Whole Nation

: Two Thousand and Ninety Thunderstorm (10)


Please enter the text "Scout report, Fei Zejun has arrived on the opposite bank in the afternoon, and is running towards Kanyala along the river channel. Is there any need to strengthen the defense of the river bank?" Kanyala is slightly above the ruined city , Salton handed over the report from the scout ahead to the Arthur Anvik behind him, and his eyes fell on the defensive line next to the raging bank of the River Leray,


"It's already very strong. To be honest, if you don't know that the above only requires us to stick to it for ten days, I really doubt that the above is to let Fezer's 200,000 troops all be trapped here." Thur Anvic looked calmly. Shrugging his shoulders, it seems that he did not take the approach of Fezer's 200,000 army as a matter of course. It was surprisingly easy, but a veteran celebrity such as Salton even vaguely agreed with this point and sighed. The old friend's tone of dissatisfaction expressed his dissatisfaction, and Salton said, "That's why such a rich man is qualified to say this. To know that the Imperial Flag team is so well treated, I should have recommended it myself!"


"I knew that when I was selected, I must have something to do with you." Arthur Anvik glanced at the corner of his mouth and looked at the river bank in front of him, saying, "Imperial flag team is not a regular empire, in a sense It can only be regarded as armed by a commercial group. If it was not for the special guarantee given by the Ministry of Supervision, I would not have chosen to join in the beginning."


   "Special guarantee? Can you tell me the truth?"


Thornton hesitated and asked. Although he recommended it, he knew very little about the latter. He only knew that he had joined the irregular army after he came out of the supervision department. The imperial flag team, from a regular general to a commander armed by a merchant group, this once caused a lot of sensation among the rugged factions within the empire, and it was the princess who came out behind him. Spread out


"In fact, there is nothing to say about this matter. Even the Ministry of Supervision did not deliberately keep it secret, but just said it, and no one believed it." Arthur Anvik's eyes flashed a glance of memory, deep Take a breath and say, "If I say, I saw His Majesty the Emperor at the headquarters of the Supervision Department, do you believe it?"


   "Emperor? What did the emperor say?" Salton nodded, and who was Arthur Anvik? At the beginning, even in the face of the former King of Germany who dare to speak out, if you want to impress such a person, a monitoring department is afraid that it is not enough. On the contrary, it is quite possible that the Emperor His Majesty will appear because of the formation of the Imperial Flag Team The first to enter the battlefield was Papter, and then the empire used the battle of Kanyaluo to hunt for Anvik, which eventually led to the emergence of the Central Eight Nations Alliance. Such a layout, such a trick, that there is no His Majesty behind how is this possible,


"The emperor said that as long as I joined the Imperial Banner, he would give us German soldiers a real chance to stand alone." Anselk held his hand against the cold buttressed city bricks in Kanyaluo, and a wry smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth. In the middle, there was a bitter bitterness. At first, the infantry who were on the mainland were elite. Now that they have reached such a situation, as a German soldier, if they can use the reputation to redeem all this, how afraid of sacrifice!


   "It turned out so!"


Thornton was dumbfounded, and his body trembled a little. This guarantee is indeed a condition that no German soldier who wants to restore the glory of Germany can refuse to refuse. Yes, the German soldiers are full of eagerness to prove themselves. Opportunity, this time he led 30,000 cavalry to attack 200,000 Fei Zejun himself, wasn’t it because he was so emotional in his heart, as a representative of the German military power in the empire, the situation that Salton learned about was even more unbearable. As the last surrendering faction in the entire continent, the faction has also experienced the brutal chaos of the traditional martial arts, the elite has been lost, the battle of virtue, the empire has been crushed all the way.


Therefore, the emperor did not plan to conquer the rugged area after the conquest. Later, in order to appease the emotions of disbanding the soldiers, the emperor made efforts to form the second army of the rue in the south of the empire, and in the name of Princess Rude. Called for, from the beginning to deal with the product of the current situation


   Such a force, how could the emperor value it!


