Whole Nation

: Two Thousand and One Thunderstorm (33)


Layers of dark clouds rolled over from the horizon and piled up. The strong wind gradually lifted the wind in front of the ground. A wind and grass floated across the mountains and rivers like a rolling wave. The dark clouds flowed from the horizon to the top of the head. On the sound of intensive. It seems to hit everyone's heart in the room,


"Everyone has seen it. Ferretti's headed tortoise can be tolerated like this. We continue to provoke the lower-level officers to make trouble, and there will be no results, so we still have to do it ourselves! He does not. Dare to move, then we will march towards the kings ourselves!" A middle-aged Fezer with a tall and thin figure and a frustrated face turned his body and said to his colleagues behind him with a look and color,


   "Sir Brandon, if this is the case, isn't the frontier guard split on its own?" Hearing this middle-aged man, someone said worriedly


   "Divide? No, I just don't want to be someone else's foil"


Brandon was bloodshot and angry, and said to others, "He Ferretti wants to be king, we have no opinion, but in such a tight time, just for the sake of his face, let more than one hundred thousand troops be in vain. After a long delay, Ferretri did something a little too much!" Brandon's voice paused and said painfully: "The Imperial Army has issued a decree on the West Coast. A few days later, the Imperial Army will enslave the West Coast slaves. The master and the nobles are expelled. If we are still wasting our time here, where will our tribesmen on the West Coast go? Is it necessary for them to cross the area controlled by the royal family without protection? Isn’t it a joke! Wang Jun is afraid that the butcher knife has been sharpened on the border. For Wang Jun, the nobles on the entire West Coast are rebellious, and naturally they want to kill quickly, but if we first march to Wang Du, then Wang Jun will have to shrink control Military strength, so that we can guarantee the safety of the clan, otherwise, even if we win the war, how many of our clan can live? You are ready to be alone!"


   "Maybe Lord Ferretry is really because of the military food problem, so..." Some people expressed hesitation


"Kuralte, you are so naive, what does it mean that there is no military food? Isn't the entire Wangdu area a huge granary? When you enter the Wangdu area, you can't get anything! For the enemy, don't we have to be soft Is it?” A sturdy man with a bare head sighed in silence. The look of the strong man was indifferent. The pair of eyes were profound and unpredictable, giving a cold and ruthless impression. I saw his hand hanging on the wall. Fei Ze was heavily clicked on the map, quite dissatisfied said


"Felletri has been mobilizing the first army and the second army to collect the food in the nearby noble territory on the grounds of raising military food, while the other legions have to be ordered to follow the base camp, so if who is in control The most food, it is none other than Ferretti. The reason why it is delayed is because the first and second troops of the Border Guards who are most loyal to Ferretti are still two hundred miles away. Raising military food in the Aitesi area, even after getting the news to catch up with the main force, on such a rainy day, you still have to bring the military food you raised, and you can catch up in a day or two,


"So if there is no accident, we will enter the Wangdu before the first army and the second army." There was a ridicule on the face of the strong man, the voice paused, and continued. "It is only a glory to enter Wangdu. Give it to your immediate army, if we let our troops enter the king capital area in front of his immediate army, how can he save the face of Frietri!"


   Hearing the strong man, everyone was silent


"So it makes no sense for us to continue to wait, I don't believe that Ferretti really will use force against us! Even if he uses force, he is not afraid, his first army and second army are not in the base camp at all." Brandon looked fierce. I swept through all the people in the room and said my plan. "I will personally lead the Fifth Army out of the base camp and march towards the kings alone. Although it may be accused of being divided, I don’t regret it. As for you, you see If you are willing to sit and watch your clan in danger, you can get the first army and the second army of Ferretrie, and follow up to pick up the remaining roots and leaves that others have eaten. I haven’t opinion!"


  "For my seven-year-old son, my little Lang Ketuo was not cut off by Wang Jun’s assholes, and my eighth army was willing to work with Lord Brandon to "serious and solemn, with a decisive voice and answered


  "My tenth army is not a genius, and I am willing to advance and retreat with the fifth army." Two generals Fei Ze glanced at each other and said


  "Since this is the case, my 12th Army has only kept up with it!" said General Fei Zehe.


