Whole Nation

: 216 Invitation to Hunt

Ten Hulin carrier ships. Eighteen **** warships. Like dozens of giant beasts, four cars on the right, the port, eight thousand heavily armed Samor soldiers, through the flashing thunder in the sky, dense soldiers, like ants, swarming into the wharf, the pier, the flashing spear Like dense forests, sharp spears gleamed in the night, the pier had already hung Samor’s falcon war flag, and after the Dylan soldiers handed over the defense to the Samor guards, they turned around neatly and withdrew from the pier, The residents of the calm wagons do not yet know that overnight, the wagons have changed ownership, and this will serve as a base for the Samor Navy to connect various islands.

Dylan Kelly stood on the outer platform at the top of the castle, the night wind was very strong, blowing her long dance, her face was terrible, the hand holding the railing trembling irreversibly, she was now in a state of confusion. Instead of signing a covenant with Samor, these terrible soldiers may be pouring into Dylans Castle, defeat and glory, these two very different destinies are determined by their impulse just now

, Wan

"Mother! He really was Dylan Skye's response. The graceful figure came from behind the curtain and gently took hold of her mother's shaking hand. It was just doubtful, but now, everything in front of her has made her Believe that the old housekeeper Satmon, the fat man really is not ordinary people, he is the commander of the invincible army in the story.

"Yes! You are right, those soldiers are his." Dylan Kelly nodded with emotion, she knew what her daughter wanted to ask. Without her own willingness, the old housekeeper was afraid and could not talk to her daughter. Say something about Samor.

"Relax, the marriage between the two will be announced to All Leaders tomorrow morning, this matter is over, you have saved the whole family, my daughter! You are my pride!" Dylan Keffi turned around, Carefully touching her daughter's beautiful fiery red head, she felt that her body was trembling slightly, knowing that everything in front of her was too cruel for a 16-year-old daughter, this was a battle of power, this was **** killing, but was A daughter's inadvertent stubbornness made the disaster of the family's extinction dissipate invisible, which is really a lucky luck.

At this time, the fat man was standing on the pier, and Samor's guards with scales around him surrounded him. The spiritual pillar of Samor's army, without any blood, persuaded the land to force Luns, the kingdom **** of war once again proved his wisdom with facts.

The army's Statunko was worried. Holding a secret letter in his hand, he was hurriedly approaching, "Adult, this is a letter from the Northern Army from the Net!" Statunko respectfully said.

"The secret letter from the Northern Army? There are so many accidents in these circles!" The fat man chuckled. There was no worry at all. At this time, there was heavy snow in the north, the snow tide was overwhelming, and the famine was hidden. There was a tendency to expand the disaster. I heard that in the territory of the Stian family, the farm was crushed by heavy snow, and the farmers were frozen to death. Often the village is still there that night. Tomorrow morning, when the sun comes out, the whole village is buried under the thick snow tide, and even the door is blocked. The only thing the villagers can do is sit and wait to die, waiting for the heavy snow. The roof is crushed!

Even the Stian family sent people to borrow money from neighboring Mourdian. Do they still have the mood to fight a hard battle with themselves? In the northern fortress, they kept ten thousand elites, and they had their own tuned-up saron, Who dares to fight? For this, fat people are very confident.

"No! Ma'am, this was sent from Parahan of Mirdian!" Statunko knew what the fat man was thinking, embarrassed.

"This was transferred from the Lida family in Djerborg. According to the envoy of the Lida family, this time, King Harlaus of Ernst intends to send troops to the Satukos corridor, and he wants to invite Virginia to send troops together. I heard that this letter was not only sent to us, but also the Stian family in the north and the Tyre family in the east. Naturally, the royal family in Kyoto also had a copy! They didn’t know that the adult was in the south, and the letter was sent to the northern fortress. The Northern Legion can only be delivered by express mail

"Satousco corridor! That's not..." The fat man's face moved slightly. Quickly spread out the letter in his hand. There are ten lines of mouth, and a corner of the mouth is exposed. I secretly praised "I am worthy of being the first military power on the mainland, but that is the entrance to the Sartus region, where the grain production of the Rud Kingdom is heavy. Mourdian's appetite is really not ordinary. Great! The entire Sartus region is almost the entire southern Virginia, with a total of eighteen county leaders. It turned out to be just a battle place for the Miaodian people. This is not the general atmosphere."

"There are others besides Virginia." The fat man accidentally glanced at the forces in the letter who had promised to send troops. Tyre in the east and Stian in the north were on the top. Doro, who had just ended the war with the Murdians The Croats sent mercenary troops, and even the Kugits, who were seriously injured, couldn't help but laugh. This is nothing. This is obviously a motivated gang of hungry wailing children who asked Huazi to grab food.

"Reply to the Miaoerdian, we will also go to Samor!" The fat man will not miss this opportunity to take advantage of the bargain. Some of the mainland's first bosses take them to grab people, and they can also understand the strength of the current mainland's largest power. How can an opportunity be missed! He gave a sigh of relief to the coat of arms of his index finger, and printed a thorn flower on the letter of the letter.

In the early morning of the next day, the **** dwellers who went out to collect fishing nets suddenly stopped at the port silently, and the Dylans warship patrolling in the past was actually a strange banner flying above. What happened? Sooner and more strange things appeared, all the abominable tax collectors of the Dylans family disappeared, and countless people flocked to the squares of the street, where the sheriff had just hung Samuel to exempt fish and checkpoint taxes, etc. A series of notices of miscellaneous taxes, the white thorns flowers paid off are so conspicuous,

"The Samor's thorn flower! It's Samor's thorny hair." The wagons in the square screamed wildly with their hands raised, wanting to tell everyone they met this unbelievable fact, the governance of the Samor When the area is near the wagon, the people there have their own land. For a happy life with plenty of food and clothing, the people of Wo Che have long been eager to see it. Now it is their turn, and the sound of cheering resounds from every street of Wo Che.

When the news that the Dylans family attached to Samor spread throughout the city, the back of the fat man riding on the horse had disappeared in the distance. The time to send troops was in December. It is now the end of November. Dare to delay, before dawn, the fat man came to the castle to resign.

"Mother, did he leave like this?" Dylan Skye's eyes were flooded, standing reluctantly at the intersection of commercial roads outside the city, the girl's feelings were gently touched~www.wuxiaspot.com~ came to rest in solitude, Dylan Kelly stood beside her, gently touching her head, "silly boy! This is no surprise. As an army commander, he is destined to never stay by your side like a man who keeps his family, he It is an eagle spreading its wings in the sky, he is the raging waves of the sea, and the vast world is his attribution. When the spring is blooming tomorrow March. He will come to pick you up personally!"

The war horse galloped, the fat man flew in front of the earth, and the mountain fell as soon as he left the wagon, and the temperature dropped several degrees immediately, which gave the fat man a refreshing state of mind, cold autumn horse racing, soldiers with long fingers, and Dylans. He persuaded himself to surrender the family of Urens, and the whole South looked invincible.

, Zheng Bibi Bei

The wind was blowing through my ears, and the icy iron armor brushing on my body seemed to remind myself that the war was still going on, and his own way was far from boundless.

"Adult, look!" A guard who was on the road suddenly pointed to the wooded road on the roadside, where a carriage was parked, and a beautiful woman wearing a mail armor carried a two-meter long bow. Standing at the door of the car, the cold gaze of the fat man was like a severe winter, and an exquisite silver mask covered her half of the face."

Seek burst! Please ask for monthly pass, excessive chapters, please forgive me

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