Whole Nation

: Two hundred and ninety-one civilization (12)

The rain fell like a broken pearl on the ground of Carlos, the capital of Aden. The water converged into a series of small waterfalls that washed away from the steps of the height, like layers of crystal clear flowers blooming, The Aden Red Dragon Palace, which represents the dominance of this land, is at the highest point of the city

The Red Dragon Palace in the rain curtain is like a huge red crown bathed in rainwater. The layout of the entire capital Carlos is separated from the left and right by the Red Dragon Palace as the center line, and the residential houses down the mountain are stacked one after another. Like a honeycomb, the Carlos Oasis near the coast, although it is called an oasis, is actually far away from the oasis in the desert. This is actually a branch of the majestic mountain range La Roglin. The vast and majestic white peaks stand in the city. To the east, to the west is a large forest of emerald green,

In the mist, it looks more like the rumored Shengjing fairyland. The azure sea surface is like a huge half-curve around the periphery of the city, shining a piece of shimmering luster, planting the moon tree between the city streets, after flowering, it is like a piece of goose feathers and snow covering the city. Everyone who sees is intoxicated

Carlos, in Aden, originally meant the whip of the earth. According to the Adenites, the large basin formed by Karos backed by mountains is actually the fifth day after the God created this world. Carefully land the most beloved whip on the ground. The power of this whip cuts through the earth. The ocean sinks, the mountain rises, and the Aden built on the earth’s whip is chosen by the God The rulers of all races of the earth, all people should become slaves of Aden, because this is the sacred power given by God to Aden

"Can the Admiralty give me an explanation! How can there be a navy of the Falcon Empire in Qinglong Bay, Central Biya?" King Mattius of Aden looked angry and pressed the battle report on the table with his eyes like a knife. The following admiral of the Admiral Btoya,

"According to intelligence, the main force of the Falcon Empire Navy has always been in Kailuo Port, and the Falcon Empire Navy appearing in Qinglong Bay should be just a small fleet that bypasses our sight, and it is estimated from the time that it should be the ship we The sunken Imperial warship only entered the Aden Sea," Butya’s face was defeated.

"That empire warship? The one that was mentioned in the Falcon Empire notice and sunk in the waters of Central Biya?"

The pupil of King Mattus opened his eyes slightly and asked again, although he is a king, the strength of the Aden Navy has been for a long time, but I did not expect that the Admiralty even concealed himself. If it was not to see the Empire Notice, Matt Uzwa did not know that the Admiralty once sunk an imperial warship in the waters of Central Biya, so at first he was unprepared for the empire to fight against Aden. As a result, the imperial cavalry raided the logistics lines of hundreds of thousands of troops. Not fast enough, the battle of the Kingdom of Aden in Cornelia will end in a fiasco!

"Yes, this was also the reason why the navy had to sink it, but I did not expect that the ambition of the imperial navy was so great that even this time, a whole fleet was opened to the waters of Central Biya. The subordinates believed that, given the current In a serious situation, the Kingdom Navy can no longer wait passively and should take the initiative to attack!"

Butya nodded solemnly, but said inwardly that he was relieved. The last thing was indeed too dangerous. If it is not the main force of the imperial navy, he may go south at the port of Kailuo at any time. The young and magnificent Matteus Your Majesty, I will certainly take this opportunity to exchange blood for the entire Admiralty,

This young man who took the throne three years ago has always been very dissatisfied with the rejection of several of his celebrities and outside the admiralty. How could this opportunity be spared

The 6th Army has accused the Navy of ignoring the overall situation, thinking only of its own small circle, so that the Aden Kingdom now has to face the two-line pressure from the Eero Empire and the Falcon Empire, which was originally screaming. The victory situation can now be maintained at Cornelia, even if it is good. I don’t know how many people are scolding the navy behind it. Some people even suggested that the navy squadron would act arbitrarily and have reached the point of ignoring the kingship. As the head of the navy, who Know how much pressure you have!

