Whole Nation

: 2942 Civilization (24)

As Rowerna, the Undersecretary of the Air Force, hurried back, the entire base of the Air Force Army was frying pans. The emperor of the army was under the guise of finding trouble for the Adenites, and the emperor ordered the combat troops to land. The aspect is completely dumbfounded, the generals have completely turned upside down in the central military account

"The battle damage of tens of thousands of soldiers, the death of a regiment leader, is this the result! Too deceiving too much, Erow's shame!" The fiery ninth regiment leader Agarus grabbed Rottweiler's The collar of the military uniform, even if the other party is the subordinate of the military department

The other generals were also indignant, shouting that if the emperor team really dared to land, they would completely wipe out the emperor team on land, and it is no wonder that the generals of Eero were so angry, because the Falcon Empire intervened at this moment, how it looks like It was down the mountain to pick peaches. The struggle of millions of troops suffered heavy losses every day. In the face of the endless sea of ​​slaves of the Adenites, the generals of Eero killed the killers and were so soft that they almost became a collective depression. , Finally, it stabilized the situation and barely blocked Aden’s army south to Cornelia.

Although it was only blocking, this time, a general who did not know how to fight, could also feel the dawn of victory projected from the ruins of Cornelia,

Although the Adenian offensive continues, the intensity has been greatly reduced,

The scale of more than 100,000 people is almost extinct. Now it is only sending some units to attack the front line. The biggest attack was also a 30,000 infantry attack on the eastern line of Cornelia three days ago. The Third Legion had a hard lesson, and withdrew it sullenly. The Aden Army, which was no longer sharp, was no longer enough to make General Eero feel terrible, just like a sword that had been completely sharpened. The steel shield that wants to break Cornelia again is very small, because the most frightening heavy blade of this epee has broken

Some time ago, more than 300,000 Aden slaves were sent to warships in batches by the Aden army. Almost all of the Aden army’s regular troops are now the main force of the attack. Except for some of the regular army The royal army is more of a private army that belongs to the lords of all regions, and there are eight armies of the country. The weaponry is naturally much more elite than the slaves who served as cannon fodder, but the command is simply a mess, and the attack is also launched. Not as brazen as before,

The royal family and the nobles thought about each other, especially the arrival of the Divine Punishment Army, which made these Ero nobles seem reluctant. They can only ask for a charge, and they will never initiate a second charge. It’s also hard to rush up, the invisible that has been worn away, the private aristocracy is only loyal to their masters, and their wealth and honor are only connected with the upper class aristocracy. They are more afraid of the upper temple than faith, unlike Those slaves were full of incomparable faith in God’s Penalty. At this moment, the war potential of the Kingdom of Aden was finally defeated for the first time.

As long as it persists for a while, that is, the May typhoon season in the eastern Inland Sea region will come, and the Cornelia region will also enter the harsh environment raged by the typhoon. At that time, the desert people who have never been used to fighting in the humid climate of the rainy season will have to retreat. Wet weather will make the desert soldiers red and itchy, outbreak of tidal disease, and the combat power will drop without fighting. Not to mention, for this war, Eero has issued war debts in the country, and the dry treasury has received a large amount of funds. , The backing troops are constantly filling the Cornelia battlefield,

As a supporter of the war, the noble class of the Eero Empire invested hugely and enthusiastically in this war.

Because the royal family of Eero has made a heartening promise, as long as it wins, the land of Cornelia will be used as compensation for the war debts. The victory is in front of you. Everyone is fighting hard and working hard here every day, Emperor If you want to do nothing, just plug in, how is it possible!

"If the Imperial team really set foot on Cornelia's land, then fight with them!"

A middle-aged general suffocated with a red face like a monkey butt, squirting sounds from the inflamed nostrils, is the Marquis of the third army deputy commander from the southern area of ​​Hérault, Marquis La Verne, reportedly to purchase the war issued by the royal family Bonds, which sold all the family’s industries in the south, and waited for the development of Cornelia directly after the war. The badness in the south has become more and more obvious. The Kailuo River has not been in the south for two years. Flooding, which is almost a fatal blow to agricultural production in the South

The southern farmer who is used to planting crops in the mud after the river flooded and retreated, has reached the point of crying without tears in the face of the Kailuo river that is not flooded.

