Whole Nation

: Two thousand six hundred and sixty-eight Furious (7)


The city was covered with snow, covering the world outside the window. His eyes were recovered from the canvas of the ship floating in the distant port, and the documents received in his hand were pressed against the table. The fat man's eyes flashed chill, like a thunder rolling inside. , The nose snorted heavily. "How did Crolisat do it? Can't such a simple matter be handled?"

News came from the south that people who had fled from King Fezer even rioted. Although the scale was not large, more than a dozen people died and more than one hundred were injured. I don’t know how to deal with it. It’s the emperor’s intention to accept the refugees of King Fezer. When something like this happened, Clarissat didn’t dare to conceal it and sent the report to the emperor. After reading the report, the fat man looked like It was the same as ice, so I left the West Coast myself. Why did this happen, and I still need to hesitate? Refugee riots, big and small, but if you don’t use thunder to suppress, small things will become very dangerous. Not a dozen people have died. For the empire that has always been known as cruelty, It's nothing, the speed and attitude of the empire to deal with this matter is the most important,

"It is because of the empire's policy towards refugees on the West Coast, so adults do not know how to make a decision for a while." The officer of the Northwest Army wearing the emperor's uniform looked at the iron blue face of His Majesty the Emperor, his body trembling slightly, Quickly explained

"I don't know what!" The fat man's eyes were as cold as a knife.

"This snow came too suddenly, and about half of the area of ​​King Fezer is uninhabitable ruins, broken walls and ruins. When a snow fell, the number of people killed and frozen in King Fezer exceeded 30,000. It can be said that one-fifth of the entire King Fitzer fell overnight.” The officer said pale. “Ten days ago, the Wangdu refugees began to move to the west coast. It was still one or two hundred. It turned out to be three or four thousand people. At most, it broke through tens of thousands. Most of these displaced refugees were hungry and cold, and their bodies were very weak, but their eyes were green. Many people were on the road because they really did not eat. I grabbed a handful of soil and swallowed it with the snow. The soil could not be digested in the stomach and intestines. It was blocked in the stomach. The belly of the eating native became as big as a pregnant woman. There are also rumors that these people only eat the body. Becomes like this, there are not many such people in the refugees at first"

The officer’s voice paused, and his face became difficult to see. He said softly, “The refugees who were still in control, started to show an uncontrollable trend at that moment. Lord Clorissat prepared as per his majesty’s instructions. There is enough food and materials, but because there are too many people coming in, the city can’t live outside the city. With the death of these people who eat the soil one after another, the situation becomes even more chaotic. Some people encouraged the refugees to say, It was the imperial soldiers who killed these people at night with one purpose, that is, not to let those who ate the corpses enter. The news that the empire was going to kill the refugees, driven by some other useful people, eventually turned into a commotion! Lord Lorissat has mobilized the strength of the two flag regiments and temporarily controlled the situation. Only so many refugees, plus the policy of the Empire on the west coast, so...

"Is the Prince Albert still in King Fezer?" The fat man seemed to think of something, and asked the officer, if the black hand behind the riot was really the Prince Albert, then the other party launched the riot, that is, Don't feel deep

"It is said that three days ago, the Prince Albert led the city of 13,000 people under the command of King Fezer, and the direction of the other party was north!" The officer answered respectfully.

"Northern China? Sure enough, he is a wise man!" The fat man smiled coldly at his lips, and he understood what was going on. This riot is probably inseparable from the prince. He used the riot to drag the emperor and then calmly withdrew. From the north of King Fezer to the north, through the Fengling Mountains, you can reach the Hokuriku Plateau in the north of Fezer. This road is a gap that was specially ordered by Salton after the last secret agreement with the Noble Army of Hokuriku. The same gap was not immediately ordered to be filled after the Hokuriku nobles passed. Feize Hokuriku nobles had picked up such a big bargain this time. How could the nobles and wealth of the entire King Fitzergarh not be paid at all? ! This Prince Albert can’t stay in King Fitzer, the only way is to break through. The road back to the southwest has completely blocked the imperial team. As long as this Prince Albert is not stupid, he will know that it is only going north. It is the only way to live. The gap is still there. Go north and enter Hokuriku! According to the stubborn landlord consciousness of the Hokuriku nobility, the two sides should quickly spark a friction

"Tell Crolisat that the empire accepted the refugees in good faith. If the other party didn't appreciate it, he wouldn't want to stay. All of them were asked to leave within a day. If there are rioters, kill them!"

