Whole Nation

: Two hundred and thirty-four croak (14)

"Since it is a war, there are people who die naturally. This is nothing to be surprised!" The black-haired young man stood at the window, his eyes fell on the distant city scenery, and his back turned to the lighter and others said, "If you are not that kind of person , That’s best, because you need to know that the empire values ​​you, not your country, which means that once the empire’s sword points to Kali Su, you must make a choice!"

"You mean, may I become an enemy of my own country?"

Lightl's complexion was unusually calm, only his eyes showed a trace of imperceptible heat, and five fingers clenched tightly. There have been rumors in the outside world that this legendary star already has a lot of hatred for his country. This is also the Kalisu royal family. The reason for marrying a royal princess to Lightl is not only to monitor, but more importantly to disintegrate the worship of the loyal subordinates under Lightl's loyal subordinates. Under the pressure of the royal family, in order to protect themselves and protect the subordinates, Lightl disbanded the officers he had followed for many years, sat and watched the royal family dismantle and divide the most elite legions under his command, and finally was sent to the Kingdom to participate in the apparently trapped Fizer Civil War

"Indeed," the dark-haired young man did not shy away, and his sharp, sharp-eyed eyes came back, turning around and saying, "If you agree, you will no longer be the legendary general of Kali Su, but a military man with a princely rank, if To regret, it's too late"

"Can I think of the meeting as an invitation to me from an adult?" After Lightl was slightly stunned, his face was slightly embarrassed, and he whispered slowly. "I believe that the adult also understands my situation. For the Kingdom of Kalisu, I admit that It is already bowing to death, and even betrayed, I am worthy of my heart, but I am also a legendary legend in the south, and the price is low! You can tell me directly, in the heart of adults, how much is my Lightl worth."

"If I say it is priceless," the fat man said in silence. The character of the soldiers in Lightl's bones is still very appreciated by the fat people. Everyone is honest and open about the price, and it is not impossible to negotiate. It's better than those who seem to be loyal in appearance, claiming to be burned with jade and stone. In fact, there is a slight wind direction, and it is much better to those who immediately change their heads, during the expansion stage of the empire. Such a person, too many fat people see too much, even if it is the need of Huairou means, seeing too much, it is disgusting!

"It's a bit overdone, I'm still a little bit self-aware."

When Lighter heard this comment, he could not help crying and laughing. Such a high rating made people unwilling to believe. Although he is a legendary legend in the South, he is actually only a little famous in the barren southern corner. Compared with the falcon empire that has millions of soldiers, wipes out the two empires, and dominates the entire northern part of the continent, and truly compares the stars, what is his meager reputation? Think of the emperors of the Megatron Obaro continent, which is not a cross-border war. The number of enemies defeated is calculated according to 100,000. The largest battle in the south is only 30,000 or 40,000. Just kill it. It is totally incomparable. If you are an invaluable treasure, then what is the name of these empires that even the remote south knows?

"I'm bragging, I really thought to say a few good things. Will I be able to solicit my father?" Nalin was a little blind by the side. This dark-haired guy came out as a lie, and really took everyone away Are you a fool who likes to listen to good things?

"This is a bit overdone. General Lightl is indeed excellent, but it is far from the invaluable evaluation. There is still quite a distance."

Lu Andrea shook his head secretly, but Lu Andrea did not think that the emperor was an emperor, and he needed to compliment a general in a remote area in the south! After all, the emperor is still a passionate young man, so the solicitation is still too eager! In fact, for the character who has experienced various winds and frosts, such as Light Letter, the real negotiation can get the trust of the other party!

"I said that Lord Letter is a priceless treasure, and of course there is a reason."

