Whole Nation

: Two thousand six hundred and sixty-five The past is like dust (2)


After getting off the carriage, the fat man adjusted his collar and looked up at the building decorated with white marble not far away. Lias, three golden characters flashed at the top of the auction house, a fat man who was obviously the manager of the auction house Lidastov, who bent down in front of him, took a VIP post from his arms and passed it. The countless managers of this reader fell on the VIP post, and the body was not easily noticeable. , His face became more respectful, he quickly let go of the road, and even lowered his eyes consciously, until he saw the figure of the fat man disappearing in the distance, the attendant took a breath, as if liberated by a heavy stone. same.


Not far away, a gloomy middle-aged man was approaching with several guards, wearing a black-patterned gown, two gold-patterned leaves on the cuffs, and a scar under the left corner of his left eye, which looked a bit daunting. , Just looking at the whole scene,


The sky has been darkened. In order to take into account the privacy of each guest, the light at Changpingping outside the auction venue is generally not very bright. The middle-aged people have always been paying attention to the people on the luxury carriages. The items at this auction There is one thing enough to seduce the entire Dijing, and it is also the most valuable piece that the entire auction site has obtained from the military in more than half a year. This morning, the military department sent a squadron of soldiers to come over. The importance of this lot


"Captain Anji, let people in without permission. If something goes wrong, who will be responsible? Especially tonight, there is such a valuable lot!" The middle-aged man did not expect himself, and suddenly saw another one that had never dealt with himself. Anji, the person in charge of the auction house, came out from inside and accidentally saw the scene where the fat man entered. This scene made the middle-aged person's mouth slightly upturned, and his heart was even more happy to laugh. The military department personally requested , You Anji dare to do this, even if you Anji is a solid military background, even the current person in charge of the auction house should be courteous to you, but on such occasions tonight, unclear people Go in, as long as you report it, you Anji will get out of business. This auction house is in contact with the military.


"Go away, when I haven't gotten angry, otherwise I will let you be arrested!" Anji groaned disdainfully, completely ignoring Oro. He only received the above order and waited here specifically. Yes, although I don’t know who is coming down, but how can I get the golden VIP post issued by the military is a general person, this kind of post is generally sent to the important person of the imperial military, corresponding to the golden VIP post The room must be vacant even if there are no people all the year round. There is only one room in each auction room. It is not necessarily the most luxurious, but it is definitely the best for the protection of guest privacy and can be The entire auction site is undoubtedly glanced, with excellent visibility, to avoid any assassination,


There are not many people who know that the golden VIP room exists. Most people outside only know that the highest level of the auction site is a diamond-level VIP post sprinkled with pearl powder. The corresponding is naturally the most luxurious room with the decoration and setting of the auction site. However, the entire auction site is limited to twenty. Each post is a symbol of identity and wealth, and I don’t know who came up with the idea. In Anji, it’s where the real wrongdoers are. It is the luxury of decoration. In fact, the room is not as good as the room of the golden VIP. Although it is on the top floor, it is in a condescending position. In fact, the 20 rooms share a corridor, which is completely incomparable compared with the independent corridor of the golden VIP. ,


The real big men are never those who hold diamond posts. The military requires sending people to participate in the auction. At the same time, for the existence of this factor, a golden VIP post is enough to crush the diamond-level posts of the entire auction. The Ministry of Military Affairs sent an emergency squadron to take care of the auction house. In fact, it was because of the person who came here. "Auruo is just an ordinary auction house manager. Where would I know this!


   "After tonight, when you cry!"


Oro looked at Anji's back, his face was irony, and his teeth were broken, but Anji couldn't help it. You know, in the empire, as long as it is a regular auction site, there will inevitably be people from the Imperial Army joining the management The person stationed in this auction house is Anji. It is said that he was once a squadron squadron in the Imperial Army because he was injured and was placed here. The military’s own auction house is a feature of the Empire.


The empire expanded its territory, slaughtered the country, looted countless, and smashed more than half of the Obaro continent. The loot gained was accumulated in mountains. If these loot are to become money, military expenses, and soldier compensation, one is needed. Reasonable channels for selling stolen goods, rather than let those treacherous merchants make huge profits, it is better to let the military directly lead the auction site


   This kind of auction house with a strong military background is desperately the most enthusiastic of various merchants


Because no one knows, what precious lots will appear in this military auction, even if it is the rumored crown of king gems, there are three or four mountains and mountains piled up in the auction area within the range of Emperor Jing within a year. The same loot, the royal family and the big aristocracy have the most items. The original owner has a different identity, and the price is also very different. In other places outside the empire, the imperial military opened an auction site, which was also regarded as an imperial cruelty. An expression of predatory nature, the empire may not be so many, as long as it is sold through the auction house, no matter who the previous actor is, it is regarded as whitewash in the laws of the empire, and the new owner has complete legal disposal rights. So many times, not only the people of the empire but also the people of other kingdoms appear in the auction


