Whole Nation

: 2506 Thunderstorm (26)


"Although I am a descendant of slavery, I am a scholar. I need a scholarship environment. The master still values ​​the capable descendants of slavery. My master gives me books to teach those nobles. "Children" Luandribia saw the fat man frowning slightly together, and out of fear of the occupier, he quickly twitched and explained.


   "And there are so many slaves, and we are not able to manage them. In some cases, I will also teach my students to be better at their slaves."


"Okay, let's go down first. You will come here tonight. Someone will send some books tomorrow. You only need to translate them into Fei Ze text. The compensation is absolutely satisfactory to you! "Slightly disappointed. The fat man waved his hand, and he could see that this Luand Libyan scholar had become a slave-owner, just as Dustrengkai was surprised, but the noble Fezer nobleman escaped only three or four thousand people, And there are seven or eighty thousand slave slaves who escaped with the slave master. I am afraid that many of these escaped slaves are like the old man in front of them. Several generations have obeyed a family, and have unconsciously He was a slave to the slave owner.


   "Of course, I will do my best!"


Luandria turned sweating and left. For him, the experience just now was as terrible as surviving from the mouth of the beast. Which young imperial general does not look as brutal as outside rumors, But looking at the Imperial army patrolling the streets, you know that the young general may only need to express a little dissatisfaction, and he may evaporate immediately!


Seeing Luan Dribia's back in distress, he disappeared at the door. The fat man stretched his waist and roughly looked at the layout. It should be the bedroom of a certain Fezer noble, with a gilded gold bed decorated with mermaids. , With a white four-corner curtain hanging on it, dragging the four corners with a golden twisted rope, underneath the rope is a satin-like tassel, and the four bookshelves are filled with a book. Although the text on it is unknown, but It can be seen that the original owner of this bedroom should be a figure like a scholar,


   came to the window and pushed open the window, a huge dark city appeared in front of the fat man


   "South, what is it like?"


The fat man's eyes flashed with confusion, looking at the water droplets that were usually hit on the windowsill by the broken line, and said to himself, southern Obaro is still a strange place for the empire whose main forces are in the north. I only contacted countries close to the Inland Sea area, and that was only less than one-third of the entire South Obaro.


In the early morning of the next morning, Durstron Kay, the Minister of the Navy, appeared in the study room, and the emperor handed him a drafting document. "I know that the Imperial Navy Department has a similar department, but the main collection is the sea area. Information, now the empire needs more information, not only in the sea, but also in the entire region, and inside this talent, I believe you can find it!"


Dusterenka glanced at the document drafted by the emperor personally. The content above made him take a breath of air, and said in a silent voice, "Your Majesty, for those who provide information, not only the bounty, but also the equivalent. Is it a bit wrong for the middle and lower ranks of the military? It’s enough to give them money to buy information. Although those businessmen go further south in pursuit of greater interests, they only understand the region through If the local trade is available, if you can reach a few places casually, you can become an imperial soldier. What is the value of the **** fighting of the soldiers?"


"The duty of the imperial soldiers is to expand, and those who provide information also contribute to the expansion of the empire. In this respect, I don't think there is any difference! If you don't pay for people who dare to be boring, how? Maybe someone will go to life!" The fat man stood up solemnly, came to the window and looked outside at the Fezer land covered with rain and fog, and said with a condensed voice, "Southern Barbaro is a more extensive area. The empire wants If you really want to understand the south, language and culture are a big problem. Just like an imperial notice, you need to find a professional to translate it. How can this be done! A large number of imperial notice documents, if sent directly in imperial language, I’m afraid that 99% of southerners can’t understand it, and many documents in the south, especially the information related to the southern region, if it can’t be converted into imperial lingua franca, then it is a piece of worthless waste paper.


