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: 2511 Falcon Fall (21)

The heavy bow separates the water to the sides, blocking waves one by one, hitting the wreckage of the nearby southern warship, forming a white foam, the black smoke billowing sea surface, the Highland Sea battle is coming to an end, firelight In the shining, the wreckage of a southern warship was burning, and on the surface of the dense floating wooden boards and sailor corpses, an imperial navy warship with a black gold and blue bottom falcon navy flag flying on the top of the mast, just like It is like a group of wolves that are full of food and drink. Driving into this sea like hell, the black smoke is so thick that even the sun on the sky is blocked, leaving only a misty frizzy ball. Light shines on this sea


Standing on the bow of the Imperial Dragon-class battleship, I did not know whether it was windy or cold. The Imperial Navy Secretary Dusterenkai tightened his collar tightly. This battle was finally completed. Unintentionally, coupled with the heavy fog in the Hydeland region, two hundred imperial navies took the initiative to launch an ambush on more than three hundred ships. Eventually, the sinking and damaging more than two hundred ships of the Southern Navy combined fleet, only the immediate This area is the wreckage of seventy or eighty warships. As the mist spreads out, the area that was first hit by the ship's shells is also revealed. The hulls of the warships are intertwined with a spectacular and tragic picture on the sea surface. It is the largest sea confrontation since the establishment of the Imperial Navy,


"Report to your majesty, everything goes well!" Dustroenka took a deep breath, turned around, and swept across the sailors who were cheering for victory on the deck with a smile. Seventeen days before and after, the Empire To mobilize three quarters of the naval combat power, the emperor used hundreds of thousands of armies as a bait. What he sought was the victory in front of him. For the imperial navy, this battle was truly laid the first position in the inland sea. In the next 20 or even 30 years, the Inland Sea will no longer have the power to challenge the imperial navy,


   "Yes, Commander-in-Chief!"


  Hyland's victory report arrived in the afternoon, and the fat man was looking at a report from the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the request to promote hydraulic textile machines,


Since the commerce between the empire and Centralbia has been stabilized, the textile technology from Centralbia has improved the original hydraulic weaving machine. Based on this, the craftsmen of the Empire have improved the textile machine again. The cotton fields of the empire in the northwest region are now somewhat stretched, so the Ministry of the Interior specifically proposed to expand the cultivation of cotton fields in northern Gaul, similar to the geographic and climate of the empire northwest. With the problems of cotton fields, as well as the stock of iron in the empire The problem is that the iron ore collection of the empire has always been the mainstay to maintain the entire military industry of the empire. With the rapid expansion of the commerce and industry of the empire, the low collection of minerals and the massive export and use of minerals have caused the empire's refined iron stocks to continue to decrease. It will take two to three years for this problem to show up, but the Lisbon confessions will be intensified by the major businessmen’s crazy purchases of fine iron. According to the statement made by the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs, if the Imperial Military Industry Continue to maintain the current scale. Five years later, there will be a fine iron gap in the empire's weapon forging industry. Similar reports have been sent by the Ministry of the Interior. Everyone has dumbfounded the fat man.


   "What a vast territory and vast territory are all deceiving. When I look at it, my eyes are full of tears!"


The fat man murmured and dropped his report speechlessly. The territory laid by the empire was not too small, and the resources were not rich. But there was just a little improvement in productivity, and the red light was everywhere everywhere, why not? Productivity has improved, but resource collection technology has not improved. The empire went south and went to war to develop industrial and commercial trade. It opened up a magnificent business road across the east and the west. However, in terms of resource collection technology, there are very few improvements. Improvement, this is what is possible only after years of accumulated experience, and the establishment of the empire is only five or six years, what improvements can be made? It is said that when imperialism came to this world, it was dirty all over the body. How did it cruelly plunder the resources of backward areas to support itself in the early days? Now it seems that this is also a helpless move. When productivity is raised, domestic resource output becomes After the problem, the original fragile balance is difficult to maintain. The problem cannot be solved by self-production. What can be done except to grab it? This is no wonder that the so-called business empire, one by one, the last way out is to build colonies everywhere to plunder resources


   "Come here, bring the document from the Eero Empire!"


