Whole Nation

: Two hundred and fifty two An Lusu fire (1)

The cold wind of the early winter blew on his face, and three imperial dragon-tooth battleships guarded an imperial dragon-class battleship in the shape of a character, and steadily stopped into a seaside port in northern Istanbul. The empire general Varisi in the Istanbul region Eun has a black heavy armor and a slightly haggard look. This is due to many days of fatigue, but his eyes are shining, and he sees the fat man coming down from the deck of the dragon-class battleship, carrying a dozen imperial generals, quickly Welcome up,


   "Your Majesty" everyone kneel down neatly in front of the fat man, the red cloak behind him is like a ball of fire stained the port.


"Everyone is working hard, let's get up!" The fat man waved to Varisian and the generals to make everyone stand up. Varisian defeated the southern coalition twice with the 200,000 Imperial Army, and contained the main force of the coalition. The importance of the entire strategic layout is self-evident. It is not to say who contributed the most to the battle between the North and the South. It was not the Hukochi force that brought troops from the port of Trouney to the middle, nor was it a heavy blow to the southern navy unity. The fleet's Dustron Kay, but Varisian in front of him, can't stand without the coalition forces that Hukochili played in Istanbul, and the coalition joint fleet will not venture northward to rescue, without Varisian's second Hundreds of thousands of empire soldiers risked being sandwiched between two empire heavy soldiers, and the southern army base camp will not deploy all the troops to the north, so that the formation of a neutral force in the middle becomes the lack of the empire's attack.


"Tell me the truth, what is the situation with An Lusu? If you attack, can you take it down?" The fat man walked into the battle hall specially arranged for himself, his eyes fell on the topographic map of Istan and Kyoto placed on the long table, directly Rightly asked, this time, the smoke emitted outside is to supervise the super pontoon that spans three places. In fact, the real purpose is An Lusu’s 200,000 coalition troops, and Hu Keqili takes 100,000 empire. The army cut into the waist successfully, as long as the coalition base camp is still a little sober, you know that the time to continue to rescue An Lusu has been lost. If you can't immediately turn back to keep your own way, even if the coalition can rush down to the city of An Lusu in one breath, it is the whole army. The result of the destruction,


  The main force of the returned coalition base camp, fat people do not need to worry


With the woman Ruitang Tina present, the coalition base camp wanted to return safely. I was afraid that it would be very difficult. It may have been a severe setback in the north last time. Rui Tangtinga finally gave up her usual aggressive nature, and the 50,000 Dongting cavalry did not In the past, it was like a group of hungry wolves that followed the surroundings of the coalition base camp. Because of the harassment of the eastern court cavalry, the approach of the coalition base camp to the Lulan area has stopped, and the dispersion of the eastern court cavalry There is absolutely no way for the coalition. Although there are 300,000 troops, they are basically infantry. The real maneuverability is only 15,000 Templar cavalry in the Knights Templar. As a result, Rui Tangtingna used small cavalry as Bait, introducing an ambush circle and playing fiercely,


Fifteen thousand temple cavalry killed more than eight thousand people, and the rest were covered by the Dongting cavalry all the way. They were embarrassed and returned to the coalition base camp, and the fat man knew that he had just replaced the commander of the Lost Knights. Another newly-appointed cavalier leader also fell in this battle. If it is not a concern to the defense of the coalition base camp, the camps are interlocked. The madman Rui Tangting has already ordered the Dongting cavalry. Rushing up, such a good situation is an excellent opportunity to completely solve the 200,000 coalition troops in the Anlusu area. The fat man has sent a command to Ao Sen of the Hungarian Cavalry. Fifty thousand Hungarian Cavalry will do their best to assist Rui Tangting’s pursuit of the main force of the coalition base camp. Even if the coalition base camp can finally escape to the central part, it will face 100,000 imperial troops and Surrounded by the combined force of one hundred thousand imperial cavalry


"Your Majesty, An Lusu’s coalition forces have been under siege for more than fifteen days. They began slaughtering horses six days ago. They tried to break through three days ago. They were defeated by our army and killed more than 30,000 people. It is also quite limited. If you attack with all your strength, your subordinates are confident to take An Lusu in three days!" Varisian flashed flames in his eyes and said decisively that he already knew that the Imperial Army had attacked Truney 100,000 News, which shows that this fat meat of the Imperial Allied Base Camp is no longer on his own. An Lusu’s fat meat can’t run anymore.


