Whole Nation

: Two Thousand and Thirty-seven Thunder (17)

In the area of ​​King Fezer, Blue Valley, the sky is gloomy, just like the Grand Duke Geng Di is now full of anger and all is expressing his expression. Tens of thousands of troops drove out of the Blue Valley. The barrier between Wang Jun, but the situation in front of him, made Grand Duke Geng Di take a deep breath.

Countless crowds of people are crowded and the water is leaking. The road is extremely severe. There is no formal road. Tens of thousands of people have passed by. The road has been crushed into a deep quagmire. A car often costs twenty or thirty. People tried their best to pull and pull. Everyone rolled like a mud monkey, exhausted and exhausted. On both sides of this sparse road, most of the private guards of the various lords were riding on thin horses, drenched in water, holding a spear, and guarding the large group of people moving forward.

"Tell them, speed up" Grand Duke Geng Di waved his whip angrily, but the situation in front of him could not be solved in one sentence. All kinds of complaints were caused by cavalrymen who ran over and it was already full of enthusiasm. Complain, if possible, who doesn’t want to leave this muddy ground faster, this is not without a way,

The blue valley in front of me was originally a large amount of rainfall in this low-lying land to form a lake lowland about a mile or so. The mountains on both sides reflected on the mirror surface of the lake, as if stained with a deep blue layer. The name of the blue valley is From this, in terms of geography and climate, the terrain like Blue Valley is also the easiest to form water topography. Sudden downpours often wash the corners of the valley carelessly and gather into the center of the valley. Lakes, allowing the area of ​​the lake to expand rapidly, raining for several days in a while ago, the valley blue lake that should have dried up a lot in winter, but skyrocketed

There are not many roads that can pass inside the Blue Valley. Moreover, now two-thirds of these roads have been occupied by a blue water pond, and the remaining routes that can be passed are also run by the lake. Either it was the edge of the lake, and the soil was soft, so let it go. It went directly to the ankle, and the two feet of the person walked on it, still shaking, not to mention the carriage full of countless heavy objects. Most of these were obtained from the looting of the noble army in the Wangdu area, and a part of the large army was now unable to move in the muddy water. The front horse was struggling forward and the nose was in cold weather. A white mist was sprayed. Although the noble army soldiers looked stronger and stronger than ordinary civilians, they were also exhausted on the turning road.

"At this speed, it is impossible to pass in a day, send more scouts, and pay close attention to the movement of Wang Jun." Duke Geng Di's ugly order, I can only hope that Wang Jun will not dare to act rashly, otherwise once the other party Pressing it up is a **** battle.

Three hours later, the report from the previous scout made Duke Geng Di's body suddenly cold as an ice cave. Wang Jun was dispatched, and it was not a tentative action, but the whole army began to move, one hundred thousand Wang Jun , With the two cavalry units as the vanguard, is being forced towards the Blue Valley, and the noble army has gotten messy.

"Why. We just want to leave"

"These **** of Wang Jun really thought we were afraid of them"

"Now say what these are doing, chant, who is afraid of who!" A noble army leader's face twitched in surprise. A thin lip spit out the words "The big deal is death, I don't believe it, Wang Jun is not afraid of death!"

"Array outside the Blue Valley, ready to fight!"

The cavalry screamed all the way, and the noble army that had already mobilized in front of the station began to gather and leaned back in the direction of the Blue Valley. The front row is a bayonet shooter, the back is a bow shooter, a small amount of cavalry is arranged on the left side, countless bayonet stands forward at the same time, the sharp sword mountain gun array, the iron hoof sword, under the gloomy sky, the blue valley is flat , The horizon is wide, and soon, I saw the emergence of Wang Jun, as if covered by a large black cloud, a large piece of Wang Jun’s double-headed eagle battle flag that was rolled in the wind, and tens of thousands of cavalry clusters opened like waves. 'S bayonet pointed straight in the direction of Blue Valley

"Move forward, kill!: The cavalry cluster does not mean any pause. The horseshoes thunder, the earth trembles violently, and the offensive rolls down like a fierce black tide, and the nearer, the noble army soldiers' hearts are throbbing, even hands Are shaking!

