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: 2547 Centennial Heavy Guns


  PS. I offer the May 1 Update, don't hurry to play after reading, remember to vote for the first month. From now on-point 515 Fan Festival to enjoy double monthly tickets, other events have red envelopes can also take a look! "The Fifth Fifth Army suffered heavy casualties and was unable to organize another battle. The Eighth Army Regiment was injured, and the Twelfth Army requested support from this formation!" A Fitzer with blue feathers on his helmet ordered the cavalry to run from the flanking direction. To shock everyone


General Fei Ze stared stunned one by one, the situation was too chaotic, the collapse of the heavy infantry represented that the barrier that the entire army array relied on was gone. On such a plain, the long-range combat power of the Imperial Army Megatron could be like a knife. Like flesh, the unprotected 200,000 kings were broken down one by one,


"At this time, there is only one way to die!" Gankefu took a deep breath and danced the whip, the black smoke went up to the sky, but the ground below was filled with blood, no matter whether it was the Imperial Army or the Gankefu king's army. This is the same decision, that is the offense,


"Tell the other armies, don’t care about the array. Now the whole army has only one goal. Take the thunder gods!" Gankefu issued a command and ordered the whole army to the empire, regardless of the impact of the wing on the imperial cavalry. The Thunder God launched a charge in the direction from which he shot, and the cavalry's impact was only a temporary threat. If the continuous coverage of the Empire's Thunder God like a rainstorm cannot be intercepted, up to half an hour, the 200,000 army is a real collapse! At that time, even the **** of war would be unable to restore the situation at hand, and the commanded army of Fei Ze quickly spread to the direction of Thor with an amazing speed.


The Fezer light cavalryman is armed with a spear, and the speeding speed is like an arrow rushing to the front, and the cloak behind him is also fluttering in the wind, like a cluster of flames burning, and a large number of infantry follow the mountains and fields, Everyone knows that if you can’t get the opposite Thor, no defense can be established. Instead, you don’t need to mobilize. The army pours forward. Now who has the extra energy to save the collapsed flank?


   "Nima, a wave"


The corner of the fat man's mouth slightly twitched, and his gaze was like a knife across the ground, sweeping the 200,000 fierce King Feizen who was rushing in his own direction. His face did not show much fluctuation, and the king of Gankefu finally chose. Desperate, Gan Kefu finally chose to use his superior strength to fight when he found he was unable to get out of the predicament.


   At this moment, King Fei Ze completely stepped into death, no heavy infantry, just want to hit the imperial army with light infantry, it is to find death!


"Bring the bow!" The fat man waved his hand behind him. An imperial guard quickly hurriedly handed over a simple and vigorously decorated grassland bow from the back. The fat man's head slightly raised his eyes and looked into the distance. The sky of the sky, took a cluster of arrows passed by the guard,


"Crunch" with ease, strong ordinary adults can hardly pull a small carved bow, which is suddenly a semicircle, and even emit a trace of overwhelming tension, as the carved bow becomes muddy and round in the hands of the fat man, The fiery red silk at the tail of the long arrow was also blown eastward by the oncoming wild wind, pointing in the direction of King Fei Zejun


When I let go of my fingers, I heard a sound stinging the eardrums. The entire imperial infantry corps, which was waiting for it, saw a red dot flying out of it. It burst out more than 100 meters from the emperor's army and swept through the air. A beautiful arc, which fell about fifty or sixty meters away from King Fezer, this is a positioning arrow. With the arrow falling on the ground, firmly insert the ground, the red silk above It looks so striking on the snowy ground,


   "Two hundred and seventeen meters in front, start positioning" The Empire Thor's gunner began to adjust the gun position again


At the same time, a whole row of carriages were also pushed forward by the imperial soldiers. These are the rear four-wheel carriages with obvious reinforcement marks. The wheels have pillars that can be placed directly on the ground, just like a foot, with the carriage The ceiling above was opened, and an imperial arrow car fixed like a honeycomb was fixed on the floor of the car. A bunch of arrows was piled up in the car. This is the latest change of the arrow car by the Imperial Military Academy. The arrow car is directly fixed in the rear carriage of the four-wheeled carriage, which greatly reduces the pressure to move these heavy objects. The arrow carriage is not Thor, and the recoil generated by the launch is not large. It is still stable in the rear carriage of the carriage. Taking advantage of the carriage of the carriages, the arrow clusters can be stacked in the carriages, greatly reducing the interest of soldiers to carry. Now, it is a veritable imperial arrow carriage!




