Whole Nation

: Two thousand five hundred and eighty-one Thunderstorm (1)

"Your Majesty went south, is it really not for war?" Mao Monaqing's soft eyes fell outside the window, looking at the winding mountains in the distance, and gave a sigh of non-existent, she was not on a whim suddenly thought of asking this It’s just that King Papter fell, making her feel that there was a cold winter coming early,


"Do you think a Fitzer is worth it to me!" The fat man was angry and funny, looking up at the sunset clouds in the sky, pondering, "The empire achieved a decisive victory in the Civil War. Although the south was in trouble, it was too exaggerated when it came to attacking the empire. , In fact, going south for another purpose"


"Another purpose?" Mao Monaqing reached out to show off the enthralling face. As the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Empire, he had just seen the empire flourish on a peaceful track without foreign affairs. The impact of the war and the changes in the imperial control area are also changing with each passing day. Naturally, I hope that the peace that is finally obtained can last a little longer, but the news from the Empire Military Department is that Mao Monaqing was With a hunch, the army of the empire assembled in the southern part of Gangfei, which means that the empire is probably already preparing for a war


The emperor went south, seemingly only involved in government affairs, and hardly mentioned anything about the war in the south, but the documents sent every evening were always mixed with several military secret orders. How could he hide Mao Monaqing’s clear eyes, Now that the fat man has another purpose, who believes this?


"Do you know what I really want to do this time going south?" The fat man looked mysteriously. Under Mao Monaqing's slightly confused eyes, he extended a finger and dipped the water in the glass. Xi'an was on the table Draw an ellipse on top, and then draw several lines through the middle of the ellipse


  "This is?" Mao Mona looked puzzled, indicating that she could not understand


"I plan to build three to four main roads from Tuyaro in the southwestern part of the empire to Lisbonto in the south. These main roads will cross the north and south across the Great Plains of North Africa," Fatty explained. "You can consider using road construction methods. Attract the labor force in the southwestern empire and south of Gangfei to the north of Gangfei. It is now August and only two months away from winter. It is estimated that the mobilized manpower will exceed 100,000. If it goes well, when the first snow falls this year, the road just outside the north can be completed."


"With roads, there will be villages, and the empire will also write in the recruitment announcement, using land as part of the compensation for road construction labor. In this way, at most three to four years, it should be greatly improved. From the perspective of the entire empire, these lines are actually forcing a national artery that extends from Kyoto in the north to Lisbonto in the south. At present, you may not see anything, but with the number of future visits, as the empire The long-established South-North patrol system is established. As more people and wealth gather, these southward routes will gradually become the central axis of the entire imperial economy and politics, completely connecting the imperial north and the south as a whole!"


   "From the sea city in the north to Lisboa...a central axis of an empire that spans thousands of miles?"


Mao Monaqing was also shocked by this magnificent plan, and his eyes, like the blue sky, could not help revealing a little thought. As the head of the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs, how would he not know that once this great artery was formed, the current What does it mean for the situation! ~ Means that the two sides of the empire are truly integrated, and the road in front of them is still a wilderness, but in the eyes of Mao Mona, it seems that they have seen a series of towns and villages. Ridiculously at first, they thought that the emperor confirmed the north-south system. It's a joke, how could an emperor run back and forth in different seasons, but now it seems how superficial his own knowledge is,


The emperor personally monitors each year. Naturally, these local government officials are also a twelve-pointed heart. Even if the emperor said nothing, the government officials will do their utmost to tilt the materials and population to the vicinity of the route. After that, or really can appear as the emperor said, there will be a real central axis of the empire that is enough to communicate the entire empire!


"This is the biggest secret of going south. Everyone thinks that I am going to fight in the south. How many people will pay attention to my route going south?" The fat man mocked in his mouth and wiped the water mark on the table with his hand. ""Fei Ze is also a big country in the south, and he is not under the power of the original Fei Shan Kingdom, occupying the geographical advantages of the south, but also defeating the power of the Papute king in one fell swoop. The empire sent troops across the sea and was in a disadvantaged position from the beginning. Once the war is dragged into the winter, even if it is the logistical ability of the empire, I am afraid that there will be difficulties. The reason why the empire will quickly send troops is actually a strategy that makes the Fezers feel pressured by Shanda. , So that the whole Fei Ze was worried, this sale is worth it! "


"It turned out that your majesty was lying to me. He said that he would send troops, and now he immediately re-spoken!" Mao Mona chuckled lightly, his eyes fell on the fat man's slightly rogue face, hesitating and said, "It would be better to fight It will be better to start next spring"


  "Actually, you are right. It is indeed more advantageous to put the war in Kaichun, but the Fei Zeren will not give us this time."