The fat man is thick and has no embarrassment. Instead, he laughs. "Aren't you just looking at his identity? Ability, knowledge, and many more things that can't be summarized. In terms of fame, Wright Naturally, you haven’t reached such a comment yet, but in another aspect, the empire’s understanding of Fizer’s south is almost completely blank. Although information has been collected, after all, the empire’s time to enter the south is too short, and the resistance is heavy. The information available is very limited, but Lord Letter is different. Not only is the real legendary southern legend, but also a half-life battle in the south, it is simply a living map of the south. For an empire that urgently needs to know information about the south, The invaluable metaphor is truly deserved!"

"This guy, it's just..." Na Lin's pretty face was completely dull. She didn't expect that the dark-haired youth's eyes would be so unique, and so magnificent, that it directly set the pattern in the north, the falcon empire in the north, and the south. From the perspective of it, how ridiculous it is that my short and poor short eyes! Is this guy human? It is still true as the rumors say that the generals of the Northern Falcon Empire have become evil,

"If you look at it this way, General Letter would be of extraordinary value to the empire"

Luandria pretended to be calm and touched his chin with his hand. Shen Sheng said that he was not a soldier, but he had been with the fat man for more than a month, and he did know the degree of the emperor's desire for news in the south, and even talked to him many times. , But the empire’s exploration in the south is too small. This large-scale exploration cannot be completed in a short time, and he does not know much about the south. He has long been a brain of the emperor. Has finished talking,

After all, he is a Fei Ze, and he only went to the South once. In the literature research, the information about the South is even more pitiful. Fei Ze was not a kingdom of respect for knowledge, and he was managed in all the battles against the South. I grabbed a lot of literature, but for more than 100 years, no scholar has really studied it. Compared with the literature, the Fezers prefer the wealth of the south, but if there is the assistance of Lightl who is familiar with the situation in the south, then it is another time. thing

Under the guidance of the southerner, Lightl, the exploration of the empire in the south will be greatly accelerated, and the collection of information will be more purposeful and targeted, instead of being completely ignorant as before, which may have taken a year or more. It will take a long time for the empire to understand the south, now. At most, it takes half a year to understand the situation in the southern region.

"Cough, it seems that Lightl did find a terrific new owner!" Lightl coughed and suddenly stood up. Kneeling down to the fat man on one knee, Shen Sheng said, "From now on, Leter is willing to be loyal to the Falcon Empire and become a soldier of the Falcon Empire. No hesitation"

He may be the fastest recovering of the three, and his heart was shocked by the words of the black-haired youth. Such a pattern, such a look, what identity of this young imperial general in front of him! However, Lightl still felt a little gratified in his heart. How much affection he still has for the Kingdom of Carisu may even embarrass Lightl himself

The royal family's desire to die is not a day or two, but is forced by the pressure of many colleagues in the past. I haven't done it for a long time. In the battle of the kings, the Kali Su Kingdom troops were slaughtered, but if I went back alone, even if I was not executed immediately, I would be put under house arrest again, compared with the oppression of the Kali Su royal family. , The young people's solicitation in front of him obviously makes him feel more emotional,

If the opponent only values ​​his so-called gimmick of the legendary southern legend, then Lightl will not recognize the opponent too much. But what the other party values ​​is not the name, but their own understanding of the south, and it is clear that this is their true value. Not to mention other people, that is, Lightl himself feels an impulse to bow down, an imperial minister who can truly appreciate himself. This opportunity simply falls from the sky. Does everyone have it!

"Okay, as long as you are loyal to the empire. The empire will not let you down." The fat man lifted the lighter on one knee with a serious face, took a document from the drawer of his desk, handed it to Lightl, and laughed. "You just said that the price is low, but don't do it, then this is regarded as part of the compensation

"Is this?" Lightl looked at the file in his hand, confused.

"The command of a hundred thousand troops is enough"

The fat man grinned in disbelief, but almost scared Letle down

The fat man said, "The empire originally planned to recruit six garrison flag regiments from the slaves released from the west coast to form the empire's West Coast Legion, with a total of hundreds of thousands of people. Although it is not a regular empire, it can be guaranteed to be strong, morale, and weapons. It is fully equipped. At present, it has recruited four. The full number is 67,000, which is enough to deal with the general confrontation. Now I will give it to you! The remaining soldiers should be recruited within ten days. You are ready For a moment, maybe there will soon be a war broke out ""A hundred thousand troops... war broke out!"

