Whole Nation

: Two thousand four hundred and forty five

Please enter the text. The cold wind mixed with a large piece of snow. The snow on the vast ground was white. In the dark night, the Fei Ze soldiers who stopped ahead suddenly stopped. They saw a person standing about 20 meters in front of him. The knight in black armor, soon, an officer from the Zezer who received the report from the horse, angrily commanded to go down and took the other party down. Besides, several accompanying cavalrymen pulled out their swords aggressively On the other hand, Jianguang cut the knight skillfully and continuously on the knight. His head was cut off with a sword, and his limbs were also cut off. He fell on the snow layer on the ground, and there was no blood flowing out.

"What's going on?" Such a weird scene made Fei Zejun's soldiers overwhelmed.

"Adult, just a grass man!"

&n;mbsp; A sound came from a distance, and I saw the cavalry dragging a left body with one hand

Scattered debris, you can see that the cut parts are all fallen out of the yellow grass seeds, and I don’t know who played the prank. I even erected a life-sized grass man here, and then it was half true. The armor of this night is so useless even in good snowfall

"Asshole, startled!"

Officer Fei Ze scolded himself angrily, wanting to turn around, but his gaze swept over the Cauldron, his face suddenly changed, and he took a breath. The Cauldron appeared here, which was already incredible, and it was far away. I can’t see clearly. Now, when I draw a certain distance, the officer sees the torso of the grass man made of grass seeds, and writes a few red letters in a big red dye. These are the letters that only the nobles learned. The ordinary soldiers of Fei Zejun are basically illiterate, so even if they see the scarlet letter, they don’t know what it means, and they think it is blood. But the officer is from a noble family, and of course knows these Fei Ze characters,


After reading the above words, the officer almost didn't vomit blood. Isn't this a pitman? Put the name of Lord Gankefu on the Caoren. He also ordered the slashing of his subordinates, if Master Gankefu knew that he would not be punished. It was strange that he was not punished. In Fezer, the aristocracy was well-ranked, and the dignity of the upper nobility could not be humiliated and violated by the lower nobility. The little nobleman, thinking that he had cut that many swords marked with the big nobleman Gankefu, his face was white. The only thing I can think of is to turn around and give back to it. This is the only chance I can recover

"This is it?'

Soon Gankefu also knew the news, and came over to check it in person. His eyes fell on the words written on the grassman. Gankefu's eyes flickered, and his face became extremely gloomy, even on such a snowy night. You can also feel a suffocating breath from the body of veteran Gan Kefu

"Adult, how to deal with this?" The officer looked at Gan Kefu's old face. Asked carefully, everyone can see that this is a sign of anger and anger.

"What else can I do, just throw it away?" Gankefu snorted coldly to the officer, this kind of thing was not thrown away. Should we take it all the way back? I don’t know how his brain grows. He doesn’t really care about what is written on it. At his age, he hasn’t seen anything. He just shocked how the other party knew he would go back to Beijing this way? It is possible to set a cursive man here in advance. It is enough to prove that the other party is well aware of his return to the king capital. As long as you think of such a pair of eyes staring at you behind your back, 200,000 troops are under the eyes of others, even Gankefu will feel cold behind.

"Submit the order, cancel the rest, and speed up." Gankefu ordered the repaired troops to speed up. The already tired troops only had a short rest of ten minutes, and they had to rush to the road. The officers rode on the horse and urged the subordinates to speed up. The infantry not only bear the weight of the thick armor, but also bear the snow flakes that hit the face, and the feet are still a hole in the mud. There are too many people walking in front, the snow has turned into a quagmire, everyone only Can suffocate and rush towards the front, five miles away, the army once again stopped at a mountain pass, and the same situation happened again, a grass man blocked in front of the army, but the words on it became "Gankefu, you Can't escape!"

"So it's mysterious!"

Gan Kefu raised his gray eyebrows disdainfully and glanced at the rolling hills on both sides of the back of the grass man. His brows were tighter. This kind of terrain is most suitable for ambush. Even if he knows that the other party may just be foolish, Gan Kefu does not dare to use it. The elite life and death of the 200,000 troops came to take risks. This is Feiser’s last military power. Once there is a big loss, the consequences are unbearable. I must take it back to the king capital steadily. Gankefu raised his hand out of the prudent cautiousness. Shouted behind him “Send scouts immediately to explore the mountains on both sides”

The horseshoe broke the snow in front of it, and raised the dust. The three scouts of the 100-person squadron entered the front pass and searched along the sides. Although it was freezing winter, the mountain-wide pine needle forest in the pass was like Covered by a thick and dense carpet, in the absence of light, the scout cavalry can only jump off the war horse, use weapons to clean up the suspicious-looking rocks, and it is very difficult to search. It took more than an hour for the scout cavalry to complete the entire pass. The collection is completely safe, and there is absolutely no enemy. Gankefu got a sigh of relief.

