Whole Nation

: 2935 Civilization (17)

"It's Cornelia again..."

Facing the pale blue beauty of the beautiful pope in front of him, the fat man had the urge to leave the table, what happened to the whole south? The Eeros and Adens are understandable for the purpose of estuary and strategic advantage, and the ecclesiastical countries that are thousands of miles away also want to get a foot in Cornelia!

"The Eero Empire and the Adenites are now exhausted for Cornelia. I believe that if the Empire is willing to help my mission, it is not a problem to get Cornelia. As long as His Majesty is willing to sign the agreement, here is You can promise your majesty, the maps of the four provinces in the south can now be handed over to your majesty," Pudamia said affectionately, looking at the fat man respectfully, and silently said, "Ah, it's all up to you!"

"Cornelia is so far away from the ecclesiastical country. Even if you take it down, the ecclesiastical country can't hold it!" the fat man asked seriously, but looked at the little witch Turit Colleen next to him, and saw the picture Ritter Colleen's eyes were dazed! The fat man wants to vomit blood. What is the case? Obviously, the missionary country has paid such a big price. The picture must be unusual. My own history of Obaro is simply blind. What is this Cornelia? It's so important to count on Turit Colleen, a descendant of the former Fiya dynasty

"I think your majesty may have some misunderstandings, and the Order has no plans to occupy Cornelia for a long time."

Putamia’s pretty and moving face still had a charming smile, and the reaction to the Falcon Emperor had been expected, with a smile and said, "The ecclesiastical country only needs Cornelia for a month, followed by His Majesty. It’s okay to give it to anyone, so that the empire can also explain to Erow.”

"Just a month?"

The fat man raised his eyebrows and took a deep breath. It would be too false to say that he didn’t have a heartbeat. He exchanged land for four southern provinces in a month. Although those areas are still rebellious areas, the sectarian state cannot suppress it. It does not mean that the emperor * team, which is good at repression, cannot suppress it. This is simply the fat that has been sent to the mouth. It has reached the mouth and can be swallowed as long as the mouth is opened!

In fact, the fat man is also puzzled. Even if the empire assists the sectarian state to **** food, **** Cornelia, a port away from the homeland, how long can it last under the counterattack of the two major military groups? The ecclesiastical country exchanges the entire south for such an unencumbered enclave. If it is not the ecclesiastical country is crazy, then it must be involved in something terrible, but what does this have to do with the empire

The empire was fought from the mainland of Icadivar, and it is not wrong to say that it is an alien

There is no conflict between the traditional entanglement in the Obaro region and the empire. This is probably the reason why the ecclesiastical countries have found the empire. A super-powerful player with strong strength and no interest entanglement is estimated to be in the eyes of this beautiful pope The value of this is that as for the Pope's idea of ​​being a very simple beauty, that's too much. The father of this beautiful pope died under the imperial iron ride. Until now, I have seen a little killing his father and enemies. Do you feel anymore? It was said that because of this incident, the beautiful pope executed one of the three priests in charge of the war in the confederate kingdom and the 123 guards of the knights, but it was not at all. There is no such a cute and beautiful grind in front of me. This is definitely a perverted woman. Generally, she plays religion, and there are few normal ones, let alone this woman who is regarded as the incarnation of God in the parish.

"No, the Pope of the Patriarchate must not set foot on Cornelia's land, otherwise it will be the disaster of the entire Obaro. This should be the decision made by that secret meeting that year!" Just when the fat man was considering, Turit Colleen's pretty face is cold and abnormal, almost word for word, and she refused very decisively, clenching her teeth, and even the fat man did not expect that he was still in a daze just now, how about the goddess stick possessed! Turit Colleen glanced at the fat man and looked like a witch. "If I remember correctly, this secret contract has passed 170 years since the original state of the sect! I didn't expect it to have passed so long. You still remember!"

