Whole Nation

: Two thousand eighty-seven Guanglingchuan

In the southwest Guanglingchuan, the center of the great plain where the two rivers intersect, the waves roll in the sun, and the cascading houses extending from the city appear to be exceptionally towering in the afterglow of the evening, along the outer wall of 20 meters high Stretching along the river channel, leaving a large shadow in the light, it is just getting rid of the winter in other places. Here, there is already a smell of flying flowers in the city.

A little bit of white pollen fell on the darkened city wall with the wind, and deep gaps were exposed between the castle walls from time to time. If you look closely, you will find that all of them are hit by huge rocks. These gaps record dozens of Guangling The flames and flames of the year, even with the moon dragon flowers on the tall trees of the city, can't hide the iron armor in the bone

"It's spring again. I don't know that the children of the Long family are here from the magnificent horses to Guangling. How many people can go back to Guangling in armor!" Longqiu Mountain, the guard of Guangling City, stood alone above the East Gate Tower. Facing the vast land in the distance, I couldn't help but sigh. The afterglow of the sunset in the distance was gradually disappearing. At the end of the line of sight was a vast expanse of farmland and a tranquil mountain, but tens of thousands of Guangling children were still fighting in Yanzhou. fact

The news from Yanzhou is getting harder and harder every day. The Long family general Long Ju died in Shangjing Luokou Fort. Along with the battle, there were 5,700 children from Guangling. After the final round of Yanzhou Shangjing, there has been no news! Even Guangling, which is the headquarters of the Western Army, is also very fluctuating at the moment. The fighting in the north has caused tens of thousands of soldiers, and the souls of the people hanging on the portals, like the white flowers scattered all over the city, even the spring breeze. This grief cannot be resolved,

Because of the terrain, the Southwestern Basin has always been a serious local plot. It is thought that the terrain of the basin is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Just by getting in and out of the pass, you can sit and watch the war spread outside the basin, so for a long time, Southwestern people have been used to In the period of family affairs, this period of time, more and more noble families have moved out of Guangling. Even Longqiu Mountain can perceive keenly that these gentry who left Guangling have lost confidence in the Long family. The investigation of Chaotang 3rd Road into the southwest is enough to prove that the Longjia, which has been entrenched in the southwest for decades, has been unable to control the situation in the southwest, and there is no way to know the life and death of the war in the north.

The Long family was able to stay in the Southwest for so many years, because the Long family was fighting for the Southwest, and the former servants did not know how many Long family members, so they exchanged the whole Southwest’s heart. But what happened to the Longan who defended Yanzhou? Could it be that the lives of my Southwesters are so worthless, I can’t manage it anymore, what Yanzhou to defend! Even for the Dragon family, this approach will not work!

The situation of the people's hearts is so uncontrollable. During the three days, the special envoy of the court, Luke, helped him. For three days, the envoy of the church went to the Longjia mansion every day to inquire about the Longjia attack on the envoy of the church. Ignorantly blocked outside the door of the mansion, this old man, almost 60 years old, simply laid the ground floor at the door of the Long family, claiming that the Long family humiliated the angels of the church, and for this reason, the Long family had closed the door. For two days, the Long family's attitude was like this, which naturally caused the southwest gentry in the city to shake. The main family of the Long family is still in Beiyanzhou, and their life and death are unknown. Now the base camp is blocked by others, and the gentry who have a good relationship with the Long family, More than sixty mouths of the Lujia family in southwest China were also killed by night, and no murderer has been found so far

The Long family had 30,000 or 40,000 troops stationed in the southwestern airspace. At this moment, they could not be adjusted at all. 30,000 were stationed on the border of the Falcon Empire, and 10,000 were stationed on the road from southwest to Yanzhou. Base camp Guangling, a city guard with only three thousand people, once there is something happening, can it be useful or not? In this case, staying in Guangling is not just waiting for a disaster!

