Whole Nation

: 2515 Thunderstorm (35)

Please enter the text The area of ​​King Fezer, the black smoke column rises from a lit village, soldiers wearing border guard armor shuttle between the low houses in the bottom village, and the sharp edge of the sharp sword flashes by the village from time to time , And occasionally the sound of clashing iron clashes and the angry swearing of warfare were heard, but the sound always disappeared quickly. On the open ground outside the village, a team of cavalry sat quietly on the horseback. Silence, the snorting and hooting of the war horses, Brandon Fifth Frontier Commander Brandon looked at all this indifferently, and after leaving the control of the frontier base camp, Fitzer, led by the Fifth Army Tenth, the twelfth legion has entered the Wangdu area one after another. In order to make up for the army's military supplies, the four Feizen legions with a total of 130,000 troops are like a big net,

"This is the enemy's area. For the enemy, you don't need to be kind! If you beat the king, you will be rewarded."

& [Pig] [pig] [island] novel ww.zuhmnbsp; under the cries of superior officers, the lower officers are unscrupulous, looting all the way, black smoke everywhere, flame everywhere, blood everywhere, villages burning . The castle is burning, anything you see can be taken at will. When a real field force is released and the ropes are tied to their hands and feet, the destructive power erupted is amazing. In a short time, Wang Du The urban villages in the area near the gateway to the Alec region have become the sites of attack by these Fez

When the screams and fighting in the village gradually turned into sparse, flames and black smoke continued to rise from the village

"Sir, the situation is not very good. The aristocratic army took away most of the food. We completely turned the village over, and what we can find is very limited."

Brandon’s deputy who led the search came out of the village last, his long sword still dripping with red blood, behind him. The red flame spread on the roof of the village, just like a group of vengeful elves dancing, and it also reflected on him, making him look red all the time," According to this progress, I am afraid that the military food will not support for ten days. We There must be other ways!"

Brandon's eyebrows frowned slightly, thinking that he would eat smoke and dust behind the noble army along the way, hating the whip waving in the air fiercely, all those **** nobles were making trouble, it was almost three feet in the Wangdu area. By the time you enter, there are very few that can be left, but the gap that was previously imagined to the officers is too large, and everyone is here to make a fortune. Not to pick up the leftovers of the noble army,

"How can some little nobles override the soldiers on the west coast? On the west coast, these little nobles are not worthy of themselves as stirrups."

Once the reality gap was found to be huge, the dissatisfaction and hostility of the officers became more and more obvious. It was originally just a sweep of the village, which had become a murder. The officers believed in their hearts that the nobles had robbed their wealth and are now in the entire army. Brandon was also aware of this hatred of nobles, and Brandon was also full of dissatisfaction with those inland nobles, but considering that the current goals of both sides are kings, these nobles are also needed to provide logistics. So the face could not be torn, so Brandon’s Fifth Army always kept a certain distance from the Noble Army after entering the King Capital area,

"Adult, you're going to be Newland. Newland is a place where the royal army is heavily armed, but according to our current strength, ten days is enough. As long as Newlon is defeated, we have the materials to continue to attack the king capital, but I heard that the noble army had already gone to Nurem..." The adjutant looked a bit hesitantly and glanced across the flaming village,

"It's a noble army again. Why do you want to take advantage of these bastards?" Brandon looked dignified, making a gurgling sound while holding the whip's fingers.

