Whole Nation

: 2939 Civilization (21)

Someone in a large independent cabin of the Imperial Dragon-class battleship, tapped his fingers gently on the armrest of the chair, looking calmly and calmly at the distant but turbulent sea, ignoring the fact that he was entering the cabin. Facial Xingshi's expression of guilt, the pretty pope with a cold face like a frost,

"His Highness is so idle, shouldn't he prepare for it?"

"The preparations are not in a hurry. I specifically asked what happened on the coast. Why did the Eeros refuse the assistance of the empire? Not only did the emperor's team not be allowed to go ashore, but they also deployed a 30,000 legion On the shore, in this way, as long as I leave the fleet, my people will be discovered by the Eros. Now I can’t get to the shore. What else do I have to prepare for!” Pudamiya was still angry when he walked in, but at the moment It seemed extremely calm, able to become the Pope of the Order, and it was naturally not an ordinary woman. A pair of beautiful eyes fell straight on the broad back in front.

"Knowing that there is an emperor coming, Erow added personnel to guard, why should the High Pope be so impatient?" The fat man withdrew his gaze from the distant sea, turned around and said flatly. "As for refusing assistance, I don't know the Pope Where did your Highness hear from you? I can guarantee that it will never happen!"

"Really there is no such thing?"

Pudamia’s small and delicate face froze, and the news that the Hero people refused the assistance was delivered by the layman’s hidden eyeliner inside the Hero army, which was spent many countless efforts to cultivate A middle-level officer of the Eero Empire has no problem in loyalty and reliability. The news that the Eero Empire secretly probed the ruins of the holy city on the ruins of Cornelia was also the information sent by the lurker.

"Really not"

The fat man was very sure to shake his head, spread his hands and said

"Trust me, tomorrow, you will definitely be able to ascend to Cornelia's land." Seeing the falcon emperor saying so decisively, Pudamia can only dig out the fat man's eyes with his eyes, except for the fog. She also wants to see this guy who is not swollen and fat, what will she give herself tomorrow?

Half an hour after Putamia left, the admiral of the fleet pushed open the door of the cabin and reported to the fat man, "Your Majesty, the situation looks a bit bad. The force of the Eeros mobilized on the coast has exceeded 40,000, and It was discovered that the opponent’s commander seemed to have been peering into the fleet across the cliff. It seemed that the intention to attack the fleet was obvious.”

"Peep? It's already impatient to be so blatant!"

The fat man smiled coldly, and slightly sullenly waved his hand to the Admiral of the Fleet. "According to the plan! Although the number of main battleships is not much, but such a huge advantage, if it is to the extent that people can climb up. , Then your naval admiral has reached the point where you can punish yourself!"

"Yes, my subordinates understand" The Fleet Admiral's body was shocked, and he quickly stood up and his feet were close. Although most of the fleet is transport ships, there are still six full-scale Imperial Dragon-class battleships, if they are on land. On the way, the 40,000 Eero army can naturally swoop up like a rainbow, but this is at sea, because the dragon-class battleship cannot enter the shallow water of the coastline, so the docking position is still three or four hundred meters away from the coastline. It’s hard to imagine how the Eros would cross these three or four hundred meters of sea. If they wear armor, they’re afraid they won’t be able to swim for fifty meters and they will all sink into the sea.

The Eeros really refused, but this was already what the fat man expected

At the cost of hundreds of thousands of troops, the Eero people found the long-awaited trace on the ruins of Cornelia. How could it be possible for the emperor* to intervene at this moment, so if the empire could intervene, then there must be an opportunity, and in After secretly meeting with Pope Pudamia, after knowing that the 80-year-old flood diversion that affected the entire south of Eero was actually the result of the chaos in the back, the fat man had decided to go south and Aden The imperial navy of the naval battle must withdraw immediately. The misty sea that is filled with hundreds of miles is not as simple as the ordinary mist. The biggest possibility is the combination of soot particles and a certain chemical composition. If this thing is placed in modern times, That is some kind of chemical weapon, just like the divine punishment that destroyed the Feiya dynasty left a dead place for hundreds of years. The huge change that caused the Kailuo River to change course did not necessarily leave no similar influence.

