Whole Nation

: 2525 An Lusu Fire (6)

The fire of An Lusu shocked the entire Obaro, and no one expected that the 200,000 southern coalition troops were so elite, and they were so burned by the Imperial Army. The Imperial Army effortlessly cut off the worries. Now, the total number is more than three. Hundreds of thousands of imperial legions swept south from the direction of Istan and Kyoto with absolute power, and the governors of various provinces of Istan have declared that they belonged to the Falcon Empire. Istan and Kyoto have become independent kingdoms. The province is a wait-and-see attitude. If the South wins, it will be attached to the South. If the empire wins, it will surrender to the empire. The strength of the empire will be most vividly displayed in this war, let alone the emperor this time. Emperor Eagle came in person,


In contrast, it was the road of 300,000 people who had been cut off from the back of the southern coalition base camp. The 100,000 Imperial cavalry at the tail of the crane will not let them evacuate safely, and they will get the command of 50,000 Hungarian cavalry. Rui Tangtingna, no longer needs to be concerned about the defense of the coalition forces, and finally revealed the teeth of the prairie wolf. The hundreds of miles of road from Istanbul to Merkgar has completely become a prairie cavalry performance field and prairie cavalry. High mobility is dominant in the pursuit. Piles of prairie cavalry are like wolves biting their prey, launching various fancy attacks, night attacks, sneak attacks, strong attacks, arrows towards the coalition base camp Although the Allied Base Camp was fully defensive, it was still dead and wounded like a bear surrounded by bees.


It seems that in order to send out all the resentment received in the north, Rui Tangtingna commanded the cavalry cluster to eat the guards of the coalition in a wide plain area, because of her crazy and **** fighting style, no matter what the coalition is. The rear of a unit was completely ruthlessly killed, and even the prairie cavalry would chop the corpses of the coalition soldiers into several pieces and shot them at the coalition camp with a javelin. The **** javelins were nailed to the coalition forces like rain. On the camp’s wooden platoon, let’s not mention the coalition forces, even the ruthless people like Aason were scared,


Now he knows why the Hungarian army's white dorasu always said that the wolf nature of the Hungarians has been worn out. It is really incomparable. Compared with these real prairie Dongting people, Hungarians People's so-called atrocities are simply the difference between dogs and wolves. The Hungarians are at most a vicious dog. Although they look terrible, at most they are dry looting, driving the captives to attack the city, and occasionally come to one or two In order to invigorate the massacre,


And these Dongting people are different, they are real wolves, that is the race that really kills the slaughter as a career. It is said that in Gaul in the north, the Dongting cavalry once slaughtered millions of people in one breath. That kind of murder Even the Hungarians were frightened by the proficiency of the technique. From this, it can be imagined how terrible the Falcon Emperor who used iron fists to gather the whole thing and the two courts together! It is said that the Falcon Emperor killed more than a million people, ate human flesh, and drank human blood. He was a real ruthless person. In the past, Ao Sen did not believe it, but now, Ao Sen is also somewhat shaken, not such a character, How can it suppress such a brutal prairie man, not such a person. How can it be like the rise of a hurricane, and it has laid down such a vast territory in just a few years, and how can these cruel prairie cavalry be called the most honorable "children of longevity, whip of the gods"


Realizing that they could not escape the pursuit of these imperial cavalry, the coalition base camp finally stopped in the city of Maitan, which is more than three hundred miles from Merkgar, and the rear army was completely destroyed. No one was willing to do so. The southern withdrawal was because the coalition base camp itself believed that the base camp would collapse on its own,


Although the city of Maitan is not strong, it is at least a large city in the middle. It has a strong wall to block the horseshoes of the chasing cavalry. The coalition hopes to take a rest here. This is because the head of Merckal, Kotes, was transported to the northern base camp. That batch of food only gave the coalition another breathing opportunity, but even so, the coalition intended to know that An Lusu would not delay it for long, "Now it will take at least half a month to draw troops from the country. The Imperial Army We will not be given this opportunity, and we can only hope that An Lusu will stick to it for a long time!" At the emergency meeting of the coalition base camp, Sergeant Anliu, the prince of Martin Lee’s kingdom, looked at the other coalitions with a ugly face. Senior general,


   "It should be able to support a period of time, anyway, there are 200,000 people!"


   "Feishan is still 300,000 people, it is not the same as one battle! This kind of thing is placed on the Imperial Army, and it cannot be calculated according to the convention."


   "Fortunately Merckal is still in our hands, otherwise..."


"If you don't send reinforcements, Merkgar shouldn't be able to support it for a long time." There was a sigh in the conference room. There was a silence in the senior coalition generals. Everyone knew that this was true. The imperial army had already cut in from Troy. Surrounding Merkgar, at this time, the news that An Lusu encountered the fire and burned the city has not yet been passed, but now as long as he is not a blind man, he can see that the advantage of the North-South War has been completely decided on the empire side.