The farmers in the south of Eero can only try to change the agricultural model inherited for millennia in a short period of time, but a series of restrictions such as crop seeds, farming, and land selection have allowed only a small part of the south to harvest food in the past two years. , Other regions are already relying on food relief from the north,

It is urgent to leave the South to seek new development areas. For the southern nobles like La Verne, Cornelia is their last hope in their hearts. They save the straw. At the time, they proposed to **** Cornelia to resettle the population of the South, which is the South. Sent by the generals to coincide with the emperor’s intentions

"Yes, go to war"

The generals were very excited, and many of them, like Lavern, overwhelmed most of the family for this war. Once the emperor intervened in Cornelia, then Ero wanted to occupy Cornelia alone. The hope of interest will be defeated, even if the royal family of Eero can still use the land as compensation for war debts, but the effect is already greatly reduced. One country has full control of all interests of Cornelia and shares one with the two countries. Cornelia is completely two concepts, not to mention that everyone knows it very well

The Eero Empire and the Falcon Empire are bound to have a terrible war

At that time, Cornelia was a tragic battlefield with dead bodies. Who ate too much and ran to a place that would soon become a battlefield to expand her family business? This is the land of Eero, Cornelia is Eero, this is the invasion of the Falcon Empire! Immediately mobilize troops, I don't believe how many imperial landing troops there are. We have hundreds of thousands of troops in Cornelia! The shouts of the generals even spread outside the tent

Who said you want to fight against the empire! "A loud voice followed Emperor Ero of the big red armor into the military account, the boiling inside suddenly stopped

"Force ià"

Everyone stood upright and saluted Emperor Eero

"This is the letter that the Falcon Emperor just sent." Emperor Ero sat down at the top of the long table in the tent, waved to the generals standing around, threw a letter on the table, and looked at it. The generals who peeped at each other suddenly smiled

"The Falcon Emperor stated in the letter that the Falcon Empire had no attempt at Cornelia, but given the importance of Port Cornelia on the east coast, the Falcon Emperor hoped that we would be like Port Kailo In that way, it was loaned to the empire as a rental port, and the emperor team that landed was only stationed in the ruins of Cornelia Port to protect Cornelia Port from being completely destroyed!" Emperor Ero's voice paused, see To the stunned generals, continue to say "Although I don't think that the Falcon Emperor really just wanted to rent Cornelia Port, but this really gave us a step down, now there are only two roads in front of us. One is to reject the request of the Falcon Emperor and go to war with the Falcon Empire, the other way is to agree to the request of the Falcon Emperor."

A General Ero stood up hesitantly and said aloud, "Port Cornelia is located on the east side of Cornelia City, and can only be regarded as a small part of Cornelia. Since the Falcon Emperor said that the army Will not continue to enter Cornelia, just stationed in the direction of the port, even if it is not a big problem. Now the main goal of our army is to defeat the Adenians, occupy the entire Cornelia corridor, and 200,000 Falcon Empire The army is stationed on the border of the Istan region, and for a Cornelia port, it is caught in a protracted unresolved two-line battle.

"Lease? What does this mean?"

"I don't know, but the Falcon Emperor started as a businessman, and it is normal to make such a request." General Eeroes were confused and whispered with each other. After a while, someone finally stood up and said, Cornelius Yagang must not be leased to the Falcon Empire. According to the character of the Falcon Empire emperor who never suffered losses, this attack just wanted to rent Cornelia Port, I am afraid it is not so simple on the surface! Moreover, as the largest port on the east coast, Cornelia Port is the only estuary together with the desert. No matter its strategic location or geographical location, it is the most important first in the Cornelia region. How can it be so important? Lease to others"

"Yeah, if you say that, Cornelia Port can't really rent it out!" Some generals agreed

"But you don't agree, isn't that you want to fight the Falcon Empire!" A General Erow was stunned and wanted to stand up. A colleague beside him yanked him violently, and the General glanced at him. Colleagues around him, the people around him whispered "Do you want to be an enemy with all the generals?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't get it yet? Why did the Falcon Emperor only give this leased letter to ià, instead of bringing it back to Lord Lovina who was going to negotiate?"