"Qiu Shan, what's the situation today? There are thirty-nine houses in the city. Today, I'm afraid there aren't any left!" A general in the armor of the dragon family came from a distant city road,

"Informed adults, Qian's family, Lu's family, Wen's family, Hu's family. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā... Hesitated a few days ago, today he has left Guangling, and now in the city of Guangling, there is only the Du family" Long Qiu Shan was shocked and took a deep breath to stand upright and salute himself. It was Long Qiushan’s Shangguan. The Long family is now the principal in the base camp, Long Po, the younger brother of the owner Longyang, and the shapely shape of the owner Longyang. Differently, this dragon is extremely strong, with a muscular body that is half a head taller than the average person. His eyes are gleaming and bursting, giving a feeling of being burnt. When walking, there is a dull sound under the feet, only A breath that belongs to the battlefield tyrants threw directly,

"Let's go, let's go, it's all gone!" This seemingly rude Dragon family member, a trace of calmness flashed in his eyes, indicating that he is not so unrelenting in appearance, Long Yang dares With the main force going north to Yanzhou, naturally it will not be a mediocrity. In fact, this dragon is a very difficult character in the eyes of Zhongbia Chaotang,

"Adult, Chao Tang is going to die against our Dragon family this time, so I keep giving in. I'm afraid that when the time comes..." Long Qiushan's face was ugly and his voice paused. I didn't know if I should or shouldn't. Keep talking,

"Why, are you afraid that my Dragon family will collapse like this?" Long Po sneered a sneer. "These unfamiliar white-eyed wolves haven't been treated badly by my Dragon family for decades. It's just a little bad news. Liupinmendi bought them all away. If it was not the Long family’s promise that year, it would no longer let Guangling be full of blood, and Guangling is my Dragon family. Suicide will have a major impact on the reputation of the Dragon family. I ordered all these people to be intercepted.” Long Po's voice paused. It was indeed a military and military commander. The tone was mostly a sturdy air. He continued to say, "The leaving of the clan, for my dragon family, actually The blow was not great. As long as the Yanzhou war was won, the main force of the Longjia Western Army returned. Nothing was a problem. If Yanzhou failed, it was the biggest blow to the Longjia, so these gentry let them go. Tao, besides my dragon family, Chaotang simply cannot protect them!"

"At that time?" Longqiu Mountain's face froze for a moment, listening to the meaning of Long Po, the Long family had already prepared

"When you know it, you will know it naturally." Long Po reached out and patted him on the shoulder, slowly saying, "Chao Tang wants to take advantage of Yanzhou's battle, nothing more than thinking that the Long family will lose in Yanzhou. I haven’t thought about it. How can the ground snake that my dragon family has been entangled in the southwest for decades? If it is not the order of the Longyang owner, I have already grasped an excuse to harass the place and adapt to it. In the name of the people's hearts, the investigation into the southwest of the three roads was ruthlessly drove out all of them. Sure enough, they showed a slight weakness. The Chaotang side was immediately generous, directly hitting the thirty-sixth-ranking morale. The gentry of the southwest is my dragon family, why don’t you be tempted! So it is understandable that these gentry have such a move, just that the other party sent someone to kill the entire Lu nationality, which is another matter!"

"Adult is saying that the oath of the Longjia West Army not to enter the flattery of Zhangwu can be broken?" Longqiu Mountain flashed a thought in his mind, and his body suddenly shivered with excitement. The Guanglingchuan of sixty years ago The **** battle can be said to be the catastrophe of the entire southwest. At that time, the Gaul Empire in the western mainland was the most prosperous era. The Emperor Gaul led the army into three roads to break through the southwest border defense. At the same time, the fleet was used to transport materials and advance with the army along the river. Straight from the upstream into the southwestern basin of Centralbia, burned along the way, almost hit the Guanglingchuan where the two rivers in the hinterland converged, and the 200,000 Gaul troops filled the Guanglingchuan like a mantle, and the sharp spears were like The ground is covered with frost, and the Gaul fleet coming along the river is full of materials, the sails are like forests, and the battle array is like mountains.

After three months of **** siege, the heavy catapults carried by the Gaul fleet almost blasted the hills near the Guangling River. Finally, because of the outbreak of the plague in the Gaul army, they had to retreat. The 200,000 defenders who lived in Guanglingchuan in southwestern China, and the number of surviving soldiers in the southwest of the country was less than 20,000. More than 37,000 soldiers in the Guanglingchuan Acropolis assisted in the battle and were almost dead.

At that time, the population of the entire southwest was less than 10 million. Because of this war, two million people directly turned into fly ash. It was originally like the southwest of China. Because of the severe setback in this war, it was no longer able to stop the DPRK. With the intervention of the church, the Chinese Biya Chaotang sent the general, Long Feiyang, who had just annihilated the southern rebellion, and led 100,000 troops into the southwest, which was unable to refuse to serve as the Chaotang.

