Whole Nation

: Two thousand four hundred and ninety-five Thunderstorm (15)


For a month, this was the period of operation given by King Fitzer to the commander-in-chief of the southward advance, Kurusdi. The external propaganda was to fight against the vassals of the south and sent the imperial guards known as the "elite" of the kingdom. At the imposing departure ceremony, the white-haired King Fitzer under the crown of the jewel looked at Arucot in front and said calmly, "This battle is about the life and death of the kingdom, Kurus Diqing, how many victories have you won grasp!"


  "The minister should do his best"


Arukot's body was serious, and even his commander was not optimistic about the crusade against the South. Although the South has been continuously weakened and suppressed, it is not completely without the power of World War I. After all, the soldiers Gui Shensu, if you really want to fight the South, you should surprise the South with a sudden blow, but the Kingdom of Kyoto has made such a big noise, don’t say anything caught by surprise, I am afraid that the Guards have not sent troops here, the South has already Entering the state of combat readiness, how can you fight this battle?


   "Oh, already have such a bad consciousness?"


King Fitzer raised his eyebrows slightly, and only he and Arucot stood on the high platform, so the conversation between the two was not afraid of being heard. In the fierce wind of the early winter, King Fitzer was old and bright. Looked over the fifty thousand imperial guards in front of him


   "No, Your Majesty, don't get me wrong" Alukot's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly explained that "I'm just feeling a little bit about the Imperial Guard's southward expedition"


"Is it sighed? Probably, stand up in a critical moment, isn't it the job of the Imperial Guard?" King Fezer's eagle-like eyes flashed coldly. "I know what you want to express, in other kingdoms The Imperial Guard has always been synonymous with the kingdom’s elite troops, but in Fitzerberg, the Imperial Guard is laughed at as the Junk Army, and many Imperial Guards have no chance of going to the battlefield in their lives. The Imperial Guard system and the military system have even branched To be on the battlefield, the Imperial Guard must break away from the Imperial Guard and enter the military system. This kind of ignorance is completely unknown. Not only do foreigners fail to understand, not even Feisier’s own soldiers, they can clearly become Kingdom One. Waiting for the elite, they have to be kept in the king capital like waste, and they have nothing to do. They can even be said to be a waste of military pay. I don’t know how many people say, what is the value of the Imperial Guard? Even many people advocate the abolition of the Imperial Guard. "


"This..." Alukot's face was silent for a moment. The king's words did represent the confusion of most of the Fezer soldiers. You know, more than 150 years ago, the Fezer Guards was not a waste, but a Only a truly elite army, following the first generation of Fizer's warfare, expanding from the north to the south, was a middle force that made Fizer a west coast, and he became the overlord of the west coast in two decades. More than a hundred years later, he became a waste army. I don’t know how many Fei Ze soldiers are excited!


"Some things, I'm inconvenient to say, but do you really think that the Guards in front of you have always been a waste army?" King Fezer sneered with a cold sneer, and what was revealed in his tone made Arucott feel. Shocked, raised his head, and looked again at the Fitzgerald Guards in front of him. Unconsciously, he was a little bit dumbfounded. The army in front of him was really a guard of the title of Waste Army?


Fei Ze is a country with military merits and glorious status, but if you want to enter the military of the Kingdom, even if the rich capitals of those kings are expensive, you can only choose one or two key children to train. After all, if you want to get ahead in the military The threshold is too high, many officers can only boil according to seniority,


But the Imperial Guard is different. For the magnates of Kyoto, it is just like playing a house. It is not uncommon for a family to have seven or eight children to serve in the Imperial Guard. There is also the situation of the grandchildren. The Second Guards had to leave the southern part of Beijing for such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to instantly mobilize the entire noble and wealthy family of King Fezer, not only to stuff more children into the Guards, but also to spend a lot of money to attack these. The children's weapons and equipment have all been upgraded by one grade. All the original flashy thin iron armor has been replaced by real fine iron armor. After two generations of fancy long swords that have not been sharpened, they have also been replaced by polished and sharp. Slash the sword,


It can be seen that the guards in front of us are specially selected to stay young and strong. Except for the middle and upper officers, the lower officers do not even have a grade over forty years old. They all want to howl when they hear that they can go to the battlefield. The sound of **** young people, and many people wearing heavy armor, are still energetic and well-equipped, which is absolutely only seen by Arucot. At a glance, it is the style of the children of the powerful forces of all parties in the kingdom. Lukot seemed to feel that the fighting power of the Imperial Guard was quite good. Although he had never been on the battlefield, the Fei Ze Kingdom had a strong style of martial arts. The Imperial Guards, whose children are the main family of these families, may have insufficient combat experience, but In terms of personal force, the guards who have been trained in martial arts since childhood are definitely above ordinary Federz soldiers.