Okay now, all the sounds are gone

Who would have thought that the rescue of the Aden navy was a fiasco, and Btoya himself could not help crying,

In Qinglong Bay, Centralbia, although the 7th Fleet finally fled the battlefield, but because of the loss of all transport ships, it also encountered a storm along the way. When the entire 7th Fleet, like the broken beggar, slowly arrived at 300 from Qinglong Bay When I was in the port of Aishanya, I was shocked by the Aden people in the port of Aishanya

According to statistics, the entire Aden Seventh Fleet lost 34 ships and injured 19 ships. All transport ships were discarded. More than 5,000 dead and wounded sailors were lost. Almost half of the resources cultivated in these years were lost. The seventh squadron that has been traversing the Central Abyssal Sea for eleven years, the largest fleet of the Aden navy in the Central Abyssal waters was almost wiped out in the Central Abyssal waters. News came that shocked the entire Kingdom ! From the top to the bottom of the kingdom of Aden, all the accusations that the navy is doing wantonly seem to disappear overnight

Because all the people of Aden are well aware, giving up Cornelia just lost the east estuary to the kingdom of Aden, but lying in the hundreds of miles of desert between the two big six places is enough for Obaro. Human ambitions stopped, but the Falcon Empire Navy appeared in the waters of Central Biya, that is to really shake the foundation of the Aden people. Although the face of the desert people is important, the life and death of the Aden kingdom is obviously more important! Facts have proved that if the Aden navy does not decisively sink that invading imperial warship, then the imperial navy may have fully invaded the Aden sea at this moment. Although this is only a speculation, Qinglong Bay is a proof of this speculation. The imperial navy The ambition to invade Aden's sphere of influence has become obvious. At this time, who will accuse the navy of superfluous!

The battle to recapture the Central Abyssal Sea was put on the agenda of the entire predecessor meeting of the Kingdom of Aden. Today’s meeting that only the naval advisors participated in was held in this context. Btoya personally presented the battle plan of the Admiralty. , The Central Asian waters have been regarded as my control area of ​​Aden for more than thirty years ago, and four ports have been built, with a garrison strength of six thousand, brought by the maritime route from the Central Asian waters to the Aden waters Has always been important in Aden’s marine trade. “The 7th Fleet’s disastrous defeat was entirely due to the enemy’s sudden attack and unpredictable unfavorable operations, but even so, the 7th Fleet’s tenacious operations, although It was a serious blow to itself, but the Falcon Empire Navy also suffered a great loss. The Admiralty believes that it is only necessary to send more fleets to the waters of Centralbia at this moment to be able to take advantage of this falcon empire fleet before it has grown. Unplug it. This is the combat report. Please also ask His Majesty for approval!"

Matteus reported that it turned and turned and turned his eyebrows slightly. "From the defense of the main fleet of the Falcon Empire, the power of the two fleets is drawn. Is this really okay? If this time, the Falcon Empire Navy What if the main force goes south?"

"Your Majesty can be assured that the Eero Empire’s estuary in the south has always been called the sea of ​​mist. Not only are there many reefs, but also the perennial fog, especially now in April, it is difficult to see through 100 meters away, which is also One of the reasons why the Eero Empire does not display the navy. If the main force of the Falcon Empire navy really goes south along the river channel of the Eero Empire, it will inevitably plunge into the head, and the main force of our naval fleet has already been waiting for it outside the fog. Dare to say that all of them were sunk, at least enough to prevent them from leaving the estuary!" Putya took a deep breath and blinked his eyes. "

"Okay, I will order the ports to cooperate fully, and the garrison forces in the Central Abyss region are allowed to be deployed by your admiralty. Within a month, I will hear the good news and don't let me down again!" King Aden Teus’ face was lighter. Although he also believed that the Navy’s power was too heavy, the combat power of Aden’s Navy was unquestionable.

"Yes, rest assured your majesty!"

