Whole Nation

: Two Thousand and Twenty-Three Thunder (3)




The rainy curtain was bloody, the erosion of the earth was full of mud, and the shining light traces brought the terrible slamming sound that shook the earth. The southern vassal army, which occupied the superiority of the troops, madly impacted the flanks of the second army of Fitzer, and became the whole battle for a time. Where the focus is, tens of thousands of people swooped on the defensive line within a few kilometers,


Bloody mud spots splashed under his feet, slashing forward with various melee weapons, the steel tower shield had already been washed away at this time, the red scorpion tail heavy infantry who had lost the shield cover, even if wearing heavy armor Up to two floors, at such a close distance, it is also inevitable that casualties will be reduced,


   "Reinforcement, why not come!"


Fraidia stared at the **** eyes, breathing heavily, a red general armor, which should have been the most conspicuous general armor. It has long since become unrecognizable, and too many people have died. , There was something **** hung on it, the cloak behind him was directly wrapped in the mud on the ground, and was cut off by Fra Aidiya and thrown on the ground, it was too troublesome, a spear with a spear beside him Under the collision, the flesh and blood flew, and the heavy armored infantry went up and down, and the same body of blood was killed. Before the shield wall, the body was directly higher than the shield wall. It was like building a flesh and blood board.


   The enemies who rushed up, stepped across this shield and crossed the shield wall in this way, and the sounds of shouting and fighting were intertwined, and the blood flower was still splashing.


Most of the red scorpion heavy infantry hands have been interrupted by flail. Now they are taking a single-handed axe with a single-edged opening. The battle is just one hour. The southern vassals are already on this line. Thousands of corpses were thrown here, and the wounded and broken were even more incalculable, and the stubborn red scorpion also suffered a lot of damage.


During the melee, the blades of the two sides flew over, and the sound of armor metal tearing continued, the two sides sullen each other for a while, stabbing and stabbing each other, what kind of battle array has already been beaten up and down, both sides are thinking It seems difficult to move forward, the officers desperately urge the rear team to follow up and join the battle group, but the proportion of the battle damage between the two sides is obviously wrong,


"What Kurudia is doing, our army is like this, the guards still don't do it!" A general of the southern vassal looked indignant, and there was a kind of embarrassment that wanted to curse, but didn't open his mouth, anxious Underneath, the most basic honorifics are forgotten. Forty or fifty thousand people beat six or seven thousand people. They were even beaten like this.


   originally thought that Fei Zejun's combat power was suspected of being exaggerated. Not such a strong pass as the Alec Fortress was won by a single blow. This Fei Zejun in front of him is not a seizure! Unexpectedly, the gap between the teeth was not plugged, and the tooth was almost broken! Often a thousand people rushed up and saw the human body rolling in the mud. The shield in his hand was picked up, and seven or eight spears stabbed from different angles, almost piercing people into a sieve,


Seeing that the disbanded troops in the front were pouring like tide, the second army of Fitzer was behind the cover, and originally held the second army of Fitzer in one fell swoop, letting Fezer know the generals of the brave vassals of the southern soldiers. Everyone is a bit silly at the moment, which is too ridiculous. The entire vassal legion has fifty thousand and sixty thousand people. Although not all rushed up at once, there are also about ten thousand people each time. The other third of the troops on the opposite side, back and forth, even if the steel walls are really iron walls, they have already collapsed, but the Flankers of the Second Army of the opposite side of the Fez, full of six or seven thousand people, not only persevered. And the side that has the advantage of strength is actually at a disadvantage!


   "Tell Kurudia that he will not attack again, we will withdraw! Let him eat the hard bones of the Second Army," a general Fei Ze ordered the cavalry cried out behind him in desperation.


  On the hills, from the perspective of Kurudia, the main force of Fitzer II is still rock-solid. Just about two squadrons have been deployed to the flank, but the formation is still more densely packed. A row of long spears discharged is a weapon to deal with the cavalry. The tight formation of the wind can't even pass through. I wanted to spur the flanks and then use the cavalry's impact to rush into the gap and tear the second army. It seems that I’m afraid that it doesn’t work. In fact, Kurudia is really as Sabriel thought, and it has no bottom on the fighting power of his imperial guards.


   "Sir, the southern vassal army demanded that we attack immediately, otherwise we will withdraw our troops", a subordinate cavalry came flying and reported loudly


Hearing the voice of the herald, Kurudia made a creaking sound while holding the whip. Kurudia could bear it, but the other Generals of the Guards could not bear it. Indulge! There was a lot of noise,


"Are these southern country gangsters treating themselves as masters? No matter, the old maid had enough to endure along the way. Even if he struggled to give up the opportunity to destroy the second army, the old maid would let these southern gangsters know me. "The Power of the Imperial Guard", the voice of a stout general shivered, and his face was scolded and scolded.