   "What if it was forced to descend?" The fat man turned and pressed his hand heavily on the map, and said solemnly, "Three days is too long, I can only give you two days to force Anlusu down."


"Two days forced to descend An Lusu!" The faces of Varisian and the generals were sluggish. Although the coalition forces were trapped in An Lusu, there were some 200,000 people anyway. Even if the logistics were cut off, the morale was low. , Not to be forced to descend within two days. The three days that Varisian said was also the result of a brutal street battle after the two hundred thousand empire forces pressed all the way and thundered the city wall with Thor.


   "If you don't surrender, then ruin An Lusu!" The fat man looked calm, his mouth slightly upturned, like a cold wind blowing through the hearts of all imperial generals


"This..." Varisian was even bitter in his mouth. It seemed that his self-confidence had caused his Majesty Falcon to make a misjudgment. An Lusu's defense line was not as vulnerable as he said. Even if it is called sturdy, it is not an exaggeration. After the coalition retreated to Anlusu, it was reinforced day and night, and more than ten deep trenches were dug outside the city wall. Even if a mouth was opened on the city wall, 200,000 troops were fighting hard The urban area is not clear in a short time


   "Why, is it difficult?" The fat man's eyes narrowed into a line, and the pressure that spread from his body made Hu Keqili and the generals sweat beads on their foreheads.


"Your Majesty, just now your subordinates have grown up. In fact, the Allied forces have a strong defense in Anlusu, especially a lot of defenses have been built in the urban area. Taking Anlusu within two days, the subordinates can't do it! "Varisian said quickly and carefully, hoping that His Majesty the Falcon would not be angry because of it.


"Urban? Why do you want to fight for the urban?" To everyone's surprise, everyone saw His Majesty's eyebrows only slightly curled, and did not hold Varisian accountable, but if His Majesty Falcon, Varisian and the generals were a little dazed. What does His Majesty Falcon mean? If you don't attack the city, how can you win An Lusu?


"This time I came with the ship, there were a thousand rounds of burning bullets! Don't fight if you can't beat the city, and burn the city without surrendering! The lives of the imperial soldiers are not used to waste in these places. I need to let the alliance base camp know that Anlu Su has been captured by our Imperial Army before the South! The Imperial Army will soon go south to chase. If they don’t run faster, they will only have to wait for death, as long as the other party is in the South. There was confusion... "The fat man glanced coldly at the faces of Varisian and the generals, and his voice suddenly stopped, but what I said earlier was enough to lower the temperature in the entire hall, It was a sunny day in early winter, but there was a bit of coldness


"The burning of the city is cruel, but you must know that even if the empire defeated the southern coalition, it still needs to face the countless cities of the entire Istan. Do you have to fight the blood of the imperial army one by one, just by Anlusu? Tell the fire to all the cities that dare to resist, this is the end without surrender!"


"Yes, my subordinates understood!" The generals replied neatly, and they had inner silence for An Lusu's coalition forces, as well as the coalition base camp withdrawn from the south, really no matter how they ran, they were under the calculation of His Majesty Falcon. In the end, the 700,000 troops of the Allied Forces since the start of the war were cut off by the Falcon Majesty's knife, and finally a front and back was hit!


  An Lusu, the gentle gentle morning light, gently reflected in the incomplete houses in the city, showing a faint sad beauty. These houses were destroyed by the coalition forces when they captured Anlusu. The darkened brick walls, broken roofs, and many burnt waste ruins. When the coalition forces captured Anlusu, they resisted the Istanians. The massacre has been carried out, but the southern coalition forces did not expect that one day, they will be trapped in the city of Anlu Su. With a letter of persuasion coming down from the city, the coalition meeting in Anlu Su has been opened continuously. Three hours are not over


   surrender or continue to persevere, making An Lusu confused,


You know that it is the military chiefs in the coalition forces that are trapped in An Lusu, Duke Feitai of the Harvey Kingdom, and Duke of Jinghua, the horsepower of the Aden Kingdom. Surrendering to them is more difficult than killing them. They are Soldiers, with their own family behind them, even if they died in Anlusu, the kingdom will take care of their families, but if they surrender, that is another matter. Prince Max of the Kingdom of Ikar hopes to surrender. Yes, he is the crown prince, and there is a great future waiting for her, how can he die here like this! Surrender only, for members of the royal family like them, it is not a big deal, it is the most important to be alive,


   "The Imperial Army can really think that although the situation of our coalition forces is unfavorable, it has obvious strength advantages. As a disadvantage, it even persuaded me to surrender, which is a joke."