After the adjustment of the Empire Thor, it began to roar again. In a series of fires, the flesh and blood body protected by the Fezer army armor and shield was like a series of blown balloons, especially in pursuit of mobility. Fei Ze Light Cavalry, the explosion point was like being hit by the most violent lightning, the person turned over, the blood rose in the air, the corpse bounced from the horse, and re-planted the dust, the body showed countless wounds that were torn by fragments, and the figure set off by the explosion Chunks, scattered on horseback with blood and minced meat,


   Collapse! collapse! collapse! "


The empire arrow car started to fire, and large clusters of arrows jumped out at once. These gleaming clusters of arrows flew up like a migrating bird swarm, and the heavy rain that turned into metal in the air poured on the head of the scorched Fizen soldier. , "Ah" King Fei Ze turned his horse upside down and screamed. The arrow cluster pursued a large area of ​​coverage, so the shooting accuracy was not good. It was mainly aimed at the dense queue that was swarmed by a swarm of bees like the eyes, and the number of arrow clusters. Many, already in the shadows, the soldiers of King Fezer looked up to the sky without even thinking about dodge because it was too late.




On the flanks, the imperial cavalry that swept back and forth continually dispersed King Fezer, and the ear-wracking sound resounded half the sky. Because of the collapse of the heavy infantry, the imperial cavalry advanced into the crowd as fast as a flowing The cloud of killing, the war horse fiercely hit the Fizer soldiers, and the cavalry above with a sharp sword was mercilessly splitting the Fizer soldiers in front of him, the striking bright red blood column, and the headless chest fell softly on the ground


   "Can't fight anymore!"


The soldiers of the Twelfth Army were seriously overstretched. As long as they stopped, they were breathing heavily, marching in the snow overnight, and there was no fierce fighting until now, even if they were ironed, they were completely boring. The movement of the soldiers of the second army has been slow to keep up with the cavalry shock


The seemingly strict array of guns was sprinted by the imperial cavalry, just like a sharp side knife cut from the middle, the war knife fell, the head rolled, the entire wing was like a stabbed horse honeycomb, and there were charges of escape everywhere The army of King Ze and 30,000 cavalrymen rushed back and forth. It was like no man's land. The blade of light flashed back in the rolling smoke, and the horseshoes brought red patches.


   "Asshole, we were sold by those guys! So far no reinforcements have been sent"


   "This team has released us, everyone escapes"


   All kinds of wailing and scolding, the morale of the 12th Army of Fizer flanks, after less than an hour of fighting, finally collapsed completely


The side of Fezer’s 200,000 army was completely exposed to the blade of the imperial cavalry, and King Fezer, who was striking the empire Thor, was also suffering heavy losses at the moment. It was an organized system that was broken up and covered with corpses, and when it hit the 100-meter position, the crossbow of the Imperial Army began to show off. The sound of the strong bow string vibration even made the whole space shocked.


Even Gankefu, whose eyebrows had been tightly screwed together hundreds of meters apart, was able to feel the tension. It was a very weird feeling, just like the air was torn by arrow clusters at this moment, black metal The arrow flashed a chilling light in the air, and then turned into a roaring death rain. The army of King Fezer lacked the protection of heavy infantry. He ran around under the crossbow arrows that fell in the sky. Many soldiers who fell to the ground wanted to stand up. , Xian immediately turned into a blood gourd filled with arrow clusters, and the shouting and wailing of wounded soldiers often turned into chilling silence at this moment,


  The hot human blood even melted the snow and ice on the ground, forming a stream of red, slipping into the mud,


   "Quick, gather together, the deserters are executed on the spot!"


The Warden of the King Fazer waved his knight's sword full of blood in his hand, and ran between the soldiers who came back, and yelled and shouted, cut with a knife, ordered, threatened, and drove the deserted deserters back to the queue In the middle, stepping on the piles of corpses, King Fei Ze finally rushed to the imperial army formation with a price of 30,000 or 40,000,


   "The armor piercing forward!"