"Go forward!" Fei Zejun started again,

After the intermittent stop and go, to the sixth five-mile position, Gan Kefu has directly ignored the grassman and directly ordered the troops to move forward.

"Work harder, and you will rest in Lakhras in front of you"

Gan Kefu looked at the sky with a determined face. On the eastern horizon in the distance, there were already bright signs. After marching overnight, as long as he crossed the forty miles that were most likely to be pursued, the road behind was relatively safe. By the way, if there is no accident, the sunset will shine on the golden light of the capital of King Fezer tomorrow afternoon, or you can still shine on yourself!

"Sir, did you find the Cauldron again?" A light cavalry came by

"Don't care about it, the army continues to move forward!" Gankefu waved his hand, it's no surprise that the other party's little cleverness is nothing more than trying to use mystery to delay the speed of the army returning to Beijing. In fact, in the face of such a huge number The army travels at night, even if the other party wants to take an ambush, they must have considerable strength, and in terms of speed, unless the other party has wings, it is impossible to run in front of themselves on such a snowy night. The greatest possibility The other party is using such a mean method to delay time. If they eat all the way, the 200,000 troops who are scared by a grass man are frightened, even if their reputation is completely destroyed.

In a hilly and shady area five miles away, an imperial swift rider in black armor stopped at the same time in front of the imperial emperor, loudly reporting “Fei Zejun had passed the last grassman and entered the five-mile range”

The fat man grinned slightly, and he was the one who did the grassman along the way. He targeted the experienced veteran such as Gan Kefu. The Empire Northwest Army dispatched this time had only 50,000, 20,000 cavalry, and 30,000 infantry. It is the maximum force that can be carried by the horse-drawn sleigh. Such a force is obviously not enough to fight against the 200,000 King Fezer. The only advantage is that it can wait for work. Although the 200,000 King Army is huge, After a night of tossing in such a shock, even the body of steel is almost overdrawn at the moment

Not to mention the further ten miles, Lakhras, where the Wang Jun rests, is a city outside the Wang Capital. Wang Jun is stationed here with 3,000 people. As an eye to monitor the West Coast, such a short distance only requires two to Every three hours, anyone's spirit will pour almost at this moment

"let's start"

The fat man nodded his head to the heavy armored Korissa, and as the shocking backbone of the 30,000 assault cavalry, he had nourished himself, ate his breakfast, and waited for an hour full of energy. The tall and proud arrogant stands on the horse, the cavalry cloak behind is like a flag flying, five miles away, for the cavalry, it is the best distance to fully open the horseshoe and enter the warm-up sprint,

The commander of the Imperial Northwest Army Corps, Clolisat, who was ordered to "drive forward" put on the helmet and held up the sharp sword in his hand. Countless horses began to rumbling away from the horseshoe. Cheng Xi, who had just risen from the east, was like It was a bright red line that shot over ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The red light illuminated the imperial cavalry galloping on horseback below, rows of black, tumbling down along the gentle hilly slopes, The horses put down their masks, the cavalry lances had been leveled, and the entire row of lances had a golden light in the morning light

"Assault, crush!"

The morale of the cavalry shouted the slogan, five miles away. At the last two miles, the warhorse entered full speed, and the cavalry captain led the spear forward. Countless black cavalry soldiers will flash the black line in the morning dawn like a wave of waves! Come closer. The sound of the horseshoe could finally be heard, the thunder was thunderous, and the points could not be separated, just the rumbling sound. At this moment, the landmines were moving, and countless black cavalry thought of a king Fei Ze who withdrew his knife sharply from exhaustion to extremes. The right side went down crazily, advancing at a fast speed, and in a blink of an eye, "the enemy attacked!" The shouting cry shouted. The soldiers pushed in front of the horseshoes. The scene in front of him was terrible. Light, like a gust of wind turned into a **** phantom, the cavalry's sharp bayonet effortlessly overturned the enemies in front of him, watching the frightened head flying up in the air, watching a striking bright red blood column spray out from the headless chest , Fei Zejun, who was full of eyes and fell asleep when he reached Lakhras, was completely blinded by the sudden situation in front of him.

(To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Net)

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