Lightl's face was trance, and the whole person listened with a breath of air. Obedient, 100,000 troops. There is no such amount of troops in the entire Kalisu Kingdom. Although it is not a regular empire, the weapons are well equipped. In the south, , It is comparable to the regular army, Litera did not expect to bow his head, he turned out to be a hundred thousand army! The so-called outbreak of war means what you can think of even with your knees. The West Coast is clearly ready to go. With a single order, a hundred thousand troops will become an arrow for the empire to shoot at the capital of Fezer, and penetrate the Fezers in one fell swoop. heart!

Blue Moon Mountain,

The westerly wind was rolling, and the smoke from countless horseshoes rolled up,

The black cavalry emerged from both sides of the mountain, and the horseshoes stopped heavily on the edge of the dry and cracked ground, trampling a large piece of smoke like the morning fog, densely packed, and conservatively estimated to be 40,000 riding. These sturdy looks are like looking at the netted prey. Black cavalry, tens of thousands of horseshoes raised and lowered unsteadily, and at the same time brought up the dirt on the ground. The ground beneath your feet is muddy,

"Adult, what should I do now?" The adjutant asked Rallyak with a pale face. His teeth were trembling. The entire battlefield had basically stopped. The surrounded border guard cavalry began to withdraw. The soldiers of the Fourth Army Then, looking at the sides with fear in his eyes, he unconsciously started to gather up,

"Looks like it's not a border guard." Rally Ake looked tightly at the reins of the warhorse, withdrawing his gaze from a distance, and said to himself, such a number of cavalry is completely two or three times the side, even if the entire border guard is The cavalry of the army are all included, and there is absolutely no such a cavalry cluster, so Rally Ake is also a bit ignorant, is it an enemy or a friend?

At this moment, wooh, a loud trombone sounded from the high side, and a group of black armored cavalry ran out of the separate cavalry queue like a tower. The army took a breath of air, and saw that these heavy armored cavalry's horses had long horse face armor attached to them. The thick body was like a thick hill, with a sturdy body and a full vest. The same as the cavalry above. It is a heavy armor all over the body, just this posture, like a stubborn giant beast trampled on the ground, a uniform movement, a handle of cavalry lances like a cold light surging in front, spreading out, forming a similar indentation The inclined surface, the simple and clear lines, but a razor-like Xiao kill, you can always cut the whole piece of the fourth army directly in front from the middle,

"God, heavy cavalry, heavy cavalry!" The adjutant was completely panicked, even incoherent.

"What's going on, how can there be heavy cavalry"

Like him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There has been a wave of commotion from the soldiers of the fourth army that has been gathered. The voices of the soldiers are frightened one after another. The fourth army directly under the army is not a heavy army. It is difficult to face the general light riding raid. Not to mention the heavy cavalry known as the meat grinder on the battlefield! , Not to mention the disturbing appearance of the heavy cavalry, just the neat and forward queue of these heavy cavalry, it is already a landslide and cracking, which is completely incapable of raising resistance. In front of such a battlefield sweeper, as long as it is a Normal people, all they think about is running away!

"Who the **** is he and what do he want to do!"

Rally Aker stared at a black armored heavy cavalry who slowly came from the queue. His teeth were bitten on his lips and blood bleed out. Tens of thousands of troops were caught here. There was no real confrontation and courage. Soul has lost most of it. Since he became a soldier, in the past twenty years, there has never been such a desperate and frustrating situation.

The black armored cavalry standing out from the opposite side stopped at a distance of about 100 meters in front of him. The cavalry slammed the white flag raised in his hand on the ground, and his eyes swept across the white paper with a contempt. People, the corner of the mouth suddenly smiled coldly "Within ten breaths, surrender or die!"

(To be continued.)

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