The sea of ​​mist appears after the diversion of the Kailuo River. If it is just mist, if a country like Erow who wants to become the first country in the south, how can he suddenly abandon the development of the navy in the south, there is only one possibility, then The sea of ​​mist is not only unsuitable for navigation, it may even cause the death of people who enter the mist. The Eros are blocked at the southern coastline. The Eros are just understatement, obviously waiting for the imperial navy Slammed into it, sitting and watching the poisonous fog silently devouring the strongest naval fleet in the Obaro region. In that case, it would be as good as chopping off the most fierce eagle claw of the Falcon Empire.

However, it seems that the Eero people’s ambitions will obviously not be satisfied with the demise of the imperial navy, but themselves. As long as he is the undefeated warlord of Obaro, the Eros people’s ambition to rise in the south will never be completed. If there is an opportunity to eradicate themselves permanently, the Eero people will certainly take a risk, just like the empire did to the emperor of Istan, as the overall planner of the beheading operation, the fat man is ashamed of the Eero people. The small movement knows clearly that the main force of the ship group going south needs a reason to withdraw, he needs to send the members of the ecclesiastical country to the shore, and the empire needs Eero to give up part of the interest in Cornelia, and cannot use military oppression In the case of the situation, there is only another way for the Eero army to bump into itself

Although it is a dangerous act to expose yourself to the Eero army, the fat man did not believe that the Eero people could rely on the floating water to threaten the six imperial dragon-class main battleships that were just waiting. Is it a natural trench that can be compensated by quantity? This is a tiankeng. Only the huge shipboard of the Dragon-class battleship is more than 20 meters high. The dozens of gun bay baffles covered by the word are seen from a distance, just like floating. Like the huge war fortress at sea, not to mention the secret mobilization of 3,000 Imperial Guards from the transport fleet to the six Dragon-class main battleships, the imperial dragon-class battleships and transport ships that are invisible to the Eero On the deck, imperial infantrymen were pushing bundles of arrow clusters and crossbow carts onto the deck

The last ray of light from the distance finally disappeared on the sea level,

"Order everyone to prepare!"

Capello looked back dignifiedly from a distance. For the pockets opened by the imperial navy, Capello, who was waiting on the coast for the dark Erode Commander*, obviously did not know that he did not know that he was standing on the cliff Looking at the figure of the imperial fleet, it has been clearly seen by the imperial navy's observation mirror, and he is still complacent for the imperial fleet without any response on the hundreds of meters of the sea, but only a few warships can do anything. The Fifth Army is a front-line combat corps with a total of 40,000 people. As long as the raid succeeds, it will not allow the other party’s battleship Yang Fan to escape. It is not easy to capture these imperial warships. Although the Imperial Thor is fierce, it is not that kind. Weapons capable of 360 degrees without dead ends have an absolute advantage in terms of numbers. All you need to consider is not to alarm the other party in advance and avoid playing grass and snakes.

In the past of time, the coastline of the night and the turbulent water waves of Shanghai rolled up. In an era when humans cannot float on it, standing on the edge of the endless sea, humans are loading all kinds of imagination in front of them. In the blue color, in front of the sea, is the end of a world that can never be reached. There is a big monster in the sea that can swallow everything

Human curiosity is born, in order to explore the mysteries on the other side of the sea, humans invented a boat that can cross the sea, so humans found that it is actually controllable in the sea, so because of the marine hegemony of human *, but never A country can use marine hegemony to such an extent

The falcon empire's combat methods completely changed everyone's perception of the navy. When warships that had always been able to punish power in the water suddenly became a deadly threat to the coastal area, all countries with coastlines were It was found that its own security disappeared overnight. As long as it stood under the muzzle of the Navy Thunder God of the Falcon Empire, there was one spine behind the negotiator's spine, and in front of him, it was the culprit that caused the entire Inner Sea to tremble. The culprit, the imperial navy,

