Whole Nation

: 2531 Empire Storm (6)

The fat man carried the whip in his hand, and with a serious look, he withdrew his fierce gaze from a distant mountain pass. The coalition army had launched its eighth attack. Although it was defeated again, this time, there have been casualties of imperial cavalry, which can be seen The southern coalition forces have been out, like a dog who is about to be driven crazy, in order to find a way to live, everything is done,


   And Yamaguchi’s battlefield was obviously not good for the imperial cavalry, or it was a mistake at the beginning to give orders to stay in a narrow place like Yamaguchi,


   If the battle is fixed in a specific range, the cavalry can't compete with the heavy infantry. If it is not the imperial cavalry with sharp long-range shooting, Yamaguchi may have broken! Thinking of this problem, the fat man felt a little chill in his back. When did he become so arrogant? Just for the purpose of annihilating all the false names of the Allied Base Camp, they completely ignored the difference between cavalry and infantry. They issued an order to block the Allied Base Camp with all their strength. The advantage of cavalry lies in high mobility, while the advantage of infantry lies in the advancement of the array. This is One of the most basic common sense, but I accidentally neglected. The terrain like Yamaguchi was originally an infantry, and he forced the cavalry and infantry groups to start a tug of war on this terrain. It is no wonder that this battle is fighting. Somewhat messy


   Actually, what if the coalition forces broke out of the mountain pass?


In front of the coalition forces, there are hundreds of miles of southern hills. Even if the coalition forces escape day and night, it is impossible to cross the past without five or six days. From the battlefield situation, put the main force of the coalition forces in the southern hills. This is the best way. All the forces of the coalition army are originally thinking about each other. Now they are suppressed by the empire to be able to unite together. When they leave the mountain pass, the little unity will naturally disappear, and then they will panic. Escape, who cares for others, as long as the coalition forces dissipate, it is the chopping block meat under the imperial cavalry butcher. Having figured this out, the fat man decided not to insist,


"I immediately ordered Varisian not to come to the mountain pass, let him cut south! At the same time, this order was sent to the entire south of Istan. To be attached to the empire, the coalition must be killed as a vote. The top three, the empire can Consider retaining its governorship!"


Suddenly thought of something, the fat man suddenly sneered at the corner of his mouth, really, how could he forget this stubbornness, but the southern hills have seven or eight Istan provinces, although the governors of these provinces maintain a wait-and-see attitude, But in fact, they secretly sent people to the empire to express their willingness to attach. The governors of these areas are not strong, but they control the cities, villages, and a large number of regional defense forces in the south. More than 100,000 coalition forces fled into the southern hills. For the empire, it’s difficult to wipe out, but for the governors of the south, the south is their control area, the villages are their eyes, and even if the coalition is divided again, it is also on their territory. Nothing to escape,


  The main force of the empire went south to chase the trailing dogs, and at the same time mobilized the governors of these areas to block the coalition to escape from the south,


  Even if the main force of the one hundred thousand coalition base is working hard, it is definitely a fate of death in the southern hills. The southern hills are not the life of the coalition forces, but the road of death! Figured this out, the fat man issued a command to evacuate the cavalry, and the queue of imperial cavalry began to evacuate from the direction of the mountain pass, and soon disappeared in the sight of the coalition soldiers,


  The imperial cavalry ran south for more than thirty miles in one breath before stopping, until they rested beside a river, many cavalrymen dismounted,


The army rushed to fight day and night. Although there was a short rest, it persisted to the present, and it was also the end of the strong crossbow. Fortunately, when fighting, the desperation must be immediately. Now relax, the horses have not been completely stable, and there are already cavalry. Falling off the horse's back, this situation made the fat man's face pale, but fortunately he was alert quickly, otherwise, if he really stayed up at night, he might be really overwhelmed by the coalition forces, although it may be a long battle. The elite cavalry, but dashed hundreds of miles in one breath and quickly entered the tug of war. Even if they are very powerful, they can now score five or six points, which is a miracle. At night, I am afraid that three or four points are gone!