Many people believe that Long Feiyang's entry into the southwest is bound to be like the suppression of the south. When the sword opened the way, the local southwest gentry was blood washed, and then the southwest was slowly adjusted. At that time, the southwest people were panic. Leaving the southwest and going to the south of the Song nationality, the south is connected to the southwest, and the inter-ethnic clan is not related to one day or two days. Without the support of the southern Song, the southwest can not stand alone to block the Chaotang forces for a hundred years, but there are also options to stay , Organizing the last force of the southwest to resist the entrance of Long Feiyang The flying troops were all killed, tens of thousands of southwestern bodies were thrown into the river channel in front of the Guangling River, the ground was stained with blood, and the Longjia town was southwest of Centralbia. Guanglingchuan, the **** battle front, has gradually become a vast city of Guangling,

With the increase of the power of the Dragon family, it has been expanded many times, from ten miles to twenty miles, thirty miles, forty miles, and finally from an original acropolis of tens of thousands, gradually becoming like a sight, with vast things. Infinitely, Guangling, a southwestern city with a population of 500,000, where two large rivers meet, is among the largest cities in the Central African Empire. Guangling in the southwest can definitely enter the top five population cities.

The Weishan Iron Mine, which is unique to Guanglingchuan, is the largest iron ore deposit in southern Centralbia. There is even a saying that the Longjia chose Guangling. In fact, Weishan Iron Mine, which is valued by Guangling, is open and has convenient transportation. As long as it is developed a little, it is a king of the base industry

In the most prosperous period when the Western Army was not divided, the Long family had more than 300,000 soldiers in the southwest, half of them were Guangling people, and they were the true heirs that the Long family could decide in a word.

Longjia took Guanglingchuan as the base camp, continuously moved the surrounding population into it, and built more stable fortifications. It also built four gates on the southwest Longyan River where Guanglingchuan converged, completely breaking the West Continental fleet. Taking the route from the Xichuan waterway, and constantly engulfing the indigenous people around the southwest, expanding the strategic buffer zone, turning the southwest, which was originally only four provinces, into the scale of the six provinces in the southwest.

Finally, from the original Chaotang's barrier to the western continent, it became the biggest hidden danger in the hearts of several generations of the emperor of the Central African Empire. Once the minister in the Chaotang said that if the Longjia West Army rebelled, 300,000 Longjia West Army Guangling, at least half of the entire Central African Empire will collapse

To this end, Zhaotang made painstaking planning and spent more than ten years. Finally, he seized the opportunity of an internal conflict in the Western Army, and pulled out some of the elite troops in the Western Army who had opinions on the Dragon family. management,

In the name of coming forward to mediate the contradiction between the two armies, Chao Tang asked the Long family to be in Guangling in the southwest, and the divided Western army was changed to flatter the Zhangwu army. Under extreme humiliation, the Long family owner angrily issued the "Long family The oath of the Western Army will never enter the land of flattery and martial arts", which is a complete break from the court,

Since then, the Longjia Western Army did not enter the area where the Zhangwu Army was flattered, and Chaotang did not send troops to the Southwest, which was equivalent to acquiescing the Longjia’s control of the Southwest.

For many years, this humiliation that weighed on the Dragon family is like an invisible trapping, which makes the children of the Dragon family feel a little overwhelmed.

And now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Obviously Chaotang has broken his oath, not only to envelop people, but also to send troops to attack the southwest gentry, dozens of Lu families were destroyed, although there is no evidence to point to Chaotang, everyone I know everything, I did it in the hall,

"Chaotang didn't obey the vows of the day, and naturally my Dragon family didn't have to keep it! The two thousand people in Chaotang wanted to do whatever they wanted. Really when my tens of thousands of dragons were all decorated?"

The dragon smashed his hands against the icy battlement with a strong murderous intent, and his eyes swept the scenery in front of him, sweeping the Guanglingchuan of Pingchuan for dozens of miles, and said sharply, "My dragon family has been in the southwest for decades. Southwest can be regarded as dedicated, but just because of the suppression of the Mendi, there are not many complaints about the Dragon family among the Southwest gentry, but I don’t say it on weekdays. I can’t find an excuse for the Dragon family. How good it all jumps out!

Since the southwestern people have forgotten the Guanglingchuan of that year, they have forgotten that Guanglingchuan was stained with human blood. Then I will tell them when I am broken, is it not that my dragon family is trying to suppress the door? Take a look at the entire southwestern gentry, how much is the sixth grade door of Chaotang worth! It was time to calculate the accounts that split our western army back then! "


(To be continued.)

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