Whole Nation

: Two Thousand and Twenty-seven Thunder (7)


   Please enter the text The spark falls to the ground, the entire garrison barracks is quickly shrouded in flames,


"Go forward, leave no captives, no living mouths" Fei Ze's direct army team leader drives the troops forward, the 100,000 royal family's direct army, crowded with people, can't see the end, and immediately came out from the front of the vassal army camp, standing At the height of the mound, the trombone trumpeter of Fezer raised the horn horn, exhausted as much as possible, and blew the horn vigorously,




   The horn representing the general attack sounded through the night


   "Start Assault"


The frontmost Fezer cavalry cried out and began to accelerate the entire team. Countless war horses were like eagles on the plateau and rushed to the prey below. The mail armor on the cavalry reflected the fire in the distance, like a cloud of fire. Quickly cover the past towards the camp, the scenery is spectacular, and even the night soldiers of the southern military camp were scared and fell on the ground.


"Dang! Dang! Crotch!" A warning bell representing an emergency. The soldiers of the southern vassal army are running out of the lit tent. The scene in front of them makes many soldiers frightened. The whole camp is burning and countless. The tent collapsed in the flames, and there were clusters of arrows with flames falling on top of the head, the ground was trembling violently, the soldiers in the south face was pale, and their eyes stared at a large red jump ahead, what is that !


   Soon, the position of the higher sentry tower, came the voice that made everyone scared "Attention, cavalry!"


"Kill" Fei Ze cavalry from countless paving, each queue maintains a distance of about 20 meters, countless heavy horseshoes lifted and stepped down, like a rolling dust, rolling waves, burning towards the front The army’s barracks ran faster, frightening to see the scene. The Fezer soldiers turned and ran. The gate of the camp was knocked open by a powerful force. The Fezer cavalry in armor rushed in like a torrent, and under the horseshoe, there was no time to escape from the south. Army soldiers keep rolling,


   "It's Fei Ze cavalry! Why!"


A Southern Army aristocrat who saw this scene opened his unbelievable eyes, and did not believe it. He attacked the southern military camp was actually a Fezer who has always been regarded as an ally. These days were the Feiser of the ally. Cavalry, metal masks were put on each face at the moment, just like the devil rushing out of the dark light, straightening the sharp spear in his hand, and stabbing into the thin flesh of the southern nobleman, the blood was under high-speed impact The volley exploded like blood and rain, and the giant cavalry formed a concave half-moon-shaped attack line. The Fezer's direct army first attacked the most important gate of the camp. After the gate was opened, the Fezer cavalry began to form an array. Opening, it is like a huge net, layered like a flower blooming in countless scattered lines,


   "Kill, kill, kill!"


  The cavalry captains looked excited one by one, the spear has been broken, and the cavalry sword in his hand was slashed left and right, under the horseshoe, and the head was rolling,


   In the smoky fire, the soldiers of the Southern Army finally saw the enemy clearly, and they were stunned. Fei Zeren, these are the ally Fei Zeren who raised their butcher knives to themselves! The number of enemies is so dense and the heads are surging that it is absolutely impossible to estimate. It is absolutely above the strength of the camp. In that direction, he still has such a strength. In addition to the 100,000 directly affiliated Legion of the Fezers, who can it be! Although the number of thousands of cavalry is limited, in the face of undefended opponents, it is enough to break through the opponent's defense line in the first time, and to push forward the reinforcement of the enemy's gaps by dragging the enemy. The formation of thousands of cavalry is rolling. The situation, the Southern Army was completely beaten up,


   Generals were invited to the banquet. The only officers left were captain-level officers. In the face of the powerful night attack of the 100,000 soldiers directly under the Royal Family of Fezer, there was no way to unify the command. Although there were tens of thousands of people, they were scattered.


"We were betrayed, and the shameless Fizers wanted to kill us!" Someone in the chaos shouted sternly, the situation was even more chaotic, and the face of the extremely angry Southern Army soldiers, Fei Zejun's butcher knife did not stop at all. In the hacking, the officers directly under the legion have been roaring behind the queue "Don't stop, kill, kill, don't keep any one!"


