Whole Nation

: Thousand Thunderstorm (20)


The turbulent Lari River rushed eastward as it has been for thousands of years. It hit the Kanyaluo stone bridge fiercely like a thunder. The white waves swelled at the bridge pier like boils. The corpses soaked in the water form a blocking line formed by a blockage at this location. The river flowing down is suppressed here, so that the river level after crossing the stone bridge is much lower, and the speed is also put. Slowed down a lot, the red letter smoke from the downstream appeared in the chilling white rain screen, not only the Imperial Army can see it, but the Fei Zejun sees it clearly, this red letter smoke is like in the world A blood mark drawn makes all the people who saw it feel a shocking and diffuse killing intention


   "Fei Zejun went to the beach!"


"Fei Zejun built a stable pontoon downstream and was crossing the river in the brigade..." The scout running back from below brought news that made Salton's face more ugly, and he gazed at the distance The red wolf smoke was full for more than ten seconds. It seemed that he wanted to tear away the distance in front of him to see the situation downstream. The problem was that it was impossible. No matter how he opened his eyes, the downstream direction was still white.


"Submit the order, all troops will immediately withdraw to Kanyaluo, otherwise the other side will drive towards us after crossing the river, and our army will face a situation where the enemy is under the enemy's back." Tse Anvik called out for his guards. The Imperial Defense Line was mainly constructed along the river channel. , Most of the heavy crossbow vehicles and hundred crossbow vehicles are outside, and the direction of these heavy battlefield killers is the direction of the bridge and the river


Especially in order to kill Fei Zejun crossing the river with all his strength, he ordered these heavy ordnances to fire almost without exception at the river. If Fei Zejun came along the river channel to Kanyaluo, they would be on the side of these heavy ordnances. , It would be like a red sharp blade inserted into the butter, the other party can easily occupy and destroy these heavy weapons


   If that's the case, it would be terrible!


Even a rugged general such as Tse Anvik, dare not imagine the consequences of this kind of crossbow car, which fell into the hands of the Fezer army. Fei Zejun already had an absolute advantage in number. There are heavy weapons before hand, and it is not an empty talk to want to join the tens of thousands of troops currently trapped in Kanyaluo.


   "No, I can't take it back now" A slightly deep voice suddenly stopped him, it was Salton


"Don’t panic, it’s more nervous than we are now, it should be the Fezers." Salton drew his gaze from a distance and put his hands on the cold and wet battlements. He looked solemn and said, "The Fezers did not build a pontoon for more than an hour. In such a short period of time, it is completely impossible to pass a large number of soldiers across the river. I have seen the Langqi Turn. Although it is the narrowest section of the river, it is also 60 to 70 meters wide, so short It would be nice to be able to cross a thousand people in the time, but if our army gave up the stone bridge in a hurry, that is the route that Fei Zejun can really let the main force and a large number of materials pass quickly."


"If I take someone to fight hard downstream, even if the other party does not cross, at least I dare not drive in the direction of Kanyaluo, the stone bridge direction is for you, and the downstream direction is for me""偌冇Thurvik looked at Salton brightly and asked, both of them are famous Tade, Tese Anvik is a famous Tout, and Thornton is a smart general,


   "This method works"


Salton's voice paused and said decisively, "while the other party's footing is not stable, I will give you all the 20,000 Imperial Cavalry under your command, not far from the five miles downstream, starting from Kanyalaro, it is just that the cavalry began to enter. I will give you all the distance for the full-running state, and you will also take the several imperial battleships modified by merchant ships. On such rivers, they are the real masters."


   "Okay, if this is the case, you should be able to block this hole"


Arthur Anvik nodded, fastened his armor lock, hurried down the city wall corridor, the servant pulled out the horse from the stable, and at the same time issued a hurried order, a team of imperial cavalry dressed in black A, gathered across the war horse towards the gate of the city, checked the lance and assault crossbow in his hand,


In the vast rain curtain, the white gas from the war horses spread on the wide field. The rain hit the imperial cavalry, just like a large white flower blooming, trickling down the gap between the cavalry armor and armor pieces, emitting under the horseshoes of everyone Noisy voice, no one speaks, everyone looks like a blade, looking at the red **** smoke in the distance