The fat man shook his hand coldly to this officer, and it was natural to use heavy ceremonies to govern troubled times. The empire ambushed 200,000 kings of Fezer in Lakhras. Many of them were kings. It can be said that the whole The biggest hater of Fitzergarh against the empire was the capital of King Fitzgerald. It was simply monstrous hatred. It’s no wonder that in those circumstances, the refugees of these King Fitzgeralds dared to start riots. The empire was never a kind person. The Barbarians called it a cruel country, not only because the imperial team fought countlessly and killed countlessly, but also because the empire's suppression of the occupied area was also quite a fierce wrist. The root cause is because the empire is still rising too fast after all

In just a few years, the entire north-central part of Obaro was swept through, occupying a considerable area of ​​new land. For an empire with a century of growth, instability within the empire is the biggest shortcoming. This is not a short-term. What can be overcome in the country is a sense of **** that takes ten, twenty, or even longer to establish. The empire treats the occupied areas equally, but it does not mean that the people in the occupied area will all support the empire. Support, no one is born to be a conquered person, a nation that can stand proudly on the mainland, which has no glorious history, the empire’s war of conquest is like a thunder sweep, sweeping all obstacles, destroying the original ruler, under the horseshoe It's a lot of bones

It is even less likely to expect these people to be grateful to the empire, those whose loved ones died in the hands of the empire in the war, the nobles whose property and land were confiscated by the empire, and the soldiers who were forced to surrender by humiliation and peeped at the empire all the time. Every move, only the strength and force of the empire, these people who were deterred did not dare to move, and once hesitated to deal with it in the occupied area, it would only make these people feel organic, that is the most terrible situation, the empire is not a grassland People can’t do the same thing as the prairie people. If they occupy an area, they will slaughter an area. All the resistance will be killed, and all the resistance will be used as slaves. The grassland people’s treatment of the occupied area is actually The most effective treatment

To clean up any enemies that may exist from the soul to the destruction directly from the beginning. This kind of perfect idealization cannot be done by the empire. Then it can only be governed by both empathy and cruelty. It is currently adopted by the empire. Means, in Huairou, distribute the noble’s industry and wealth to the civilians, pull this largest class closer to the empire, and at the same time promote the decline of these nobles to merchants, use commercial interests to stabilize the empire’s community of interests in the occupied area, and finally remain It’s basically an enemy of the empire. This way of distinguishing is simple and crude, but very practical! Of course, it is inevitable that some innocent people will get involved, but for the empire, such mistakes are basically ignored.

Those in the occupied area must know that under the horseshoe of the conqueror, the sword never needs a reason!

Outside the city of Lisbon, in the snowy ground, the horseshoes of a team of cavalry stopped in the mound outside the city, and the snow dust raised by the horseshoes was blown westward by the cold wind.

The armor worn by these cavalry is very unique. It is not an empire-style forged steel armor, but a layered blade armor. A layer of warts is densely arranged on it. The horses are tall and handsome. Muscular, shoulders wide and shoulders wide, murderous eyes fall on the huge city group in front, revealing an undisguised shock,

Wearing animal skin and fluff on the head, two dangling long tassels, all the way up to the shoulders, the number is about thirty or forty people, ten ride a row! All kinds of heavy soldiers used immediately are all available. And they are heavy in weight and made with fine iron. Under the wind and snow, the radiant light was reflected. The bow pockets were all grown-up bows, but they were able to control the shot immediately. Inside the bag, the iron barbed arrow with iron barbs was awesome.

