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: 2,573 Empire Benefits (4)

Norther Anwick’s narrow-eyed eyes flashed far beyond the earth, a dense bonfire light, it was a beautiful scene like a horizontal line of the aperture, turning the earth into two worlds of light and darkness, it was Fei Zejun’s In the barracks, Fei Zejun, who was stunned in the daytime, did not choose to retreat, but only withdrew a distance back and stabilized his foot at two kilometers from Kanyaluo.


The reason is very simple. There is a large leafy birch forest. Norther Anvik also personally explored the woodland two days ago. It covers an area of ​​more than a dozen miles. The branches are thick and the foliage is almost covered. Most of the sunlight shining down from a height is still hot in August. It is impossible for the Fezers to allow so many wounded soldiers to be placed on the empty wilderness.


The Palmet Plateau is a bit hotter than other areas. Although there are tents, in such hot weather, human nature will naturally choose to lean against the shaded woods. In the forest, and the Fezers needed a lot of trees to build siege equipment, the direction of the entire woodland was now brightly lit, and it seemed more lively than the camp


"The other party suffered such a big loss during the day, and had several times more powerful troops and was beaten. If he was himself, he would also choose to rush to make siege equipment overnight to avenge, otherwise Fei Zejun’s sharpness It will be even harder if you want to drive the soldiers to attack the city with all your strength. Fezers will not think that there is a more terrible trap than the residential area under the city!" Norther Anvik licked some winds The lips were blown dry, and the corners of the mouth were slightly raised, showing a sly smile, and the hand was slowly raised. The Hòu heavy city gate inlaid with iron cubes in Cannyloa made a gurgling sound, and the city gate up to ten meters slowly opened.


"set off!"


Like a long, silent black line, thousands of black armoured cavalrymen with fire oil pierced through the open city gate. If there were a pair of eyes in the sky at this moment, you could see a swift forward tornado towards two kilometers. The forest is flying in the direction of the outside. It is a swift long arrow that shoots out in the dark night, and the dust in the sky raised by the horseshoe is just like the murderous intention of the black armored cavalry. If it is fighting on the front, thousands of cavalry The raid may only disturb Fei Zejun’s position, but at some point, this swift dark blade is enough to cut off the hope of 200,000 Fei Zejun, just like the force of the weak throat With a single blow, even the strongest body can only fall down!


  The sharpest knife of the Fourth Banner Team of the Imperial Bank Guard Corps, riding in the wind with the night, fought against the Fei Zejun of the day, and still has the ability to block this steel torrent in a short time? No! Norther Anvik asked himself, even if he was unprepared, he was suddenly hit by a full-strike cavalry, only to stare at the other party and hit his own without any care.


   For a cavalry who has run completely, the distance of two kilometers is almost the width of the blink of an eye. The cavalry impacts the woodland in front and the Fei Zejun camp. At this time, the direction of the woodland was noisy. In addition to a large number of resting soldiers, the Fezers were building siege equipment on the felled trees. All kinds of equipment parts were piled together. The overnight work made the soldiers and craftsmen tired. The lit bonfire is the best indicator of the imperial cavalry assault. The Fezers don’t know that a sharp blade strikes their weak abdomen.




   The sound of a thunderous thunder came in the distance at night, and a Fei Ze soldier standing beside the tree looked at the distance in confusion.


In the dark night, I could only see some black outlines trembling. Out of a trace of alertness, the soldier walked a few steps forward, trying to see more clearly, and then he saw a black cloud flying rapidly in the distance. Close to the ground, the night was like a water flowing out of the ground, the soldiers of Fizer were scared of losing a **** face, and their souls were lost. His almost bulging eyes saw countless black cavalry as if from darkness. The demon that appeared in the scene swooped towards himself like a wave. The first action of these cavalrymen after seeing him was to put up a sharp spear


At this moment, the sharp edge is like a river of light that suddenly turned up in the dark night, the horseshoes rumbling, the earth trembles, the impact line that spreads like an eagle wing, killing the sky, a thousand black armored cavalrymen from 200 meters A small **** suddenly fell like an avalanche through the arc of the slope,


   "Oh, cavalry!"


