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: 2516 Falcons fall (27)

"Really successful, will the empire directly annex I Istanbul?"

Compared with worrying about the outcome of the battle between North and South, His Royal Highness, who has completely abandoned the emperor’s ambitions, obviously cares more about whether the Empire has a convenient troop transport line, and whether it needs to care about the problems of Istan and Kyoto. In his words, the undersecretary of military affairs was silent behind him, and the strength of the empire was at an absolute disadvantage on the battlefield of Istan. This was seen by everyone, but it was so unintelligible that the defeated army was twice the strength of the southern coalition. ,, this war was fought so weirdly, with an advantage, but did not get a decent victory, but at a disadvantage, but all the way ahead,

Don’t say that the second prince can’t understand it, even the generals in Kyoto

&nbs%猪%猪%岛%novel ww.p;Although the coalition’s attack on Kyoto has stopped, the young generals of Istanbul Kyoto are still standing on the towering walls of Istanbulian Kyoto, looking far away with complicated eyes The vast land in front of me, the pieces of fertile land, the dense forest bathed in sunlight, the river sparkling like a silver belt, the war on this land has nothing to do with Istan, this is the Istanian soldiers sorrow

The elite of the Istanian Empire died in Fissan, and countless of the imperial warlords who followed the battle of the former Istanian Emperor Thoradin I in the Southern Expedition and Northern Warfare have been annihilated with the battle of the great crash, and the new rise This generation, the war pattern and vision it has experienced are completely inferior to the original one. A tens of thousands of counterinsurgency wars require the efforts of the new generation of generals of Istan to be put out. It is in these new factions When the generals thought that they could already be called a generation of famous generals, a million-man battle came out of thin air. Seven hundred thousand people from the southern coalition forces were buried in Istan, and they surrounded Istan and Kyoto, and the Falcon Empire participated in the war.

The Imperial Army, with only 200,000 people, is not optimistic. But it’s just incredible

In the battle of Lulan, the Falcon Empire Army turned from defensive to active offensive. The 200,000 Imperial Army cut into Lulan, which is considered dead by everyone, and inserted it into the node of the main force of the southern coalition and the southern army base. This is the The Jedi on both sides, who jumped in and died, but did not die, but the Imperial Army did not die, and in one fell swoop hit the Southern Coalition for 400,000. Cut off the main road of the southern coalition in one fell swoop, forcing the southern army base camp to move and reverse the whole situation. This is the case where the empire has only 200,000 troops. Once this pontoon is really established, more empire troops will flow in crazy It’s not a word that the mighty military emperor would swallow Istan and Kyoto,

Don’t look at what Kyoto looks like now. In fact, the internal conflicts are about to explode.

Large numbers of refugees are starving. The soldiers were not given compassion, and the officers complained about the difficult life, the declining business in the market, and the lack of livelihood. And the generals have been frightened by the unprecedented two-side battle strangulation. Varisian of a falcon empire has already used magical terrible tactics. Let the generals see dumbfounded, feel great pressure, even if they put themselves in the position of the coalition commander. It may not necessarily be better than the current situation, and this is still under the advantage of having three times the strength. If it is a one-to-one strength ratio, this war has already been a disastrous defeat. Varisian is a mainland name. Wrong, but don’t forget, there are even more brilliant stars in the sky above the Falcon Empire,

Hu Keqili, the first general of the Falcons, the southern fierce bear Stuartenko, the one-eyed killer Saron... These are the real winds that have rolled up the continent of Obalo, and these are wrapped in the cold winds of the north. The tone overthrew the huge Gaul empire and defeated the true top warriors of the Gang and Fei Empire. It has reached a level that makes it difficult for the new generation of Istan to look beyond his reach. Not to mention, the side surrounded by many bright stars, the sun, the Falcon Empire’s The emperor, Dustan, that made the entire continent feel trembling. Even the ministers who vowed to guard the king in front of themselves, really came to the emperor’s military authority, and they were afraid to even say a word out loud. No, just kneel and greet!

The ministers are unreliable and the generals are not reliable enough. If they can no longer provide their pensions, the army may mutiny, and the refugees in the streets are hungry and congested on the streets, waiting for the snow in the early winter, either riots or streets Floating corpses, this is the status quo of Istanbul Kyoto. Although he has heavy soldiers to sit in town, it may be a situation of mutiny in the city when he wakes up in the morning. The second prince of Istan is now living like a monkey. After such a long time, the buttocks have not been scorched, and the emperor has become a king, and now he is more likely to become a prisoner. Even if the prince of Estan is tenacious, he has already been hit by this. , Now I only want to pass and save Istan Kyoto, this is his last insist, but in front of the powerful falcon emperor, he feels that he will not be much stronger than a trembling rabbit, if the other party asks for Iraq Stan Kyoto merged into the empire, can he have the courage to say "no"?

