Whole Nation

: 234 New Plan

Two different heartfelt gratitude to Chan, "voted? Vote, fulfilled the dream of the bun monthly pass...

At the shattered gate of McAllen, countless heavy soldiers holding a large siege shield poured into the cracked hole. A hundred-person team was quickly overwhelmed by the turbulent crowd. Doroc heavy-eared spearmen showed extremely strict discipline and combat effectiveness,

Facing the arrows shot by the defenders like raindrops, the heavy long-contradictory soldiers of the Doroks formed a queue, pressing like a steel thorn wall, and the opposing Tyre defenders could only retreat, helpless. Counterattack with a bow and arrow, the arrow struck the shield weakly,

The Dorok’s sharp spears pierced the Tier’s weak line of defense, and the last dozens of defenders were pushed from the city wall to the walls of a dozen meters high, and the screams echoed around the surrounding rock walls.

"Hurry up! Smoke out the gangsters!" A soldier of the Samor Siege Brigade stood at the entrance of the Zangbing Cave in the city road and shouted loudly behind him. Wait for the enemy to rush in from the outside

A team of coalition soldiers quickly lit a wood stand piled around the corner with a torch and threw them into the Tibetan soldier’s hole where the defenders might be hidden. The smoke was billowing. The defenders inside had a strong coughing sound and had to choose to run out. Was stabbed to death in the city road by coalition soldiers who had been waiting for a long time, and the corpses were lying on the city road. There are more than a thousand

The fire quickly emerged from the walls and arrow towers of McAllen. Thick smoke enveloped the entire fortress, death and killing, the two sides fell down in the battle from room to room, and the arrows that shot each other traversed the sky like a locust,

"Get these mice out!" For this situation. The Doroks, who are good at siege, are very experienced. They use spears to form a formation, use torches to ignite the wooden house, and drive out the defenders hidden inside. Then nailed to the road with a spear

The fighting continued until noon. In the face of the tens of thousands of coalition forces pouring into the fortress, the Tyr's desperate resistance had become insignificant. Tyre Commander Lancent led the last hundred guards back into the inner city of the fortress center and used the sturdy inner fort for final resistance.

Under the circumstances of persuasion and surrender, the coalition forces used dozens of heavy trebuchets on the four corners to smash the inner city into ruins. When the coalition forces cleared him from the ruins. His head was smashed in half by the collapsed stone, his eyes staring empty into the distance

"Everything is over!" When the fat man entered McAllen, he was already at the end of the battle, and the sound of the fighting in the distance had subsided. A dozen Samor's guards were holding the war knife in their hands, and stood alertly around. The shattered corpse lay at the gate of the city,

The gate of the broken fortress was covered with blood, the broken weapons were everywhere, and the fierce fighting was just like a dream. There were soldiers carrying corpses back and forth, and the fragments of the burning Tyr family flag hanging on the burnt black On a wooden pole. It seems that it will be run by the wind at any time, and the fire in the house is rolled into the sky with thick black smoke

"Hey! Look, who is that, our humble Wikia Eagle"

The elder Mezi ebony of Shamandu was excited, and his face was still covered with a few pieces of flying ashes in the air, holding a short-handed scepter representing power in his hand, and a thick chain of armor brushing, followed by dozens of people behind him. Shaman warriors in full armor. The eyes of these warriors are as sharp as electricity, and their limbs are obviously much thicker than others. The curved arc swords in their hands are wide at the front and back, like the curved edge of the falcon. "Shaman is the arc moon sword!" The fat man's eyes are bright. The scimitar in the hands of the Shamandu warriors is full of curiosity. The strange arc of the war blade makes this knife look strange, but the fat man knows that it is this strange arc that gives this war knife different from the ordinary sharp.

A weird curved blade at the front. "It brings a sense of danger of tearing the air." It can easily split the armor of the warrior. This is the most sharp light war knife recognized in the mainland. The Shamandu arc moon knife is a symbol of the Shamandu senior warrior Senheli God Guard. The price on the black market even exceeds one thousand gold coins and is the favorite self-defense weapon of mercenaries and hunters

"We were talking about this legendary battle just now, and we defined this battle as revenge!" Metzi Ebony seemed to be very excited, holding the fat man and saying "McKalens is west to McKent, In the past, it was the disgusting Tilburg! All the materials swallowed by the fat pig of Tirnate are there. This time I will get them all at once!"

Occupy Lebanon, which is equivalent to opening the door of the Tyre family. The prospects of the opponents of the coalition leaders are very optimistic. I think that Tilburg, which is hoarding a lot of materials, is in the north, everyone is excited, a revenge. Pleasure is spreading throughout the army. Isn't your Tyre family withholding military supplies? Lao Tzu personally went to your house to get it.

"Revenge! Good name! This will surely become a legend among the Yunyou poetry population." The fat man nodded unexpectedly. He didn't expect that this group of coalition leaders would hate the Tier family like this.