"The meeting that was more than a hundred years ago can still be remembered! There were secretly decided to give that thing to the royal guard of Aden. Now the Ero people are not the same as breaking the oath and wanting to snatch." Miya's graceful eyes gleamed brightly and she twitched her tongue, even looking at the fat man with a pitiful expression.

"And I really only need one month, I promise"

If the fat man is still a hot-blooded guy, he must be promised on the spot by such a playful behavior of a big beauty

This is the Pope of the Order, what is this, to seduce Lao Tzu... The old fat fritters such as fat are older than impulsive years, the two southern powers of the Eero Empire and the Kingdom of Aden have invested in this eastern estuary With millions of troops, people’s brains will soon become dog brains. At this moment, even the emperor himself has given up the attempt to intervene directly, and can only stimulate the other side by side. There is no problem even in the south. The settled ecclesiastical country wants to take Cornelia away from these two countries whose eyes have been killed?

Even if you change from Pope mode to Cleopatra mode, you are not a fool like Anthony Caesar! What's more, Turit Colleen's two-finger skill is working **** Lao Tzu's soft meat. The fat man shook his head again and again. Even if Pudamiya's eyes can melt people, the look is still cold, and a pair of justice stand upright from the seat. And waved

"No, this is definitely not the case. Since it is the agreement of the royal families, the empire must also abide by it, and the Eero Empire is an ally of the empire. The empire will not betray its allies at this moment. If the empire is really kind of forgotten. , The country that you want to take advantage of, if the Pope and the empire cooperate, aren’t you afraid of worrying?"

"I hope that your Majesty can carefully consider the answer. Everyone is really tired today. Let’s talk about it tomorrow." Pudamiya glanced at Turit Colleen behind the fat man, knowing that there will be no new talk As a result, it would be better to put it to tomorrow, stand up with the help of the Templar behind him, and Putamia turned away with a cold face,

As soon as Pudamia left, the fat man could not wait to ask Turit Colleen. If the war of Cornelia was previously regarded as a deadly battle between the two countries for strategic advantage, then now it seems that completely It's another story! The secret covenants of the kings, the state of the temple... These hidden things in the dark really can only be understood by the Turite family in the shadow of Obaro. Looking at the dodgy look of the little witch, the fat man couldn’t help but stretch his hand. Put Turit Colleen's delicate and symmetrical body in her arms, gently leaning against her rounded chin, and lifting her blushing face with shame, "Speak, what the **** is going on? What? Secret contract? What is the relationship between the Pope and Cornelia?". "

Turit Colleen struggled against twisting in her arms, but didn't use too much force. She couldn't struggle at all. She didn't dare to move her hands on the chest of the fat man. She said, "You, you can't be like this, just some The rumors of nothingness, but it seems that some people seem to regard this rumor as true."

"Rumor?" The fat man was slightly stunned. "For a rumor, the two great kingdoms are fighting dead, just like the beautiful pope of the kingdom of God on the ground should put down his body and insert a foot. If you don't make it clear today, you will die!"

"It's really just a rumor" Turit Colleen put his hands on the fat man's chest to prevent them from sticking closer together. They couldn't take care of the fat man doing whatever she wanted on her cocky buttocks. His body was crisp and his nose groaned, "It is rumored that a thousand years ago, the tyrannical Feiya dynasty's main force invaded the desert hinterland and was about to carry out the final strangulation of the desert people, but it was one night when it was in Cornelia. The 300,000 main forces of the rest of the dynasty were not due to the war of the desert nations or the betrayal of the local lords, but because they angered God’s punishment, and a sword of God’s punishment fell from the sky. More than one hundred emperors and generals, and 300,000 dynasty troops killed most of them."

Turit Colleen’s voice was paused, and his gleaming eyes glanced at the fat man before continuing. “The part of the noble Feiya nobleman who also fled from the dynasty announced the departure from the dynasty because of the anger of the dynasty. This caused the powerful dynasty that controlled the entire Inland Sea area to fall apart overnight."