With a cry, I saw an array of long rifles erected by the Imperial Heavy Infantry, neatly walking out of a row of hundreds of people, double heavy armor, all over the body, only one eye was exposed, and the weapon in hand was even more terrifying. This kind of weapon is like a two-handed heavy gun, but it is only four or five meters in length. Under the grip of both hands, the sharp spear tip is much longer than the ordinary spear, almost a meter in length, and the long edge is more like It is a thick heavy sword with an iron, and the imperial soldier holding this thick and long weapon, tall, needless to say, the weird heavy gun in the hand lifted up neatly with the order, just like to be at any time Swing down, the interval between each soldier is also five meters, instead of the usual form of lineup, it seems that he is afraid of hurting himself,


This is the Central Asian Empire's armor piercing gun, which is known as the first killing weapon in Centralbia. It was only incorporated into the Imperial Army in May this year. People, there are three hundred such special combat infantry wearing double heavy armor. The training method is from Yueshan, who is a strong general of the Central Asian border.


Yueshan was born in the Yanzhou Army, one of the three military groups in the heyday of the Central Biya Empire. As the first line of resistance to the nomadic peoples in the north, the prestige of the armor piercing gun of Central Biya was once heard by the prairie people who made the sturdy and fearless death. The degree of change in color, the impact of the nomad cavalry, is completely unbearable in the face of the armor-piercing gun that is more than four meters long.


  Yueshan is precisely the commander of the annihilated Yanbian Army of the Central African Empire who commanded the armor piercing army


Because of its special training method, the armor piercing gun not only requires the user's strong physical strength, but also needs to have a considerable array awareness, which is not easily found in Centralbia, so the entire Yanzhou army, the armor piercing gun When the number of troops was the largest, there were only six or seven thousand people, and the number was never broken. Even so, the grassland people were still afraid to go south for more than a hundred years.


   And in Obaro, there is no problem to find a young man with outstanding physical strength. The battle-proven Imperial infantry can be said to be the best in the field of array field.


   Therefore, it is not difficult to fully equip the Imperial Army with a heavy array of such weapons as armor piercing guns.


As for the training method of the armor piercing gun, to put it bluntly is a very simple mechanics use skill. The training requirements of the armor piercing troops are also very simple, that is, as long as the order is issued, no matter what is in front, the whole team must move forward and use the giant The heavy blade of the large lance is given a heavy blow under the special force of full circle, and that kind of power, not to mention the human body, is the metal shield, the armored warhorse, will also be cut off, wearing heavy armor, holding a long handle in hand Heavy equipment, with a high degree of unity and attack strength, crush anything that blocks in front until nothing is in front! This type of attack is actually very similar to the Todd's Tomahawk, except that the length and intensity of the Central African heavy guns are even more amazing


At this moment, in the silent voice of the battlefield, only the whining footsteps of the opposing Fei Zejun quickly shortened, and Fei Zejun also saw the slightly strange armored rifle team on the opposite side. These heavy armored soldiers were like Towers stand up in front of you. The weird weapon in your hand is more like a horrible sword, but at such a short distance, who cares about it. This is the battlefield. Want to pay such a heavy price, only to be rushed close, Fei Ze soldiers tried their best to make a cry


   "Heavy armored lance team, drive in!"


At the same time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Thousands of heavy Biya guns wearing black armor that almost covered the whole body, suddenly changed from the tower to a living person, and at the same time, they moved forward with heavy steps, and the heavy guns were lifted up in a uniform manner With a hover, I swept past the front, as if sweeping the floor. The excessive heavy blade at the front end directly enveloped the four-meter range around me, and I heard a snapping "crack" and the spear broke. The sound of the fold sounded like a dense raindrop, and countless blood was swept by the heavy gun, like a bright red mist suddenly appeared,


   It was like a thousand apertures turned into the front and rushed into the queue of King Fezer


"Oh, what's this?" The soldiers of King Fezer in the back saw a corpse fall in front, and some soldiers and armor were cut in half, and they suddenly took a breath of air, and their eyes were terrified. These imperial heavy armored squads, like the killing machines, seemed to see the hungry wolves plunge into the wolves, as if the waves crashed against the solid rock walls and spread apart, but the color was shocking red. That was the blood of the soldiers of King Fei Ze, because the rush was too fast, and the front Fei Ze Jun had not been able to stop his feet, so he was swept away by the armored gun! [Thank you for your continued support. This time, the 515 Fan Festival writer Glory Hall and the general election of the works, I hope they can support one. In addition, there are some red envelopes and gift packages for the fan festival. 】  

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