As the empire began to conquer the war of Obaro, the military strength of the empire was readjusted. In addition to the original system, even the soldiers of the Salander faction were added. Even the Doroks were recruited after they were integrated into the empire system. The young officer entered the Imperial Army, and the upper level had a more selective support for the Dorok force. On the contrary, although Her Royal Highness was a princess, she could not be included in the ranks of the real princess, and the military was a lonely inside. Dalton, for years, the empire conquered Gaul, defeated Gang Fei, annexed Fissan, attacked Istan, how many **** battles, how many military achievements, how many blinding military battle rewards, the second German army was only beside For the sake of reading, either it was late as a reserve team, basically the war is over


There is almost no chance of being on the front line. How come the rewards for combat achievements can be said, after several years of this, even the elite have become ordinary troops. In the annual assessment, even the Imperial Military Department once sent the emperor to the emperor. Jianyan, request to cancel the Second German Army, which was originally formed in response to the form, under the name of the first-line army, but the combat power is still the pseudo-main force of the second-line army,


And this time, the emperor suddenly transferred the Second Army of the Empire South to Papute, facing the pressure of war between Papter and the Fizer Kingdom. Salton originally thought that the emperor's transfer was only used to confuse the Fizers. The illusion that the Second Army still only needs to stay quietly in the direction of the coast and wait for the end of the war to clean up the battlefield. Anyway, this kind of preparation team has done too much, and it does not matter if it is done again, but Papp The kings were all broken, a country broke mountains and rivers, and the tragic situation of corpses and blood was shown in front of Salton, but the empire had no signs of mobilizing a main army.


Hearing the words of Arthur Anvik, Salton was surprised that this time, the Second Army was really involved in this tragic war as a blocking force of the empire, that is, the main corps of the Empire for a short time Paput won’t be inside, and Salton could already feel the emperor’s gaze, looking across the sea,


The Ude warriors who once dominated the local mainland for hundreds of years, or because of this war, are remembered from the new people, or because of this war became a historical term. If the second Uide army really wants to become the main front line of the empire, It is necessary to go through such a test of blood and fire. In this respect, the emperor's coldness is quite famous. Even the emperor's favorite disciple, the flower of the imperial army, and the second army of Brant Bonnie's Gang Fei just formed, just It has been subjected to such a general test, and it was only after facing the more than 200,000 forces of the Chinese and Barbados Allied Forces that stormed into Gangfei that they now have the position to stand alone in the north of Gangfei.


"Relax, this time I personally pleaded with Miss Sokotus Delane, anyway, it was also regarded as a senior commander of the Imperial Bank flag team. Miss Sokotus Delane was also very concerned about our situation, so I promised to give us some Aid, "Thurs Anvik looked at Salton's face that was beginning to condense." The swell caused by the heavy rain should disappear within ten days. It should be the same as above, without the impact of the flood. The Ze people are likely to bypass the road of Kanyaluo, so we only have to guard for ten days."


   "Are you sure it is just some assistance?"


Thornton heard a roll of his eyes and wished to kick this guy with his feet. Fifty imperial crossbow vehicles, one hundred and fifty imperial crossbow vehicles, sixteen merchant ships loaded with all kinds of combat supplies, two of them On the side of it, there is the muzzle baffle of the Empire Thor, is that still a merchant ship?


Arthur Anwick said that it was the armed fleet of the Imperial Bank, so it was equipped with the Imperial Navy’s knock-outs. The problem was that the knock-outs were also Thor. Weapons can make the knock-outs, and the sturdy and skilled Thor Thunder artillerymen are also Eliminated products? If it weren't for your own eyes, Salton didn't expect that the Arthur Anvik who arrived later would bring such a powerful force. Where is it used to block, it is used to slaughter! The fleet did not leave when it arrived, but came down with a big beard wearing a navy admiral hat and asked Salton to mobilize the man. "Master, I am Chekhov, commander of the Second Fleet of the Imperial Navy. We need Some people must be used to expand the port outside Kanyaluo city as a dock for ships"


"The ship's docking point? Are you saying that the naval fleet is going to enter the inland river? Thornton was really taken aback by the naval officer's words at the time. It is not unprecedented for the imperial navy warship to enter the inland river, but such a big river channel as before, Although it was wide during the flooding period, once it fell into the water, it would be difficult to travel to large ships. If the battleship could be driven in so easily, it would require the army to fight so hard. The navy warship would just kill it along the river.


