Whole Nation

: 2902 Crazy Blood (13))

In the hall of Errod, the lights are bright like the day

When Emperor Eero stepped in, he found that there was no shadow on the ground. Four candlesticks with hundreds of candles were placed around the hall. The eyes of the generals of Eero Empire brightened with the arrival of the emperor, and no one spoke. , The candle on the candlestick burned violently, making a soft crackling sound. This seemingly rhythmic burst sound made the quiet atmosphere more a little bit killing. Emperor Ero waved his hand to everyone. The first person in the middle sat down. "This time I called you all because there is a secret message. I just received the secret ambassador from the Falcon Empire. The empire has agreed to work with us to deal with the Adenites!"

"is this real?"

"Your Majesty, our army has suppressed the counterattack of the Adenites. Why do you need to help the Falcon Empire?" The emperor's words just fell, and immediately became a clamor for the generals, vowing to praise this as the most dazzling crown of Aden. The gems are dug down and they are about to be completed. At this time, it is really superfluous to accept the help of the Falcon Empire!

"I'm talking about uniting against the Adenites, not just grabbing a Cornelia!" Emperor Erow's eyes flickered, and he expected the reaction of the generals. The nose snorted heavily and the generals made a noise. So quickly quieted down

"Your Majesty is saying that the Falcon Empire is going to fight the Adenians in full?" Rob Rocca, the deputy director of the Herault Military Department, rose from his seat and said in disbelief.

"It is true, the Falcon Empire promised to close the trade to the Kingdom of Aden from now on, and at the same time send the imperial navy to sweep the port of the Adenites on the east coast!" Emperor Ero nodded and spread out a copy The file sent said, "You should remember that in the initial combat meeting, the War Department proposed that the Cornelia area is important to Aden, but it is still too far from the ruling core of the Kingdom of Aden, and it is still easy to attack and defend. In a narrow strip, it is conservatively estimated that the casualties of 100,000 people will let the Kingdom of Aden abandon the competition for Cornelia. The casualties of 200,000 people will completely abandon their ambitions on the East Coast. ?

Our war with the Kingdom of Aden has lasted for six months. In addition to the fourteen first-line corps that were originally prepared, there are also six reserve corps all on the front line. There are 300,000 people, not to mention that there are as many as half a million troops to contain the Aden Army. At every moment, this battle line is bleeding. For this gamble, the empire is almost overwhelming. After entering the national game, 80% of the troops were devoted to this battle, and the Adens' counterattack against the Cornelia area seemed to have no end, from the first front-line combat troops to the back. The Slave Corps of the United States, before and after, there is no one million, there are seven or eight hundred thousand, six months of continuous fighting, Cornelia this sludge has exhausted the empire spent decades to hoard the financial resources, If this consumption continues, I can only give up Cornelia, there is no other second choice!

Hearing the emperor’s words, the generals suddenly fell silent. More people actually breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. The Falcon Empire standing on the Erow side is better than standing on the Aden side, and the current situation is indeed It has become more and more disadvantaged. As the emperor said, if you cannot achieve a decisive advantage within two months, then giving up Cornelia is a choice that must be made. The **** battles of hundreds of thousands of troops have countless financial and material resources. The investment will make the water drift, and the Eero Empire will also be injured because of the defeat of this battle, and there is absolutely no way to recover in ten years.

The battle of Cornelia has indeed reached a level of madness. The two kingdoms, a total of more than one million troops, have fought against the Adenites at first, but as the battle progressed, the elite troops on both sides After being hit hard, the potential for follow-up operations will be visible

Although the second-tier troops of the Airo Army are not as good as the first-tier, they are also solid combat troops, well-equipped and well-trained, while the second-tier troops of the Kingdom of Aden are often driven by thousands of slaves as the undead army of the deadly team,

"The Falcon Empire promised to help us this time!" Emperor Eero waved his hand to the attendant. The attendant spread a map on the table. The emperor looked at the generals, and his finger fell on a position on the coastline. "According to information given to us by the Falcon Empire, the Adenites are gathering the most powerful offensive here. According to the information, the Adenites mobilized 100,000 infantry, 40,000 camel cavalry, and ten slave undead troops, ready to take advantage of The opportunity for our army to repair is divided into two ways to attack Cornelia Port from the direction of Ai Kui to complete the decisive blow of this battle. In addition, there are five undead slaves!"

