that he felt a burning pain in his back, his eyes were black, his body shook, his hand was wiped on the painful back, all blood


"Emergency contact with the other warship, spread out with all your strength, ready to leave!" Robbenice shouted to his adjutant, when a flash of light flashed his face and the huge explosion came from the warship. On the side of the tail, the hot wind blew him out with a huge impact, rumbling, and the heat wave brought a lot of debris to the slap on the ship's side,


   "Sir, we are shot!"


The adjutant's entire body was lying on the ground, there was a blaze, half the deck at the rear of the battleship was blasted into the air by a violent explosion, the hull was sparking, the adjutant's look shouted ugly, and Robbennis shook his head. , Raised his head to look at the completely messy deck, the sailors carried various tools to the back to extinguish the fire, Robbennis climbed up from the deck, hand held on the torn part of the ship's side, flames in his eyes Burning reflections, he is still in the back of the fleet. It is conceivable that the attacks encountered earlier are more intensive. Could it be that the main force of the southern navy was so unclearly destroyed in this sea of ​​fog!


   "Order all warships of the rear team to turn, heavy warships, and put out the spindle array!"


Robbens said in a hoarse voice like a broken bellows, withdrawing his gaze from the queue that had been completely messed up in front, clenched tightly with both hands, the enemy's attack came from the northeast direction, which can be seen from the direction of the fire burst Although I don’t know why in such a mist, I found the ship’s position so precisely, but if I let it continue to bombard, the whole ship will be destroyed here. Now I can only hope to open a barrier with the heavy warship , Hoping to get a first line of time for the entire fleet to turn, he saw that the Falcon Empire fleet could not actually see the situation of the fleet completely, most of the shots were covered shots, this was the fleet out of the ambush circle The only chance, the movement of Robbennis’s rear fleet, did not escape the sight of the high-altitude hydrogen balloon. Soon, this news was sent to Dusterenkai


   "Commander-in-chief, the enemy's rear team wants to evacuate!"


"Don't care about the opponent's rear team, order the fleet to hit all the forces and cut it from the middle of the opponent!" Dustrounka's eyes narrowed into a line, the number of the opponent's fleet was enough, and the flames were in the mist. It exploded in the middle, but the length of the opponent’s pull was too long. The Imperial Navy Thunder God poured out the full force of the ammunition and hit many warships, but there were more opponents’ warships scattered in the chaos. The fog can only temporarily Blocking the other party's sight, many southern battleships have realized the direction of the imperial fleet, just like a giant arc surface, they are full of sails and are coming in the direction of the imperial fleet. At this time, the fog It has become an impediment to the imperial navy, and the advantage of range attack is disappearing. Soon, it will be the encounter between the two sides, strangulation!


On a heavy warship of the Southern Navy, Joshua, the former commander of the Southern Navy, was bandaging the wound with the help of the adjutant. His right arm was hit by debris from the explosion, his entire shoulder was covered with blood, and the gauze covered his feet. Only three layers can stop the blood, the whole face is very pale, a naval military is reporting the battle damage


   "Arisu squadron was hit hard, six sunk and 13 injured"


   "Lu flagship flagship warship Yaris was sunk... seven ships were sunk and eleven were injured"


  "The flagship of the Bijaya squadron was crushed by the rudder wheel, and the ship was abandoned, leaving only six tribes in the entire squadron."


"Is that all?" Joshua lifted his left hand, pale and intact, listening to the names of the war-damaged ships in his ears, looking at a medium-sized warship on his side, and once again exploded into fire by the other side, looking It is as cold as steel. As the front fleet of the entire fleet, in order to block the direction in which the fleet may flee, 40% of the firepower of the Imperial Navy was dumped on his front team, so the loss of the front team is the most heavy. , But in terms of response, it was also the fastest for the front team, and soon determined the direction of the attack of the imperial fleet, and came madly under the fire


They are using their own blood and sacrifices to fight for the first line of victory for the entire fleet. In the rush level, there are constantly burning fires in the southern battleships, burning in the sea breeze, and the sailors above jump into the hurry In the sea, countless broken wood decks float on the sea, but at this moment, there is no turning back, there is only desperately moving forward,


   "Fight, sink them!"


  The dragon-tooth ship of the imperial battleship, at a rate of 40 seconds and 30 seconds per shot, sprayed a giant firelight mass towards a dense target in the distance, and the sea was full of warships with flames. There are embarrassing sailors everywhere. The red flames are rolling on the sea like a disaster. This scene stabs the admiral of the imperial sailor


Offshore bó fog, at twelve o'clock in the morning, coupled with the turbulence of the surrounding warships and the warming air, this fog has become thin bó, and the southern fleet finally saw their enemies attacking them, northeast, one The entire row of imperial battleship bombardments was like staggered meteors, tearing the decks on the side of the battleship into pieces ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The battleship violently vibrated in an instant, and the explosive light group released by the damaged position, Formed a violent shock wave, hurricane-like crazy sweeping the interior of the battleship.




  Countless water columns interweave a magnificent and tragic picture on the surface of the sea. The battleship hit, like the leaves in the storm, was swept in instantly


   "Order, the Dragon-class battleships meet!" Dustrounka's eyes moved away from the torn navy flag in the look-out mirror, and he calmly said to his deputy, the six-nation navy was elite, and it was not a sneak attack that could be destroyed,


   left a squadron, and there are still more than a hundred southern naval warships now in front of the imperial navy,


The imperial sailors in the artillery choked with a violent cough, and the sulfur thorn eyes could not open, "Reload, hurry!" But the artillerymen could not control so much, the opposing fleet was approaching very fast, but Raytheon fired continuously, and the gunners had reached the point where they needed to cover their mouths and noses with wet towels,


"The queue changes and the Dragon-class battleships meet!" The flag-speakers on the mast loudly conveyed the order from the flagship. The first battle sequence of Longya battleships began to spread out on both sides, revealing the empire like a sea fortress in the middle. The dragon-class main battleship, the dragon-class linen main gun of the flagship ship began to giggling in the direction of the southern navy, the sea of ​​mist, the mist was dispersed, replaced by rows of white smoke from the collision ☆ (unfinished To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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