The Fitzer soldier turned and screamed in horror. The **** black cavalry had been attacked from his side like a hurricane, and it was indistinguishable how many spears stabbed in from his back, mixed with minced meat in blood Splashing, almost the entire body is pushed forward by a strong impact, and the cry of the Federer soldiers has not completely fallen


   "Pouting" the head of the big fight, with a burst of blood, was flying into the air with a sharp blade in the hands of an imperial cavalry captain,


"The whole team assaulted!" The captain of the imperial cavalry who led the team mercilessly cut the head into two pieces. His face was full of blood and shouted to the cavalry behind him. Before the horseshoe, there was the unguarded Fei Zejun. At this time, even a little bit of hesitation was not needed. Although the number of imperial cavalry impacted was only about 1,000, the most penetrating assault array was adopted.


When pouring forward quickly, the middle cavalry began to protrude forward with full force, and the two wings moved closer to the middle, just like a full arc of lunar force pulled forward into a sharp, and then this is composed of a warhorse armor Pulling forward sharply and fiercely, countless blood exploded in the night like this, it was the blood of Fezer soldiers,


kill! kill! kill!


In front of the thundering black cavalry, many Fei Ze soldiers in their sleep, like the wheat in August autumn, were knocked over, cut down, and stepped past without leaving. The crazy cry shook this In the August night sky, the sound of a **** bayonet piercing the thin human body like a whirlwind was like a red knife slamming into the butter, and the galloping war horse rolled up the corpse and the Fitzer wounded soldiers on the ground. Kick and fly, the black armor on the horse's back is more bloody, and under the assault of the fierce warhorse, before the terrifying cry of "kill", the Fezer soldiers were like the remnants of the wind that were rolled up in the storm, hit by the galloping horse Down, trample. . . . . . Countless **** cavalry lances are moving forward neatly. When the lances are broken, they will be replaced with swords. At this time, the imperial cavalry has completely replaced the sabre which is good for hacking. The light of the sword is as scary as red. Like a sudden bright red,


The slaughtered August night wind spread in the wind, and the cracks of the horseshoe were like a storm blowing across the ground. At the moment of contact, the Fezers’ tent fell like a strong wind blowing down the weak grass. The heavy horseshoes directly from the soldiers who were still sleeping. Stepped on it, and some just ran out of the tent, and saw a piece of war blade like snow. The cavalry with spikes on the front of countless war horses swooped from the front like an avalanche. The Fezers fell to the ground and scared Fart crawling on the ground


   "Don't mess, close to me"


A General Fezer looked at the overwhelming black iron rider and yelled with exhaustion. He was Nathan End, the third infantry commander of the Fitzer Corps. He was also the closest one to Shulin in the General Fezer camp. Originally just came out and walked, but thought of hitting such a situation


The black armored cavalry's assault was beyond his imagination. The war horse's iron cavalry thundered, the dark black armor, light and dark, life and death, as a soldier, he chose to stick, and his guard captain pulled out the bright silver sword. Blocked in front, the black cavalry like a sea crash crashed into the group of soldiers running away with a rapid breath, a violent collision was like a hurricane sweeping in, flesh and blood flying, and a heavy horse like a Smashing a huge hammer, splitting the soldiers in front like a wave, the soldiers wailed and were flying, chopped to death, and the ground was red with splashes of plasma,


   "There is a big fish here"


The general armor on Nelson End was so conspicuous in the chaos. One of the imperial cavalry found him first. After greeting several companions, he threw a spear at his hand from 20 meters away. A cold light passed through and expanded rapidly. The cold light suddenly appeared, cold and biting. Nelson Ender, who was giving orders to gather loudly, heard a burst of bones, and then the whole body flew out heavily. The body was sore, and the red blood was directly blurred. His retina,


The spear pierced his right shoulder. Lying on the ground, Nathan End felt his life disappear quickly. He saw the captain of the guard running desperately towards him, and several simultaneous spears pierced the captain of the guard from behind. On the back of the guard, the captain of the guard vomited blood, which was mixed with broken internal organs, a bitter smile on the corner of the **** mouth, eyes loosened, the head was cut off by a passing black armored cavalry, and the blood column was headless. The body sprayed out, and the body was still running forward. The blood on the body had become mud under the horseshoe. The body was trampled by the horseshoe like a kite with a broken thread.