"Five Slaves Undead..."

The generals all showed a trace of fear, and everyone was somewhat frightened by the Aden's slave undead army. Each undead army was prepared between 30,000 and 50,000. It was temporarily prepared by the nobles of the kingdom of Aden. , Five Slaves Undead Army, that is more than 200,000

These Aden nobles with wealth and territories are often dressed in exquisite armor with intricate patterns, a long scimitar inlaid with various gemstones on their waists, and the colorful peacock feathers on the helmets are rippling in the sunlight, gorgeous Extraordinarily, under the **** of a team of desert cavalry, they calmly looked at the front of the Eero army, and occasionally exposed a few enchanting dance dancers, while making fun and mocking the opposite Egypt. The Luo people, the war, for these nobles who have the status of regional lords, just like a children's play, they came to the battlefield to show off

What really fought was their own generals and the slaves they brought. Most of these slaves were very simple and equipped with no armor and no protective gear, just holding a wooden stick and a broken dagger in their hands, but they were more powerful than others. In general, tens of thousands of people spread out, and slaves are the lowest tools in the kingdom of Aden. Even the livestock are not as good. The Aden nobles can execute a slave at will, and only need to compensate the slave owner for the price of destroying a simple tool.

There are only two ways for slaves to get rid of their status as slaves. In the Kingdom of Aden, there are only two ways. Either the master gives kindness to the identity of a free man, or he gains military power on the battlefield. According to the practice, as long as he can grab three heads on the battlefield, the slave You can get rid of your nationality, and every time you add a head, you can get one of your relatives out of the country. Therefore, the slave army of the kingdom of Aden is known for not being afraid of death. When a group of ragged beggar-like slaves rushed up, The sword can't be killed, and the name of the undead army is born!

And for such an undead army, the Kingdom of Aden almost mobilized thirty-six oasis in the country this time, and compiled eighteen, six hundred thousand slaves in one breath. If you have the ability, you can kill enough, according to Eero If the normal combat strength of the army is normal, the pressure on the slave army is not great.

But the undead army of the kingdom of Aden is obviously not so easy to kill. The nobles of Aden will divide the slaves into six to seven waves of shock before the war. When the slaves initiate a group charge like a wave, the well-equipped Aden on the rear line The shooter will start to draw the bow. When the slave rushes into the enemy's front, the bow feather of the Aden shooter will fly over at this moment, and it will fall mercilessly on the enemy's head, no matter whether the slave has been mixed with the enemy. Together, at that moment, even the regular army would suffer casualties, and in the face of the mad flurry of the Aden slaves, there was no other way than to retreat backwards, and such arrow feathers would continue to strike, and pieces of corpses filled Arrows fall down, the regular army and slaves in armor are intertwined, and they cannot be separated at all

In the eyes of the regular army of Aden, the slave army is used for cannon fodder. Naturally, there will be no psychological burden to kill together with the enemy. When the enemy is shot by arrows, the Aden camel heavy cavalry known as the desert hurricane will At the beginning of the charge, the entire army of 60,000 camel cavalry was destroyed in the North-South battle, which made the entire Obaro regard the Aden camel cavalry as a joke, but here, in the face of the impact of the undead army, the enemy’s defense line was already incomplete. , The impact of the camel cavalry is simply unstoppable, like a hurricane. The cavalry scimitar above will fly out in front of more than 20 meters, and then the large scimitar with a thick and thin blade is cut down. In this situation, it is The possibility of being crushed in one fell swoop is 100%, and the last thing left is slaughter!