"The red letter smoke means that the line of defense has been broken. I will not say more. I just tell you that the enemy is five miles downstream. Do you all understand it!" Tese Anvik looked cold and stepped on his feet. In the ground water flow, the front horse was turned over,


The big red cloak fell from behind the heavy armor, like a flag at the front of the whole queue, the wind and rain hit the top, and it was even scarlet, and the sharp twirled hands of the two-winged handguards raised in the hands of Anselk The Epee, let the imperial cavalry, who are mostly ruthless, feel a rush of blood to their heads,


  Eud Wings Sword! It was the proof of the bravest warrior in the era of Rudd, and it was the honor given by His Majesty the King of Germany.


  Although Yide was annexed by the Falcon dynasty in the united war of the mainland, and the Yide Wujia Group was almost completely destroyed, it does not mean that the blood of the Nide's Shangwu is gone.


The Tuo people naturally adore the military commanders with outstanding combat power. Unfortunately, as the commander of the army, Salton is not a commander who is good at using force. He can’t take them into the front, and naturally can’t stir up the unique characteristics of the German soldiers. Blood gas, and now, this long backlog of blood gas is undoubtedly ignited by Thurs Anvik


"Understood!" The countless voices behind them gathered into one voice, rowing mountains and falling into the sky, breaking through the sky, and with the sound of "rumbling", the silver lightning in the sky passed with a roar, illuminating the lower team of horses from the open The gate of the flat field pours out and swarms down like a dazzling band of light appears on the river channel.


The vast earth, covered by the rain curtain, this rolling silver long line, toward the lower reaches of the river with the momentum of destruction, the front of the silver rolling dragon is a cavalry bayonet that shines like snow and is sharp, letting the soul of hope fly Choleric, the black cavalry was approaching quickly, and the giant horseshoes of the cavalry came out like a roar of a fierce beast from the depths of hell.


   Even Fei Zejun on the other side was frightened by this momentum,


   "Attention" Fei Ze soldiers subconsciously retreated, even across the river,


   "My God, what are those!"


On the other side of the river, looking at the prince Fei Ze, who was thinking about the red smoke in the distance, he heard the tumult of the troops, his eyes turned, and he saw this very shocking scene, his body hitting on the horse. A chill, the whip in his hand almost fell to the ground, although I have seen the tragic battlefield, but this is the first time such a steel battle horse


"His Royal Highness, it's just some imperial cavalry, don't need to be so afraid!" Falzer's Fifth Army Commander Narsbad came up from behind and saluted the scared pale Prince Fei Ze after saying "but the imperial cavalry The direction of the march should be that the Aomu was found."


"What can we do about this, do we have to send someone to inform Aomu immediately?" "Prince Fei Ze softened his face slightly and shook his head. It was terrible to remove the scene from the mind just now. He could not imagine what a terrible scene would be if such a terrible cavalry cluster suddenly appeared in front of the Aomu Crossing Troops. There was an iron ride in front and a big river in the back. There was no place to run if he wanted to run, even if the troops led by Aomu How to fight well will also be smashed by these iron riders


"No, the combat plan was prepared by Aomu himself. I believe he should also be prepared!" Narsbad shrugged his shoulders on horseback. Aomu led the elite to break through the downstream because of several operations. The Fifth and Sixth Army Corps, which suffered serious battle damage, were responsible for attracting the attention of the Imperial Army in Shiqiao.


Regarding such an arrangement, Narsbad of the Fifth Army strongly opposed "What if you drop us here after crossing the river?" In the end, Prince Fezer expressed his willingness to stay together, and it was considered a solution. This problem, now seeing the imperial cavalry heading towards the downstream to kill, Naersbad is naturally holding a joke mentality


The land of the river beach, Yipingpingchuan, is a place where the cavalry fights. At first, he suffered from the large-scale raid of the imperial cavalry in the river beach. Although he fought with all his strength, it was still more than 20,000. Try the iron hooves of the imperial cavalry,


   But Okumaki was right!