Many of them are genuine children of the royal family, and there are even a few. It has been determined that as long as they can win this time, they can leap into the top of the new Feize military department. The real real power task is only a line away from victory. If the South could be tolerated previously, who is really willing to let it go now, the overall situation has been basically stable, the army cut off the Alec Fortress and cut off the military back path, unless the military main force can grow wings, otherwise it is It's only a matter of time. It's only a matter of time. For centuries, the fish meat that has been arbitrarily slaughtered by the vassal kingdom of the South has been regarded as arbitrarily. Now the fish meat dares to give orders to itself. How can this shame endure!


   "Thousands of people can't beat even thousands of people, there are still faces threatening words here"


A General Fezer uttered a spit on the ground with extreme disdain, raised his whip in his hand and pointed it at the southern vassal corps that was fighting. "I really consider myself what it is. My Federer's men are defeated. It’s docile, and all the people who have been captured as slaves have been wiped out, and now they are even fooling their masters. I suggest that they even sweep the second army together!"


"This is true, Marquis Saman, or leave it to you? Take your 15,000 troops and sweep the southern vassals and the second army in front!" Kurudia looked Looked like a sword, the momentum shouted into that mouth was like a rainbow, but in fact, he didn’t even ride a horse for a year, but in the office building of the Wangdu Imperial Guard, General Fei Ze who sat on a hard wooden bench for thirty years ,


   "This is what I said, it should not be true"


The general Fei Ze embarrassed his face, shrunk his head, and threw away the brazen words just now. He laughed and said, "Whoever wants this military merit will go, I won't grab it, wait until the end!" Hearing this General Fei Ze played Lai Pi, but the other generals did not have any surprises. Marquis Saman, the nephew of the current queen, barely squeezed into the circle of royal members.


In the king capital, everyone knows that he is a guy who eats, drinks, and plays, so in a force like the Imperial Guard, he has been mixed for nearly thirty years, and he has a strong backing like a queen, and he was only promoted five years ago. For the general, if it is someone else, I am afraid that at least it is also a post of the Deputy Commander of the Imperial Guard,


There are also a few inside the general who are still sane. A general whispered in the ears of Kurudia, "Admiral, the second army of Fezer is the direct legion of Ferretri. In the former Battle of the Baltic Valley, 40,000 people blocked the six sects of the sect, and a total of 150,000 troops continued to attack. The heavy armor accounted for two-thirds of the whole army, even if the whole army pressed the strong We can’t get any benefit from the attack. It’s better to let the southern vassals first withdraw. Now our army has control of the battlefield. As long as you suppress the opponent’s counterattack, you will win. There is really no need to die with the opponent here!"


   "You are right, as long as you take Yaleike, the other party is a dead end!"


Kurudia is worthy of being a famous general who has experienced battle fronts. In the blink of an eye, he grasped the most critical things sharply. The main force of the military has been in deep trouble. There are three troops who betrayed and turned back. Under the attack of more than 200,000 troops, even if the first army and the second army of Felletri can fight again, they will die when the military supplies are exhausted! What's more, 100,000 people directly under His Majesty's Legion are still watching, and they may be overwhelming at any time. Now the most anxious person should not be himself, it is Ferretti! Blocking the counterattack of the Second Army by yourself is victory!


   "Woo" sounded the trumpet sound of the withdrawal, and the southern vassal army that had been attacked for a long time began to evacuate from the attack line, leaving behind countless bodies.


"Asshole, I knew that the Fezers were not credible!" The generals of the southern vassals all looked ugly. The opponent's flanks were already full of holes. They only need to put a wave on it, and it may be broken, but this is the time. , Ordered to stop the attack. . . . The attack of tens of thousands of people has ended like this? Although the battle damage statistics have not yet come out, but how many people have died, everyone sees them with their eyes, these thousands of living lives, even if they died in vain? Is the life of the Fezers so valuable! Calling you to attack, you order to stop!


"Asshole, the old son is not working anymore. I'm going back to the south. The mess here, let the Fezers clean up by themselves!" A young and handsome young general threw the whip on the ground fiercely, at this time, The cavalry was ordered to hear again that Kurudia had the fastest powered guard cavalry and went in the direction of Alec! Hearing this news, the generals of the southern vassals flashed a gloomy face on their faces. Fei Zeren obviously started to close the door and beat the dog. It’s just that the dog is the Fei Ze military, or even the South is counted together. What?


   "Huh, it seems that Kurudia still has no confidence in the Imperial Guard, so how dare he not dare to enter the battlefield without certainty!"


Seeing the enemies slowly evacuating like a tide in the distance, Sabriel, the commander of the Second Army of Fezer, laughed at himself with a sneer. He was relieved in his heart, but thought that the Alec Fortress had fallen into the Imperial Guard. The hand, the little joy that has just risen in my heart, is immediately gone, and if you can't beat Alex, you are destined to have a dead end!