The fat man shouted to the door that the empire had established the first colonial port in the south, that is, the Cairo port of the Eero Empire. Establishing a colony was not so urgent in the eyes of fat people. For the appearance of the prototype of the colony The fat man is more like a bystander's gaze, but it is different now. In three to five years, if the resources cannot keep up with the development of the empire, the economy of the empire will suffer the heaviest pause. The empire needs a large number of colonies and needs more Resources, otherwise the economic system established by the empire will crack, until it collapses due to a break! The fat man replayed the report in his hand on the table, rubbed his swollen temple, and hey, the resources of northern Obaro are basically under the control of the empire. The course of the empire ignored the most basic law of balance.


Soon, the guard at the door walked in with a document on it and placed it on the fat man's desk. The fat man let the guard down and opened the document. He scanned the document with a dignified gaze, and there was a map in the document. The manuscript version of the book, with curved lines, outlines most of the complete coastline in the south. This is a gift from the Eero Empire to the Falcon Empire. With this coast map, although it is not detailed enough, but for the empire to the south The exploration of the sea still plays a decisive role


Fat people know that the map of the coastline sent by the Eero people may not be kind. Although the Eero Empire is a big country in the south, it has only a few estuaries in the inner sea area, and it is not a good location. Haikou is in the hands of the Kingdom of Aden and the Kingdom of Harvey. The salvation of the Eero people for going to the other side of the sea on the other side of the South is almost overflowing from this map, which is marked with more detailed coasts. Routes, ports, and even large and small islands near the coastline, this is not a short-term work. It can be seen that the exploration of the southern coast by the Hero people is not overnight, and they suffer from no estuary, so that they can only choose the inner sea. Now, the estuary of the inland sea is controlled by the empire again. The Eero people hope that they will lead the water to the east and introduce the naval forces of the empire into the southern sea. Only if the inherent pattern of the southern sea is shaken, the Eero empire will have another chance to fish in the muddy water and play a Come to the sea! , Whether to join forces with the Eros or find other ways, this is a multiple choice question before the empire


  Now, just look at the results of the Battle of Hyland! The fat man’s hands overlapped with the report, and he was already prepared to stop at the inland sea. Because of the internal problems of the empire, the fat man had to consider the new strategic adjustment of the empire. If the navy of the southern countries suffered a heavy blow this time, then the imperial navy Nanjin is also a good choice,


In the southern part of the Istanian Empire, the sea water hit the shore and made a loud noise, as if a white line rose and the white line fell. On the embankment of the port of Doria, rows of sailors of the southern navy looked at melancholy. A huge southern navy battleship, slowly sinking into the sea in the distance, the broken battleship has several obvious large holes in the side armor. Because of the water, the hull of the battleship is already inclined and can be supported here. Is the limit of this battleship,


Robbenis stood under the golden attraction and watched the flagship of the Fitzer navy finally disappear on the sea level. The look was extremely complicated, and the sun was **** in the distance. Until now, he could not know why the imperial navy was in the sea. In the Rand waters, I accurately found the position of the fleet. At that time, the fog was so large. Not to mention that it was found across hundreds of meters, even if it was 50 meters. I thought it was not clear, but the volley of the Imperial Army showed that the Imperial Army was at least at that time. It was vaguely able to see the position of the fleet, otherwise it would not hit the side of the fleet at once, which directly led the battle to the most out of control situation. I thought of the scene where a battleship exploded before and after himself. Twenty-year-old sailor also felt chills. The gap between the southern navy and the imperial navy was too great!


Three days ago, three hundred and seventy Imperial Navy fleets were drawn from here. At that time, the battleships gathered, and the sails covered the sky. All the navy sailors believed that this battle will inevitably win, but now, everything It was destroyed. The largest assembled battle of the southern navy was in the area of ​​Highland known as the Sea of ​​Mist. Most of them were sunk by unknown.


