Whole Nation

: 2929 Civilization (10)

Linhang Xinjing

After the April Spring Festival, Jiangnan’s famous smoke and rain season came, and the weather changes became more and more obvious. When the rain fell like a thin line, Linhang, the new capital of the Central African Empire, seemed to be in a fog. It should have been a noisy street in the summer, but it was a murmur at the moment, especially the shops along the river, the noise of the hustle and bustle in the past, it was quiet at the moment,

There are very few people on the streets. The armoured armoured soldiers walked back and forth. The clean streets washed by the rain, a trace of cold that could not be covered permeated into the streets and alleys of the city, and penetrated into the hearts of Linhang people. Just six hundred miles away from Linjing of the Beijing Capital, on the day of the Spring Festival celebrated in the city, the Aden army rushed into Fugang and burned and looted. The fire lit the night sky of Fugang. That night More than six thousand Fugang people were killed and 17 bustling streets were looted and burned. It is said that even Her Royal Highness Princess Mingyue was detained by the Adens and taken away from the boat. He sank eight dragon ships that the sailors were proud of, and even the guardian of Fugang became a chicken, and only watched the navy of Aden grow up, leaving a devastated city of Fugang,

Fucheng is an important town on the southern coastline of Centralbia

Now there are rumors throughout the coastline of Centralbia. Some people say that the Adenites slaughtered the whole city of Fukuoka, and some people say that the people who were killed within a hundred miles of Fukuoka disappeared. The more outrageous statement is that after the Adenites slaughtered Fukuoka , But also continue to slaughter along the coastline. Under such rumors, let alone ordinary citizens, even the local officials of the coastal cities of Central Biya, have been restless, shocked every day, and have not seen the shadow of the Adenites, There has been a wave of refugees in the coastal cities, and for the Central Church in China, it is too busy now.

So many migrants have entered the interior from the coast, which has seriously affected the farming in these areas, and the judgment from the military has made the emperor of Centralbia panic. "If the Aden navy did not attack Fukun, but went up the coastline, Xinhang Linhang, which has just stabilized, is undoubtedly the first to bear the brunt. Your Majesty, this is the problem that needs to be solved the most. The Adens will be able to go to Fugang this time, and they will not necessarily fight Linhang next time!"

The generals in the cabinet of the Central Afghan Army are heartbroken, seemingly expressing their indignation at the Fukuoka tragedy. In fact, the eyes are sharp like wolves smelling the **** taste. Definitely the most bitter person, defeated by Yelu's family in the past, beheaded by the emperor in anger, countless generals on the battlefield were able to come back alive, not even half of them, many people went to the battlefield, directly dragging Going with the coffin,

Even if this is the case, the civil servant group is still holding the military rates in the dead, saying that the financial resources are tight, and it is unable to open the rates. But for the emperor to rebuild the Taiji Temple, he took out three million yuan in a single breath, and hundreds of miles away. No one had thought of carrying giant mountain stones to decorate the emperor’s new garden. The soldiers guarding the riverside had no military pay for three months. In the eyes of civilians, if this group of crude soldiers did not tighten their money The bag will yell for the Northern Expedition every day. If necessary, it’s just a charity point. The hungry and hungry hangers are unwilling to call. Now the national strength is barely restored. This is still the result of the bumper harvest in the south last year. Whatever strength the Northern Expedition initiates, the money must be saved. Otherwise, until the Yelu family really wants to cross the river, what will be used as a bounty for the army to fight bravely!

Since the emperor of Central China moved south, the central part of Yelu's family has risen, and the military forces have been hit hard. Civilian forces have risen rapidly. Under the indulgence of the emperor, Wen Yuwu has become a trend, and a group of people are thinking about the famous Qingliu. Superintendent, with bull-like eyes, staring at each general

Li Long, as the head of the military headquarters, gave birth to a son last month and held a family banquet in Yanyue Tower. The next day, he was blocked by the Qingliu supervisors in the court hall, and Li Long was asked to include the expenses of the family banquet. It was clear that even Li Long, who had a good temper, kicked the two Qingliu Superintendents directly. Now he is still punished by the emperor.