"Attention! The enemy is coming!" The nobles of the various armies stood in front of the various phalanxes, shouting back and forth, "Stabilize your position, and keep your pace!"

Two hundred meters!

One hundred meters!

Fifty meters! The white breath of the war horse's breath seemed so clear that the blood stains on the spear were so close that the cavalry head lifted soaring dust, and the noble army soldiers could not breathe well. Within ten seconds, the two armies were fierce. When the ground collides, it will start a fierce fighting and impact.

Stand still, stab! The sharp applause rang through the head. Thousands of spears sprang out at the same time, striking **** the oncoming cavalry vest, blood splashing, the long mourning of the war horse, and the heavy body still with an unstoppable momentum. It was like a heavy huge grinding disc hitting the poor spearman.

The iron wall composed of tens of thousands of armored cavalry was really showing the power of attack. At this time, we saw a large number of horses covering up and its terrible speed, directly crashing the front of the noble army array, cavalry The horse was rushed into the heap of people at full speed, the queue collapsed continuously, and it was suddenly washed away. Following the impact of the sharp knife, the fierce light cavalry followed up, and the hoofed saber hacked the flooded soldiers into the pool of blood, and the entire line of cavalry madly killed the crowded place, kicking their heads with horseshoes, The saber slashed **** the body, and the steel spear pierced the human body. Some people shouted, "Run!" The soldiers turned and fled. The three teams on the right wing broke down first, and the soldiers were flooded. Gushing down like a storm, the blocked officer wrapped up and disappeared. "Almost, let the front be pulled down!"

In such a tragic situation, Grand Duke Geng Di was rather calm. He rode on the war horse and ordered to the adjutant behind him,

He had long recognized the identity of this sturdy cavalry in front of him. He had long heard that the king spared a lot of money to equip the heavy cavalry. He never expected to meet here. In front of these steel monsters, the thin human body is just one. The hammer crushed, and the powerful impact was enough to penetrate the tens of thousands of troops, but these cavalry were also very arrogant. Many people were vassals of the royal family. In the capital of the royal capital, Alec, Gankefu used the cavalry to fight Fezer. The twelfth army corpse spread across the field, proving that it was not a flower that the royal family kept in the courtyard. But a real weapon used to kill people,

This is also the army that Deng Geng Di is most concerned about, because if the noble army wants to escape, the biggest trouble is that the steel cavalry "Woo" in the hands of the Wang Jun appears to be a little too late. The trombone sound tears the tragic battlefield. . Having reached the edge of the collapse, the noble army seemed to have completely lost the courage to fight, and immediately fled towards the blue valley behind it.

"Kill!" How could the proud Wang Jun cavalry watched the prey he slipped away from his eyes, and the cavalry of the brigade chased behind the noble army and rushed into the Blue Valley, where a lot of muddy mud. Let the cavalry slow down involuntarily, and before them appeared a large number of wagons,

"Asshole!" Wang Jun cavalry had to stop temporarily, the road ahead was blocked, thinking that the enemy was fleeing, some cavalry came down from the war horse, trying to move the obstruction away, in the faint mist of the valley floor, there was a Fengpu Nian'er. Suddenly, countless arrow clusters came up,

Wang Jun cavalry leader shouted tearfully, "Attention," Han Guang has rapidly expanded in Wang Jun cavalry's pupils, poof! puff! puff! Arrows rain like rain, even heavy cavalry wearing heavy armor, under the heavy armor piercing arrows at close range, still roll under the horse, and the specially processed triangular heavy arrow is like a whip like a violent storm. Whipped on the cavalry, screamed into the weakness of the heavy infantry armor. "Ah" Blood was splattering and screaming constantly, the number of arrow clusters was too much, and the cavalrymen were too crowded. Like a fly, it retreated uncontrollably,

A king's cavalry had a slightly higher angle because the shield was slightly raised. An arrow cluster fell from a weird angle. It deeply penetrated the scale armor on his knee, and the cavalry bent down half painfully. Several arrow clusters shot from the weak back of his armor as he bent over, poof! puff! "The **** arrow pierced through the chest of this cavalryman. This cavalryman was quickly tied into a **** hedgehog by the falling arrow clusters, and the dull-looking corpse just rolled straight down from the dip.