   The defeat of the coalition has been decided, even if the base camp still has a considerable strength, but it is still a problem to be able to run safely to Merkgar in the middle, not to mention that Merkgar is still quite far away from the south,


   As for An Lusu, who was surrounded by tragedy, although he had 200,000 troops, how long would he be able to withstand the full attack of the Imperial Army? No one knows, so this great monarch Anlius just used the argument of staying a little longer, because he himself is not optimistic about An Lusu, the battle between the North and the South has gone through a month and a half, and the 700,000 Southern Army with the power to destroy the country It was so defeated, and there was no suspenseful defeat. Although the six southern countries were not the only ones that had been defeated, they were definitely broken, and the Imperial Army only used 30 before and after. The military strength of around 10,000 will reverse the whole battle situation. For the generals of the southern base camp, it is like a nightmare. What kind of battles are they fighting? An Lusu’s coalition forces have also fought two times. Three battles, and the coalition base camp had not fought a decent battle from the beginning, either beheaded by the assault battalion, or scorched by the arrows of the prairie cavalry, empty of 300,000 troops, but even one There are no generals who dare to break


"Now what we can do is divide the troops into two, one part stays in the city of Maitan, and the other part immediately rescues Merkgar. As long as Merkgar is still there, our logistics line can be connected!" The young general stood up and drew a slash on the map on the table, saying, "The Imperial Army’s strength in Merkgar is about 100,000, we have 50,000 in Merkgar, and the base camp is currently two. 140,000 people, we can send 140,000 troops to reinforce Merkgar. With the defense of Maitan City, the threat of the Imperial Cavalry can be ignored. As long as Merkgar is cleared, or the current situation can be stabilized Hard to say"


   "Yes, this method is good" The general's proposal was approved by most people


"Although the Imperial Cavalry is sturdy, it can't overcome the defense of Maitan City in a short time. On the contrary, if Merkgar is lost, then all the forces of the entire coalition army will really be surrounded by the Imperial Army from north to south, otherwise wait until the Imperial Army solves An Lu. Su will go south with all his strength. After all, it is only a part of the empire's strength to hunt down the headquarters of the coalition forces. Then, when the imperial army is hit by the north and the south, the small Maitans are only crushed into the powder in front of the main force of the empire. !"


   "So just do it!"


The agreed coalition base began to divide troops, 100,000 people stayed in Maitan, 140,000 people continued to reinforce Merkgar, but who stayed, who rescued, and quarreled for a while, and finally was the deputy commander of the Kingdom of Harvey Spencer The Marquis acted as the defense of the city of Maitan, and the generals of other kingdoms led the main force south.


Standing at the head of Maitan, watching the fourteen thousand coalition troops going south to Merckar disappear like a long dragon, Marquis Spencer's eyebrows were tightly screwed together, and his lips twitched slightly. "These bastards!"


This time, the rear of the palace was almost completely destroyed, so when the coalition headquarters finally decided to keep all the heavy infantry in Mactan, Spencer knew that he was sold, although the reason was that the heavy infantry According to his defense, Marquis Spencer, whose status is not high, looked ugly for such a speech. He knew the idea of ​​the coalition base camp. What is the advantage of heavy infantry defense? Obviously, it is because of the slow speed of abandoning heavy infantry, which delays the overall evacuation. It is the burden of the base camp. The heavy infantry may be able to keep Maitan, but how long can it last? When the main force of the empire arrives, the sturdy armor can't be carried in the face of the thunder of the imperial army, not to mention that the heavy cavalry that can penetrate the heavy infantry armor has appeared more than once in the chasing imperial cavalry. After Kegal, would these guys still go north to save themselves? Impossible. Obviously, the coalition base camp has decided to abandon the heavy infantry of the Harvey Kingdom. As long as they have obtained the supplies of Merkgar, these guys will immediately turn south, and it is best to run in one breath while they are still holding on. To the national border, just like the 200,000 coalition troops who abandoned An Lusu, all of them and 100,000 troops were thrown here, becoming victims of the retreat of the army,


Outside the city of Maitan, in the morning light that was not yet fully lit, under the vast sky like a white line, the morning dew crystal clear and clear slipped from the green leaves to the ground, and the sound of a rumbling horseshoe sounded in the quiet plains in the distance. The prairie cavalry wearing black robe appeared from the area lifted by the hills in the distance. When the first person was riding alone, he suddenly strangled the mount in front and waved his hand backwards. The more than one hundred cavalry stopped at the same time, and the crotch horses were fully trained. They stopped breathing heavily and stopped the horseshoes, but no rider screamed, and then a black line gradually emerged from behind her. Rui Tangting's cold voice asked, "Where is ahead?"