Nalsbad's eyes narrowed into a line to look at the red smoke letter in the distance, that is, after discovering the downstream movement, the Imperial Army will inevitably adjust its strength and move the original heavy ordnance. The natural force in the direction of the stone bridge is Will be greatly weakened, and now the imperial army must be busy blocking the downstream mouth, where can I still think about the stone bridge,


   is a rare opportunity for myself


If the entire army that was trampled down by the imperial cavalry on the lower reaches collapsed, but they laid down the stone bridge upstream, the generals of each army naturally inherited their own feelings. In fact, the glory that captured the capital of King Papute and the wealth of mountains and carts obtained in the capital will also count as one's own. Become a king and defeat the enemy. In the face of glory and wealth, you must not Blame me for sacrificing you!


"Tell everyone, take the stone bridge, all the rewards doubled!" Narsbad Lema turned around and shouted to the cavalry behind him, as the elite Fezer army was really put into the battlefield at this moment, wearing heavy weight The infantry team of A drove up the stone bridge, and countless shields poured into the long dragon.


"Sure enough I want a two-line assault!" Salton, who was holding on to the Kanyaluo stone bridge, had a serious face, his fingers clenched tightly, and the pressure on the stone bridge was a bit heavy because he was taken away as a cavalry for the formation. By now, Fei Zejun’s strong military advantage has already appeared at this moment


   Even if 20,000 people were lost in front, they could still deploy troops at the stone bridge and downstream


At this time, even if there was no order to attack, the imperial crossbowmen in the direction of the bridge had shot out clusters of arrows, covered with gorgeous arcs, and ferociously plunged into the crowd of soldiers on the stone bridge Fei Ze, hitting Cheng On the shield of the film, shot into the armor of Fei Ze heavy infantry from the gap between the shields, plunged into the meat fiercely, brought up a **** fog, even if covered by the shield, the Imperial heavy crossbow vehicle mixed in the arrow cluster, let the same The people on the stone bridge turned their horses upside down, but this time, the Fezers’ counterattack also erupted from the bridge. The Fezer shooter, who was behind the heavy infantry, sent a counterattack toward the front. The arrows from both sides continued to cross, crossing the sky and sending out Whistling sounds


   "rush past"


The Fezers were like hitting an invisible wall, always at a distance from the bridge entrance, the heavy infantry was full of arrows clusters all over the body, still desperately moving forward, the blood on his body was mixed in the rain, and passed in front The one-meter-high corpse, more than one hundred thousand Fei Shan military style meals, spent seven or eight days in the mud, and then bubbled in the muddy water of this river beach for two or three days. The energy and morale have reached the critical point, and they are still persevering, completely because they know In addition to going forward, I only have a dead end, and I can’t open the bridge in front. Even if the downstream can open a way to return to the country~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These wealthy items that are full of cars can’t be transported across the river, the generals return When he arrives in Fezer, he can still be honored, but the big soldiers have what they do. I don’t know how many Fezer soldiers are hoping to bring back this time’s trophies, at least to ensure that this life will be less bitter.


  No life at this time


At this bridge where human life is like a mustard, seeing blood is more fierce, with various arrow clusters falling down, crossbow arrows, even throwing stones, stepping on the muddy residual blood on the bridge, looking at the companion The flesh-and-blood body was shattered into pieces, and the Fezer infantry charged toward the bridge was crazy.


   is like a mad dog forced into a desperate battle, courage, life and death, glory, can no longer control here


   Anyway, I can’t go back anymore. Even if I die, I have to set foot on the opposite beach. Otherwise, I’m so stubborn that I’m so stupid these days! kill! kill! kill! "Feizi soldiers with a desperate look on their faces completely red their eyes, their limbs and limbs mixed with rain on their faces, and the **** smell in their noses rushed to their heads,


The rain was cold, but Salton’s breathing was heavy. He knew that this Fei Zejun would be very crazy at some time, but he did not expect that it would start to become so morale at this time. At this moment, he felt faintly that it would benefit It is unwise to transfer away the cavalry in field combat. If there is a cavalry in hand, even if these Fezers rushed across the bridge, they will be crushed by the cavalry cluster, but now, they have to fill them with infantry Going up, unless you give up the bridge, under the continuous infusion of the other party's superior strength, it will eventually be dragged down to the end, and the bridge will have to give up! 〖To be continued〗【】

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