Butoya nodded with confidence, and turned the admirals away, although he did not know how the Falcon Empire Navy had a whole fleet bypassing the eyes of the Aden Navy, and reached the sea of ​​Centralbia thousands of miles away. Yes, but he believes that the sea of ​​fog, even the Falcon Empire Navy, can only struggle in it. It is absolutely impossible for small-scale fleets to pass through or possible, and large-scale fleets to pass through safely. Even the sealord Aden Navy will never venture into the sea of ​​mist,

At the time, the Amero Empire was so ambitious that it wanted to build a navy at the southern estuary. As a result, as long as the ship entered the sea of ​​mist, it was basically sunk or seriously damaged. After spending a lot of money, it could only end in haste. In the past few decades, the content of the navy fleet is no longer mentioned, one can imagine the despair of the misty sea

"Sir, this time you plan to transfer the two naval fleets to the waters of Centralbia?" On the steps of the palace, a navy squadron advisor whispered to Btoya

"The Ninth Fleet and the Sixth Fleet," Putya was silent,

What he said made the admiral of the navy look dazed and wouldn’t have misunderstood. These two fleets are not front-line combat fleets, they can only be regarded as offshore patrol units. Not as good as the Seventh Fleet in Qinglong Bay's fiasco, Putuoya sent these two fleets to the waters of Central Biya, which is really incomprehensible

"It's weird, right?"

Btoya looked at his bewildered face and smiled slyly at the corner of his mouth. "In fact, this is not surprising. Although the waters of Central Biya are important, they are not fully controlled in a short time, and even if I send the strongest The larger fleet, the Falcon Empire fleet will not come out to fight us, so simply send two fleets of ordinary combat power. "" They do not need to defeat the Falcon Empire Navy, just need to drag The other party should do it. To find out, it is the confrontation between the main force of Aden Navy and the main force of the Falcon Empire Navy that really determines the victory of this war. I can feel that the other party’s fleet is already making final preparations. Waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity that can break through the blockade of my naval fleet. Although these two fleets have average combat power, the number of battleships accounts for one-sixth of the entire fleet. At this moment, it is enough to cause the illusion of scattered forces." All we have to do is to wait for the main force of the Falcon Empire Navy to come over from the mist!"

Btoya looked at the distant sea, and the rain was like a stream of water permeating the sea and the sky. He said softly, "The April rainy season is when the mist of the misty sea is at its greatest. Since the Falcon Empire Navy is not moving Then take this opportunity to draw the main force of the Falcon Empire Navy. The Empire Navy ambushed the Seventh Fleet in Qinglong Bay, just to force my Aden Navy to deploy counterattacks. This is like a gamble, both sides can see The only difference between the opponent's next card to be played is that the opponent will not expect that we will deduct the good card and just replace it with a poor card, but the opponent has to risk playing the good card because the opportunity is missed , There won't be such a good opportunity next time!"

"Yes, my subordinates understood." The Navy Admiral suddenly looked, yeah, the waters of Central Biya are important, but what really matters is the victory or defeat of the Aden waters, otherwise, once the waters of the Aden Kingdom are no longer safe~www.wuxiaspot .com~ That is the most deadly for the entire Kingdom of Aden, because the east is the relationship between the vast desert. Most of the material trade and transportation lines of the Kingdom of Aden are actually close to the coastline. The Falcon Empire Navy is good at bombing The notoriety of other cities has long been a consensus known to the entire Obaro. As long as you think about it, the naval battleship of the Falcon Empire appeared in the open sea of ​​Carlos, and the dark snorkeling muzzle pointed at Carlos. The back is cold, if such a situation really occurs, even if you become ashes, it will be difficult to redeem your sins

Butya’s judgment is correct, just when the intelligence that the two fleets of the Aden Navy evacuated from the front was sent to the Falcon Empire Navy Secretary Dusterenkai, he had waited for two full months in the port of Kailuo. The imperial navy finally began to descend south of the Kello River, the largest in the Eero Empire.

The Empire State Navy Secretary Dustroyne wore a long black flat cap and black collar. Black short boots, gaze across the Kailo River with a width of 100 meters, the waves are rolling, the Dragon-class battleship is too large to enter such a channel, so this time all the imperial dragon-tooth battleships entered, 224 ships The Imperial Dragon Tooth Battleship, equipped with Thor Thors over 4ooo gates, 367 transport ships, and 15,000 sailors, is four-fifths of the total number of Dragon Tooth battleships currently in service by the Imperial Navy.

(To be continued.) 8

(Enlightenment Book Net)

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