   "Master Oro"


When Oro was angry, one of his men suddenly gave him a glance, and saw that the two decorations were not gorgeous, but the very delicate carriage drove into the scope of the auction site. The first one pulled the cart. They are two white horses with straight horsebacks, horseshoes and mane trimmed like flying flags, with an extremely elegant horse step, but the carriage behind is made of two brown-red horses with red horsehairs At night, it looked like a flame. The surrounding air suddenly stopped because of the arrival of the two carriages. Auror's face quickly changed to a flattering face. The others who got off the carriage nearby, They all stopped more or less,


   saw a cold-looking middle-aged man come down from the carriage, Auror stepped forward personally and salutedly said "Master Loria"


"That thing really arrived at the auction house?" The middle-aged man looked at Oro slightly coldly. Although the auction house has a military background, Oro has nothing to do with the military, but the military hires the auction house to work It’s just a person in charge. For Oro, he’s really innocent, and when he heard that the thing had been stolen and sent to the auction house, he was about to get angry.


   "Yes, the thing has been confirmed, but the person who sent it..." Auror said embarrassedly.


"So, did the cheap man actually send things to the auction house?" A cold voice, the carriage door behind opened at this time, a beautiful woman came down from above, wearing leather boots Two long legs fell on the ground, and then a slim waist. She was wearing a knight's black tight uniform. The woman's melon seeds had long slender eyebrows and big eyes, but they squinted slightly, as if they did not wake up. A piece of red hair is scattered around, red hair is matched with a red uniform, all eyes are fiery red, people can feel a hot and rebellious from afar, and the face is extremely arrogant. As the woman got out of the car, there was a deep voice of discussion all around. It seems that this woman is also a celebrity of Dijing


   "It is true"


  Oro's flattered face suddenly turned slightly pale. He didn't expect this woman to come, secretly regretting, knowing that this would happen, he shouldn't run so fast


This woman was named Tiehongluo and belonged to the famous Gaul Tielan family. The Tielan family was originally a noble of the Gaul Empire in Kyoto, but at the end of the Gaul Empire, Tielan rebelled against Gaul and made great efforts to imperialize Gaul Kyoto. So the empire wiped out the Gauls, and it was well preserved. Although Tielan was converted from military to political affairs, after all, it was regarded as an official in the Falcon Empire in Kyoto, although it was already an official of the empire. Not as good as before, but the Tielan family has been operating in Gaul for 100 years, and the industry and contacts in Gaul have made it rise quickly in Dijing. This Tiehongluo is Tielan’s sister because of her beautiful appearance, plus Tielan spared no effort to promote everywhere, and became one of the five beauty of Dijing


Although it is nothing to the real giants, but it is also relying on the big tree of the Loriya family. With the support of the Loriya family, Tie Hongluo secretly controls a certain power, specifically suppressing those who are with Luo. The opponents of the Riya family, because they are ruthless and have red hair, are called "red-haired witch" by Dijing's underground world


"Since it's really in the auction house, then take things out." Tiehongluo will naturally not look at small characters like Auror. With the Loriya family in existence, what is a small auction house? , The woman's things must be obtained


"This...things that have entered the auction house, I'm afraid it's..." "Auror's face is ugly. Of course he has no guts to face Loriya, one of the twelve deacons of the Business League, but the auction house is a military. Fang, so he can only say "things have been included in the lot list, there is no other way except to buy them, and tonight, the military has also sent manpower" Oro gave a glance to the front, Loria Looking in the direction, you can't help frowning, but you can see that the door is standing instead of the servants on weekdays, but a whole team of imperial soldiers wearing armor and hand-held weapons, and the shining imperial weapons are shining in the night. , So that anyone who has a peep at the auction house will be unconsciously thrilled,


"How is this going?"


Loriya asked with a heavy face. The changes in front of him made him feel a little palpitated. Although he knew that his sister had a certain relationship with the original Imperial Army, even later, she also received much help from the military. But which one in the military is always a mystery


Until two years ago, when the regional plague broke out, the Loriya family mainly operated cloth. A large number of cloths that went out of the plague area were seized by the military. They had to ask for help from their sister who had been seriously ill and could not get up, but the result appeared in a fierce quarrel. In an accidental accident, the candlestick was knocked down, and the fire quickly ignited the whole room. The younger sister was engulfed by the fire. In order to cover up the fact that the person was burnt to death, the outside world can only claim to be due to the death of the plague. Hurry to find a remote place to bury.


Ordinarily, this is the case, but who would have thought that the heart of the moon god, who has always been regarded as a treasure by her sister, was suddenly stolen by a maid, and many relics burned by the fire that day were also sent to the auction site , Most of the traces of the fire burning have been removed, except that the black blaze ring that has been worn on the hand of his sister has cracked in the fire, and the crack is black, and it really fell in the eyes of the intentional people. It will be exposed. As long as she thinks of this, Loriya is shocked. She can’t sleep at night. The business alliance is completely unattractive to the military. At the time, he was able to become a high-level military figure at Zhivadin time. A little finger is enough to turn the entire Loriya family into fly ash!


