Whole Nation

: 237 Goddess of Terror

Obitu Wu escorted the food and materials back to the camp. The day was boiled only by the bright light. The horse and the ring spit out the frozen river, and there was a "kick." The crisp, spattered broken ice resembled a blossoming white flower Blooming on the frozen river,

The Samor Barracks was stationed beside a branch channel on the upper stream of the Samo River. The wide channel was frozen by the long cold. The entire ice surface was extremely thick, and the horseshoe stepped on it, leaving only a few white spots. The morning mist Wandering on the ice of the river, people are like a fairyland,

The early soldiers gathered together in clusters in the east and were digging through the ice surface with a dedicated siege cone to destroy the city gate. Some good soldiers bet on who could use the spear to fish in the ice, the hustle and bustle The noise broke the morning serenity, saw the fat man and the guards coming out of the thick fog, and stood up one after another,

"You come here and push everything back." The fat man waved with ease. From the loose dress of the soldiers in front of him, the fat man knew that most of these were logistic heavy soldiers. The fat man let the heavy soldiers wrap a layer on the wheel of the carriage. Non-slip animal skin. There was a creaking sound when pressed against the thick ice layer, and the long transport team passed directly through the frozen river and was pushed into the west warehouse of the camp by the heavy soldiers.

"Everyone has been tired all night. Let's go to rest!" The fat man waved his hands to the guards behind him, and turned his head to see Dylan Cuzsay, who was still full of excitement, eyes curiously looked around in the barracks. This made the fat man secretly sighed, "Young is good!" The fat man forgets that he is only a young man who has just turned the sword. The war is the best catalyst. He is used to death and killing, and there are more plots and conspiracies. betray. Fatty little demented eyes are bloodshot,

Suddenly, two teams of Samor light cavalry patrolling in the night came in from the east gate of the camp, and the horseshoe passed through the camp door with a whistling sound. The silver threaded steel mail armor on the body and the strangely shaped crossbow behind them let Renskusai look Bright eyes,

Because of the need to hide their identities, neither the fat man nor the guards were equipped with crossbows and threaded steel mail armour. Dylan Skusai was the first time he saw the heavily armed Samor Light Cavalry. The reputation of the Kingdom’s first cavalry was everyone. It is known that the blood of young people is always easy to be ignited. Seeing these murderous troops, Dyren Cuzé, who has been on the sea all the year round, can't help but feel excited. "The galloping continent is the ambition that men should have!"

"Adult!" The two teams of cavalry slowed down their horseshoes in front of the fat man. Their left hands raised their chests to salute. There was a burst of chain mail on their bodies. The sound of swinging scales swept. A captain of the cavalry strangled the horse first.

"Sir, the army of Lord Badkell has entered the Russian city after the fierce battle last night. Now he is sieving the remnants of the Tyre family. Lord Badker hopes that we can send someone to participate in the siege, Isamoli Captain Ayr asked us to come back and ask for instructions."

"This was proposed by Badker? How many people are there in the Tyre army? The fat man is puzzled. Although Delbach is a honest man, his bones are still stubborn like iron.

This is a common disease of the Dorok people, rigid. Discipline, respect for honor, obedience to command, and stubbornness flowing in the blood can be seen in the honest man, Badker,

A proposal like this to discard the honorary application for war is simply not possible. Even Brucesburg’s brutal strangulation battle, Baderke did not even nibble. Will he make such a resolution on such a small battlefield? "It must have been Ismailel's woman with itchy hands." The fat man groaned strangely and muttered secretly. This woman is really a wild horse. No wonder the dark thorn wants to train her as a killer. Violence and killing are simply her talents."

The cavalry captain hurriedly responded, "There are about a thousand people, all trapped in the eastern part of the Russian city. There is a noble area in the city. Because of the riots, many nobles chose to flee. Now they are tall and complicated noble residences. The army dismantled two large mansions and used stone thrown from the height to guard the entrance of the street. This made Lord Badker annoyed. Captain Isamoll thought the Tyre was now before death. Crazy, we only need our elite Samor crossbowmen to join the battle, they can easily defeat them, and also let the Doroks see our Samor's strength."

"It's nonsense!" The fat man whispered "Unauthorized intervention in the Doroc attack, but it is a taboo on the battlefield, and the Doroc will think that this is to **** the war." The fat man wanted to refuse. His face hesitated for a while and waved to Liszastie. "You take Kusai and a crossbowman of a squadron. Remember, you can't join the battle until the Doroc request."