   "His Royal Highness, Maitan City!" said the team guide


"Maitan? This is Maitan!" Rui Tangting's eyes flashed, staring at the high profile Maitan city wall in the distance, her face looked a little weird, murmured in a low voice, if someone could hear her, you could Feeling deeply unwilling inside, how come to Mactan so soon! Rui Tangtingna's face was slightly cold, her hands tightened with her whip, and the pursuit must stop at Maitan, or she would immediately withdraw her command. This was the order from the Imperial Army base one day ago, and she could directly say to herself in this tone People can know who they are without thinking, but Rui Tangtinga is not reconciled. Seeing that she has bitten the tail of the coalition base camp, why not let it bite! Although the fat man's order was not reconciled, Rui Tangting did not dare to violate it,


For his own man, Princess Chang knows too well, it doesn't matter how petty it is. If you dare to violate the order in this military event, the fat man will dare to imprison him completely, and he will never be in his life again. There is a chance to see the grassland, not to mention the authority to lead the East Chamber. Now that the Empire has completed the control of the East Court’s decision, once it is known that the order comes from His Majesty the Falcon, no one from the East Court’s tribe will stand up to help. Speak by yourself,


Thinking of this, Rui Tangting’s heart was a bit chilly, and she suddenly understood why the dead fat man would once again delegate power to herself, that is because the present Dongting Army was not fighting for her Rui Tangting, but for the empire. , Any victory, Dongting Army will be considered the layout of King Falcon Khan! No matter how good you play, at most it is a little more praise, and in the hearts of the people of all ethnic groups, you will think that this is because of the command of the Falcon King Khan, if the Princess Chang is to fight, Just like the battle in the north, it is normal to injure tens of thousands of people!


   "Order the whole army to be stationed on the spot! Without my order, no one shall attack, and the offender shall cut!"


   Rui Tang Tina waved her horse whip indignantly. She wanted to give the whole army an order to siege, but she still held back


   "Are you stationed?"


   "His Royal Highness, why should you be stationed?"


The commanders of the East Court behind him looked confused, and I don’t know why Her Royal Highness Princess ordered to be stationed. Yao Sen was also puzzled about the temper of the Highness Princess. He followed him all the way and cooperated with the Eastern Cavalry Cavalry. The character of Her Royal Highness Princess ordered several times to launch a strong attack on the base camp where the 300,000 coalition forces were located. It was simply that the violence was at its extreme, how could it stop in front of a Maitan city! At this time, a rushing prairie herald ordered the cavalry to stop the warhorse not far away, jumped from above, holding a letter in his hand, and ran to the front of Rui Tangting’s warhorse. , Base Camp Battle Report!"


"Battle report?" Rui Tangtingna's two eyebrows were twisted, and the other Dongting commanders also glanced at each other, except that they had to fight behind the coalition's butt~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is there any other? Is the place also playing? With confusion, Rui Tingtinga opened the battle report in her hand and only glanced at it. The content inside made Rui Tangtingna shake the battle report's hand for a moment, as if stabbed by a needle, almost murmured like a loss of voice. "how can that be!"


"What's the situation?" Rui Tang Tina's gaffe made Da Ting's commanders confused. Only Ao Sen felt something inside. Now besides this side, the areas where the Imperial Army is still fighting are An Lu Su and Merck. It’s Garr. Isn’t it Merckgar’s problem? An Lusu has 200,000 coalition forces, and the Imperial Army’s strength is roughly the same. It took only a few days for the coalition base to evacuate. Lu Su, so Ao Sen automatically ignored this possibility


"An Lu Su Dajie, His Majesty led the Imperial Army, and annihilated An Lu Su 200,000 Allied Forces with 5,000 casualties. He was about to lead the army to the south. Rui Tang Ting also felt some gaffe, embarrassedly coughed, and reported in her hand. Read the content of the content, and then hand it to the attendant behind him, jī said, "Immediately copy a thousand copies of this battle report into the city! "Despite the messy look in the wind of a group of commanders behind him,


  Five thousand casualties completely wiped An Lusu 200,000 coalition forces. . . . The 200,000 Allied Forces went out like this Don’t say that the captains of the East Court are stupid, that is, Ao Sen has tried his best to control his emotions, but he still swallowed hard and swallowed a spit, his neck is thick, longevity of the Son of Heaven, God’s Whip, poor Southern Alliance ! What kind of enemy are you looking for! It is said that the high princess's cruelty is as pure as a newborn baby compared with the majesty of the falcon. 〖To be continued, provided by Qing Yi Er Ya〗

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