A soldier hesitated, the weapon in his hand dropped, it was really miserable, a Southern Army soldier whose leg was cut off with a knife, and the blood lying on the ground wailed, "Don’t kill, we are allies, don’t kill , We are friends" crying and wailing into the sky, making people cry, and can’t bear to watch this cruel scene, don’t look too far, this soldier wants to let go of this southern army soldier, a day ago, the two There were also talking and laughing shoulder to shoulder, laughing at each other. The soldier of the Southern Army said that he would marry the beloved girl this time, and he also blessed himself. An officer came over with a cold face, one foot Kicked on the back of the hesitant soldier, he shouted angrily, "What are you doing, do you want to disobey the order? If you don't kill him, I will kill you!" Under the officer's wicked power, two lines of tears flowed from the soldier's face and rushed over He cut the head of the soldiers of the Southern Army


Duke Gankeford rode on the war horse, surrounded by the generals of the legion, and appeared at a distance of 100 meters from the front of the battle line. The fire should be on his face. The old white hair was still as if stained with blood, and the allies were killed. Because of the order of the monarch, Duke Gankeford also knew that all his glory as a soldier would cease to exist tonight,


   This is not important, as long as Fei Ze can be reborn in this war, and can reunite the power of centuries of division under the double-headed eagle, one by one, what is it! The corpse spread across the ground, the blood was even spread to the ankle, the gravel under the foot was mixed in the minced meat, and the archer of the Fezer army did not even need to aim, just shoot towards the last corner of the camp, in his position. Clearly seeing a golden-winged tiger flag flying above the last resisting southern army,


  The remnants of the Southern Army are all in that position, there are about five or six thousand people,


These southerners guarded a small circular slope, stubbornly fighting the death battle, countless sharp weapons were slashing and killing, the two sides stepped on the bodies of the wounded and the dead and continued to fight, the screams continued one after another, one of them was wearing heavy The strong man of A looks particularly conspicuous, with a shield that can almost block the whole body in his hand, like a gate board, blocking all the arrow clusters that are shot out, and a heavy sword, so that no one can rush up around. Even if you rush up, you will be beaten down


   "Don't all the Southern Army generals go to the banquet? Then what's going on?" Duke Gankefu asked uncomfortably.


"That was the Tiger Wings of the Kingdom of Carisu. Commander Lightl did not attend the banquet because he was ill. The person who had wanted to report this to the adults was delayed because of some things." Hearing Duke Gankefor's question, A general in charge of intelligence, Fei Ze, shuddered and quickly came out, replied awkwardly, "And the Kali Su's camp has always been placed relatively remote from the main camp, and it has been integrated into one body, so the impact has not been great."


"It's such an important thing that you didn't report it because of something delayed, so you can see how irresponsible." Hearing this name, Gan Kefu's face showed a bit of fierceness, and his dazzling eyes were terrifying. The generals felt a chill. What's wrong, isn't there a general who didn't attend the banquet? What a big deal, even if I didn’t go to the banquet, now I’m surrounded by the group.


Just when the generals were speculating, Duke Gankeford made a command that made everyone surprised, waved his hand violently, and shouted, "Come, and immediately put him in custody, and wait until the battle is over." I was stupid, and my face became pale. I quickly shouted, "My lord is angry, and his subordinates are not intentional. It is because the subordinate's wife just had a son and was happy for a while, so. . . . . . "He didn't expect that Gankefu would make such a fuss, or he would forget to report, and it wouldn't affect the overall situation. The guard cavalry around him had already flooded up, and he had already been detained from the war before he could say the second sentence. On the ground, the mouth was also stuffed with cloth, tied tightly, and dragged away like a dead dog


   "Sir, General Baiwuya made a mistake, but it shouldn't be the case. It's just a small southern general, it's not worth our loss of a general!" A general Fei Ze was really unsightly, and came out carefully.


   "Yeah, adults, please forgive General Baiwuya" Other generals came out to persuade


   "Forget? He gave birth to a son, we have hundreds of soldiers died here in vain"


Duke Gankefu was stiff and unmoved, his nose snorted heavily. "For a moment's luck, the entire legion was trapped in such a situation. No two or three thousand lives were filled in. It was impossible to take the opponent's defense line. Yes, if he reports earlier, I will definitely have a special arrangement, not like now, I have to put out the strength to nibble this hard bone, these people are all because of his death, should he be punished? "Gankefu said so. In fact, there is another reason not to say. If let Lettle go away tonight, the Battle of the South, I am afraid that it will not be so smooth. Since the Southern Legend has a hunch, who dares to say Did not leave behind!