The tragic picture of "Asshole, we were ambushed". The Wang Jun cavalry of the same team was pale, and everyone dared not to show their heads behind the shield, but casualties continued to appear, one and two... the queue became more and more sparse...

Area of ​​King Fizer, Azshara

The winter sun added a hint of warmth to this cold land. Under the sunlight, the fog last night quickly disappeared, and the open field outside the city was covered with weeds, the wind blew, and a piece of floating, Endless. Because of the war in the Wangdu area, there are not many farms outside the Fortress of Azshara, all of them have run down. Only the castle stands on this high and open field. Looking far, it looks like A tiger lying quietly there, dominating quietly everything in the surrounding area for more than ten years. The kind of quiet majesty can make everyone who sees it can't help but dwarf three points.

The ancient granite city walls have experienced a hundred years of wind and rain, sun and rain, and some places have been deeply blackened, and some places have grown thick moss, but none of this can cover its majesty. On the contrary, it also increased its thickness and vicissitudes, and some places were torn, because it was too high, there is no way to make up, the gap gradually weathered and faded, and finally turned into a huge blood basin with a big mouth, staring attentively as if it would always be Cannibalism. Outside the ancient castle. It is a wide open land, an eagle flag flutters on the main tower of the castle, and there are large tents densely distributed outside the fortress.

"Take your heads up! Lift your chests up! Open your eyes wide! If I see a violation, the whole team will give me a new drill!"

Lightl stood in front of the team ground. His gaze swept across the entire line of soldiers, and he roared violently. It seemed that at this time, if someone found his head was not raised, his chest did not stand up, and his eyes were not wide open. He would pass by He kicked the other side on the ground. These soldiers were formerly slaves. Even if they were given the status of free men, their inferiority complex could not be changed in a short time. If you want to make these soldiers full of Fighting, born in the southern aristocracy, and who has been in the prisoner of war camp for several years, Lightl has his own way

There are many people inside the slaves who are very good soldiers, but these slaves lack the courage and courage to fight, so the most direct way to get rid of the influence of being slaves is to fight, win, fight again, and win again! The capture of Azshara is only the first step. The real target of Lightl is still the Fifth Army, which is indicated by intelligence, is heading towards Azshara.

"You are not slaves now, but emperors!"

Lightl walked slowly in front of each line of the team. His walking route was straight. If he accidentally touched a person, it must be the deflection of the soldier standing. At this time, he did not need to speak at all. Need to slow down a little bit, the soldier will immediately collapse straight,

In addition to Lightl, officers at all levels, flag regiments, squadron leaders, and squad leaders of the entire regiment are also busy. These officers are specially selected from the Imperial Northwest Army, and each of them has truly commanded the troops. The first-line commander of the battle, when transferred to the new legion~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Every officer's level is automatically upgraded by half a level. As a true emperor, they use the most standard army soldiers to show what the emperor soldiers should look like. They took the lead in performing drills without any traces. At this time, they represented not only military officers, but the image of the entire emperor, and the image of the entire empire. In a short period of time, a temporary army should be transformed into a combat force. For Teijin, there is a very direct way, that is to go to the battlefield! Many elite troops of the empire grew up in such a **** baptism

"There are 60,000 or 70,000 troops on the west coast this time, as long as you can ensure that 40,000 people will survive alive, this is the bottom line implied by the emperor before departure, that is, 30,000 people will die in this land. "After walking slowly back and forth, Lightl nodded in satisfaction. He raised his head and looked at the Azshara Fortress behind him. He seemed to want to feel an interesting silence from above. This battle , Can be regarded as a trial to step up to the level of an imperial general, so Lightl does not want to touch the bottom line, otherwise even after completing the task, his evaluation in the emperor’s heart will drop a lot, but this time There are a lot of Fei Ze Wangjun. Once the war starts, it is not under your control.

I cried. This was originally issued yesterday. I got stuck for a while. I didn't pay attention, but I didn't send it out... It's over, and the whole attendance is in vain... The price is heavy (to be continued.)

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