I don’t have the courage to say this "no". It is even possible that the emperor of the Falcon Empire only needs a slight frown, "You first step back!" The second prince waved toward the undersecretary of the military. At this time, he In addition to being tired, he was helpless, but he must persevere, for the sake of Estan, and for the glory of the Istan royal family. At this time, an attendant pushed the door of the room, and nervously handed him a letter." Your Majesty, this is just received!"

The second prince took the letter and just glanced at it. He almost jumped up like a rabbit with a burning tail, holding the letter tightly and walking back and forth anxiously. What should I do? The man came, bastard, how could he Here it is! "What's wrong, Your Majesty," the Military Undersecretary who was about to leave asked curiously. "Look for yourself!" The second prince handed him the letter, and the Undersecretary of Military Affairs took the letter carefully. His eyes swept, his face changed greatly, and he held The hand of the letter also feels as if it is a hot hand holding a hot red lotus iron. No wonder the second prince was afraid that it would be like this. The content of the letter is very simple, that is to personally supervise this cross-fashion to Istan The pontoon project, the emperor of the Falcon Empire has arrived in northern Istan, this letter is to invite the second prince to meet, the emperor of the Falcon Empire has arrived in northern Istan, does this mean. The imperial counterattack against the southern coalition is about to begin. Where will it start? Pontoon? The place where the other party asked for a meeting was... The eyes of the undersecretary of the military were at the end, and he was a little stunned. He could not help but take a breath, this emperor's great hand!

Hu Keqili's horseshoe is stepping on a **** in the southern hills of the Istan Empire. It is another matter to look at the Istan Empire on the map and see it on the spot. This is Oulya, the southern province of the Istan Empire. It is a semi-plateau in the province where the port of Truni in the south is located. From time to time, it turns into a yellow sand area. Although it is close to the coastline, the sky still looks gray.

Outside the port of Trouney, in a towering rampart, a temporary thatched barrack is like yellow land under a grass stalk. In the highland on the left side of the camp, a wall made of stone barriers forms a circle. . There are low grass sheds around the castle, and you need to bend down when you walk in or out, otherwise you will hit it, and you will not be injured. But it’s hard to tell if the shed will collapse.

At this time, a bugle was blowing in the direction of the castle, a team of poorly equipped soldiers was in array, and a small number of cavalry were running. There were tens of thousands of people. The dense Guangping filled the front of Guangping. More than a dozen flags embroidered with various regional governors fluttered. Under the banner are knights wearing various noble armor. Southern Istan has now all enlisted in the southern coalition. The same is true of the governor of the province of Ouluya. Since the imperial navy conquered the port of Truni, the governor of Ouluya has mobilized the entire province. Pressed on the outskirts of the port of Truni, attempting to retake the port, but the two attacks on the port of Truni were collapsed by the Raytheon of the Imperial Marine Corps. Governor Oulia can only order the soldiers to build a temporary camp, hoping to be able to The Imperial Marine Corps in the port of Trouney was completely trapped in the port, but he did not know that tens of thousands of empire gods had landed in the port of Trouney, and he raised a butcher knife in the face of this siege line he was looking for his death!

"It's a joke. There are thousands of people. It would be nice if we didn't fight them. We dared to provoke our army! It seems that all the captured prisoners were beheaded last time, and these guys haven't been sober!" The young nobleman with a red top helmet like a huge **** crown on the famous helmet, with a look of contempt looking at the thin defense line of the imperial army in the distance, the imperial guards at the port of Truni had only two thousand men, and the governor of the port besieged There are 30,000 troops, and after the Oulu regional army is partially armed by the coalition forces, it can also be regarded as a war army with 10,000 armor. If it is not the huge roar and power of the Imperial Thor, the soldiers’ courage will be frightened. The front defense line has long been It was broken, and several shocks. Although the Imperial Guards resisted stubbornly, they suffered a lot of damage and were captured. Yesterday, the Oulu runners decapitated all the dozen or so Imperial soldiers, and then cut the head and torso. A font is placed on a wooden board, letting the desert vultures peck

"Ariston, I bet you, this time, I want to cut off the heads of the ten imperial army!" Another Istan noble beside him said with a smile, with a deep sense of jealousy, hunting The Eagle Empire Army is famous all over the world, but with 30,000 against 2,000 people, no one thought that it would fail, even if the resistance of the Empire Army is only temporary, at most a few more days, the Port of Tuni will surely be broken,

For these young nobles of Istan in the south, being sent by the family to participate in this war is more like going to a fun party, constantly showing off who killed the most and who rushed the fastest, these are enough to show off the capital In the last battle, Ariston from the Aris family killed three imperial troops alone, and was highly praised by the Governor General. He was called the "Tiger of Oulia" by the Governor, and naturally there were many unconvinced. The Istanian nobleman is one of them. If Ariston had not a solid iron shield, he would never have a chance to rush into the line of defense of the Imperial Army, let alone kill ten Imperial soldiers. Forced a small team of the Imperial Army to give up the defensive line

"Ten? I didn't know who it was last time. When I heard the sound of Thor's explosion, I almost fell from it!"