"News, lord, the news just returned from the scout ahead." A scout cavalry ran over to "the noble army conquered Nurem". The **** was slower. "At this news, Brandon's face was ugly. The second largest city in the Kingdom is also a food store in the Wangdu area. In such a strategic city, the royal family will definitely be stationed heavily, but the report from the report shows that the royal family is only less than 20,000 in Newlun. The Wan Noble Army went down in a battle, and after a hurried resistance, Wang Jun quickly gave up and lost a large amount of materials and food hoarded in Nurem. I thought that this gang of noble troops was simply a group of people from all over the world. This piece of meat is definitely not good news for Brandon, who just thought about how to turn Newland into his own pocket! "Master, what should I do?" No matter how many "Adjutants look at him", go to Newland, and notify the eighth, tenth, and twelfth troops, all gather at Newland! "Brandon's face flashed a cold, noble Although the army preempted Nurem, but what about it? The noble army had only 50,000 people, and the fighting strength was uneven. It must be that the Nurem’s king was beaten by surprise, but he was different. The Fifth Legion was full. 30,000 combat strength, but if the eighth, tenth, and twelfth legions are added, it is another matter. In front of the elite 100,000 regular border guards, Brandon does not believe that the 50,000 noble army Dare to compete with yourself! "Sir, is this a bit..." The adjutant was taken aback by this order. This is to force the rhythm of the noble army. Although there have been complaints about the noble army in the army, it is still not to the extent of tearing the face. And if the Fifth Army is pushed up, it is tantamount to exposing this contradiction to everyone. It is undoubtedly a naked face-slap on the strategy of resisting the royal family of Ferretri and the nobility. It is not right to split the border guards. Openly breaking the alliance! "Hesitate, do we still look back from the moment the Fifth Army left the border guard base camp?"

Brandon gave the adjutant a stern look, raised his head, and looked at the dark sky in the distance. In this battle of Feiser's kingship, how many people overwhelmed all the net worth, just to be able to grab the excess in this chaotic war In return for benefits, this is true of Ferretti, and the nobility, so can't you fight it yourself! As the commander of the Fifth Army, Brandon knew that he was already at the end of his position in the border guards, and it was impossible to move forward, because his Fifth Army was not a direct force of Ferretti

Ferretrie’s direct army is the first and second army, elite army of 100,000 people, and 80% of the military generals who can enter the Fezer military department are from the first army. And the Second Army, because the First Army and the Second Army are also known as the "Military Department Reserve Army" This has been the practice for 50 years. The thunder cannot move, and the generals who are not from the first army and the second army. Even if they have the opportunity to enter the military department, they will never be placed in important positions. Like yourself, if you still have no chance before the age of 50, you will be ordered to leave the border guard by the Ministry of Military Affairs.

Fifty years old, and Brandon is forty-eight years old this year. There is secret news that Ferretti has secretly promised to mobilize the fighting power of his direct army, as long as he can defeat the royal army. Ascending to the Fezer throne, based on the senior generals of the First Army and the Second Army, the new military department of Fezer was formed. Once this was done, the Military Department would become a subsidiary of the First Army and the Second Army. The promotion is naturally also the people of the first army and the second army. The leader of the fifth army, at most, is to become a war inspector. It is just an honorary position during the war, with no real power. No troops can be deployed,

Take a fight, at the end of the battle, at the end of the fiercest and harshest, follow your wishes. He was planning to make a gambling, using his best efforts to set off the dust that filled the earth. In this dust, the ambition that Brandon saw was destiny. All involved in this battle, just waiting for the final outbreak!

After taking down Newland, you can move towards the final goal, Wang Du. The Wang Jun is now overwhelmed, and even the second-class troops like the noble army can't stop it, not to mention blocking its fifth army and leaving it to its own time. Not many, maybe this battle, even the one that Heaven specially left for himself, may not be, since it is God’s will, it is natural to fight!


The nobles who have just won Newlun, looking at the city in front of them with incredible looks, were able to win the second largest city in the Kingdom of Newlun, making everyone excited and annoying. Valiant, but when the king evacuated and opened the door to the noble army, Nurem made the nobles dumbfounded. An empty city, a street that no one could see, the noble army swarming in groups in the city Internal chaos, want to rummage for valuable property, but before them are empty houses, no one, no property, if there is, it is this empty and scary city, which makes people panic

"Asshole, what's the matter" a nobleman scolded

"What about the people in Nurem? What about Nurem's wealth and materials? Did we fight for more than two hours and just lay down an empty city?"