   "Order all troops to move closer to the first army!"


   Sabriel solemnly raised his hand to the surrounding soldiers, and the Second Army began to evacuate in another direction in an orderly manner. What is the significance of a brief victory? Staying here is not enough either. First join forces with Lord Ferretri’s first army, and then gather the strength of the two legions. It may not be impossible to recapture Alec from the waste army under Kurudia!


On the northwestern coast of Fizer, the cold wind screamed through the streets, and the dry branches twitched on both sides of the street. A team of imperial cavalry guarded a black carriage toward the port area in front. Individuals, Durstron Kay, Minister of the Navy, and Dustin Falcon, the Emperor


"Your Majesty, as you expected, the Royal Family of Fezer refused to sign the formal cession agreement." Admiral Dusterenkai looked down with respect and handed the report he had just received to the emperor sitting opposite. "I have received news that the Imperial Guards and the southern vassals of the Royal Family of Fei Ze, a total of more than 130,000 people, suddenly cut off the back path of the Fei Ze military. It seems that the previous Kyoto incident was just a premeditated firework, Don’t say Ferretti, I’m afraid most people have been scammed. Now the royal family of Fezer is already on the verge of victory. What they lack is only some time. At this time, they will definitely not sign this agreement, otherwise the situation will be Overturn immediately!"


   "Victory is in sight? Just kidding, win or not, it is not the Fei Ze royal family, because he does not have that qualification yet"


The emperor just looked at the street scene outside the window calmly, his fingers lightly knocked on the sofa, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth. "The Fezer Guards killed the gun and laid the victory. It was shocking, but don’t forget In the eyes of the empire, whether it is the Fezer military or the Fezer royal family, they are just chess players on both sides of the board, and whoever wins and loses is the empire!"


   "This... The subordinates don't understand"


Dusteren froze for a moment, his heart trembling slightly, he knew that the emperor was interested in playing a big game in Fitzer, but until now, it seems that the emperor has not really seen a move, and even can say that even the chess pieces I didn’t see one. The area of ​​King Fezer was fighting among the military, the royal family, and the noble army. The emperor was just watching the drama all the time. Now the royal family is in control of the victory, and it controls more than 300,000 people. For the military strength of the empire, don’t say 10,000 people in the Wangdu area, even if there are not even 100 people. How can you be the arbiter of this war?


   But since it was said by the emperor, it would definitely not be wrong!


"The Imperial Guard returned from the south, and also united the power of the southern vassals, and defeated Alec in one fell swoop. The Fezer royal family spent a lot of effort for this move." The emperor withdrew his gaze from the street, his mouth slightly upturned, in Du Under Stromkai’s bewildered gaze, Ningsheng said, “But don’t forget that the main force of Fezer’s army is not just the first and second troops in Wangdu Nei, from the Aomu returned by Papute~www. wuxiaspot.com~ But there are also 30,000 or 40,000 troops"


   "Thirty or forty thousand people in the Olympics? That is to say, if you want to cooperate with the main force, you should still have enough strength"


Dusterenkai's face was a little bit hesitant, and hesitated, saying that Fezer's military strength was blocked by the empire in the Papute area. Only 200,000 troops were killed, and only Omeu escaped with 30,000 or 40,000 elite, most of the others, Either it was killed in war, or after being blocked at the Kanyaluo bridge, he chose to surrender to Salton’s troops. Although Omim was also a famous Fei Ze, but he had escaped from the army of 30,000 or 40,000, and wanted to respond to the king. The main force of the region, regaining Alec again, this is still somewhat impossible. The royal family has firmly grasped the superior strength of more than 300,000, and it is a strategic layout that is surrounded by two sides. It will not be broken by 30,000 or 40,000 people. !


"The 30,000 to 40,000 Olympic targets are not enough, but the empire still has 100,000 Fezer military forces surrendering at Kanyaluo, there are 200,000 central eight-nation coalition forces that have been pressing on the border, and there are 110,000 on the west coast at any time. You can go to the king capital, and the elite imperial troops attacked on both sides, this should be enough!" The emperor unintentionally flipped Dusterenkai's report in his hands and flipped it on the table. Every time he said, Dusterenkai felt more cold sweat, and now he knew how big the emperor's game was! The royal family of Fei Ze, the military of Fei Ze, just a chess player


The emperor's eyes finally settled on the port position outside the window, and there were no thousands of waves turning over the sea and crashing on the flanks of the battleship. He said aloud, "I said, the empire is not a shot, but the time has not arrived. Now, the time has come! Who wins who loses, the empire does not Say, does his royal family have this qualification?"〖To be continued〗【】

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