The Kingdom of Kalisu was originally a small country in the south of Fizer. It was because of the existence of this famous general that in the past two decades, with a weak force, he miraculously annihilated Ansulu, which is twice its land area. In the region, the national power leapt to the first place in the southern vassal kingdom. It is said that this time, the famous general opposed Faizer, but he was sent out in the end and took six thousand Kali Soviet troops to fight passively along the way. I don’t see the legendary legend, so in Kurudia’s report, I also think that the southern legendary legend’s ability is exaggerated.” At least there is still a certain distance from the real legendary, but in the rural areas of the south, it is also Understandable"


   But the experienced Duke Gankefu didn’t think so, and Kurudia did this because he didn’t know the final plan of slaughter in advance.


And the legendary southern legend has such a performance. In addition to his distrust of Fitzer, there is a possibility that Fitzer may think that he may kill the donkey, fight passively all the way, and save his strength. It is really In this way, the legendary general is quite simple, so before launching, Duke Gankeford specifically told the intelligence department to pay close attention to the movement of the lighter, but now the intelligence officer told himself that lighter did not go to the banquet, Now both in the camp and the two say, such a major mistake, you should not die who should die!


"Come here, send me orders, the army will be surrounded, and before dawn, I will see the head of Lightl!" Duke Gankeford looked uplifting his whip, and the commanded legion began to pounce on the final hold from all sides. In order to conquer the earth slope, the Fezer soldiers pushed up the siege equipment in the camp, and the heavy infantry, with their shields and their shields, rushed up and rushed up, regardless of whether the arrow above was raining or the hot hot oil was dripping on the body. A smoky fume was emitted, and heavy stones rolled down the slope. A few people pressed. At one time, the **** was densely covered with upward soldiers, and the wave of attack was wave after wave.




The Southern Army soldiers above had killed their red eyes and watched their companions were killed and trampled. They also knew that there was no chance of survival tonight, but they were all out of it, hoping to kill more before they died. The last one or two betrayed Fazers dispelled their hatred, everything was worth it, the violent blast of weapons, sparks splashed, and the body rolled down the slope,


   "The Fifth Squadron of the Third Regiment Collapsed"


   "The seventh squadron leader of the ninth regiment is dead!"


The report from the warfare side made General Fezer's face moved. No one thought that these southern country gangsters were not afraid of death and would cause such great damage. There were already 4 squadrons that either collapsed or suffered heavy losses, and lost more than 2,000 troops. Many soldiers of the Southern Army did not wear armor, and they played directly shirtless with their long swords bright~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If one sword goes down, either you die or I die, and the feet are slippery and greasy. That is along The human blood flowing down the slope, the blade was bluntly killed, and the short sword was broken. The southern soldiers dared to pounce on the enemy's weapons with empty hands, and cut the half of the head of the pattered Fezer soldier. , But also roll downhill with people


"Baiwuya this guy..." The generals also began to hate the intelligence officer's concealment. As Duke Gankefu said, these soldiers did not have to die, but now they have to pay for the reason that the intelligence officer conceals and does not report. At a heavy price, the faint thunder of the torch seems to be unusually loud, the air is very dull, and it is full of a **** and depressed atmosphere


   "It's hit!"


There was a cheering voice in front of it, after all, it was only a defense of thousands of people. Under the repeated attacks of 100,000 troops, it soon began to be unsupportable and began to collapse. The Fezer soldiers rushed up against the exhausted South The soldiers were brutally slashed, the air was filled with a strong smell of blood, and the flesh and blood of the feet were blurred, and the blood flow was piled up into a small river. In this case, it was really difficult to find someone specifically.


   So it wasn’t until an hour later that Duke Gankeford, who kept his eyebrows closed, was not reported. On the slope, the body of the southern legendary Lightl was not found. Because all the people were killed, there was no one until how Lightl slipped away.


"Forget it, report it to your majesty!" Duke Gankefu took a deep breath, glancing across the corpse in front of him, and his silver head showed a bit old, and now I can only hope that one light is not enough to change the whole The big picture! 〖To be continued〗【】

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