This is the treatment of the head of the military department, and other generals can be imagined,

"Today's Yuqian meeting, I'm afraid it's a matter of mentioning the water division! It's the best if you don't go to the head of the military department." The old prime minister, Li Tai, who is no longer on the court, leaned on the rocking chair and closed his eyes to rest. The little maidservant of Cuiyi knelt there and knocked on Li Tai’s leg. The weather in April was cool. Rainy Feifei hit the stained glass outside. It was crisp and sweet.

"But I am the head of the military headquarters, so if the meeting doesn't go, in case the generals..." Li Long, the head of the military headquarters, who was rumored to be behind closed doors at home, bowed his hands and hesitated.

"What do you think of rebuilding the sailor?" Li Tairu's eyes fell on Li Long

Li Long said cautiously, "The naval force is low, the battleship is old, and the latest warships were launched 20 years ago. They have long been unsuitable for combat at sea. It is inevitable that something like Fugang will happen. People have mentioned the matter of rebuilding the sailor. After all, if a strong sailor sits on the line of defense of the big river, it is a vigorous agent for the defenders of China or the country. The lack of strength is unbearable. The North Malaysia and South China Ships, this is the concept that has been formed for many years, but it was thrown back by the emperor's merciless words on the ground of lack of funds. Now the generals will mention it again. There is nothing wrong with it!"

"Is it wrong?"

Li Tai opened his eyes closed, a flash of cold flashed in his old eyes, waved his two maidservants down, stood up from the chair and said, “It’s time to die, I don’t know! You are asking your majesty to rebuild A whole sailor, everyone knows how much oil is inside." "This..." Li Long's face was embarrassed, and sweat beads came out of his forehead.

Li Tai said: "A naval division requires at least 80 warships and more than 100 transport ships under the Central Asian military system. The wood is collected and supplied by craftsmen, and all kinds of equipment are not fat. Even if you can’t find the major errand, knocking and picking up leaks is enough for everyone to eat for more than ten years. Anyway, shipbuilding can’t be done in one fell swoop. The Aden people beat Fucheng, and they might not dare to come, as long as there is such a You can pull up at least 30% of the military expenditures currently disbursed by Chaotang. Of course, if you can finally get 10% on the shipbuilding, it is considered everyone's conscience! With such a consensus, the generals naturally want to Talking about the brutality of the Adenites to the sky, and asking Chaotang to order the cities of Centralbia near the coastline to enter the state of combat readiness, so that everyone would not have to sit in Linhang to eat the mountains and empty the sky, maybe they could be sent outside. Now In such a situation, the central government has very limited control of the outside world. After leaving Linhang, it is not a high-flying bird!"

"The problem is that these warriors who have red eyes don't want to think about it. The civilians know that the warriors want to mention the construction of the naval master. Why did they shut up their mouths this time! It is because the civilians are very clear about the naval master, The emperor will never agree! "Li Tai's mouth sneered coldly, "not to mention the exile Wuchen"

Li Tai sighed, "I have been in charge of the Civil Service Group for decades. How can I not know the character of the Civil Service Group? The literati are the most insidious. If all the collective silence, it is basically waiting to see the other party's joke, or it is already The sentence of the other party was sentenced to death!" He glanced at Li Long, who was stupefied, and said slowly: "The generals' heads are almost lowered to the ground, and if they can't win in front, the waist pole will not stand up. There is no money in the pocket, see He did not have a face when he came to his staff, and the soldiers did not listen to the command. The emperor's consideration of indulging civil servant General Ling was the case.

"Under such storms, the emperor's greatest fear is that the warrior with the army lords the warlords, and a southwest dragon family is an example, so the emperor will never give the warrior a chance, as long as the warlord has no capital for warlords, as long as the court does not send money , These warriors are generals who are bare rods"

"The emperor spent so much thought to achieve this goal. How could he be relieved again! Now the warriors jumped out and wanted to touch this bottom line. If there is one who is jumping, he will govern one! To put it bluntly, the civil servant group's There is no emperor behind him, how can he bully the Wuchen in such a chaotic world, so dominant! In the previous battle with the Yelvs, in fact, he had already taken the opportunity to weaken the strength of the Wuchen, and to take the military and take the Wuchen completely. Our foundation, this time the civil servants closed their mouths completely because the emperor has now established a foothold. Only those who are obedient and obedient are required. As for those who still have fantasies, they must be completely removed without leaving!"