"These evil guys should be punished and launched into the water"

Capello meditation, raised his hand violently, and then fell, rustling sound, countless take off armor, wearing only a single Aden soldier began to jump into the sea, the first to go down is the soldier responsible for hooking the ship’s side, they The body is under the sea, only the head is exposed on the sea, and the melee dagger is bitten in the mouth. The number is not clear at night, but the black pressure is pressing on a human head. As the waves rise and fall, it is like some kind of rolling forward. If you don’t pay special attention to it, you will find something near the sea,


Capello anxiously stopped walking back and forth and turned to ask the adjutant behind him. According to the previous calculation, it took at least half an hour to float from the coastline to the location of the Imperial Navy fleet. It has been almost time from the launch of the soldiers to the present. How could it not have responded yet? The imperial fleet on the far sea still showed no signs of confusion, and there were no shouts of sudden attacks, only the seawater violently beating on the cliff walls and making a deafening roar, Just like Capello is playing drums at the moment, what should he do if the imperial navy finds himself and runs away?

"Half an hour has passed, wouldn't the Imperial Fleet be aware of it? ‘The adjutant glanced at the hourglass visiting on the ground and said carefully

"Should not be, otherwise the Imperial Fleet will not react at all!" Capello's lips were tightly closed, his head shook in confusion, and tens of thousands of troops gathered on the coast, waiting for the sailors who dived in the distance It is signaled that once after this evening, it would be too difficult to find the unprepared opportunities of the imperial navy fleet, and if the imperial navy fleet chooses to leave the coastline area, it can only stare at itself. The opportunity is rare and should not be missed. But why is there no signal? Just when he was in a hurry, the adjutant suddenly lifted his finger to the distance, excitedly said "signal, that is our signal"

Capello turned back sharply, his eyes looking in the direction of the adjutant's finger. Sure enough, he saw a flash of light in the distance, which was a good sign. Capello could hear the generals behind him. The sound of one breath suddenly became sharp as a knife. The front was successful. The signal showed that the troops floating in front had at least touched the side of the imperial navy ship.

"It's a good thing, all the people are in the water." Capello looked excited and shouted, not willing to delay for a moment. Suddenly, countless light spots erupted from the distant sea. "Boom!" Numerous light bursts on the sea Open, a huge roar, a huge water wave like a bean, a huge shooting sound that shocked everyone's ears, and the entire sea surface was like a countless light bulb that cut through the darkness and lighted at the same time in an instant Liang, the dense figure of the Eero soldier who was still floating in the water was illuminated by all the glances,

"Found!" Capello and the generals behind him looked dumbfounded. They still thought it was only accidentally discovered by the Imperial Navy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But the next moment, they felt something was wrong Because the shells from the second launch almost ten seconds later, they fell down and bloomed in the sea, and the water column soared into the sky. These thunder bombs with thick smoke tails were like rainstorms, and some fireballs with whistling and Flames, some are iron **** with chains at both ends at high speed, hitting the crowd with rotation, as long as they are swept past the position, it is like encountering a hurricane, all the obstacles are broken,

"Order the whole army into the water! Push up with all your strength!"

Capello's insanely loud command, he is now convinced that the imperial navy is premeditated to wait for himself, otherwise the reaction and firepower of the other party will not be so rapid, but he also does not believe his 40,000 people and cannot win. Several sea ships, when he gave orders loudly, suddenly saw a bright white light dazzling, dragging the eye-catching tail to hit the sea, the huge explosion was like a disproportionately huge The hammer hit the sea, the water was lifted up to a height of more than 20 meters, and the burning fire flashed again to the pale cheeks of nearby Erow soldiers! "Shit, I missed it!"

On an imperial dragon-class battleship, the main artillery shelled the lucky slammer

(To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Net)

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