Whole Nation

: Two Thousand and Forty Thunder (20)


There was a lot of drizzle outside the window, and the temperature in the room also dropped a lot. Although the Imperial Guard lit a fire in the room fireplace, it was still inadequate in the face of this slightly empty office. With speculative heart, came to the door of the emperor's office, two harsh and capable imperial guard captains opened the office door for him,

A long reddish-brown desk reflected in Effie's eyes, a young man with a lazy look, frowned frowning at a report in his hand, the sound of a raindrop knocking outside the window, hanging on the wall A large map with a lot of marks on it, Effie’s breath suddenly became heavier, walked in carefully, straightened his body, and raised his hand to salute, "Your Majesty, Effie Dee, the Minister of Foreign Affairs came to report to you."

"Sit down, you came faster than I expected"

The young man put down the report in his hand and gestured to sit down on the opposite sofa. From the current appearance only, the emperor was wearing a slightly looser long dress. In his private time, most of his subordinates knew the emperor He has never been a rigid person. He has neither a terrible breath like the rumours of the outside world nor the kind of majesty of oppressiveness, like this office in front of him. A desk, a row of bookshelves full of books of unknown age, a warm fire burning in the fireplace, and the young man looks more like a lazy worm curling up in his room to read a book in winter

Effie's straight body collapsed, a beating of unsteady heart, even if he gave him two more guts, he did not dare to sit down in front of the emperor. This time the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs was instructed to secretly communicate with the governors of Fezer, able to short In a short period of half a month, let the governors of several provinces stand on the side of the grand prince, most of them are the credit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but if they think that they have made great achievements in this way, it is a big mistake, because the emperor most important Lak Sisuhang Province. Please search () to see the most complete! However, the fastest updated novel has not been able to talk about it for a long time. As can be seen from the map of Fezer, it can be seen that Laksusu Province is located at the junction of central and northern Fezer. From a strategic perspective, the sum of the first six provinces is not as important as a Laksu province

"Don't be so cautious, this time it's pretty good to ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to bring the six governors of Fez into the support of the Grand Prince in such a short period of time." Good file. Pass it to Effie Di "This is the appointment you made in the report, then go, if the other party is still thinking about delaying time, there is no need to spend time on it."

"Your Majesty means to abandon the province of Laxus?" Effie's face was slightly stunned.

"I just got the news that the noble army unexpectedly defeated King Fei Ze who came to encircle and suppress outside the Blue Valley."

The young man shrugged his shoulders on the seat and smiled bitterly in the corner of his mouth. "Who could have thought that the noble army, who had been forced into the dead, unexpectedly defeated King Fei Ze in the Blue Valley. According to the original plan, the noble army should It will be blocked in the Blue Valley. At that time, the only people who can reach these guys are our empire, and no request can be made. If there is another north to Daolaxuxing province, even if they are wanted It is not completely impossible to put all of them into the arms of the empire, but it is no longer possible. The aristocratic army has won the Blue Valley victory. It is said that the royal family of Fezer has decided to let the aristocratic army leave. The situation has changed, and Laxus province is not very important. !"

"The original road is like this, the subordinates understand"

There was a faint expression on Effie's face, indeed. If the Royal Family of Fezer no longer wants to forcibly annihilate the Hokuriku noble group in the Wangdu area, Laxushang Province will not make much sense as an empire bargaining chip unless the empire decides to tear the face with these Hokuriku nobles and return them to the north. All the nobles of the Hokuriku nobles were on their way home, otherwise they completely did not meet the empire's original intention to let Fezer's country be completely divided. In fact, according to the military strength of the empire, it was enough to swallow the entire Fizer, but the consequence of this was to completely ignite the raging fire in the south against the empire. At that time, the empire still wanted to continue to expand in the south, and the assistance and pressure it received will become Doubled, the entire South will set off a wave of opposition to the Empire

In the battle between the North and the South, although the losses of the coalition forces in the South reached 700,000, there were so many countries participating in the war. The losses of the countries did not hurt the fundamentals. Once they fully resisted the empire, it was another matter. Part of the Barrow continent, but because of the barriers in the Inland Sea, the cultural differences between the North and the South, the will of the people, and the sense of identity are actually exactly the same as the two continents.

Whether it is the South attacking the North or the North breaking into the South, it will be directly regarded as a war between the two continents, this will to confront each other. It has a history of thousands of years. Once it is formed, it cannot be changed in a short period of time, nor can it be completely changed by conquering with force. Just like the powerful Feiya dynasty thousands of years ago, it is because of the forced use of force to unify the inner sea. The North and South regions, regardless of the contradictions in the geographical consciousness of the North and South, eventually led to the collapse of the great empire because of a regional rebellion. Although the empire was strong, it was less than ten years after all. It's tricky. Once caught in this quagmire in the south, the consequences can't be imagined

"Your Majesty, what's the next step for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to do?" Effidi carefully asked for instructions. As a foreign official, the most important thing is to know the emperor's thoughts

"Well, there is really one thing that needs urgent treatment by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs"

The young emperor was silent for a moment, stood up, took a request from the bookshelf drawer behind him, and handed it to Effie Dee, said condensedly, "The defeat of Blue Valley, King Fei Ze must have been overwhelmed by himself. In the case of farther regions, during this time, you are personally responsible for starting contact between the empire and the southern part of Fez

"Contact with the South? Refers to the vassals of the Fizer Kingdom?" Effie took the request, glanced at his face, his face changed.