   "Adults, a large number of black cavalry were found in the direction of the woods! The third and fourth regiments were in complete chaos! Other teams also began to fluctuate." A general Feiser ran into the camp of Omnibe fatally


   "The direction of the woods?" Onibeifa was looking at the map and heard the report raising his head in surprise. "Are you sure the direction of the woods? The other cavalry is not pointing at the big camp, what is going to the woods?"


"I think the other party made a mistake, because many soldiers disliked the hot camp and ran in the woods to hide, so the woods were more like camps than the camps!" General Fei Ze, who was reported, was also crying and laughing. The big camp itself is close to the woods. In such hot weather, as long as it is not a particularly demanding officer, it will generally not stop the soldiers from resting in the woods, but no one thought that Kanyaluo was wrong. Of the woods as an assault target"


   "How many people are there?"


Onibei's eyes were bright, and he asked for a moment after being silent. The other party misplaced Daying. It may not be a good opportunity for himself. It is necessary to be able to send the attack camp at night, although the other party's heavy The long-handled axeman performed fiercely during the day, but after all, it was built on the solid wall of the Kaniluoya city, and the other party was too smug. He really thought that he was muddy. If it was an army field battle, that way Thousands of troops are placed in front of tens of thousands of troops


   "About a thousand people are elite cavalry!"


General Fezer’s answer confirmed Onibei’s conjecture that the opponent’s misrepresentation proved that the opponent’s strength in Kaniloa had a serious shortcoming. Otherwise, it would not be a thousand-man cavalry rushing to death. It was the whole army that was covering up, which proves that the report of the Kingdom Intelligence Department is not all wrong. At least the opponent’s strength in Kanyaluo is really not much. Although the pigs of the Kingdom Intelligence Department often make mistakes, if Kaniya If such a major flaw occurs in strategic places like Luo, then the Kingdom Intelligence Department has long died from top to bottom and can no longer die.


"Although I don't know how the other party concealed the past, but tonight, the other party's stupid attack has exposed everything." With a very thoughtful thought, Onibei slammed his fist into the table with excitement and thrilled. Thousands of people want to disrupt their camps. The commander of the other party is crazy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The advantage of the heavy armament has never been on the assault, even if the other cavalry is iron, tonight Melt it down and swallow it.” The command passed me, and the whole army gathered around the woods. These thousand people would stay with me even if they were filled with human lives. They would order the whole army. Being unbelievable is not a flesh and blood!"


"Ignition" "Almost a thousand imperial black armour cavalry who penetrated the Fei Zejun blocking line, began to remove the bladder with fire oil on his body, pulled out the wooden plug, and radiated a woody fragrance not far away. The siege equipment was thrown over, the leather bag was heavily smashed on the wooden shelf, and the flaming foam inside came out of the mouth like


  A captain of a cavalry slammed the horse, calmly raised the crossbow in his hand, aimed at a campfire stand not far away and shot it, stretch! The crisp bowstring vibrated, the fire-burning firewood was shot by the crossbow arrows, and the firewood fell on the ground. The firewood fell on the ground, and the firewood fell on the ground. The blue-blue flame exploded on the ground, and a series of flames looked like The fire dragon spreads quickly, and all the siege equipment is enveloped in it, like a huge torch lit one by one, the flame ignites the nearby trees, and in a few minutes it is like a knocked-down domino, the hot flame is red. In the middle of the sky, countless Fitzer soldiers approaching the woods stopped, and a large number of Fitzer soldiers ran out of the burning woods.


"Adult, the latest report, the 18,000 troops of the 6th Army of Papter on the right are destroyed, and about 40,000 Fei Zejun are rushing towards Kanyaluo." A messenger looked hurriedly Walked up to Kanyaluo and whispered to Norther Anvik staring at the red light in the distance


  〖To be continued〗【】

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