With a dismissive expression on the corner of the horse, Duke of Jinghua, the Duke of Jinghua in the Kingdom of Aden, nailed the book of persuasion to the table with a short sword, and failed to break through. The Aden camel cavalry died in battle for more than 40,000. Fighting power, for this subtle change, the Duke of Jinghua has become arrogant, how could he bow his head, because of the logistical difficulties, in order to solve the food problem, the camels of the Aden camel cavalry were almost killed, and the camels were lost The camel cavalry is better to cooperate with the strict infantry. Now even if he said something, few generals of other factions listened to him, only when a gust of wind blew, the angry Duke of Jinghua rolled his eyes.


"I heard that the Imperial Army cut in from the central port of Trouney, and it has cut off the back road of the base camp. The base camp is going to retreat south, I am afraid that it will not save us! Even if we do not surrender, we are afraid that we will not be able to persevere for long." Kingdom of Ikar Prince Mareks’s attitude was the most frustrating. He knew that this was the situation and he shouldn’t have come to participate in this war. A good crown prince himself was in such a desperate situation. Hearing that the coalition base had been pushed to the outskirts of Istanbul, It was only seven or eighty miles away from An Lusu, but I didn’t expect it to end like this. It felt like a drowning person had already grasped the rope, but found that the other side of the rope let go as desperate.


"The camels and horses that have killed the Adenites, and I don’t know what else to eat in a few days, except for people, there is probably nothing to eat!" The thought that suddenly popped out of my mind, this Mali from the royal family Prince Cox felt a chill all over his body. When the **** was this **** place!


   "It is impossible for everyone to surrender, but we can make arrangements, and those who want to surrender can put it at the end!"


Duke Feitai made a suggestion, meaning that the top of the reluctance to surrender is in the front, and the people in the back can surrender. Although he looks rude, he has always been thoughtful, how can he not see this Malik Prince Sri’s thoughts, thinking that the other party is the crown prince’s part, there will be no irregularities in his heart. No one knows the situation of the coalition in Anlusu better than he said, saying that the slaughter of horses six days ago was light, in fact Six days ago, the coalition forces had abandoned a large number of wounded soldiers. Every day, a large number of corpses were transported from the camp and buried by the coalition forces. They were hit hard twice. The coalition forces not only killed more than 100,000 people, but also injured There are only fifty thousand or sixty thousand soldiers, and now the logistics route has been cut off. After a short wait~www.wuxiaspot.com~ came the northward rescue navy, almost the whole army was destroyed, and the coalition base camp Anlusu The approach of was also badly affected by the cavalry cluster and it was difficult to move forward. Even if it was hopeful at first, most of them are now in despair. As a soldier, they are ready for life and death.


"This proposal is acceptable!" Prince Ilk of Ikar said quickly, the prince did not know that the Imperial Army had decided to burn the city, otherwise now even if he lost all his face and dignity, crying and shouting Leave An Lusu!


"So then, refuse the imperial army's request for surrender! Gather strength and prepare for battle. I have a hunch that the imperial army's attack should be within these days!" Duke Feitai said solemnly, his tone still full of confidence, he The reason for saying that is to avoid the internal division of the coalition forces. After several heavy hits, the Ikar army is the best preserved among the coalition forces, with a total of 30,000 people.


Moreover, the shooting of the Icarians is a killer weapon against the empire’s heavy armor. At this time, when the Icarians need to be used, when the real imperial army siege, who still cares about this crown prince of Icar Life and death! At that time, the whole city will be brutal street fighting. Even if you want to surrender, you have to accept it from the empire.


On the morning of the 29th, the imperial army that received the refusal began to attack An Lusu. Hundreds of imperial thunder gods launched an indiscriminate bombardment on the wall of An Lusu. The artillery shells roared across the sunny sky and then ruthlessly. The ground fell on An Lusu's city wall, making a huge roar. The whole city wall seems to be dancing. 〖To be continued, provided by Qing Yi Er Ya〗

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