The fat man shrugged his shoulders, a flash of light flashed in his eyes and said, "Under the Fei Zejun butcher knife, more than one hundred thousand Puppets have been reduced to grievances. Although it happened in the south, everyone's eyes are on us. In the Falcon Empire, the Fezers are not stupid. Naturally, it is impossible for the empire to swallow this breath. The battle will be fought sooner or later, so Fezer will assemble his full strength and fight the battle in the shortest time. Settling down, I really have to wait until the spring of next year, what the empire will face is an army of Fizer who has cultivated the entire winter!"


"The battle is settled? Hasn't Fezer already captured King Papter?" Mao Monaqing's eyes were like a lake and autumn water, with a slender eyebrow, like a jade-like snow, wind The generous gesture has a mind-blowing spirit


"The battle situation I said is fixed is that the Fei Zejun will do all it can to defeat the Central Eight Nations Alliance and completely control the situation in the south." The fat man's face shows a bit of distress. Although the Central Alliance looks magnificent, in fact, everyone is in the heart. It is very clear that it cannot be a group of upstarts who have been temporarily attracted to get the armaments and military expenses of the empire. They shouted that this would destroy Fei Ze. This kind of thing is to deceive the Fei Ze people. In fact, this temporary military alliance, so The effect is only to force the Fei Zeren to mobilize their strength from the country to deal with it. The ability to support three months is the limit, not to mention until the next spring."


"The reason why the Fezers dared to plunder and kill the slaughter in King Papute had not put it down, so they immediately dispatched a foreign official to convey the news to the entire southern Obaro. Is it to confuse the audience? The slaughter of King Papute for himself Are all incidents offended? Just kidding, there is chaos in the south now, who still controls the life and death of a second-rate kingdom"


"The Fei Ze people did this, in fact, they were deterring the other seven nations in the Central Alliance. In terms of strength, the Paput Kingdom already had the strength of a first-class power with the support of the empire. It still lost the city and lost ground within a month. There is no guarantee, that is to say, Fei Ze is fully capable of performing this event in other seven countries again."


   "Don't look at the Central League's appearance, once you see the situation is wrong, it will immediately fall apart!"


The tone of the fat man was more or less a bit angry, but the Empire spent millions of armored Central Alliances. If you know the details, you are naturally fat. The seven central countries reached a military agreement against Fazer. Because he was frightened by the Feizen’s attack, and the empire made good use of this point, only a little pin-drawing led to force together the originally scattered sand center in the shortest month.


"I didn't expect His Majesty to be so optimistic about the Central Alliance. Why did he invest millions of dollars?" Mao Monaqing heard a trace of surprise, listening to the fat man, if the Central Alliance confronted Fei Zejun, Even if the blood of dogs was slain, the empire would not lay down soldiers and soldiers,


"Oh, of course, it's for the central part not to fall into Fei Ze's hand." The fat man chuckled, if he heard these words at the moment is Turit Colleen, who is responsible for the foreign affairs of the empire, he will definitely immediately understand the meaning of the fat man, the Central Alliance In fact, it is a good looking fish belly. In addition to being a cannon fodder that consumes Fezer’s military power, from another aspect, the Central Seven Nations Alliance against Fezer is always better than the Central Seven Kingdoms to the Fezer camp." The fat man's voice paused, so he pretended to take a mysterious document and handed it to Mao Monaqing, "Look at this and you will understand"


   "This is a loan request from Nan An Fu Kingdom"


Mao Monaqing picked up the document, and his eyes fell on it, which was slightly stunned. The South Anfu Kingdom is one of Fei Ze’s vassals. How can the loan request be sent to the empire? According to the truth, if it is really difficult If not, don’t you want to send it directly to the suzerain, that is, the Kingdom of Fei Ze for help?


"Since the beginning of summer this year, nearly half of Fezer's domestic areas have experienced droughts, and the cost of collection has been weak. The North-South War has supported the front-line forces. The country still takes care of it, but there is still energy to manage them! If not, Papp The Kingdom of the Kingdom will not capture two regions at once. "The fat man grinned and his eyes calmly fell on the outline of the golden sunset outside the window." Now the seven central countries have already stood by us. In order to cope with the pressure, Fezer will definitely do his best. I have paid, the biggest possibility is to pass all the pressure on these southern vassal kingdoms. I have sent people to Nananfu. I believe that in a short time, there will be good news."