The territory of the empire is getting bigger and bigger, including more and more regions and ethnic groups. It is better in the north-central part of Obaro. At least the regional culture is one. The culture developed in the south because of the barrier of the inner sea is completely different. , In this respect, the empire hardly understood it at all"


The fat man paused and continued, "Even the caravan of the empire did not continue to the south just after arriving at Fitzersee. There was very little information that could be brought back. As a powerful empire that expanded several times in just a few years The need for information is very urgent, but the information is still mainly for business. Except for the kind of real scholars, who would spend a lot of money to collect information from various regions from merchants? All kinds of content, even some are like horror and weird rumors, cannot be confirmed at all, even if someone collects it, it will not be made public and completely lose the role of information."


"So, the empire must first break this barrier from itself. If the empire wants to embrace the world, it needs more information, from what it knows and does not know. The empire needs to know the entire Obaro continent, and even the unknown continent. Information to promote the imperial business circle and the expansion of the cultural circle to a larger scale." The fat man looked coldly at the earth outside the window with a heavy and slow tone. "From now on, the empire should not only give certain money to these adventurers, There is a higher status and honor. Only in this way will they explore for the empire and bring back more unknown information."


"So what is the highest rank of these people? Can the navy need to set up a new fleet to accommodate these people? Individuals believe that it is better for them not to join the combat forces at first. After all, they are not real naval soldiers. It is easy to have problems if the navy interferes arbitrarily in combat.” Seeing that the emperor’s heart is determined, Dustromkai knew that there was no point in persuasion. The emperor was the main heart of the empire’s expansion. In fact, the importance of information is understood. The imperial navy Has the most say, so Dustrengka agrees with the emperor’s ideas,


The expansion process of the imperial navy is actually a process of information capture. In the naval fleet battle, who has more information, the possibility of winning is much greater. The turbulent maritime changes, climate, and terrain will become turning points that change the fate of the fleet. However, as the Empire’s commercial line gradually reached its limit, the information of the new areas available to the Empire Navy had become less and less. After all, the areas that the merchant fleet could reach were so far away. In areas farther away, there was not enough guarantee. In the circumstances, even the most daring captain dare not go


   "From the sailor class to the captain class and admiral class, the highest can be awarded to the navy squadron commander level"


The fat man glanced at the corner of his mouth and turned back from the window. "As for the fleet, don’t forget, but the Empire has private squadrons, set it up there, so even if you have the rank and status, but for the real naval fleet, No command, so you can rest assured."


   "Yes, my subordinates understand!"


Dustronk nodded, it seems that His Majesty only granted honor and status, as long as it does not involve military command, it does not matter how many honorary positions, but think about this document once issued through the Admiralty, only I’m afraid the whole empire will shake,


Being able to become an empire soldier by discovering new areas and information, not to gain huge wealth and admirable officer status, no matter how harsh the conditions needed to be, there will be tens of thousands of people rushing, Because the most indispensable in the empire is the soldiers eliminated in the wars of conquest, and their number is at least more than one million. After the empire occupied these areas, the original army was disbanded, although these soldiers were defeated by the empire. Some of them are mixed, but it is undeniable that there are still many excellent fighters inside


These people have been fighting for many years, and they have been used to swords for a long time, and they are used to life and death. It is not an easy task to take a plough. So many people have chosen to become members of the imperial commercial mercenaries. The number of soldiers has always been frightened by the Baro region of Southern Europe. It is nearly half a million people. This is already the sum of the national strength of a large southern country. Southern countries often use this to attack the impoverished soldiers of the empire. The empire is like A super behemoth, like a huge black cloud covering the south, a spreading wings of this fierce northern raptor, may make the southern countries feel the pressure of the army


"In this way, traversing the entire empire era, it was hailed as a cradle of heroes by later generations. One of the most important empire paramilitary organizations took the stage of history. The imperial private squadron. Although the imperial private squadron was once awarded to the imperial navy by the emperor, but With the empire navy gradually becoming the overlord of the sea, the title of private squadron was automatically cancelled by the navy, but in the five years of the empire, the private squadron was reorganized by the admiralty, and it was very luxuriously equipped with a large number of establishments. And the personnel, with the approval of the Imperial Ministry of Military Affairs, the commander of the imperial private squadron and the commander-in-chief of the imperial navy are the same person."