It is under this Aden tactic that the Eero army has become a camp from the beginning, and now it has become a long-term battle. The Aden people do not consider the death and injury of slaves. The full-line attack tactics have made the Ero people have a headache. After half a year of fighting, the morale has almost reached a state of collapse. The soldiers are exhausted and will never kill the undead army. The battalions of the army have been covered with wounded soldiers. This is lucky. There are already three legions. After being wiped out, the kingdom of Aden is a desert kingdom, but the total population is more than 60 million, of which the real Adenites are only less than three million, and the rest are slaves. Aden has long released words. Take out 10 million slaves to fill the Hero army!" Ten million people, this is naturally an exaggerated component, but according to the national power of the Kingdom of Aden, mobilizing three or four million slaves to make cannon fodder can still be done!

Three or four million people, I heard that after the formation of many slave troops, they only sent a small amount of food, because the nobles of Aden thought that it was a waste to send food to these slaves who were sent as cannon fodder, so only many people died. The slaves of the Undead Army have the opportunity to eat, so for the death, the Aden slaves are completely in a state of numbness, either starving or fighting to death. Only a very small part can really survive. If this time the Falcon Empire The information provided is true. As the main force of the attack, there are really 200,000 slaves of the undead army, and the accompanying Aden army, the total number is only afraid that it will reach 300,000.

Such a number, even if it is the final victory, will at least drag more than 100,000 Eros into the water, that is to say, any enemy who is in front of this Aden army heading in the direction of Cornelia will be It is necessary to be prepared to pay more than 100,000 casualties. It is no wonder that even the generals of the Eero Empire have changed their faces. Which army is still intact after the war is now? The loss of 100,000 people is at least two legions! Who will serve as the first line of this block!

"Your Majesty, our army is willing to take this blocking mission!" In the silence, a thin, middle-aged general stood up. He was the head of the Second Army of the Eero Empire, Kabrich, and fought tenaciously in the Eero army. It is known that its second legion is also a rare cavalry legion in the Eero army,

"Cabrich, if I remember correctly, the last time the Lalu Valley battled, your second army lost a third of the battle to complete the flanking breakthrough, and now you can still fight, even if there are not even 30,000 people, What do you do to block the 300,000 Aden Army!" Emperor Erow looked at Kabrich with a sharp gaze, "You can't do this"

"Our army has loyalty to His Majesty," Kabri shuddered, and looked serious. "In any case, his subordinates will block it in the direction of Ai Kui."

"I believe in your loyalty, but I can’t let the soldiers make unnecessary sacrifices! If the second army is finished, what will I do to stop the Aden camel cavalry! This is the end of this matter, you have more important things to do Do it!" Emperor Eero waved his hand, vetoing Kabriich's request, and looked at the generals sitting on the left, condensed and said, "The 7th Army Marquis of Larhan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Duke of Rolls of the Ninth Army and the Marquis of Starr of the Eleventh Army, the task of frontal blocking will be handed over to you. For three days, please be sure to block them in the area of ​​Mount Aiguille. The decision to withdraw to Cornelia was made. When the time is up, if you evacuate without permission, you can understand it as a deserter!"

"Understand, Your Majesty!"

The three General Eero stood up neatly, with three-star gold on their cuffs, the strong man in his thirties was the Marquis of Larhan, and he looked stubborn. The fat man with a bitter look on his stomach, the Marquis Starr,

The Seventh Army and the Ninth Army are first-line combat troops of the Eero Empire. They are well-equipped and have received many additional troops after the battle damage. They basically maintain three-quarters of their strength and combat strength. It’s difficult, but the eleventh army belongs to the second line, half of the soldiers are local garrison troops, and the other half are the remnants of the soldiers who were withdrawn from the last oasis battle. Line, no wonder this Marquis Starr's face is bitter! It can also be seen from the current embarrassment of the Airo Army that even the second-tier troops must be at the forefront!

(To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Net)

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