Whole Nation

: 241 Bloody Rain (2)

Shan Wu sincerely thanked the ticket, thanking the heart for rewarding the bright black clouds piled up in the air, the dry cold air stabbed the nasal cavity of the person, just like a hook hanging deep in the nasal cavity, every time breathing, it was a dull cry Qisheng, a thin layer of white ice accumulated on the ground.

A team of black armoured light cavalry was moving silently in the night, except for the brittle sound of the horseshoes, only the roar of the night wind, no one spoke,

This strange smell smelled in the air. A row of crosses stood on the road beside the dry wood, and a row of white objects hung on it. Especially prominent in the dark night,

"It's terrible! What did these Tyres do!" Hu Keqili looked at these strange and terrifying white shadows, twitching his nose with extreme dissatisfaction,

The swordsman always cares about the details. 2. The eyes of Hu Keqili, who has the strength of a top swordsman, are still sharp at night. Those white objects are obviously a stiff white body. They are cruelly hung on the cross, and they are worn and worn. , Head drooping,

Some corpses' eyes were eaten by foraging birds, leaving only two black holes in the eye sockets, and some necks were more than double the length of normal people because the rope pulled the clavicle, just like the long-necked goose hung by the cook The wind blew past these corpses, which swayed like kites, and made a weird creak, as if they wanted to break the rope around their necks.

In this strange and terrible scene, even the bold Baotou Hu Keqi Li could not help but feel the heart

Along the way, on this dozen-odd journey. Hu Ke sadly has seen several such settings,

At one location, there were even hundreds of corpses, many of them old and children. At first, Hu Keqili asked the guards to put the corpses down, and later gave up.

"Too many, if you do this, you don't have to hurry tonight." Hu Keqili whispered secretly, counted all the way, there were more than 100 corpses turbulent by the road, this section of the road is really walking


"How far is Motuchelin?" Hu Keqili pulled out and asked the scouts leading the way. In the ear is the sound of the mountains and forests shaking in the night breeze, here is the border between Teton Talis and McKent, the stretch of the Budamis Mountains forms a natural cross mouth,

To the north is the traditional territories of the Tyre family, McKent, and to the south is the once rich Teton Talis plain. To the west is the cliffs of McAllen, to the east is the plain of Jerbo, and the middle of Aokou Canyon is the Motullin Fortress. "It's Motuqilin after the mountain pass in front!" The scout's face was gloomy, pointing at a **** not far away, where a vaguely visible valley, a two-story minaret-shaped building towering in it, like a low wall It's surrounded by a circle,

This leading scout was once a desolate little nobleman in nearby Motuchelin town. At the call of the Southern Gold Rush, he left Motuchelin and came to Zhivadin. There are many such people in the Samoan army. Especially the soldiers of the Southern Army of Samor, most of them are farmers and bankrupt nobles from the southern counties

The principle for the fat man to establish the North and South Corps is to use the northern refugees to form a strong and aggressive Northern Army, and the southerners with strong local ideas to form a general combat force, but the strong-willed Southern Army, this division is more conducive to the cohesion of the army And the will to fight,

The difference between fighting for the lord and fighting for the relatives of my hometown is not a little bit. "Go home!" This is the favorite of the Northern Army

"Are you okay? My hometown Motuqilin?" Looking at his hometown under the night, the scout felt anxious, the scene on the road gave him an ominous hunch, this time the snowstorm

Because the wagon was opened, the southward coalition army was divided into two roads. The Vandorok army of Badker entered McGallens first, followed by the northward coalition army route to McKent, and the fat man led the army along the winding road. The Budamis Mountains are straight into McKent. Like two iron tongs closing in to McKent

The fat’s military strength has changed. Thousands of Samor light cavalry who are resting in the south are included in the main force of the fat man. The most elite second flag regiment of the southern army is also entering McKent from the Jerbo area. The fat man leads the expeditionary army Entering the Budamis Mountains, going north all the way, Motuqilin in the center of Aokou became the most important node of the Samoan army meeting McKent this time.

According to the scout's information, a team of the Tyre family was stationed in Motuchelin, and Hukochili's task was to attack Motuchelin at night to open a smooth path for the Samor Army.

Hu Keqili gently calmed the restless horse under the hips, such a dark night, such a quiet. Reminds him of the raid battle of the northern noble army,

At that time, the 60,000 troops of Samor were destroyed, and five fortresses were broken in a row day and night to wipe out the noble army on the mountain road, once again proving the strength of the strongest army in the kingdom.