"Then there is no problem, there are six troops in the base camp, and we already have four troops marching into the king capital together." Brant looked excited, and there were six people in the room, each with General Fezer uniform The entire Fezze Border Guard has a total of eighteen generals, and there are six in this house price, that is to say, one third of the commanding high-ranking of the border guard are in this room.


The middle-aged man is Brandon, the Fifth Frontier Guard’s Fifth Army Commander, it is his idea to provoke the lower officers to make trouble. In the Fezer army, the upper and lower officers are in good order. It’s not uncommon to see that this is a border guard with a year-round combat readiness. Under the military order, beheading on the spot is also the norm. Originally, Brandon thought that Fletcherry would be ordered to execute a few lower-level officers to warn the troublemakers when he was angry and angry. I thought that Ferretti was completely unreasonable. The six generals in the room were the commanders of the Fifth Army, Eighth Army, Tenth Army, and Twelfth Army.


   "Then, the time will be tomorrow afternoon!"


Brandon glanced at the window covered with rain and nodded to everyone with a determined look. The rain might not stop for a day or two, which could just slow down the speed of the First Army and the Second Army. After the corps had negotiated, Brandon notified his corps' effective men overnight. Basically, he personally promoted him after mastering the Fifth Legion. He had a strong relationship with the Brandon family. He organized the materials quietly during the day. When it was about to fall into the night, he ordered all the officers above the squadron by order to convene a meeting. The Fifth Army Station met,


In the evening of the next day, Brandon walked into the meeting room full of people. This is the Fifth Army Station, his brandon's site. There are already a guard of 500 people outside, and the meeting room is sealed. The lock is not leaking, and even if there are people in the military officer who are in Ferretrie, they still have the opportunity to spread the news.


   seems to have foreseen something, the whole meeting room is dead


  As Brandon walked into the conference room, hundreds of Fifth Army officers stared at their chief officer, their eyes were full of burning flames. Who wouldn’t want to march into the king?


However, the strict command issued by the base camp prohibits any unit from leaving the control area of ​​the base camp without authorization. Many officers watched with a disapproval. When they came, Shangguan revealed more or less in the speech, most of them were all Surprised and happy. Hold back in the base camp and watch the gang of nobles march towards Wangdu. Few people understand why Ferretti is arranged like this. It is nothing more than Ferretti’s prestige, which is directly under the First Army and Second Army. The largest number of people, the best equipment, and the strongest combat power, so everyone can only be patient.


Now Brandon wants to do it by himself, and the lost emotions are brought up at once. The king is in front, the wealthy people are gathered together, and the beautiful ladies are like clouds. As long as they step in, it is Jinshan Yinshan, which is the beauty property, and Wang Jun is directly under him. The legion is already overwhelmed and is afraid to come out of the high walls of Wangdu. All of this is not a matter of reaching out. At the thought of this, the officers are anxious. The minds of the middle and lower rank officers are simpler than those of the upper generals. There are so many, with such easy financial and merchandise benefits, it will be ready in hand, how can it be given to others? What battles are still coming out?


Even if some people are worried about their chief officer Brandon’s arbitrariness or even blatant disobedience, they are more dissatisfied. The first army and the second army are not there. Do you really want to beat yourself?


In the conference room, it was quiet and quiet, only to hear the sound of heavy rain and rain outside, as well as a slightly heavy breathing voice of everyone. After waiting for a while, an officer regarded by Brent as a confidant first stood up and pushed Open the meeting room window, pointing to the pouring rain outside, and said sharply, "This heavy rain is the best cover for us to start. Such heavy rain is not easy to stop. It will be completely rotten after being dragged on for another day. It’s difficult for the army to act. Now that it has been decided, it’s better to start now. From here to the king capital, it will not exceed five days. Moreover, the light cavalry of the legion can even reach the fortress of Alec within two days. Every moment of delay now is a waste of the most precious time and the glory of entering the capital of the king. It is destined to be my fifth army. The subordinates can guarantee that all the people in this room will be the first to see the leader."