At Yamaguchi, a team of heavy infantry with the mortal heart forward with their shields on their heads. At this time, they were foolishly on the mountain pass, with their eyes on them. In addition to the corpses everywhere, it was the cold wind coming from the face, an empire The shadow of the cavalry can’t be seen. If it’s not the scene of blood flowing under the feet, the coalition soldiers really think they are dazzled,


   "Put it through, finally get it through! We can go home!"


The officer who led the team looked blankly in front of him. He recovered and gave cheers. The imperial cavalry had indeed withdrawn. The coalition forces immediately looked around the mountain pass and confirmed that there was no one. In one breath, although I don't know how to withdraw the Imperial Army, it is certain that there is no Imperial cavalry near the mountain pass. If it is a trap, it is absolutely impossible to leave in such a clean way. The Empire gave way to the mountain pass, so the news is simply It's like a big pie hitting the head of everyone in the coalition. In order to break through the mountain pass, the coalition filled in more than 20,000 people. The transferred troops are often withdrawn after more than half of them, even if they are team-level generals. The officer also killed two of them in battle, and three of them were injured. As for the coalition soldiers, the mountain road has been called the mountain of flesh and blood. No one knows how much flesh needs to be filled. Like the one hundred thousand army, it was blocked by a mountain road of the Imperial Army. Because of Feishan as a foreword, the coalition forces knew very well that they could not open the mountain pass and wait for their own. The Imperial Army even withdrew! Yamaguchi got through, and can go home. At this moment, the entire coalition, whether it is a general or a soldier, no matter which country they come from, will not do the second thing except for the most exhilarating shouts.


After cheering, the generals of the coalition began to make some troubles. The imperial cavalry withdrew so strangely, as long as not fools knew there was a problem. At this time, when Yamaguchi really broke away, the internal solidarity of the coalition base camp also quickly split. Everyone came from Different countries have to take different routes. At this time, I want everyone to twist into a rope and go forward. I am afraid that few generals are willing, and the generals are still negotiating. The soldiers below have already begun to wait. Washed up this fleshy mountain road, this time, even the most basic queue was maintained, everyone swarmed to the mountain road, as long as they could enter the southern hills of thousands of miles, even the imperial army could not block it, the complex hilly waters of the south There are not one hundred roads and seventy or eighty roads to the border. Can the Imperial Army block all roads?


  Southern Istanbul, Tsali Province


The Governor Marquis Bishaglia pressed a newly received order on his desk in his governor’s mansion and walked anxiously in his footsteps. In the silent air looking at him, only the footsteps of the Marquis of Bissaria walking back and forth, all because of a news,


The battle of North and South hegemony that Obaro is paying attention to has already yielded results. The coalition forces of the six nations in the south have been defeated. The falcon empire in the north has once again won a glorious victory. After defeating the main battle of Luland, the Imperial Army has again played An unbelievable battle, the battle of An Lu Su, the elite of the 200,000 Allied Forces was burnt by the Imperial Army,


   More than 300,000 main forces of the Imperial Army crushed Maitan, which directly led to the surrender of Maitan's 100,000 coalition forces, and the soldiers had hit the central part of Istan.


Merckar, who has been holding on for more than half a month, turned into fly ash in the fire, representing the complete defeat of the coalition in the middle. The coalition base camp was also intercepted by the imperial cavalry on the way to the south. There were countless deaths and injuries. The news came that everyone Was dumbfounded. The combined army of six nations with a total of 700,000 people is absolutely right, which can be regarded as a force enough to dump the country, but it is defeated again and again. In just two months, almost the entire army was defeated by the imperial army with less than half of its strength!


  If it is not the truthfulness of the confirmed message, the Marquis of Bishaliya almost thinks that he is listening to heaven and night!


  How did this battle fight? Even if the coalition commanders are a group of pigs, it should not be beaten like this! The problem is that the commanders of the coalition forces are not pigs, but rather the most brilliant generation in the past thirty years, Duke Feitai, the mad lion, the chief of the "iron wall" Perma, the general Fei Ze Luo Keti Varisi, Aden The Duke of Jinghua in the Kingdom, who is not a famous general in the south, actually fell in this zhan,


I heard that the southern coalition base is now approaching the south with great shame, and the order sent by the empire is to ask the provinces in the south to stop the coalition from fleeing south. If it was before, the Marquis of Pesalia ignored this order automatically. Anyway, I am also the local governor of Istan, why should I listen to the orders of the Falcon Empire, but now it is different, the Istan Empire has collapsed, I heard that the entire north-central part has been thrown into the arms of the Falcon Empire, and I secretly sent people and The Falcon Empire contacted and asked to be attached to the Falcon Empire. At this time, how can the Falcon Empire be rejected? If you really do this, the day when hundreds of thousands of empires go south will be your death!


