Whole Nation

: Two thousand five hundred and fifty-eight


[Broadcast] Pay attention to the starting point of reading, get first-hand news of 515 red envelopes, students who have not robbed red envelopes after the New Year, this time can show their skills.

The snow flew, and the snow quickly covered the black demon armor on the fat man with a white layer. He handed the helmet to the guard behind him. The fat man's black hair was blown by the cold wind, and the man stood on a mound Above, the sight is a band of light like a big river

It was late at night, still lighted like a star-filled Fezer army line of defense. This band of light fell to the ground like a starry river, spreading back and forth for more than ten years. It looked like a huge infinite network of light rivers. In the firelight, Fei Zejun’s double-headed eagle battle flag was swaying with the wind, a team of infantry cavalry transmission, the area that had been traumatized by fire had been re-covered with soil, and the soldiers’ station was changed from a cold soil cave. A tent, a change of treatment, the morale of the military heart immediately showed a difference,

Knowing that this decisive battle is related to the survival of the entire Fizer royal family, plus the overall leader, Prince Albert personally supervised the battle

For this decisive battle, the royal family of Fezer was able to take out all the belongings at the bottom of the final box. Tens of thousands of military tents were transported when they were full of vehicles. Originally, only the Guards were eligible to use the supplies. This time it didn’t matter anymore. War materials, arrow cluster armor, piled up in the camp like a hill, and full of firewood was transported to the front line without money. Three days, if not enough for these three days In that case, the demise of Fezer should be deserved! In just three days, more than one hundred thousand Fei Zejun who had been decayed and hungry, after eating and drinking, the spirit quickly lifted up, the simple ring armor on his body, all replaced with a strong iron armor, a war horse Xiao Xiao, a temporary team of five hundred people, was assembled by the royal children, equipped with all armor, and the horses were tall. Turning around in the barracks all day, so that those who think that this battle has no chance of winning at all, shut their mouths at once,

"Call back. Fight the emperor back!"

"Here is the last dignity of Fizer, our last glory, and we must not fail" The soldiers shouted with arms raised, shaking the mountain, the sound spreading around the earth like a thunder

"I'm willing to bathe the kingdom!" The officers rushed to their superiors with red eyes to fight. Use **** hands to stamp the names

Even the generals seemed to have been stimulated. They all set blood books in front of Prince Albert sitting in the town. The whole army surrendered their previous fears of the emperor, and vowed to fight the emperor blood. To the last person, Fei Zeben was a barbarian. He has become the overlord in this land for more than a hundred years, and he is also a fighting nation step by step. The tough and brutal atmosphere has never been weakened. If it was not because of this civil unrest in Fezer, half a million Fei Ze standing troops, even the empire might not dare to easily decide to fight against it, even if they are fat, they took a variety of means to disintegrate and divide before making the final war decision

"Clorissat, what do you think of this Prince Albert?" The fat man withdrawn his sharp gaze from a distance, and turned to look behind Clarissat and a dozen imperial generals. Tomorrow is the battle On the agreed date, the Fei Ze people across the line did not know that the emperor had arrived early. Standing here, the fat man unexpectedly discovered that King Fei Ze, who was regarded as fish on the cutting board, unexpectedly revealed a bit of arrogance in the sky. This situation has not been seen for many years. Under normal circumstances, the morale of the army's heart will drop sharply after the decline of the military, and it will be restored in a short time. Even higher than the original, the difficulty is not a little bit

"Your Majesty, this Prince Albert does have some patience"

The commander of the Empire Northwest Corps, Crolisat, quickly stood up and said with a cold face, that the Prince Albert did have an admirable place. "As soon as he came, he killed three of them in the name of the greed for military expenses. The generals who were up and down not only deterred the whole army, but also directly pushed the mistakes in the strategic layout to the three people who cut corners when building, and on the day of arrival, they distributed 10 gold coins to the whole army to make arrangements for the aftermath. And promised that as long as you can persist in the end, there will be a reward of 20 gold coins alive, and forty gold coins as compensation for the war dead."