The young nobleman Ariston with a cock-top helmet sneered with a sneer, and his hand with iron gloves put up a shield. Naturally, he would not put this dude guy in his eyes, a guy who would gasp even with a sword, but he was not ashamed. I am afraid that an ordinary soldier of the Imperial Army is enough to choke, and I still want to kill ten. What really needs to be worried is the guy of the Tomma family. The archer of the Tomma family has always been the bow and arrow captain of the Oyalu Governor’s Palace. Others need to risk the empire. The crossbow's shooting charge, and the Tomma's archer only needs to pull the bow string a few tens of meters away. In the last battle, Ariston once saw the guy shoot an Imperial soldier through an arrow of more than 50 meters. The throat, he killed three of his own desperately. The guy just followed behind leisurely and picked up three. Compared with the sword, the long-range shooter is too shameless. If possible, the person he wants to kill most should be Is this guy

"Salute, Lord Governor is here!" The voice of the great knight came from the front of the queue. A group of cavalry in all-iron armor rolled up with smoke and dust. These cavalrymen wore white robes and two cavalry held white The pole flag, the front end of the pole flag is a series of white pompoms, which flutters with the wind, giving a feeling of flying in the wind

"It's the Templar Cavalry!" The nobleman took a breath, his eyes reddened. Who doesn't know how good the Templar Cavalry's armor is, and it is said that there is a bath of the Pope's prayer, whether it is useful or not, it is always quite Valuable things

The governor of the province of Ouluya was at the forefront, raising his hand to pay tribute to the nobles and soldiers in line. The temple cavalry behind the governor let young nobles stick out their tongues and lick their chapped lips. The temple cavalry is a real cavalry The whole body armor, shimmering in the dust, is like a hill composed of heavy armor. Although there are only thirty people, it has excellent combat power. Once it helps run, it must be enough to push any objects blocked in front. Imperial defense line

"You are right, this time the Templars sent by the southern coalition base camp specially for us. In this battle, we will win." The Governor of Oulu Province felt the commotion nearby and said to the nobles with joy.

"With the Templars, we will win!" Hearing not the Templars, but the more advanced Templars, the nobles were excited

"Yeah, win"

"Long live, victory!" The cheers came and went, and the wind blew the flag of the army. The cheers spread to all around, but soon, the cheers stopped, and a low, rumbling voice began to spread in the cheers. Come, the cheers stopped, this rumbling sound is getting louder and louder, like a kind of thunder is pushing,

How is this going? "The nobles glanced at each other, and Oluya's Governor's face also looked very surprised,

Everyone’s eyes looked forward, and a black wave jumped out on the hillside where the Imperial Army was located. This black line quickly spread to both sides at an amazing speed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ , Boundless and endless, that is the echo of the cavalry group stepping on the ground, under the horseshoe, is the smoke that swooped down from the **** of the wasteland like a eagle, and the dust is scattered all over the sky, covering most of the line of sight in front, cloak It was also fluttering in the wind, as red as blood stains, as if a dazzling blood flow was tumbling until the slightly trembling ground became a violent vibration, and the roar of the earth, countless black cavalry swept from the heights The moment of killing forward,

Someone in the "Imperial Cavalry" finally recovered, but his voice was so weak that he had been overwhelmed by the sound of rolling horseshoes and could not be discerned. It was only a minute, and the violent black cavalry had violently crashed into it.

'Pappa' Before the gun was pierced, it was a person who was provoked high and pierced in the air. Melee long sword, fiercely chopped, the head of the man was flying in the sky, the head and the broken limb were flying in the sky, the scene was extremely tragic, so terrifying The speed and the degree of killing caused the Ouluya Army to be completely ashamed

How did the Imperial Army become so fierce? Their minds are blank, and their eyes are full of thrashing horses,

Countless snowy long knives struck by the storm and rain, and a spear like a sickle of death, sprinted into the body with a strong force, and crushed their entire chest backlog at once, and the blood was like a red flower on their body. Explode in front. (To be continued...)

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