   "Long live Fei Ze!"


I saw a large array of neatly arranged military formations, one piece after another of helmets and red tassels blazing in the wind, the towering lance forest reflected in the sun like a flashing river, the flag was like the sea, the spear was like the forest, the cavalry's cloak The clouds are dense, the feathers of various colors are competing against each other, and the squares are strict, neat, and the barriers are clear. One line after another lined up to the left and right wings, the sea of ​​flags was blowing in the wind, and with the cries of the mountains and the sea, although there was still a little **** murderousness from the war, but the fighting spirit of the sky was high, but it was a command Generals like Alucott also felt like a storm gathering,


"I have seen it. I am not giving you a waste army. In terms of eliteness and war intentions, it is definitely my premier battle army in the Fezer Kingdom. Many of them, although they have not been on the battlefield, it does not mean that they are not. After life and death, all they lack is a stage that belongs to them!" King Fitzer turned around and said with a little cunning on his face. "The South must be laughing now that I have sent a waste army to the capital. They will give up the most favorable defense, but will take the initiative to open up the main force, all you have to do is to defeat them as much as possible, crush the restless ambitions of the southern vassals, and tell them with **** weapons, Even if it is my waste army in the Kingdom of Fezer, it is not that these ants can fight against them!"


"Yes, your subordinates will live up to your high hopes and crush all the rebellion in the south!" Alukot knelt in excitement on one knee in front of the king, taking over the most famous king, Aru, 150 years ago. Marshal Cote's saber "flag" on September 27, 50,000 Fezer Guards left Beijing and swooped toward the south. On September 30, they received news of the six vassals of Fezer South The Kingdom announced that it would be separated from the Kingdom of Fezer and form the Southern Army. The joint force of 67,000 troops headed north. From the map, the direction of the two huge arrows colliding with each other is the Nanan Fushan Mountain known as the gateway.


  The messengers from both the north and the south also gathered at the capital of Nanan Fu


"Nan Anfu is a dependent state of Fizer, and it is an inescapable obligation to fight against the rebellion in the south." Baron Biya, the special envoy from Fizer, looks extraordinary. In front of the upper levels of the South Anfu Kingdom, he is completely the face of a sovereign state. In order to seduce the Papute army, the mention of Nan Anfu as a cruel battlefield was not mentioned, but instead, the Kingdom of Nan Anfu was required to provide 300,000 kg of food as a combat ration for 50,000 troops.


"Nan Anfu has just experienced wars and the harvest season has suffered sharply because of insufficient labor. It has been reluctant to guarantee this winter. Where can we supply the military food for the 50,000 troops?" Nan Anfu said with a difficult expression. Although the rich kingdom once prospered, it has completely declined in the last war. The total population of the whole kingdom is less than 50,000, and it has missed the harvest period. From any aspect, it is impossible to make up so much. Food


"Does Nananfu want to fight? Hehe, anyway, my words are here. When the army arrives, it must see 30 tons of military food, and one less grain will be filled with the life of a Nanan rich." Fezer Special Envoy Biya The baron sneered with a sneer and walked away. His post was the negotiating officer of Feize’s southern expedition army. The reason why he came to Nan Anfu was actually to use the pressure of the southern army to squeeze the last value of the Nan Anfu area. In fact, Nan Anfu is useless even if he is on the side of Fizer. In order to achieve the purpose of deterring the south, in the Feizen's strategic plan, Nan Anfu is destined to become a ruin


"The troops who have not seen the blood can never become a sturdy army on the battlefield. You are all elite in the army. This should not be too clear to me." At the Fei Zejun meeting, the commander of the southern expedition Aru Kurt’s finger fell heavily on the point of Nan Anfu. He looked calm and said, “Although Nan Anfu is only a small country, it is also a country. After all, it’s not a warrior who has ever seen blood. Soldiers have a higher combat capability than ordinary soldiers. Without the cold baptism of blood, it is good to have half of the top of their combat power. Those who have not been on the battlefield will not know the cruelty of the battlefield."


"I am a brave person. On the battlefield, I was scared by the blood that spread to my ankles. I was crying out of my hands, and even the bile was vomited by the **** smell of the thick gagging nose. Seven or eight, so before the real war, I have to let the army see the blood."


