Whole Nation

: Two hundred and forty-five empire gust (20)

On the outskirts of Byrne Road Island, the calm sea was ripped by ripples of water marks from the hulls of the warships of the two sides. The waves brought a dazzling white horse training in the noon winter sun. As the two sides opened, they originally surrounded the imperial merchant ships The Fitzer Fleet has now turned and rushed towards the four Dragon Tooth battleships. The huge swollen sails are just in the limelight. Like two huge torches burning, more Fei Ze battleships rushed past the sides of these two warships, completely disregarding the sea, there are more than 100 Fei Ze sailors roaring and screaming in the water, not the Fei Ze battleship I don’t want to stop, but I dare not stop, as long as I slow down to stop, it is the live target of the Falcon Empire Dragon Tooth Battleship. The opponent only needs one salvo to turn himself into the same torch as these two battleships.


The furious battleship Fitzker quickly showed a rising V-shaped curve, like two huge horns spurting towards the Falcon Empire Dragon Tooth Battleship. The Falcon Empire Navy is the overlord of the Inland Sea, but if only relying on four ships Twenty Fitzer battleships were suppressed. Where else was the face of Naval Fitzerberg? Everyone is a soldier. The knife stabbed and saw the same blood. As long as he was dragged into close combat, who was afraid of who! In the southern part of Obaro, the fierceness of the Fizers is well known. At the time, it could suppress the heart of the Gangfei Empire to the south during the heyday, so that the Gangfei people can only sigh on the opposite coast, which is enough to explain Fitzer The navy is not a waste, otherwise the non-empire did not need to go to the navy of Strand for help, and in the end it was defeated in the strait,


White and black smoke are mixed under the sky at the same time. In the thick smoke, as if a volcano erupted, the dazzling jet from the side gun bay of the Dragon Tooth battleship, the flash of the flash of the emission suddenly whitened everyone. Face, volley, can't do it at this time, but the same voice sounds on every Dragon Tooth battleship


   "Reload, hurry up!"


With another round of shooting, the gun compartment was full of white smoke, and it was no longer possible to clear a meter away. The artillery choked continuously and coughed violently because of the sudden encounter. The four Longya warships were in exactly the same position. In the downwind position of the sea, the sea breeze rolled directly against the smell of pungent sulfur, and the eyes of the thorns could not be opened. The gunners could only cover their mouths with wet towels, otherwise the pungent smell of sulfur would make the eyes Can't open,


"The other party is coming up, fight!" The nearly crazy cry in the gun compartment, the violent artillery fire hit like a raindrop, the sea surface was boiling up numerous water columns, "slap" a Biak-class supercar driving in front The battleship was hit from the front, the huge tonnage hull shook, and on the sides of the four Dragon Tooth battleships, the deafening Imperial Dragon Tooth battleship continued to fire. The shock and hull vibration caused by the shooting, the nearby sea water stirred like boiling water, Four dragon-tooth battleships guarded each other with diamonds, a black thunder muzzle, and madly pouring artillery shells towards the Fezze battleship that was pressed around, and the fire of the Fezze battleship continued to explode.


Rumbling, in a series of explosions, another four or five Fitzer’s small and medium-sized battleships were shot. The speed suddenly slowed down, showing that the back of the heavy battleship was heavily pressed by the bow, and a piece of water was scattered. Crashed in front of this heavy bow, this is a heavy warship of the Fitzer Navy, more than twice the size of the small warship next to it. The huge tonnage plus the hòu deck covered on the outside, even if it is hit by Thor The wood flew across, and the battleship just wobbled a few times, like a giant sea monster rushing out of the smoke and fire, and the area where the bullet was exposed was collapsed, but it was not fatal, and it can be seen that this A heavy warship is too cunning, hiding behind two small and medium warships, and rushing out at such a short distance, even if the Imperial Dragon Tooth warship shoots at it, it is impossible to sink before the other party comes up. This battleship!


   "Go up and capture them!"


On this Fitzer heavy warship, a Fitzer navy captain has pulled out his saber and pointed at a dragon-toothed warship. During a brief engagement, Fitzer has paid two and three for sinking As a result of the damage, if you can’t even touch one side of the Imperial Navy, it will be a very heavy blow to the morale of the entire navy, so when you see this ship leaning against the gunfire, it will be like a heavy hammer smashing the dragon teeth in front. The scene of the battleship, the outstanding performance of this Fitzerberg heavy battleship, suddenly made Fitzerall’s morale explode,


   "Udo, the battleship is under your command, I will go to the gun room!"