For the first time, these cavalrymen saw such a huge city. Under their influence, only the former Zhongdi Dijing, which had been turned into a ruin, or such a silhouette that could not see the edge at a glance, although it is now being rebuilt, but built The scale is far from the city in front of us,

"You, our destination is Lisbon, in front! The famous golden city on this land! One day, we will have such a magnificent city!" A big red hood facing the huge city ahead The seven nightlights of Yelv under the red, lifted the red pendant in his hand, full of wild face, with undisguised ambition

The Yelu family moved southwards to the central part of Central Biya. After a year of vigorous expansion, the Central Biya Empire, which was defeated by 100,000 iron riders, was unable to stop it. The dozens of cities in the central region made the Yelu family soar. Difficult logistical issues, even the Yelv family had the power to expand the army, recruited more than 60,000 people from the Central Biya, and the grassland tribes who had been coming to the North from the north, there was already a sign of the rise of the dynasty. This time, the Central Asian church broke its arm and ordered to abandon Yanzhou. It was in the midst of Yelu Hongtai's arms. The Yelu family had the foundation, the forces had, and the troops had. The only thing lacking was prestige.

The stubbornness of the prairie people to the blood line and the respect to the king's court are all natural obstacles that prevent the Yelu family from claiming to be king.

The Yelv family is not the golden family, this is the biggest weakness,

Although the Yelu family is honorable, it is a traitor who has betrayed the king's court. Although the south has laid down a large area in the central part, for the habitual thinking of the prairie people, the final result of the Yelu family still has to be withdrawn from the central part of the grassland.

This has been the same cycle for many years. The southward, northward, and prairie people from generation to generation have followed such a rule. The old, sick, and dead, the inherited memories, the prairie people’s good fighting and horseshoes, are full in the middle earth. It's never been a long time in Chenggu's land. The charm of the south will only make the warriors coming out of the cold wind in the north feel uncomfortable.

Why does Yelu Hongtai prove that he can control it for a long time. If it is not the three princes who first defeated the main cluster of Central Biya, you will not have the opportunity to go to the middle of Yelu Hongtai to pick up the cheap!

There are also unwritten rules on the grassland, that is, respect for the strong, if you want to prove yourself, you must have the capital to prove yourself,

"The land of Yanzhou is a natural barrier that separates the north and the south. For more than a thousand years, the grassland tribes have shed blood. www.wuxiaspot.com No matter in which tribe, when mentioning the word Yanzhou, all of them are biting their teeth, and they want to use their teeth to bite off the Yanzhou city walls of these deep ditch hard rocks. Yanzhou is a thorn that pierces the heart of the grassland tribe. If there is a public enemy of the whole prairie people, if someone can take down Yanzhou and open up this throat passage to the middle-earth, so that the prairie horse's war horse can permanently gallop on the middle-earth, then whether he is a golden family or not , His reputation will therefore be raised to the point of being king, which is the best opportunity given to Yelv's family by Changshengtian."

Before leaving, Yelu Hongtai's special instructions seemed to echo in the ears of Yelv Qiyeguang. The blood wolf guard of the Yelu family she brought this time was not only a guard, but also showing the power of the Yelu family to the empire, Yelu Hongtai. This old fox is very clear to want the empire to agree, in addition to sincerity, more important is strength!

"That bastard, I don't know if it's here too!" Yelu Qiyeguang's face suddenly murmured a little ugly, and the hand holding the red pendant's whip could not help tightening, and the mind flashed unconsciously, which made me feel The shadow of the humiliated and unforgettable guy, she would like to yell now, the Yelv's house now is not the Yelv's house that was driven out of the Onna Prairie by that person like a flock of sheep a year ago. The Yelu family is already a powerful family with 200,000 soldiers, strong soldiers, strong whips, and the south of the big river. These blood wolf guards are all elite warriors from hundreds of battles. There is also a long power, once all are armored, they can repeatedly attack and fight, even if compared to the Empire’s heavy riding to break the wolf head army on the same day, there is no place inferior!

(To be continued.)

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