"Yes, it is the vassal of the Fez Kingdom." The emperor nodded and said, "The Fei Ze royal family slaughtered tens of thousands of southern vassals. Almost all the military power of the southern vassal kingdom was filled in. Now everyone can see that Fei Ze Once Wang Jun solved the domestic problems, he would quickly go south and uproot the royal families of these vassal kingdoms. This is an excellent opportunity for the empire to fully intervene in the south. Duhan of the Imperial Bank has already begun this aspect. Contact, but the Imperial Bank is not an official empire after all, and there are many things that can't be discussed. Si Duhan asked me to send an imperial foreign official of sufficient level. Although the strength of these vassal kingdoms is not very good, but as an empire to explore the south Tentacles are enough, this matter. Stohan is dominated by the power, and you are responsible for cooperation. This is an important content related to the overall strategy of the empire, and must be given enough attention!"

"Yes, get it"

The person who heard that he wanted to cooperate was Stuhan. As an old man from the age of the Empire of Samor, Effie, his face was shaken and his body was straightened. He did not expect that the emperor would have placed such an important person in the south, Siduhan, the first Imperial Business Alliance The chairman, the administrative officer of King Vickia, the head of the Southwest Empire Business Alliance, the Inspector General of Imperial Bank, any of these titles. All of them stepped into the ranks of empires at the core of the empire! There have been rumors in the upper empire that the emperor intends to designate the head of the imperial bank in southern Europe as Stohan. Anyone who knows the details of the imperial bank can feel the weight of this precipitated position. Position, if placed in the imperial business circle, it would be a position similar to the imperial marshal

"Okay, go ahead and prepare"

The emperor looked cold and waved his hand, letting Effiti leave, and waiting until Effie left. The fat man exhaled a long time, rubbed the sun, stretched a long lazy waist, and glanced at the stack of heavy documents on the table. There was a shout in his mouth, "Do these **** want to murder the emperor? Even if you look at each one and sign the name, these documents will take three or four hours!" This kind of internal document was already coordinated by all parties. It is also the content of the normal operation of the empire. If you look at it carefully, you can’t finish it even if you stop 24 hours a day, so the fat man has no doubt. Most of the diligent emperors are actually rumors of exhaustion,

It took another more than three hours. The drizzle outside had stopped completely, and the fat man stopped the pen, letting people take away these backlogged documents. Anyway, the fat man understood that as long as a country operates normally, as long as it is internally stable, As long as it is not affected by the war, as long as it is not internally consumed, it will basically accumulate and grow naturally. Moreover, the Empire’s commercial network throughout the entire continent constantly absorbs the nutrients of the entire continent. The Empire also continues to plunder the population and resources of other countries. As an emperor, all you have to do is to maintain this environment and expand your advantages. As for the meticulous work, you should leave it to someone who is truly talented. Any emperor who sees himself as omnipotent is Find yourself! Isn't the all-rounder such an anti-celestial thing used to die early in England?

"Your Majesty, the time is almost up," a guard captain knocked on the door and reminded the emperor

"Really? It's time so soon?" The fat man shook his head, his eyes flashing a little imperceptible chill, from his angle, he turned his head to look out the window, and saw a color on the sky in the middle. You can see the big trees outside are still dripping with water drops~www.wuxiaspot.com~The empire has established a foothold on the west coast. In order to completely transform the west coast into an empire area, the empire’s first sky temple in South Obaro will also be held today Opening ceremony

Of course, this kind of thing does not require the emperor to come, but this time it is Palsina who is about to retreat from the position of high priest. That is another matter. Nilai personally wrote a letter to be fat. In particular, it is not a normal arrangement for Palsina to come to the west coast. Since the incident of the Virgin of the Civilian, Palsina has completely reorganized the Sky Temple, abandoning the original idea of ​​theocracy and turning vigorously. Develop the functions of knowledge transmission, medical treatment and other aspects of the temple itself, so that the sky temple quickly established its status as the state religion in the imperial area,

But the opposition forces inside the Sky Temple have been unable to resist under the pressure of the Empire, but there will always be one or two people who don’t know what to do and stand up and accuse Palschena of being a traitor to the Sky Temple. Part of what was originally isolated was that the secular forces entered the management of the Sky Temple. The three parties were mixed, and the widespread spread of the Sky Temple undoubtedly caused a peep of these secular forces. Palschena came to the West Coast and just wanted to borrow This opportunity shows your devotion to the sky temple

Nila was originally firmly opposed. After many stops, she still couldn't stop Palsina from insisting. In the end, she could only ask the fat man for help. The fat man ordered the navy to protect him throughout the journey. It was smooth along the way, but some bad news still remained. Aroused the anger of the fat man, and let the sky temple fall from the divine power. It was the fat man who led the way. The introduction of the civilian saint was to let the worldly force devour the goddess of the sky temple itself, thus becoming a tool for empire control. , But some people are obviously too ignorant! (To be continued.)

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