The captain of the Dragon Tooth battleship facing the heavy Fezze battleship gave his command to his deputy, and he drilled into the cannon. Under the scent of smoky smoke coming from the sea breeze, he personally made one. Thunder cannon, quickly adjust the position of the gun, gazing like a knife at the huge ship hulled by Yaowu Yangwei. His name was Jeffreys. Before becoming the captain, he was an imperial naval thunder gunner. Shen's proud record of six enemy warships, ranking among the top three in the Imperial Navy God Gunner,


This is already the case. It doesn’t make much sense to stay on the bridge. It’s enough to give it to the deputy. Jeffries hopes that he can fight in the last battle with the role of a naval gunner, not the navy. When the captain of the battleship touched Thor’s hot gun body, he knew that Thor’s launch limit was approaching.




Jeffries looked cold and ordered loudly to the sailor next to him. Even if the entire ship was covered with armor, there were definitely weaknesses that were not taken into account. After all, the other party was also scarred, and there were several openings on the hull. . . . If you can shoot in the same position, the explosion caused by Thor in the hull may not stop the arrogant beast. The Thor of the Dragon Tooth Battleship is an improved type equipped by the Admiralty, adding shooting. Speed ​​and range, but reduced size and power. After playing for so long in a row, every subsequent gun may be the result of a bomb, but Jeffries can’t control it anymore. As an outstanding gunner I know that calmness is the most effective factor for obtaining the greatest results in a war. Although the heavy warship is difficult to sink, it does not mean that it cannot be done.


"Attack!" The catapults of the heavy warships began to erupt. The entire row of catapults, some of which were solid bullets, and some fireballs with a blazing flame, made a crackling sound as soon as they were launched into the air, a dragon too late to avoid The frigate was directly torn apart by the powerful impact force of a solid rock projectile. The hull of the “Hangu” heavy hull shook violently. The falcon sailors above fell back and forth, and the two sides shot out of chaos. The current began to swell violent waves on the sea, shaking the sides of the warships on both sides,


   "The victory in this battle must be my first contribution!"


On the Fezer heavy warship, the captain of Fezer Zeyi’s war intentions had a pride on his face. The nearest Longya warship was less than 100 meters away. At this distance, unless the other party could fly , Otherwise he will be smashed by himself. He feels like a knight in heavy armor, holding a sword and a lance, and charges forward with a dense arrow cluster. I don’t know if I found that I can’t shake this heavy warship, or Simply gave up, most of the firepower on the opposite side began to concentrate behind this heavy battleship, pounding! In the fierce fire, the loss of Naval Fezer added two more serious injuries, and several consecutive explosions tore the two fitzer battleships on the side of the deck into pieces, and the battleship vibrated violently in an instant. The explosive light clusters released from the damaged location formed a violent shock wave, and madly swept the inside of the battleship like a hurricane. Countless people and debris fell into the boiling sea water.


   "The tooth in the house sank"


   "Cisselio sank"


   "The Xishuanglong was hit hard"


   "The Cyclops Sinks"


   "Safins sink"


   "The Viper was hit hard"


The previous series of reports came back, and the Prince of Asia and Asia, standing on the flagship, was somewhat overwhelmed at the back. The scene was too fierce. The other party carried four of their own warships with four dragon-tooth battleships. , The sinking of the local side has hit six ships, and the other party has not even lost one ship. This is the regular fleet of the Fezer Kingdom. In addition to defending himself, this time to the sea, it also means to show force to the Kingdom of Papute, so The warships and sailors sent are first-class elite, if not, it is impossible to fight this kind of situation that is still rainbow-like even if it is hit hard. In just over an hour, one third of the entire fleet has not By the way, the value of an elite fleet is definitely more than an ordinary army corps, or even two to three corps. If these battleships are lost here, even if they go back alive, they will be ordered to be executed on the spot.


  Prince Riya knows how much he is worth. If he is really an important person, he will not be launched by the royal family to engage in marriage.