   "Sir, are all slaughtered?"


An Imperial Guard officer present looked at the spot where Commander Arukot's finger fell, his face flushed with excitement, galloping on the battlefield, slaughtering the country, and transporting back the loot full of vehicles. What the Guards dare not dream about, from the day they entered the Guards, they were holding the idea of ​​eating and waiting for death. In the first two months, Fezer sang on the battlefield of Papt, and 200,000 elites were destroyed. It also defeated the Papute Army, and later defeated the Paput King Capital in one fell swoop. The lively scenes that caused Fezawa Kyoto to boil are still vivid. I heard that the number of loot seized is countless. To the generals, to the soldiers, which one is not as blushing as a rabbit in those days, why can other people use their blood to fight for the glory and the wealth that they can not eat and drink, but they can only be descended from the rich Eat and die here,


   "With the ability to put us on the battlefield, it is definitely more beautiful than them"


Many imperial guards were drunk and shouted in the streets of the night under extreme depression. As a result, they clashed with the nightly city defense forces, causing more than one hundred imperial guards to be injured on that night. When I came to the roll call, I was vacant for a long time, and even the Ambassador Anrios, who served as the guard of the Imperial Guard, was absent. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the opportunity to slaughter a kingdom was in front of me, and the entire conference venue was Boiling, the officers of the Imperial Guard brightened their eyes one by one, and wished that they would now grow a pair of wings and fly to Nan'an Fu. Fortunately, they used to be regarded as an area of ​​wealth. Even if they are now gone, they are not completely without oil and water. Ke Lao, I heard that the long princess of Nan Anfu is a very nice beauty. It's such a face-saving thing to take a woman who is a princess to become a slave.


   "Men naturally kill all, women..."


Alukote smiled a little, and everyone was also psychologically savvy. When he fought south, he could not only get money, but also women. As long as the news was released, the whole army did not scream morale, Aluko It is a typical Fezer soldier, so the way to inspire the morale of the whole army is also very Fezer.


  Compared to the savageness of the Fazer Envoy, the special envoy from the Southern Army is infuriating


"Nan Anfu is also a part of the South. What benefits did the Fezers give you, you have to stand on the side of Fezer? If Feize was not using Nan Anfu as a bait to lure the Papute army into the ambush circle, Nan Anfu would not Become what it looks like now? Now the South Army is going north to revenge for South Anfu, and South Anfu is not ready to prepare some military troops. The special envoy of the South Army is also a Viscount. From this, it can be seen that the South Army also looks down on South Anfu , Although he said that Nan Anfu was part of the South, he was more arrogant than Fei Ze in terms of attitude.


   "The army went north, how to do without military food, I heard that the Fei Zeren asked you to provide 300,000 jin, we did not demand too much, 600,000 jin would do."


In the eyes of the Southern Army, Nan Anfu's status can be regarded as non-existent. The Southern Army just hopes that Nan Anfu can become a support point for its northward advance, providing materials and food for the Northward Army~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As for Nan'an The rich don’t agree, do they need to care? If you don’t give it, grab it. According to the current situation in Nananfu, is there still the ability to resist? The South Army has made it clear that it will either take out the grain or grab it by itself!


"It's just a group of bandit bandits!" Princess Lensa threw the documents on both sides of the north and south on the table in angrily, secretly fortunate to have heard Stuart's words, and did not express his attitude prematurely, otherwise the situation would be worse, whether it was a fee The 300,000 requested by the Ze people, or the 600,000 requested by the South Army, Nan Anfu could not get it out, and even if Nan Anfu smashed the pot and sold the iron, the next request would only be more excessive.


   "What should I do now? ‘Princess Lunssa’s big watery eyes look at Stuart who is taking out a document


"What Nan Anfu can do now is to join the southern army as I said before, but not as a southern member, but as a member of the League of Eight. This is the alliance book that I asked the Central Eight Nations Alliance to draft and sign it. It’s a member of the League of Eight, “Stuhan pushed the documents that he had prepared long ago in front of Princess Lunsha. The League of Eight and Nan Anfu are completely two concepts, although the South is relatively far from the core area controlled by the Imperial Bank. However, the Central Eight-nation alliance is close to the southern region. The eight-nation alliance is not a small country like the southern vassal, but a country with real strength. Although it is not good enough for Fez, it is for the south formed by a group of small forces. Army, the power of the Eight-Power Alliance is definitely the upper hand, not to mention the existence of a larger Falcon Empire behind the Eight-Power Alliance,




  【Unfinished to be continued『』. 】

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