   "Only the head of the master is looking forward." All the officers looked agitated, all stood up and swept together


Brandon glanced over the rows of officers under his command, a firm and dark face, biting his teeth, and finally patted the military case in front of him. "Okay, since everyone has one heart, what else is terrible" as he gritted his teeth. At the end, the order was immediately conveyed in the conference room, "All troops of the Fifth Army took advantage of the night rain curtain to pull from the base camp, and at the same time mobilized two thousand elite light cavalrymen to enter the rain, and first spread the news that the Fifth Army was marching towards the Wangdu. Now the whole Fizer is watching, what the Fizer military will do after occupying Alec in one fell swoop, then let the whole Fizer take a look. There are still real **** soldiers in the FTZ When the base camp was hesitating, it was my Fitzer Fifth Army heading up."


"Yes!" The officers replied neatly, and the sound of the rain outside seemed to be shaking. The 12th Army of Fezer opened the gate of the Wangdu. As long as the army rushed in, it could form two wings of the Wangdu area and swept it in one fell swoop. The area that Wang Jun finally controlled was also the foundation of Wang Jun’s history for more than 100 years. He wrote an intriguing stroke on this change of Fazer’s dynasty. With Brandon’s orders, all the officers who ordered their names bowed. Standing up to take command, Brandon was also flushed with enthusiasm. Pressing the waisted general's sword, he glanced over the faces of his officers again and again. At this moment, who dares to show a little hesitant look back!


It took more than half an hour for Brandon to complete the order, as if he could no longer support his body. He sat down on the chair at once and said so, but he really wanted to take this step, but not To put it simply, if Felletri wins, then he will be offended by the future king, but without doing so, how can he occupy his place in this big shuffle, Brandon’s There was a hint of sadness on his face, but he soon stood up and collected the weak and shaking emotions in his heart at this moment, and ordered ""So, everyone will implement it immediately" loudly.


  The curtain of rain continued, and the world and earth were shrouded in darkness at the same time. There was no sound in the Fezer Border Guard Base Camp, and almost no one walked. Only the armored guard was still standing in the outer courtyard, standing still in the rain and fog. There was a sound of rapid footsteps outside, but it was a Fezer who ordered the cavalry to gallop into the iron gate where the base camp was located. In a blink of an eye, he hurriedly ran Go up the steps,


   "Master, the Fifth Army left the base camp at night!"


Frietri’s lieutenant pushed the door of Feritri’s office anxiously. The white candlelight was lit in the room. Felitri was closing his eyes and raising his mind. He was covered with a thick quilt and appeared There was a lot of haggardness. After hearing the adjutant's words, Ferretti almost opened his eyes and stopped his body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ what did you say? "Frietri asked harshly.


   "Admiral Brandon's Fifth Army has left the base camp area" The adjutant's voice was slightly trembling, I don't know if it was cold or anxious


"Asshole, what is this **** wanting to do with Brandon!" Frietri's complexion became very ugly. The news of the Fifth Army's advancement would spread quickly throughout the base camp when dawn dawned. There is a precedent for the Fifth Army, and other legions are afraid Soon there will be a kind of learning, no matter what the command of the base camp, then, even if you suppress it, it is useless,


"What should I do, do I have to chase the Fifth Army back immediately?" The adjutant knew the seriousness of this matter. In order to suppress the various armies, Felletri had done his best and finally stabilized it. Unexpectedly, one Such a big basket came out in the blink of an eye. The behavior of the Fifth Legion was undoubtedly divided.


"Chasing? How to chase? The first army and the second army are not there. What can I do to get the tens of thousands of the fifth army back!" Ferrettiri's face was ruined, without saying a word, he was silent for more than ten years. Seconds, he said to his adjutant, "I immediately ordered the generals of the generals to hold an emergency meeting. Didn’t they want to enter the king capital? Then discuss how to enter the king capital!"


"Yes" the adjutant agreed, and an hour later, Ferretti entered the conference room of only a few generals. Except for the absence of the fifth army, the eighth, tenth, and twelfth were all in position. nobody! Fei Ze Base Camp is at least half empty! The trembling physique of Ferretti’s first person in the Fezer army is a split, a naked split! 〖To be continued〗【】

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