"This is an opportunity worth taking advantage of!" The fat man moved his heart and continued to praise a few words in his mouth. The praised Mezi ebony glowed with red light. The wrinkled skin on his face seemed to be flat, and a smile couldn't close his mouth. This is the praise of the famous Wikia Eagle! , Praised for the fierceness, Meiqi Ebony felt like she was flying, ※

"In order to make this, the name more meaningful, I suggest to revise the original plan a little bit." The fat man felt like he was on fire, secretly gestured, took the map from the guard, spread it out in front of Mezi ebony, his fingers on the map Swipe up, the voice is serious

"According to intelligence, the Teton Tallis area on our left is experiencing a riot by the victims. We can go into Titon Talise. Then drive the victims north to Tilburg, which will not only exacerbate the chaos in Tilburg, but also alleviate us. Resistance encountered when attacking Tilburg.

The fat man paused and looked at the frowning Meiqi ebony. "The Tilburg mountain is steep and the Til family has been operating for a hundred years. Not only is the city wall strong. It also has the most elite troops. According to information, the least There are also two tens of thousands of regiments, if we attack without authorization. I'm afraid it can't be attacked in a short period of time, but if these victims hit the front, I believe that the whole, Tilburg will shake up from the inside first! The relatives of the few soldiers are also among the victims. They will not sit and watch their loved ones starve to death and freeze to death, as long as Tilburg suffers from civil strife, then we will attack Tilburg again. I believe it will be much easier"

"This may be a little difficult! Because we don't have enough food!" Meiqi Ebony didn't expect the fat man to propose such a plan, and he thought deeply for a while. Shaking his head regretfully, "Our food is only enough for ten days at most. Even after the occupation of Tilburg. It will be possible to continue to enter the North, Kugit, bypass Miao Dian, and step back when your food is shipped. If we deviate from our original plan, I am afraid our food will become a big problem!"

"Don't worry about this!" In order to achieve this plan, the fat man decided to make a **** capital and cut the railroad. "The Teton Tallis area is above my wagon. It turned out that because of the local defenders, I had to leave the Japanese tile. Then the grain is transported, and now there are all the victims and a small number of Tyre troops. If you can get through the line of Teton Talise, my grain can only be transported from the wagon in only three days. Follow the chaotic victims and enter Tilburg steadily?

This is how fat people plan to trade food for land. This is a crazy plan, the Miaodian people can use food to drive the coalition to fight. You can also use food to promote coalition forces to fight for yourself. Of course, this has the premise that you have enough reputation and food. After two months of getting along, the fat man used his sincerity in exchange for the trust of the coalition leaders. Now only need to solve the food problem

The heavy snowstorm made Samor’s food very tight, but this is relatively relative to the severely affected north-central region. In the south, food is still abundant. The most important thing is that the distance from Woche to Zhiwa is very high. Recently, one of those two regions is a large grain-producing county, and one is rich in aquatic products.

Severe cold does not allow the sea to freeze. From the moment I received the letter from the Fat Man, the Southern Army and the Dylans family went all out to collect sea fish. One hundred catties of fish were exchanged for ten silver coins,

These sea products are endless. In winter, it will not rot. It only needs to be frozen in snow to keep one. For many months, under the incentive policy of Samor, a large number of scumbags flock to the sea, and the calm sea is covered with pale ships and warships. Unicorn battleship. Samor’s multi-footed ship also came to join in the bustling, and even the looted Hulin warships appeared.

A pile of surging fish was pulled up by the net rope and transported to the nest car and the Japanese car, but it was only a short period of time. More than a few months, it miraculously collected hundreds of thousands of tons of frozen marine fish~www. wuxiaspot.com~ Samor's strong transportation and appeal is undoubtedly one hundred thousand army, which is enough for two months.

In the fortress of McAllen, more than ten torches illuminate the corner of the west side of the castle. Because the inner city of the castle was smashed into a ruin by a catapult, the coalition leaders had to gather in this fairly clean self-fall. Discuss the new Jige proposed by the fat man. "I think this measure is feasible! Master Dustan's wisdom, I believe everyone knows." He was full of support for expressing his firm support for the fat man plan, "Now that we have reached this point, since there is no turning back, I choose to believe Master Dustan!"

From the beginning, Zigosa was a staunch supporter of fat people. First, out of awe of the fat man, that night’s confrontation made Zigosa still awaken from his dream. Second, the fat man privately promised to support his tribe’s food of 100,000. This is a real benefit, not for food, not for The hungry tribe, none of the Kugits are willing to help the enemy, the Erdians,

Relative to the Miao Dian people who like secret deductions, Samor's reputation is much better in this respect. At least the exchange of Wandan food for captives was so sincere in the eyes of straightforward Kugits.

Baozi is here to wish you all great. Happy National Day, rich income, promising future, all overtime pay is 100 times overtime pay!

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