"The fleet can't enter such a channel." Bearded Chekov is a real person. His eyes are scanned left and right after the flooding, and he shakes his head, but he is very sure. "But the merchant ship can, if it can establish a support point here. , Can be connected to the estuary, in this case, the operation of various materials will be greatly increased, I heard that from the northern coast to here, it will take at least ten days, and we arrived here, in fact, it took less than Four days!"


"It turned out that I understood that "Salton was a good military minister anyway. The importance of war transportation is quite clear. The empire is really a good calculation. Taking advantage of the opportunity of war, I set up a support point along the Papt River. With the passage of the front, both the spoils in front and the materials coming later can run at twice the speed, just like the fleet that suddenly arrived in front of me, so many materials and armaments, if they are rushed by land Come, it is too late in any case, but now coming from the waterway, rushed directly in front of Fei Zejun,


Fei Zejun thinks that the army that is in front of them will be a long-distance raid, but the lack of materials, never think that there is enough material here to kill all the 200,000 Fei Zejun, because the materials are sufficient There is also a coastal pontoon framed by the fleet. The fortified barriers are like a city wall built on the extension of the river channel overnight. The imperial soldiers stood down and looked down the river beach 100 meters away. The turbulent floods hit the thick earth barriers, and immediately rolled up a large vortex of white foam. The sound of rumbling faintly resounded like a dull thunder in the sky. On these earth barriers, an imperial crossbow vehicle pushed up. The huge cluster of arrows made of metal flashed a chill in the twilight, and the only stone bridge still held across the river has become a murderous zone.


In the sound of the rushing water of "Rumble", the sound of smoke and dust was faintly heard from the far river bank. On September 24, the Fifth Army, the Sixth Army, and the Eighth Army of the Fei Zejun Army went south. The formed Chinese army first appeared densely opposite the Kanyaluo Stone Bridge,


  The mixed army of walking and riding is constantly coming out from the foothill forest on the opposite side, and the sound of rumble hoofs and footsteps raise a yellow dust mist


   "Sir, the Imperial Army has taken control of the bridge" A scout came from the front


"It looks a little tricky!" Aomu stopped the warhorse. Although he was farther away, he could also see the earth barrier standing on the opposite side, and several ships docked on the other side made his eyebrows tightly screwed together. These ships should have come from upstream, which made him feel a little worried. It is not a secret that the imperial army transported the army by water, but I did not expect that I would encounter this situation, but it is just a few transport ships, which can be transported when they are full. Thousands of reinforcements are already in the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For the more than 100,000 troops on my side, what use is this little reinforcements


   "Sir, let's order an attack"


General Fei Ze could not bear it anymore. The army of the imperial army on the opposite side was at most fifty thousand or sixty thousand. The reason why the army came too late was to build the offensive equipment. With the order of a command, it was suddenly 300 temporary work. 'S simple catapult was pushed up, and huge stones with water chestnuts were put into the shooting basket, each of which weighed more than a hundred pounds. The earth barrier on the opposite side was simply the best target. With a hint of red, an officer raised his hand high, and the spring of the catapult made a gurgling sound under pressure, just waiting for the command to throw the catapult


While everyone was nervously waiting for the order, a cold shadow suddenly erupted across the river in front, and more than one hundred high-speed objects like white lines crossed the 100-meter river and flew towards the position of the Fei Zejun catapult. Here, at the same time, Fei Zeren felt that the sky above him suddenly went dark, raised his head to see, almost scared buttocks urinating, that countless black dots flew in the air


"Arrow strike" a Fitzer soldier's horrified shout, the body was pierced by a white line, and he heard a sound of bone cracking, and the soldier's body was like a light straw. The power band flew up and slammed into the slingshot wooden frame behind the soldiers, rumbling, the front end of the metal crossbow shot a turn under the collision, and the severely smashed wood chips flew across, already already eagerly waiting for the launch , Crashing and crashing




  【Unfinished to be continued『』. 】

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