It is a pity that in the last pursuit battle, Hu Keqili was only responsible for enticing Hucong cavalry, and missed the mountain road decisive battle. This has always made Hu Liqike grudge, now his own opportunity

"Tonight, I will write my legend!" Hu Keqili's left hand clenched the horse rein, and the right hand held the warrior's patterned handle, a kind of blood boiling in his heart,

"Order the army to prepare." Hu Keqili's face was serious, and he ordered to the Samor Light Cavalry behind him, a quiet and late night came a sound of friction from the sword's sheath,

Then the surroundings were silent, and the sharp swords gleamed with cold light in the dark night, like a layer of phosphorescent light on the surface of the water, the face armor of the light cavalry had been put down, and only a pair of murderous eyes were exposed.

"The first team entered Motulin from the east! The second team broke the bayonet from the west. The third team followed


Hu Keqili whispered to the two squadron captains beside him, "brushing" Hu Keqili with his right hand, pulling out the sharp sword, pointing at the fortress in the distance and shouting, "Everyone! Let us open the victory sword! "

The wind blew through his ears, Hu Keqili lying on the horse's back, the curved waist and the horse's jumping horse's back were tightly attached, in the cold night fog. A thousand Samuel light cavalry rushed to the fortress like a demon in the dark, a row of wooden cabinets quickly appeared in the front pass, and piles of white camps were distributed on both sides.

"No!" Hu Keqili's face changed slightly. There were three camp camps in front of me. There were hundreds of tents, and I turned into the corner of the canyon in front of me. I could not see my head at a glance.

"Damn, this time I caught a big one!" Hu Keqili scolded angrily in his heart, and it was obvious that the scouts had misinformed the information, otherwise the Tyres had added troops, and the camp was very dark, only rare. The few patrols that were falling walked on the side of the fence. The rumbling horseshoe sounded in the night was like a dull winter thunder. This strange sound made the guard of the camp door at a loss and looked around the brain.

"The whole army assaulted!" The situation was urgent, and it was too late to retreat. Hu Keqili shouted. The horse leaped with a whirlwind and leaped from the low fence of the canyon.

"Bump. The galloping horse drove a guard down to the ground, and Hu Keqili slashed the other guard "to pull out the fence." Hu Keqili shouted to the light cavalry behind him, with the sword flashing in his hand. . Several thick ropes that cut off the fence and the pass in a row, "Boom!" "There was a crisp sound in the outer cabinet,

Hooks were thrown from the swift passing Samor light cavalry, a loud bang, wood chips flew, dozens of horizontal beams were withdrawn by powerful forces, and wooden fences were cut into pieces by dozens of galloping horses Then, the follower Samor light cavalry poured in like a tide, the horseshoes rolled over, the hook of the war horse removed the tent, and the following Samor light cavalry stepped directly over the enemies still at rest

The patrol of the camp was obviously frightened, and even the sirens did not scream, like a drove duck. Flee

"Ignite! Ignite! Burn these bastards!" Hu Keqili did not expect it to be so smooth, he quickly shouted in excitement, took a hook from the weapon trough of the horse span, threw the boat to illuminate the side of the tent Brazier,

"Crack. The brazier was tossed to the ground by a galloping horse, and the blazing flame quickly lit the surrounding tents,

The other light cavalrymen pulled the brazier like Hu Keqili,

The mountain wind burst, the gap between the canyons was even the wind, the flames let the flames rise, and the entire camp was like a lit torch, Hula La burned into a sea of ​​fire

"It's on fire! It's on fire!" The Tyre soldiers in the camp were sleeping like ants that had been turned over. Ran out from the tent and ran into Hu Keqili, who was killed and killed~www.wuxiaspot.com~I was quickly overwhelmed by the rushing Samor light cavalry

The sound of a thundering horseshoe resounded through the ground, and another team of light cavalry rushed in from the right, stepping over the army like a hurricane. Knife lights fall, blood splashes, leaving a dead body

"Kill! Cross the corner! Never let them run away." Hu Keqili cut over an enemy who was blocking the road, and felt that most of the broken troops poured into the front corner. Hu Keqili shouted forward to a light cavalry squadron

"Damn, what the hell! Who are these people?" Hu Keqili strangled the horse around the corner of the canyon. The heart was calmed by the excitement. Hu Keqili knew that as an army commander, a calm mind is far more important than the killing sword. It was not very clear that I saw it outside just now. Now I rushed into the mouth of the gorge. The scene before him made Hu Cochlear took a breath,

In the blazing flames, the enemies roaming like mice are almost filling the entire canyon, densely packed with black crushed heads, full of people, ten thousand people, panic and panic let them trample on each other. There are burning tents everywhere, and the whole canyon is like one. Large oven

"Oh my God". Hu Liqiko shivered, this is not a flag regiment, this is a regiment, he raided a regiment, this suddenly makes Hu Keqili feel dizzy

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