"The imperial private squadron has four private squadrons with more than 70 combat ships and more than 3,000 personnel. It is supported by four Fezer regional military ports. The actual situation is that it was established in the imperial navy private squadron. At the ceremony, there were only four solitary dragon-toothed warships replaced from the Imperial Navy. Less than ten people attended the ceremony. The Imperial Navy Minister and Navy Fleet Commander Dustron Kay only signed on an establishment document Just the name, such a shabby opening, can not hide the three hundred years of the magnificent history of the privately swept fleet "Falcon Empire Navy Expansion History" Volume 1, page 7.


Dusterenkai left with the document signed by the emperor, and walked into the carriage parked outside the villa. When driving to the door, he suddenly saw a guard cavalry riding from outside and passing by the carriage, Dusteren Kai's eyebrows frowned slightly. Although the other party was the Emperor's Guard, it was not possible to ignore a military minister at random in an emergency. The other party should wait for his carriage to go out and then come in. At this time, he Hearing the sound of cavalry jumping off the stairs of the villa, a guard captain stopped the cavalry and asked in a low voice what


   "Our people are dead. The patrol team found the bodies of two guards on the street this morning. Because the guards are involved, the patrols dare not conceal. This is a document reported to His Majesty..."


   "You're right, the person who died is ours" The captain of the guard heard that the guard was dead, and his expression suddenly became dignified, his voice with a suppressed anger


"I went to see the body. It was indeed our people. It was Dani and Ukwa. In their vicinity, there were more than ten bodies of Feizen Nuli who were shot by arrows!" The guard cavalry looked a little bit sad. Although the emperor's guards did not fear death, they died on the battlefield and died on the street.


   "The slaves from last night"


The guard captain's face changed, and he seemed to think of something. Last night, he met those Fezeru slaves. He shouted that Dani and Ukwa were taken to the barracks. The slaves said that someone They hunted them down, so they ran to the carriage to seek refuge. In the dark, even a good Imperial Guard could not escape the cold arrows in the dark.


   "Asshole, the other party dared to attack the Imperial Guard!"


The captain of the guard hated his teeth and hesitated and said, "After the other party found that the soldiers of the Empire were killed, they should also be very alarmed. There were more than twenty slaves last night, and there were only a dozen corpses, indicating those slaves. The slaves should still be alive. Find the slaves, so you can know who did it! Report this to your majesty immediately. To find these slaves, you need the help of the local garrison."


  In the room, the fat man is putting an imperial notice in front of Luandribia "Look at it"


   "Yes, adults"


Luandribia took the notice carefully and glanced at it. He was stunned. The imperial lingua franca came from the Nordic Barrow language. As a scholar, Luandribia read many documents and books. It’s Nordic Baro, so translation and conversion is not a difficult thing. What shocked him was the content of this announcement. His voice was trembling and hesitantly asked, "Master, the empire really wants to give all slaves their own way. Do you still have to give land and production tools~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yes, after the notice is issued, there will be no more slaves in the entire West Coast area, only the empire's self-sufficiency."


The fat man picked up the glass on the table casually and took a sip. The entire coastal area will be free of slaves. This is unimaginable for Luandribia, who has been for two generations. Luandribia had such a response, and was also expected by the fat man,


   "You are a good person, adult"


Luan Dribia's expression is very exciting, even if he has been separated from the slave's body, this announcement is also huge for Luan Dribia's lethality. This adult should give all the slaves No matter what they say, they have to produce tools and land for them. If others say, Luandribia has absolutely no such excitement. Occasionally, some slave masters will give slaves some self-sufficiency. There is no such thing as Ruan Dribia, but there has never been a person who can give millions of slaves at one go and have no part in the people, which is something that dare not dream about , And now, this notice is placed in front of himself in black and white


"Good man? Say mine like this, you are not the first one, but it should be the most sincere one. If there is no problem, turn this notice into Fezer. "The fat man puts down his glass and slaps to Luandribia. Started, at this time, a report was sent in from the outside, and then the sound of a broken glass came from the room,


  " Luandribia, let me put down my work first, and go to a place with me! "The fat man has a blue face and is afraid of people appearing at the door, and Luandribia’s face in the back is whiter 〖To be continued〗【】

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