   "Don't the adults pay attention to the lot list?" Auror was slightly surprised, so he pretended to pass a lot list mysteriously.


"It turned out to be..." Loriya took her breath and swept her gaze, her face also revealing an inexplicable surprise. The Tie Hongluo next to him looked at it curiously, and immediately shone her body, her eyes sparkling. Bright, like a beast that saw a table full of food. No wonder, no wonder that even the imperial military must send soldiers to protect it. Even in Dijing in the heart of the empire, this thing is too hot. Tie Hongluo's eyes are hot. Looked at Loriya, gritted his teeth and said "I want it"


"Adults are not mistaken, it is the crown of Emperor Gaul, a crown of real emperors, not the crowns of the kings that were sold before! Although Gaul has perished, it is also a crown of empires after all!" Oro I was also surprised to see this. I was intoxicated and said, “The ability to auction an emperor’s crown is the highest honor for any auction venue, not to mention the high level that once occupied more than two hundred years in northern Obaro. Lu Empire, the news that the military released the Gaul crown was explosive for the whole of Kyoto, the entire merchants of Dijing were crazy, and they were avoiding suspicion. The officers of the military and Dijing did not come, but they did not want to. Don’t dare to buy a crown of Emperor Gaul and go back. Isn’t this the way to find your own death? Even so, some people predict that this crown of Emperor Gaul will also set the highest record in the Imperial Auctions. In particular, some legends come from Gaul The nobles and businessmen in the region joined forces to buy this crown, and the basic asking price is at least five million yuan."


   "What, the base is five million!"


Hearing this number, even Loriya secretly slurred, five million, even the wealth of the entire Loriya family is like this, and the Tielung Luo beside it also seems to be splashed with cold water. The lips of the man were slightly opened in surprise, and the eyes were full of sorrow. This thing must have fallen into her hands. Even if Loriya spoiled her, it would not be possible to spend so much money. I am afraid that it may be over 10 million!


"Purchase the things back, just look at the rest!" Loriya took a deep breath, and was worthy of being a businessman. He immediately gave up unrealistic fantasies and placed it directly on the target. Asked about the low price of Oro's stuff, Oro hesitated and said with a smile, "Adults are worried, the other party is tied together and sold, otherwise they will not be able to enter the auction house, and the rest are not valuable, that is, the moon god. Tears have some value, but they are at most three or four hundred thousand."


In the special VIP room where the walls are all made of steel plates, the fat man tapped the table gently, Lidastov stood behind him respectfully, the auction table had been seen, and the auction of the crown of the Gaul Emperor by the Ministry of Military Affairs had been planned It’s been almost a month, and there’s no way to change it, so I had to bang it together and sell the crown of the Gaul Emperor, which was originally meant to be fat. It’s not that the empire was short of money, but because the Gaul area was settled, those Gauls Nobles and some old forces still show certain strength and financial resources


  Rather than slowly recovering the strength of these people and threatening the rule of the empire, it is better to come to the bottom


These guys who call themselves Gaul's spine ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all say that they are Gaul orthodox. When they learned that the empire was going to auction the crown of the Gaul emperor, it really came and brought all the energy. The gathered money wanted to buy back this crown of Emperor Gaul. Fatty people such as the emperor's crown did not value it. At first, Gaul had millions of soldiers. The empire said it was swept away. Now it still cares about a so-called The crown?


   It is the main purpose to squeeze out all the Gauls' money. Without money, fat people do not believe that these Gaul Empire fish and shrimp can turn up a few small water splashes! Just looking at the Luna Heart and Diaphragm Ring on the lot list, I can’t help but feel a sense of inexplicable sadness. If anyone who participated in the auction tonight knows that in addition to the crown of Emperor Gaul and the representative of the Falcon Emperor, Heraldic ring, I don't know if I will go crazy on the spot!


Outside the door of the auction house, as the opening time approached, there were not many people moving around. At this moment, an ordinary carriage drove from a distance, and after stopping at the door, a woman wearing a palace dress from The carriage went up and down, glanced deeply and complicatedly at the auction house in front of him,


   The dim street light illuminates her pale face, seems to be so because of the cold, straight waist, straight nose bridge, proud figure, standing quietly under the sky of Falcon Emperor Jing.


Her gaze gazed at the distant auction house, thinking that the crown of the young emperor was actually placed in the auction. Her white fingers clenched tightly together and walked towards the auction house, whispering to herself, "Tonight , I will take you home!" 〖To be continued〗【This text is provided by Qihang Update Group Meng Bing@是biscuits】

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