"God's punishment?" The fat man's face was pale and murmured in his mouth. What is this... A weapon capable of killing hundreds of thousands of people at once, Nima, this is certainly not an atomic bomb!

"The land of God's punishment, there is no place in the sky, even the soul will be destroyed!" Turit Colleen's witch trait is really strong enough, even if the fat man takes advantage of one hand, his face will struggle to show a The sacred expression "In fact, after God’s punishment, the entire Cornelia area is a black place, no life can survive inside, no one dare to pass the entire Obaro, some bold explorers, almost None of them came back alive. More than a hundred years of time was enough to give the desert people on the other side a chance to recover from the desperate situation. Because of this, the desert people began to believe that there was a so-called **** to protect them, although the years have passed For so long, but rumors say that the sword that killed 300,000 troops has always been in the depths of Cornelia’s earth, and anyone who can find it can have the power of God’s punishment "black land, no Life? Then those Fiya nobles who fled at that time should not have lived for a long time! Have they become particularly strange, it is estimated that they can no longer be called humans!'

The fat man's eyes narrowed into a line, and his mouth asked unnaturally, this is not the land pollution after the atomic bomb! Eighty percent of the savages of the Feiya dynasty did not know how to dig out such a thing, but the result was very tragic and detonated! Although there should be no atomic bombs in this era, since there are traversers like Prophet Ferran and people like yourself, who said that thousands of years ago, there would be no civilization that would not throw atomic bombs to savages. In those super civilizations In the eyes of the Feiya dynasty, the crusade against the desert people is not just a savage!

"How does your majesty know!" Turit Colleen's face was horrified. It really made the fat man satisfied and made the fat man laugh. The Cornelia area may be a nuclear explosion area... according to the nuclear In the area after the explosion, the radiation can last for thousands of years. The fat man couldn’t help but ask, “Since Cornelia is a black land, why is it now the largest estuary on the east coast, and Cornelia Port has a waterway. The title of Golden Port"

"It was indeed black ground!"

Turit Colleen grabbed his arm resentfully and gasped and said, "Don't make a fuss, okay, there's no way for people to say this. This matter will have to be traced back to five hundred years ago. The man with the sword built a city called Logmoria on the nearly Jedi land of Cornelia, which was also called the holy city of Logmoria by later believers. After the establishment of the holy city, it was once attempted to infest the kings of various places. Unfortunately, 150 years ago, due to unknown reasons, the holy city of Logmoia was once again completely destroyed by some force, and some people who escaped sought help from the countries. , Requesting the restoration of the Holy City, but rejected by the states, and finally had to move from the new state to the current state of the ecclesiastical state. land!"

"This is no wonder!"

The fat guy roughly understood ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The holy city of Logmorelia has existed for more than three hundred years, which is enough to show that the impact of the nuclear explosion has weakened a lot, as for the one hundred and fifty years ago. Disaster, I am afraid that the people who escaped are the most aware. It is no wonder that the Order of the Order has always been deliberately wanting to go back, or even give up the entire southern region in exchange

Eighty percent, in Cornelia’s underground, a huge arsenal was buried. The nuclear bomb was an accident, and the founding sect of the sect should also have its own city because of the lack of operation. It’s all blown up. Think about the current state of civilization in the Obaro region, and the church and research institutions almost mean the same thing.

Sure enough, people who play religion are crazy. If you let the Pope of the Order set foot on Cornelia again, I don’t know if there will be another big fireworks... I look forward to it. As for whether those weapons will be controlled by the Order, it’s a joke. With weapons that can reach that level, there is no dependent science and technology, it is simply death. Just think about a group of church personnel holding various crowbar tools in their hands, striking up and down against a huge bomb in an attempt to Pry open the shell of the bomb, the cold sweat of the fat man will come down! A group of daydreaming guys give you a plane, you are also the life of planting flowers in the field, what high-tech play! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Net)

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