In addition to the squadron commander Robbenis decisively ordering the evacuation of the fleet, it is still part of the preservation. None of the 111 warships of the former squadron fled back, and the 147 squadrons of the squadron were damaged. Only a few eleven warships returned, and two of them had not yet arrived and stopped like a port, and it was no longer possible, just like the one that was sinking into the sea, the New York Yomu, three of the southern navy. One of the heaviest heavy-duty battleships has always been regarded as the pride of the Fitzer navy. It is the seat of King Fitzer. This time, because of physical reasons, King Fitzer did not go north with the fleet, but the commander will The flag of the royal family of Fezer was inserted in the bow of the New York Yomu. In the battle of jī, this heavy ship was cut off before the warships of the same team could be preserved, but now, that side represents the glorious Fezer Wang Qi, who had been missing since the explosion, the only flagpole that was left was a half-focus black, which was being quickly submerged in seawater as the hull of the battleship tilted


"Sir Robbenez, this is the order of the base camp, please come with us!" Several officers in the uniform of Fezer army appeared solemnly behind Robbenice, and one of them took out the order book of the base camp. Several other people were fanned out, blocking all directions of Robbenis,


"Please take the road," Robbenice finally glanced at the sunset-stained red sea, and turned calmly, without asking himself to be taken there, because Robbenice already knew his destiny, and the navy was defeated. Among the three naval generals, only one of them survived, so many people died, the battleship was lost, and he did not die. How could the sailors be convinced, and before the battle was fully launched, the commander who left the fleet immediately ordered, nor Some people will come out to be affectionate. Since it seems that the person is Officer Fei Ze, he knows that in this matter, His Majesty the King has acquiesced in the result.


This time, I will not come out alive, I don’t know why, Robbenis feels very calm, there is no smoke, but the scene of the navy fleet being screened by storm thunder bombs has been deeply imprinted on it. In his mind, as a navy, it was lucky to see this in the final stages of his life,


  In the southern army base, King Harvey, who came from the south, was angrily condemning the king of Ikar. "Is it because of fear that he ignored the life and death of two hundred thousand southern soldiers and ordered the army to eat!"


King Harvey’s anger is about to lift the tent roof, and the naval attack has failed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For the coalition army, it is quite bad news, which shows that except for road rescues, There will be a second way. In the southern coalition base camp, there has been a debate about whether to continue to move closer to Istanbul and Istanbul. Although the 200,000 Imperial Army appears to be sandwiched by the momentum, it has the main force of 400,000 coalition forces in the front. No one would think that it is a good idea to attack a group of imperial heavy soldiers with Thor and an imperial crossbow vehicle in front of them. Even if they can finally get through, the price paid will be very heavy. Who is willing to take this loss, especially the new weapon just displayed by the Imperial infantry, the explosive bomb that can be thrown out like a ball, has been circulating in the coalition, facing such an imperial brigade armed with teeth, who Dare to take the lead?


"It's not fear, but prudence. It's a loss to go ahead easily. The example of the navy is already there..." The king of Ikar pointed at the map without showing any weakness and said aloud, "This is already Iraqi On the edge of Stan-Kyoto's Great Plains, one step further is the terrain of a flat horse. Once you encounter the imperial cavalry cluster, you and I are the souls under the horseshoe!"


"Cavalry!" King Harvey's face changed. He did not think about it. At this time, he was reminded that the sweat beads on his forehead suddenly came down. The first-line combat strength of the coalition forces was hit hard in the Lulan area. Now follow In the base camp, there were infantry, and the Imperial Army was stuck in the middle. The King Harvey thought that the Empire Army was too large and just let himself go up and down. But when he heard King Ikar, King Harvey also came from here. Feeling a little bit of danger coming out, (to be continued) [This text is provided by Qihang Update Team @沃林主主]

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