Whole Nation

: Two Thousand and Seventeen Thunderstorm (37)

"What's going on? What do the adults want to do?" A captain of the noble cavalry came down from the battle horse and looked at the battlefield with a puzzled look. The military flag was trembling in the wind. Like blood, even the formation was ignored. The infantry of the whole team was like densely packed ducks. They swarmed towards the front, and it felt like a large black cloud pressed down. The cavalry of Wang Jun was crushed to death at the same distance. "All the cavalry were mounted, and Grand Duke Geng Di ordered that they should hold the cavalry anyway!"

Then he saw a herald cavalry from this formation, who flew like a cluster of arrows. The noble cavalry who had just experienced a fierce fighting, the armor on his body had not yet come to organize, and many talents just used cloth Tied the wound, it was stunned by such an order. Thousands of companions had been left in front, and the rest were only seven or eight hundred rides. Everyone was injured. The number of cavalry on the opposite Wang Jun was three times that. live? How to hold it! Regardless of life and death|pig|pig|island|fiction www.[zhu][zhu][]A brain stormed in? I'm afraid that without these swarms of infantry rushing to the side, the other party will kill themselves completely!

"The order of Grand Duke Geng Di, who violated it, executed on the spot, and deprived him of all his identity." The cavalry commander raised the flag in his hand and looked at the hesitant cavalry.

"Fight, fight, everyone mount!" The captain of the cavalry was full of bloodshot eyes, shouting with full of grief and indignation, and reluctantly stepped on the war horse again. They were composed of the noble knights of the nobles, and their families depended on Nobles, even if they die in battle, are better than being punished for negligent orders, they can only execute any demanding orders. They are noble hounds, no hounds against their masters. End. The noble cavalry who stepped on the warhorse came out again, and the scattered hundreds of rides crossed the wasteland ahead like wind," the lord, the noble army came up. "A king’s cavalry ran to Lanrut.

"I can see, regardless of them, we withdraw"

Lan Ruote stared at the dark clouds swarming in the distance, waved his hand inadvertently, the other party did not know what was stimulated, and even wanted to chase the cavalry with infantry, the infantry was not terrible. How can two legs not run over four legs? What he cares about is the noble cavalry who had just returned. To be honest, these noble cavalry have very good combat capabilities, and their equipment and combat effectiveness are not inferior to the royal cavalry. Although they just took advantage, But that's also because he was intentionally fighting unintentionally, forcing these noble cavalry to have to fight with inferior forces,

If put in the same amount. Under the same circumstances, it is really difficult to say who wins or loses. The victory of hundreds of people is in this war that is related to the entire monarchy. It’s just a tiny amount of fluctuation. If you think you can rely on three thousand cavalry to stop the swarm of tens of thousands of nobles, it’s a big mistake. "An adventurous attack launched to cheer the morale of the king. There can be this The result is very good, the most important thing is to kill these noble cavalry by more than half. It is equivalent to blinding the eyes of the noble army!" Lan Rute secretly sighed and greeted all the royal cavalry immediately Evacuate

"His Royal Highness, the lord ordered to evacuate." Far away, seeing the gesture of Shangguan Lanrut in the direction of the woods, the captain responsible for Princess Una's safety said to Una

"We just withdrew like this?" Una opened her big eyes, her body fluttered slightly, and shock appeared on Qiao's face. For this ambush, so much thought was spent, just for this short half hour. ? The gains of about a thousand people? And now that they are evacuating, what about the Nurems who are still evacuating in the direction of the capital?

"His Royal Highness, we can't stop so many people, we can do this, it is already the maximum!" The captain of the cavalry looked anxiously into the distance, hesitating, "Now they can only ask for more blessings. "

"What are the cavalry doing, rush up, don't let them run away!"

Under the protection of several cavalry guards, Grand Duke Geng Di drove his horses, and his white hair fluttered among the nobles. He saw the cavalrymen moving forward slowly, obviously holding the meaning of wanting to release the water, and screaming in anger. , But whoever is in charge of him, tens of thousands of people are rushing forward like a crash, the queue is scattered, and I thought I could see the tail of the convoy evacuated from the Nurem area. I didn’t expect the first cavalry to be slaughtered in front of each other. Half of this time, at this time, whoever's mind will be placed on the king's cavalry who killed each other

There are hundreds of miles from Nurem to Wang, even if the team is not reachable within a day, the nobles do not believe that hundreds of thousands of Nurem can still fly.

The emergence of these Wang Jun cavalry, just shows that the distance of the Nurem team is not far away. In fact, because Nu Nuen has too many people, far beyond the level that the Wang Jun can withstand, Wang Jun only part of the identity The nobles as escorts are not concerned about the scattered ordinary citizens, so the brigade delays very seriously. The last tail is less than ten miles away from the current noble army. If it is not blocked here, the noble army cavalry may have found the escape. According to the vision of the king, the Nuremians in the mountains and the wilds used cavalry to block the noble army for a while. Even if they could not wipe out the fastest cavalry in the noble army, they could at least frustrate them and dare not dispatch them in a short time.

But Wang Du has forgotten a little. In front of a large enough greed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The aristocrats showed a keen sense of awfulness, or in the face of a large enough benefit, the courage of the nobles will also play To go beyond, tell the cavalry, don’t care about the king’s cavalry, first find the convoy that Nuron fled, and then say that “the nobles have secretly issued orders to the cavalry to change, and the precious cavalry’s fighting power is used to chase the cavalry. How can stupid behavior be committed again? Find the Nuremians and find the Nurem property in the city!

On November 9th, it was an evening of **** afterglow. The noble cavalry as a noble army hound finally caught the fled Nuremians in a section of the river. The horse hooves thundered and the horseshoes rumbled. 'S armored warhorse appeared high up, squinting red eyes, the cavalry saw the situation on the lower reaches. At least more than 200,000 Nuremians crowded on the reach and spread to both sides along the embankment There are also various debris floating on the river. Countless people are desperately crossing the river to the opposite side. More people are crowded on the not spacious stone bridge on the river, despite the width of the stone bridge Enough to let three horse-drawn carriages pass, but in the face of hundreds of thousands of people in an unordered order, it’s just a lot of money.

"Is the Nurem"

The noble cavalry burst into cheers. They only heard the messy sound from here. They waited until they rushed up the **** to see the scene in front. It was... rich! Having reached this position, it doesn't matter if the violence is not exposed. What is in front of them is the wealth of the entire Nurem City (to be continued.)

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