"And within three days, all manpower was used to build three solid two-meter earth walls to block the impact of our military's iron ride. These earth walls were poured with cold water at night, and in cold weather, white The sun is a wall of solid ice. For three consecutive days, the outer ice layer is half a meter thick, strong and abnormal, and extremely smooth. Even if it is a thunder bomb, it will be deflected on the top, and the effect is greatly affected. As long as the army cannot make a decisive breakthrough in the early attack, it is easy to be drawn into this back-and-forth tug-of-war between dirt walls and tunnels. I heard that this Prince Albert used this hand in the southwest of Fitzer to make Fitzgerald Southwest The barbarians have suffered a lot"

"You are right, this Prince Albert is indeed a commander with rich combat experience. Unfortunately, sometimes the victory or defeat of the war does not depend on how solid a defense is built. The hearts of the people really determine everything. "Fat" stepped on his horse, took a deep breath on the horseback, and smiled coldly. "This Prince Albert has extraordinary military means, but unfortunately, he is a rare arrogant in politics. Such a plan is not a whim, but is based on accurate information."

"As in the battle for royal power ten years ago, if Prince Albert, who had the first advantage, could promise to take the throne, he would be in touch with the interests of the major families and the nobles of the Hokuriku, and it would never fall. The situation of being beaten by everyone, the death of a prime minister, in a battle destined for kingship, what is counted, is only an excuse to push down political enemies. If the foundation is stable enough, there is a strong military behind him. Support, not to mention killing a prime minister, even if it is killing the enemy in the city, what can it be! But unfortunately this prince is too proud and thinks that the military will always support himself. When the military does not withstand the pressure, immediately It's a tumbling collapse under the wind and rain"

"When I came back this time, this prince’s loneliness was revealed, and it was full of hatred for the entire royal family and nobles. He vigorously nurtured his cronies and began to suppress all factions before he even took the throne. People, greatly squeezing the power of the nobles of the royal capital. If his style is not just to cater to the idea of ​​the Feiser royal family wanting to monopolize power, how can the Fezer royal family push it to the front desk with all its strength."

"Also. The other party didn't know that we didn't mean to deal with him at all, just send someone to stare at the opposite side. If there is any situation, please report it to me again. "Looking at the direction of King Fei Ze. The fat man turned to a horse, and the high priest Parsina was determined to return to the country, which made him feel depressed. Such an incident in the temple was a rare opportunity. If there is no such high priest, the Imperial Supervision Department can fully suppress it, whether it is integrated or eradicated, it will spare no effort, so that there will be no more opposition to the empire in the temple, but now Pals When Qinna returned, it was tantamount to blocking most of this excellent opportunity for intervention. The Imperial Supervision Department also had some concerns when starting, and the effect was greatly reduced, but unfortunately. In any case, the fat man persuaded that he could only watch Palschena’s ship disappear in his sight. This kind of cat’s claw heart was unwilling. At this moment, it is an object that needs to be vented. Burt is unlucky

"Yes, Your Majesty"

Crolisat bent over to send his emperor away, thinking of the coldness in the corner of the emperor's mouth, his body trembling slightly, only to feel a coldness behind his back rushed to his head

The emperor made every effort to transfer this Prince Albert from King Fitzer, even if he himself could roughly guess what was going on. The pit dug by His Majesty, jumped down, it is estimated that don't want to climb up again, the poor military wizard opposite. I have done my best for the last battle of the kingdom. I don’t know how much thought I spent, and I was stunned to make a defeated army look like a battle now. If you know what you are doing, it is actually nothing but They are all monkeys being teased by others, and I don't know if my heart will collapse directly! However, the mainland masters who have been killed by the emperor in these years do not know how many. Not many of you are too many, only bad luck! From the emperor's tone, I still admire you, should not order to kill it!