"This one……"

The general looked and massaged his face, and it was aftertaste. Right, wasn’t it Mr. Rottweiler who was negotiating? If the Falcon Emperor has any requirements, just hand it over to Lord Lovina. Why do you have to send a letter to the Emperor alone? From the look of the Emperor, I seem to be quite emotional, but the general They agreed first, and soon expressed their opposition. This is too abnormal. In general, the loyal generals are only the emperor's head, but this time, it seems that the wind is a bit wrong. What is wrong? He hasn't figured it out yet

"There is nothing more than murder in your head!" Colleagues next to him could not help but whispered. Port Cornelia is the largest port on the east coast. It is now during the war, so its important value has been ignored, But the end of the war and the peace period, Cornelia Port is another matter. As the only estuary of the desert of Aden, Cornelia has the name of the Golden Port in the east. How can such a fatty place be drained of oil? Letting outsiders take care of it is as stupid as giving your money bag to someone else for safekeeping! Everyone sees it, only you are stupid and want to stand up!

After "hissing" after listening to his colleagues, the General Erow took a breath and suddenly took a breath. It is no wonder that the generals who always looked forward to the emperor's head would collectively oppose the loan of Cornelia Port. In the eyes of the Aristocrats who are heavily in debt for royal warfare, the interests of Cornelia have been regarded as related to their own interests. Even if the Falcon Empire leases Cornelia Port, even if it gives a good rent, it will be given to What is the relationship between the royal family and the nobles? Instead, he lost a golden port in the battle for gold. This kind of thing that breaks people's wealth and wealth is not discussed even if the emperor forces ià!

"These guys..."

Emperor Eero looked at the generals one by one and could not rent one by one, but not many people noticed that the coldness in Emperor Eero’s face had become like a cold knife in the iceberg, and looked at everyone’s looks one by one. In the face of this conflict between national interests and private interests, the generals of Eero almost ignored the dangerous situation in which the empire could fight on two fronts. Emperor Eero’s calm eyes flashed with imperceptible anger, and the veins on his forehead had begun to burst. Out, it’s like a volcano is violently surging, if it’s not for the insight into the falcon emperor’s trap, or at this moment he is already thundering and angering and is about to kill

It is said that if the military capability of the Falcon Emperor is nine points, then commercial ability is eight points, and political ability is only a worrisome passing score of six points. If there is not an effective Ministry of Internal Affairs, it does not lead to rebellion in the occupied area. Four of them are already miracles, conspiracy ability... well, the entire Obaro recognized that the Falcon Emperor is very shameless in playing conspiracy means~www.wuxiaspot.com~ insignificant, if you have to score, it is impeccable Very tenth, it is said that on the mainland of Iqadiwa, where the Falcon Empire is located, there is a vivid proverb describing the emperor "The falcon's claws will never fail!"

As long as the Falcon Emperor shot, there was absolutely no time to fail. Just like now, a proposal to loan Cornelia, let him still be vowed to express his willingness to sacrifice all the generals fighting for Eero in the next morning. Standing on their opposites, the claws of a falcon never fail! The Falcon Emperor knew very well that, in order to avoid Eero getting into a two-line war, he only agreed to this path, which was destined to offend Eero’s noble class, and he had commanded the army and the Aden army to fight **** battles for more than half a year. Gaining the military’s full loyalty, a huge crack that was difficult to make up

Why Eero can stand in the south, the most important thing is to go up and down, the royal family and the nobles are all dedicated to the rise of Eero and go all out, and this time, this claw of the Falcon Emperor can be regarded as fierce. The conflict between the royal family and the nobility was fully exposed. It took him ten years and countless efforts to integrate the royal family and the nobility with interest bonds. This time, it was regarded as **** open by the falcon emperor! Emperor Eero's fingers were clenched together under the table, and the fingers fell into the palm of his hand, hurting! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Net)

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