   "Does the empire have to fight against Fezer?"


Mao Monaqing heard that the fat man had sent people to Nananfu in advance, and knew that everything might have been under the control of the fat man since then. The problem was that Fezer was a southern country, although there was only one strait apart from the empire. , But it does not seem to be the enemy that the empire must target,


  The fat man licked his slightly dry lips, and picked up the cup on the table and gently sipped it. "Fezer is a part of the empire that cannot go around. Not to mention, Fezer is only the largest controlling force on the southern coastline. It not only occupies one-third of the ports in the southern inland area, but also controls the mainland to the south. If the empire wants to achieve colonial expansion on the southern coastline and open up more extensive trade routes, Fazer is the biggest obstacle.


If Fei Ze is a country that is good at flexibility and cooperation, the empire may not need to meet soldiers, but it is impossible for Fei Ze to open its controlled coastline to the empire. "The fat man’s voice is slightly heavy, and his eyes have always been. It is looking ahead, after all, it has a worldview of later generations, and the understanding of national strategy is often discovered afterwards. Mao Monaqing is not only the imperial princess, but also the general manager of the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs, it can be said that it is an empire The big housekeeper in the backyard, so the fat man will not hide it. This time when he went south, he meant to communicate with it. It is impossible for the empire to expand without the support of government affairs. It is also impossible for the empire to develop without military strength.


"Once the coastline was opened, the imperial power expanded southward, and the most affected was the slave trade that supported most of Fitzer’s tax revenue and the turmoil in the southern dependent countries it controlled. This is an unsolvable knot, the empire. This is very clear, and Fitzer is also very clear about this. That is why the North-South War, the first country that proposed to unite the south against the northern falcon empire, is southern Fitzer! Isn't the entire continent waiting to see how the empire will fight back? ? Then I will let them see, without relying on military weakness, the empire can let Fei Zezhong betray his family!"


The road to the South Anfu area is not smooth, because the Central Alliance declared war on Fizer, and the Fezer army cut off the road to the southern countries. The morning was cold and bright, and the thick fog of late autumn was like milk in the woods, dawn I was lying on the ground fragilely for a long time without melting. In the cold wind, the treetops of the pine forest were shaking and circled, so the yellow leaves left the treetops and echoed away from the branches, hovering on the road, looking like a calm wood. Covered with criss-crossing horses and dark thorns, the patrol team's shining and cold spear, and the neat footsteps of leather boots stepping in the woodland soil


This is the front line for the confrontation between the Central Alliance and Fitzer. On this long front line of more than fifty miles, Fezer’s camp can be seen everywhere. It is said that Fitzer has issued a national mobilization order in China, claiming to gather a hundred The Wan Dajun crushed the so-called Central Alliance. In the eyes of the Fezers, the eight central countries were protected by Fezer all the year round. It was a very bad act to stab a knife behind Fezer at a critical moment. I learned, but only from what I saw, Mr. Si Duxihan, who was visiting as the loan supervisor of the Imperial Bank, felt that even if there were not one million, there would still be one hundred and twenty thousand people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am Nan Anfu Kingdom Princess Lunsha, I'm going back to Nan Anfu" and changed to a Nanking princess with a strong rider, and presented his royal seal and documents to the Fei Zejun patrol in front of his road. Even so, the patrol is still The officer of a servant army in the South Anfu Kingdom was recruited. This officer confirmed the identity of Princess Lunsa,


"His Royal Highness is naturally no problem, but..." The patrol captain's eyes turned to the judicial servant. It was not that he found anything, but he just wanted to gain a little benefit. He has been here for more than ten days, even one The caravan didn’t find it. Now it’s hard to hit one. How can it be released easily. Although Fei Ze is the sovereign state, it has always been high for the vassal kingdom, but it mainly refers to the noble class. Confidence can openly make trouble for a princess of a country. It is still possible to make trouble for the princess's servant. The clothes on Si Duxian's body are not ordinary servants at first glance.


   "This is my financial housekeeper Pasilia" Princess Lunsa's face was a little embarrassed, and the servant officer belonging to the South Anfu Kingdom quickly handed a small bag with great interest,


"This is a passing sign. Please leave immediately, Her Royal Highness. The battlefield will be here soon!" The patrol captain smiled with flowers on his face and got the desired benefits. He handed the documents back to Princess Lensa and took out one at hand The white token, he squeezed the bag into his arms, even he didn't know it, he almost caught a big fish, but history is like this, Si Duxian Han is also a very important figure in the empire, Easily entered the southern part of Fezer's upper guard,

(To be continued)

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