At the eastern end of the Russian city, the torn mansion was filled with smoke, and the cracked stones piled up at the intersection of the street, with expensive white marble interspersed inside. With beautiful spots of petal rock, the nobles like the various statues used to decorate the door court, now they are like a pile of abandoned debris,

"Rush! Rush over." Another Doroc heavy shield infantry of the Hundreds climbed up the ice wall with difficulty. They struck **** the ice with their shields in their hands, trying to cut holes that could be stepped on smooth and difficult walls. Shuao said the situation was high, and several Dorason shield soldiers were smashed with whistling noises. Face, the Tyres defending the ice wall, rolled huge stones down the ice, and let the Dorok shield soldiers stand below

"Shoot!" a sergeant Dorok waved vigorously, and there was a muffled bowstring behind him. More than 500 Doroc archers let go of the clenched feathers, and the dense arrows hit the sky,

Several Tyre slingers were penetrated through the chest by arrows falling from the air. Nearby Tyr shield players immediately formed a dense shield wall. Arrows falling like raindrops were bounced off by the shield.

The narrow street engulfed the two hundred men in Badkell. Tyre soldiers piled up all the debris and gravel of the mansion here, taking advantage of the night's cold water, and the debris was mixed with corpses. Formed into a tall and thick ice wall, the narrow street became the focal point of the two sides fighting each other.

Tyre archers and trebuchets formed a flesh-eating sniper line based on the towering mansions on both sides. The stones fell from the height mixed with arrows, which caused the Doroc who lacked long-range arms to suffer a lot.

The blood was frozen into a red icicle by Han Ye. Adhering to the surrounding stones, with a strange beauty, after a night of fierce fighting, both sides were already exhausted and could only stop attacking when they came first. Army recuperation

"Adults, the soldiers are very tired, without enough archers to cover, we simply cannot pass through the ice wall." A Dorok sergeant was bloodied. Supported by soldiers from the front, his right shoulder was broken by a stone. Exposing Bai Sensen's bones. His Centenary team had only just returned more than 30 people. His intense pain and massive blood loss made him pale, and the iron will of the Dorok made him try to stand up and salute him.

"No need! Help him down for treatment. Dekker waved his hand with pity. These sergeants of the Dorok army are elite in the Dorok army, and they must be veterans who have participated in at least five battles. They are the backbone of the Dorok Army, and every loss is an irreparable loss

"Otherwise, let's ask the Samor for help!" A Lord Dorok hesitated. "For such a broken street, it is not worth letting our soldiers continue to lose. Everyone has to go home, are they going to be handicapped? Go back to the feet? Anyway, it is to help them fight the Samor and let them do something. It is also appropriate to sweep the tail."

Badker didn't bite, his complexion changed a few times, and saw Badker didn't bite. Lord Dorok waved to the herald behind him

Soon, Ismailielle and a team of Samor light cavalry appeared at the intersection, behind them were thousands of Samor sniper crossbowmen brought by Lissate. This strange weapon attracted the attention of the Doroc. I heard that the Samorians used this to defeat the brave Kugit bow cavalry, but it was the first time they saw it.

"How many people are on the opposite side?" The cosmopolitan Isa Mollier appeared on the battlefield, still wearing the warrior armor. The two-meter silver warbow behind him attracted many Doroks.

"The Goddess of Terror Isamoriel". When it was known that this woman was the horror goddess who had almost collapsed and the Tyr garrison shot in McAllen, the Doroks bowed their heads eccentrically. The legend about this woman was terrifying. At that time, Dorok went to clean up the body People are so impressed with this woman, and a "Goddess of God" who likes to nail people to the wall can only be tolerated by Vickia Falcon.

"Hello, I am the commander of Rollins Squadron." A sergeant Dorok was tired and covered with dust and dirt in the corner of the wall~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Stumbled from the pile of soldiers resting nearby When he came out, his face was serious and he paid a military salute to Isamolier. The order to assist the attack had been issued. As a front-line commander, he did not expect that the Samorians would send a woman.

"There are still about a thousand people, among which there are more than a thousand archers and a dozen medium-sized catapults that control the street! The light infantry of the two squadrons are defending the ice wall, and there should be a squadron behind.

team. Sergeant Doroc looked ugly. "The enemy commander is an experienced man. They demolished a large number of huge stones from the surrounding houses! As soon as we approached the ice wall, they would roll off the stones from above. We Many brothers are pressed down! Our archers are inadequate. We can’t hold down the arrowheads and trebuchets shot from both sides, you know, facing the stones and arrowheads. We can only choose to die assault, but that paragraph The ice wall is too thick, so smooth that we can’t climb up at all.”

"Well, this is not a problem." Isamoll dismissed the reminder of Sergeant Dorok. Speaking of long-range attack, the Samor Army had an absolute advantage.

"Hi! Brothers are coming up! The Dorok fools are coming up again!" A Tyre archer protruded a head from the three-story collapsed wall of the tall mansion. His eyes were somewhat disdainful. The thick ice wall was The death of these Doroks. A team of black light armoured infantrymen was approaching.

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