The nobles had a difficult face and a cold heart, as if they thought they had bitten fat, but found it was just a shrivelled wood, which was awkward and tasteless, but there were also smart people inside. They proposed the interrogation of the captured Wang Jun captive to find out the situation. Soon, real news about Nurem City was sent to the emergency meeting as a report,

"Masters, we interrogated the captured Wang Jun prisoners of war, and got the news that a day ago, the entire citizens of Newlun had been forcibly moved to the direction of Wang Du by Wang Jun. The reason why those Wang Jun did not intend to fight was because they were the queens. The order to evacuate was issued above!" The interrogator was under the command of a large nobleman, known for his venomous means. He said that anyone with a mouth can make it open, even if it is a livestock, it can also be said to be human. words

"Are you saying that you only evacuated one day?" The aristocratic nobleman had heard this, and suddenly came the spirit, and even Carrier immediately stood up. "What are we waiting for, we'll catch up immediately." The nobles could not sit still Now, the wealth of the whole Newland is in front, who can sit still!

"Assemble troops immediately, let's go to the capital", the nobles shouted loudly and excitedly called their own teams. There are 400,000 people in Nurem City. Such a large number of people dragged their children and brought a lot of belongings. , How far can a day go? Thirty miles? Forty miles? There are a hundred and thirty miles from Newlun to the king, and these scattered Newlun people are afraid that they will not be reached in four or five days. If you start now, you should be able to catch the tail of the evacuation in one day.

The capital of King Fezer, the Leah Forest, the yellow leaves caused by the winter are almost absent here, and the green coniferous forest is in this pale world.

A woman wearing white armor stopped on a high slope, unbuttoned the helmet over her head, and exposed her pretty eyes like a charming blue waterhole, a beautiful hair fluttered slightly, and her long thin eyebrows , A pair of eyes are looking forward to the charming, the face is crystal clear like jade, the crystal clear snow is like the snow, the skin color is beautiful, elegant and elegant. The knight's helmet over his head hung two long strands of pom-pom ears, which looked like a fairy in the forest descending on the earth. Under the earth **** woodland where she stood, black pressed a piece of Fezer cavalry wearing a mail armor, all of them were armored,

"Tata" came from a distance with the rush of horseshoes, and the figure of a scout of King Fezer appeared outside the woods. He quickly jumped from the battle horse and ran to the woman, breathlessly reporting. "His Royal Highness, the aristocratic army has passed the Langshukou, less than five miles from here"

"These guys are really here"

Princess Fazer Una picked a horsewhip inlaid with pure blue gemstones with her fingers~www.wuxiaspot.com~Princess Una was King Fezer’s youngest princess, because she was trained in martial arts from an early age, and she once had a knife in public Cutting off the feet of his fiancé and shaking the entire Fezer, even in Fenze in Shangwu, such a princess is difficult for most men to accept, and the unlucky fiance family is now the most fierce in the north. The wealthy Geng Di family, in addition to such things, the marriage between the royal family and the Geng Di family was naturally canceled, and the old Duke Geng Di's personal crusade against the king this time also has a very big relationship with this matter.

"General Lanrut, are you sure about this battle? You also know how many eyes are on the king's every move. In order to bring out the three thousand cavalry, I have even used myself as a cover." Una paused. , Turned around and asked a middle-aged general behind him

"His Highness, don’t worry too much. It’s more than fifty miles away from Nurem. Even if the opponent has 50,000 people, it’s a team that has been dragged away long ago. It’s exhausted and can be repulsed with just one blow." General Nian replied with respect, and there was a sense of metal rust in his voice. His name was Lan Rute, the captain of the Fezer Imperial Guard, the captain of King Fizer, and the noble army was in the area of ​​the capital. The arrogance of the arrogance has reached a level that the kings can't stand. For the purpose of combating the morale of the other party, King Fezer personally transferred the 3,000 cavalry of his own guard, in the name of escorting Princess Una to the king. Another big city, Shia (to be continued.)

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