The Papute Kingdom is only a second-rate kingdom, and King Papute has three daughters and four sons. It doesn’t matter if he sends a daughter. Although he is a Prince of Fizer, according to Fizer’s ancestry, even a prince , Without making military achievements, nor entering the military to hold positions, let alone wishing to become the governor of the outside world. In the Kingdom of Fezer, the royal children are divided into two categories. The first category is to hold a certain royal reward every year and spend time and time. , The people who have been fixed in the Wangdu all their lives are in fact imprisonment in disguise, eating together and waiting to die,


The other part is the people who are valued by the king, have the opportunity to enter the army, and finally get the military merits, and wait for the position of the kingdom's heavy minister. Most of these royal members are the king's confidants. The marriage of such royal members will never be wasted. Papute is above a second-rate kingdom, but the real powerhouses in the south! I pursued the princess of the Eero Empire by myself, hoping to change this situation, but now I have married the princess of the Papute Kingdom, which is basically equivalent to the path of military power. As long as I reach the capital of the king, his life will be counted. It’s over. Without the king’s consent, even the prince can’t leave the king capital.


  Prince Riya didn’t want to stay in Wangdu’s disguise for a lifetime and eat mixedly to die! So when Prince Riya heard the adjutant's words, he could not wait to ask the fleet to attack the patrol fleet of the Falcon Empire! Because no matter how successful or unsuccessful, the Prince of Japan and Asia can make a splash in Fezer's military world, and it is difficult to say further, but the Prince of Asia and Asia did not expect that he could not take four Dragon Tooth battleships for a medium-sized fleet!


   "Command the fleet to press it all up!"


Prince Riya’s face was distorted, and he ordered to the adjutant that there were two frigates next to the flagship. Now he demanded that both frigates should be sent. Now the command of the fleet is still with him. Once at Fitzer, the fleet is not his. If this is the case, then there is nothing to be regretted. Even if it is all destroyed here, as long as it can capture the opposite Longya battleship, even if it is only one, its own destiny may be rewritten. Under such an idea, this The Prince of Japan and Asia named Feize decided to fight! He saw that a heavy battleship of Fizer had rushed to the side of the Longya battleship, and the huge hull was even about to hit. This made his decaying heart excited, and the victory was in front of him. Hesitate!


   Titicaca! The swiftly steered Dragon Tooth Ship and the huge Fizer heavy warship almost passed the ship's side. The other side's hull was like a heavy hammer, smashing a few meters of the ship's side deck, and the veneer was flying horizontally. The two ships quickly separated and pulled out a gap of more than ten meters. For a battleship, the gap of more than ten meters is actually no different from a collision. As long as a slight sway is the result of the collision,


  "Mr. Bai, the old son is waiting for you!"


In the gun barn, Captain Jeffreys stared at the hull with bloodshot eyes, a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and the distance was too far, he could not say that he could enter the same position, but now it is in a parallel position, At intervals of more than a dozen meters, the other party’s hull swings like sending a wound under its own muzzle of Thor. Just after the impact, half of the barrels collapsed, but Jeffries was unmoved, his hand Holding the torch tightly, waiting for the other party from collision to separation. At the moment of turning to the collision, if the Fezers on the heavy battleship know that there is a madman waiting for them, the other party will not squeeze up so simply. Yes, UU reading www.uukansan. The reason why com said that Jeffreys is a lunatic is because he is ready to launch Thor at a distance of ten meters. Once it is not hitting an already broken wound, just the impact of the blast will kill Jeffreys himself. Blow up!


   "Rely on it, crush it!"


There was a crazy clamor on the Fitzer heavy warship. The side of the Fitzer heavy warship was seven or eight meters higher than the Longya battleship, and its tonnage was more than four times that of the Longya battleship. The advantage, with a slight tail swing, can crush the maneuvering Longya battleship. The battleship Fei Ze swings its tail wildly. At first glance, it is ready to make another squeeze collision.


"Go to death!" Jeffreys's eyes are only the wound, rumbling. "The huge roar and recoil knocked Jeffries out, while a blaze of fire scorched everyone's eyes and a Thor shell. The heavy bombardment on the rift of the heavy warship directly smashed the rift, and countless fragments flew over like a sharp blade,


   If it wasn’t for Jeffreys to be blown out, he would probably become the first imperial navy captain who was killed by the Thor that he launched,


He saw a thunder bomb with a burning attribute deeply embedded in the other party's hull along the notch, the broken wood on the side of the deck flew across, and there was a big explosion directly on the hull. The heat wave exploded, and the powerful attack wave lifted the deck of the battleship like a toy, throwing the sailors, debris, masts, and even the bridge above into the air.


  "........."Prince Riya, who was just rejuvenated, was sluggish again,

〖To be continued〗【】

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