   This time, all the minds in the province will be called together, and the only thing is one. Will they fight the coalition? After all, it is only a regional province. Although it has a defensive force, it is still difficult to fight in terms of the southern coalition. In fact, what makes the Marquis of Bissaria more concerned is the instability within the province. Some time ago, the war situation It was not yet bright. The coalition forces opened the prelude to the Istanto-Kyoto battle with male troops. I did not know who revealed a message that they secretly colluded with the Falcon Empire, and the parties had become a mess.


  The nobles in the city cried and shouted for the election of the new governor, and the district garrisons were in a mess. They were madly inquiring about the real news. They met together and discussed what to do and how to save in this turmoil. Someone has broken his face and is ready to fall out with the Marquis of Bishaliya. Even the candidates for the new governor have been negotiated in private. You must collude with the Falcon Empire and don’t bother us! The coalition forces are so powerful, the Empire Bureau is not overwhelming, you are dead than Charlia! It didn't last for a few days, and then the news of the battle of Lulan came back. The Imperial Army actually won the battle of Kyoto with half its strength, and it was like an explosion! All the buzzwords disappeared at once


"Sir Governor, the coalition forces are not the same as before, and they are still running away. I think that if they are well prepared, they may not be able to fight!" Finally someone stood up. This is a middle-aged man with yellow hair and a nose like an eagle hook. , Making him look a little cold, he is the garrison Ya'an in the north of the province of Boos, the northern gateway of the province of Boos, and one of the only roads for the coalition to escape south.


"We are just a garrison regiment, how can we compete with the regular army? The coalition army just escaped and let them go!" Some people expressed different opinions, thinking that it would be too costly to block the coalition army. The regular army is to die!


"I don't think so!" Yaan said solemnly. "The coalition forces who fled south looted all the way, causing a very bad influence. The province of Bitsaly is closer to the central Polanwei province because of the idea of ​​non-resistance. The results, everyone saw that more than 100 villages were burned, more than 20,000 people were killed and injured, and two cities were looted. The reason why Bolanweixing Province paid such a heavy price, It’s the Governor of Polanvi Province, who didn’t organize a defense force against the Allied Forces~www.wuxiaspot.com~Just hope that the Allied Forces can pass through their own provinces earlier, and if we think so, then we will be the Blue Provincial Department It’s even worse, because we are located right at the fork leading to the southern border, that is to say, the deserted forces of the six-nation coalition will pass through our provinces, and the consequences of non-resistance, have you thought about it?"


When I heard Ya'an's words, there was a trace of fear on everyone's face. That's right, Bitsaly Province is the only way to the southern border. There are several roads to different countries, just allied forces. Fleeing the army, the people in the neighboring province of Polanvi are not making a living. I heard that not only villages but even cities have been under siege, and on their side there will be deserters from six countries. , Not even the ground was scraped away,


   Everyone's belongings are in the province. Many people have a lot of real estate. The manor, thinking that they might be swept by these deserters, all the faces are very white, very ugly, even clenching teeth!


"If you want to defend, you have to expand your army and need financial resources..." Governor Bishalia took a deep breath, and looked across the crowd. Seeing this scene, I don't know if I saw a needle in the needle, I was despising the wisdom of a Governor. , The war requires money, the recruitment of soldiers requires money, and the armament requires money. For the command of the empire, the Governor of Bisharia did not say one thing, that is, the top three regional governors. The empire may guarantee that it will continue to serve. This is the The most exciting place for Bishalia is to win this battle, and you can also stabilize your position on the empire, (to be continued) [This text is provided by the leader of the sailing update team @刘靖] If you like this Department works, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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