Fei Zejun defense line, heavy snow flying

Prince Albert, surrounded by several generals Fezer, stopped in front of an outer ice wall and ordered the guard behind him to hit the ice wall violently with spikes of iron, only to see some ice fall on the thick ice surface The crumbs had almost no effect, and they nodded in satisfaction. It was this effect. The emperor had Thor, the incendiary bomb, and the empire heavy crossbow, but what really worried him most was the claim to be the first in the mainland. Imperial Iron Rider, if it was not the first to be squeezed by the imperial Iron Rider, had to order the whole army to retrench. Gankefu’s 200,000 King Army would never be destroyed by an ambush and a battle. Similarly, his own 100,000 They are all clusters of infantry. Once they are trampled by the imperial iron ride, no matter how high the morale will collapse

"His Royal Highness's idea was really unpredictable, but with just a little use, he built such a powerful defensive ice wall within three days. His subordinates are now looking forward to it. The emperor's pale face when facing these three ice walls tomorrow "A general Fei Ze said admiringly said

"Who said no, in front of such an ice wall, don’t say cavalry impact, even the siege cone does not necessarily have an effect." General Fezer looked very good, the arrival of Prince Albert, let everyone Feeling the change, it is not impossible for the royal family to devote a large amount of materials and combat preparedness to persevere in a battle.

"Is it really so simple?" Only Prince Albert himself had a cold face, and his hands were touching the cold solidified wall. Inexplicably, he felt a sad heart palpitation. It seemed that there were some major problems, but he didn't see it. For three days, the Emperor really did not move at all, so he watched as he kept strengthening the defense line,

Although the two sides agreed to fight in three days, Albert did not believe that the empire would keep its promises this way. You know, this is the battlefield, and the situation is constantly changing. Moreover, the northern falcon empire has always been known for its fierce advancement. It’s like the raging fire, which is unstoppable. Under the Imperial Iron Rider, any blocking thing will be ruthlessly crushed. But in this era, regardless of war experience or weaponry, it can be called the peak emperor group. The wall can stop the emperor's advancement, then there will be no Gaul's destruction, just a cruel death! The same is true of the two million empire of the two empires. There are three ice walls in this area. . . . . This intuition came from how many times Albert died between life and death, so he was not at ease and looked at each section of the ice wall in person.

"Is your Royal Highness tired during this time? Your war is imminent. Your Royal Highness is the commander of the whole army, so you should pay attention to rest." General Fezer sees the pale face of Prince Albert and kindly reminds

"Maybe it is." Prince Albert shook his head, but after a few days, he was tired. According to the return of Laguli, he also roughly understood the situation of the emperor, opposite him. It is the 100,000-strong army of the imperial northwestern army with a famous name. The real frontline main corps of the empire has spent more than a month on the west coast. No matter the equipment configuration, it is the top level of the mainland, and it caused a sudden kill~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ If the tiger came out of the cage, it directly destroyed the glorious record of Gankefu's 200,000 elite main force. This northwest army is said to be the early falcon emperor's early heir, half of the most powerful emperor's guards in the empire. It is from the Northwest Corps, and the elite of the empire is elite! On my own side, in addition to a group of recruits recruited temporarily, that is, the 20,000 Fezer Guards personally selected by myself, they are all real **** young men, and they have experienced fighting in the front. It's not surprising to have a record of collapsing a line of defense!

"Although it was the last night, it still sent guards!"

Prince Albert has red eyes like a rabbit. He is like dancing on an increasingly tight wire. Under the elite and strong pressure of the empire, all he can do is stabilize the front line and consume the imperial team’s sharpness. Hope this The heavy snow will make the emperor retreat, and the opponent proposes a decisive battle, even if he knows that the intention of the opponent is to transfer himself from the king capital, only the promised part,

The situation in the king capital has been unable to take into account. Those nobles are afraid that they are already swarming about to flee. This is good. As long as they think of ascending King Fitzer, they still have to see these people who have fallen on themselves every day. Albert has an urge to kill with a sword! The death of his loyal staff, the death of his life's love, these people have an inseparable relationship, he can not forget, the pale smile face of the love that gradually became cold in the wind and snow, and he can’t forget that he was facing the whole earth at first. The vows made will come back one day, and one day they will kill all of them!

ps. Children's shoes, are there any free appreciation tickets and starting coins? 515 The red envelope list has counted down. I will pull a ticket to ask for an overweight and appreciation ticket, and finally take a punch! (To be continued.)

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