Li Long's face changed greatly. This Li Jiazi, who squeezed out many competitors and took the first place in the military cabinet, has been acting low-key since the Southwest Long family returned. It has been a rare act of kicking two Qingliu supervisors in person. Even the emperor of China believed that Li Long was an anxious performance, so he only asked to think about it at home. In fact, who knows that this is completely Li Long’s intention. Li Long, as the head of the military, how can he I don’t know how the warriors have been suppressed for too long. Once it breaks out, how hard it is to stop it! Once he was swept in, I was afraid that the emperor would be the first to cut his head. The emperor wanted to rectify the military for a long time. As the head of the military department, he was sandwiched between the military and the emperor. It's not an exaggeration. It's like sitting on the crater. It's completely unpredictable. When will the volcano burst out to extinguish the burnt ash!

"Why, do you want to save them?" Li Tai looked up and raised her eyebrows calmly.

"Although there is selfishness, they are, after all, blood-sucking generals. They should not die like this."

Li Long's scalp was numb at the sight of Li Tai, and his voice shivered. He believed that Li's analysis would not be wrong. This old man who had been in charge of the church in the country for decades had reached a ghost for the dangerous changes. To the extent that anyone who understands the emperor’s mind best, then it must be the old man in front of him. The emperor wants to take the opportunity to eradicate the military system, and the general and political powers will completely take control of the hands to achieve the absolute unification of the central power of China. This time At the Yuqian meeting, it must be the result of a **** storm. I don’t know how many generals will be dismissed and how many people will be involved! As the head of the military department, he is the first person in the military, so when the turtle is down, it is afraid that it will be scolded to death!

"City does not lead the soldiers, you should know!"

In Li Tai’s deep eyes, a pair of muddy eyes are scary. The emperor cleans the military. In fact, it is only good for the Li family. There are many factions of the Wuchen factions, except Mendi. Extremely particular about seniority, Li Long changed his position as a military minister to a military minister. Even if he is already the head of the military headquarters, he cannot completely suppress the hearts of these military ministers. Instead, after cleaning, Li Long can truly establish the authority and position of the military head!

"Please also ask the boss to save them!" Li Long decided to salute

"Fuck!" Li Tai reluctantly smiled, and fought with the military for a lifetime. Finally, he had to find a way for the military. He reached out and nodded toward the north. Ning said, "If you don't want them to die, let them go." In the north of the river, the Long family attacked the city in the hinterland of the Yelu family. Longyang resisted the attack of the more than 100,000 troops of the Yelu family and the North King Court in Beiyanzhou. Although the final was broken and the life and death were unknown, the reputation of the Long family is already in the sky. As the Orthodox Church, don’t you say that you don’t have anything at all? Now that the Yelu family's strength in Yanzhou has been greatly damaged, and the hinterland has also been half-raised by the Long family, the grassland army has retreated toward the emperor. Since the generals have clamored for it Northern Expedition, then Northern Expedition is done, the prairie people lost so many places, let the generals go to grab it, grab with the prairie people, grab with the Dragon family, as for who owns the land, naturally it depends on whose strength The 30,000 army is the current limit that Chaotang can adjust, and this is their only way!

"Homeowner, the great victory in the South!" Just then ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Jia's housekeeper came hurriedly from a distance

"Dajie?" Li Tai and Li Long glanced at each other tacitly. Is there a war in the south?

"Just a moment ago, the Song tribe quickly drove into Linhang. The Song tribe robbed the Aden navy of Fugang a few days before the defeat of Qinglong Bay, decapitated 6,000, and captured more than 100 Aden-sized ships! The Qinglong Bay victory!" The butler blushed excitedly and gasped out.

"How is this possible?" Li Long didn't believe it. The Cypriot sailors were worse and better than the Song clan fleet anyway. The Cypriot sailors weren't good. Why did the Song clan fleet get a victory? Could it be that in just a few years, the fighting capacity of the Song Clan fleet has surpassed that of the Cypriot navy? This is nonsense!

"The Song people are absolutely deliberate, a good trick to kill with a knife!" Li Tai groaned out a weird groan, with the Song ship fleet in front of him, then only the root cause of the Fukang catastrophe was the incompetence of the generals, and the emperor was furious Under the circumstances, I am afraid that the road to survival is impossible. What kind of person is Song Que, the head of the Song family? It must be guessed that the military will propose to rebuild the sailor, and deliberately seized the opportunity of the Yuqian meeting. , It’s not about killing someone with a knife!

To be continued

(Enlightenment Book Net)

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