Whole Nation

: 224 General Manager of Vickia (1)

...Wuhan sincerely thanked Tokugawa Nakamoto for voting. It's down, tickets,

"Stomp" a rapid horseshoe sounded outside the valley, and the thorn tile long archer guarding the valley mouth raised his two-meter long bow nervously, and when he saw the person coming, the long archer shouted with joy and joy, "Master is back! Open the camp door!"

The fat man shook the rain on his body. He was caught in the rain on the way just now, and was covered with water. The fat man handed the war horse to the guard and asked about the defense of the camp. The Kugits did not come. It seems I was really scared,

The fat man took off his armor and walked towards his camp. "Sir, you can come back!" The defender Lisatus heard the fat man come back. He came over with anxiety and pointed to the fat man's camp account. He said mysteriously, "Sir, go check it out, the royal family of Virginia is here!"

"Royal family? What are they doing? These nobles. Isn't it silly?" The fat man's eyebrows frowned slightly, this time the royal family came. It will definitely not be a good thing. I heard that there were royals in the forces driven away by the Kuqite last time. This time, the royal family joined together and joined in the flag of Virginia. I don’t have **** ability.

The fat man walked through the front door of the camp with suspicion, and heard that his big account was really full of human voices, it seemed that the camp was noisy, things like glory, and there was a weak voice of Lidacus's explanation,

The guards at the door gathered at the door of the tent indignantly. Several people dressed in the royal guards stopped at the door. Seeing this posture, both sides drew their knives and cut people.

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"What's going on inside?" The fat man couldn't help feeling annoyed, and he recruited a team of patrols and asked, "Who are these people? Is this the camp of the Samor Army or the vegetable market?"

"Go back to the Lord. It seems to be the special envoy of the royal family. They asked us to give up this camp, saying that it was the Mordians who paid to Virginia. Only the royal family can represent Virginia! We, Samor, have no right to station this camp. Camp!"

The patrol leader was flushed, and it was obvious that there was a anger in his heart, and he spit on the ground after the mouth, "The royal family of shit! If it is not Lidakus, everyone will not let everyone rush in and drag the **** special envoy." It's coming out."

"The royal envoy?" The fat man was disdainful. Is this an idiot out there? How dare you run to your own place to spread the wild! The Kugits did not dare to come when they were in the past, but now they are now replaced by the Vaegirs. They are brave and fat, and they dare to blackmail them to the head of the old man. The typical bully is afraid of being hard.

"Adult is back!" I don't know who shouted. The guards gathered at the door saw the figure of the fat man, they all showed a happy face, and consciously gave way.

"What's going on?" the fat man asked, knowingly, wagging into his big account, and seeing Lidacus humbled his face to explain to an arrogant young nobleman, which made the fat man's eyebrows frown. Secretly scolded "shame!"

Then he asked sharply, "Who are you? Is there a certificate from the royal family? Now that the princes of all cats and dogs are running around, do we all have to be treated with courtesy?"

The young aristocrat looked proud, nodded slightly to the fat man, as a salute, his voice arrogantly said

"I am Prince Blackman, the Privy Council of the Royal Family of Virginia! On behalf of the great and glorious Royal Family of Virginia, I solemnly inform you that this place is allocated to Virginia, as the only recognized Royal Family of Virginia, We have the right to ask you to give up here immediately! Otherwise, you will despise the royal authority on your behalf! We will have the right to declare you as a traitor to the Miaoerdian Kingdom!"

"Oh! Since the royal family needs a camp, we, Samor, will naturally abide by the royal family's call! This camp will let you out. The fat man smiled and gave a snap to the guard behind him, "Announce the whole army, the honorable royal Privy Secretary" Your Excellency, the net just bought our camp with 100,000 gold coins! Let everyone tidy up and move away immediately, thanks to the generous royal family of Virginia."

"Slow! Slow!" Prince Privy Blackman panicked immediately when he heard this. He didn't say that he would buy the camp with money, and he quickly waved anxiously. "Master, when did I say to use 100,000 gold coins?" After buying the camp, this broken place, not to mention one hundred thousand, one hundred gold coins are not worth it!"

"Well! What do you mean?" The fat man sullenly said, "Are you playing around with us Samorans! Does the royal family of Glorious Virginia believe that our Samorian loyalty is not worth even a hundred gold coins!"

"Kill him! Kill him!" The fat man's words were like igniting the lead of the gunpowder barrel, and immediately detonated the long-pressed emotions gathered by the guards at the door. Scared Blackman's face was bleak, and his body retreated a few steps. The royal guards also saw that the situation was bad, but they were caught by the guards when they wanted to run.

"Sir, that's not right, this is the royal family of Virginia." Lidacus grimaced. He didn't expect the fat man to turn his face so fast. He quickly whispered to remind the fat man.

"Royal family of shit! Poor like asking for food, but also want to be a big tail wolf" The fat man whispered, and stared at Lidacus. The ice-like eyes made Lidacus shudder and dare not dare. Words, everyone can see, the fat man is now holding his heart

"You traitors! You Blackman are already scared of speech,

The fat man waved impatiently to Dan Waijian and shouted, "Show me this fake royal Privy Secretary"

Seeing the miserable Privy Council officer was dragged away by several strong guards like chicks, the fat man turned back and swept a piece on the guards, "You remember, for this kind of swindler who will cheat in the future, You have to look at the bright spots! You can’t even get 100,000 gold coins out, they are definitely liars."

"Yes! Master." The guards nodded their heads respectfully, but their eyes all went to Lidacus. Everyone could hear it. The Governor-General was referring to Sang and cursing Maple. The Lidacus next to him was ashamed. The royal family of Gea sent someone to negotiate the detention of the Privy Council. This time the guards learned how to do it, and surrounded them and asked, "Have you brought the money?"

"Money? What money?" This time the royal family sent this year's light clerk ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ a respected clerical officer. I saw such bandit habits there, and I was stupid at that time. I haven't been close for a long time. Wei's war knife was always swaying around his neck, and when he heard that he wanted a ransom of 100,000, he sat down on the ground trembling

"Catch it, another fake!" The guards caught a chill, and detained another one. Most of these guys were refugees from the north, and they were the royal family who allowed the Kugit to loot. It was full of hate, and at the moment, it was even more merciless to start.

When the fat man got up early in the morning, he realized that last night, six people in the royal family were detained, and he heard the fat man crying and laughing, "This is nothing!"

"Let everyone go! For these short-sighted idiots, just teach. Don't let outsiders see our Virginia joke." The fat man ordered, taking the cloak from the guard, and the cold wind roared outside the tent. However, the sky is surprisingly good, there are no clouds in the sky, and the blue sky is like washing

"Adult! There is a woman outside! She said she was the liaison officer of the Third Knights responsible for Virginia's affairs!" A guard reported outside the tent door, which made the fat man stunned. "What? Woman? The fat man has an unknown hunch.

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