Whole Nation

: Two Thousand and Nine Two Storms Open Russell (2)

The marginal sea is invisible late at night, only the milky moon hangs high in the sky

The long shuttle-shaped body of an imperial dragon-tooth warship glides over like numerous whales swimming in the blue sea, swaying a black invisible light in the sea at night, shining under the moonlight and covering the sky The sun-drenched fleet stretched out for more than ten miles, drawing a straight track in the azure blue waters of the inner sea and chopping waves between the islands and reefs. The imperial navy Dusterenkai’s cold face was half bright and half dark in the moonlight. , Looking at the statue as if it were in the middle of a quiet night, the sailors cheered up on the deck at the rear, "Long live, we left the Kailo River"

The entire fleet soon burst into joy. Leaving the Kailuo River Channel indicates that the fleet has truly entered the inland sea area. This is the control area of ​​the imperial navy and entered the inland sea, which means that it has truly escaped the dangers that the fleet may suffer. Inspire, in the inner sea, the imperial navy is the authority,

"It seems that your Majesty guessed right, and Emperor Eero did suffer a heavy blow at Port Cornelia." Dusterenkai grinned and turned back expressionlessly

Her Majesty Falcon’s order to speed up the return of the fleet took into consideration the response to Erow. According to the character of the Eero emperor known as the guardian wolf, he found that the imperial navy going south returned to the north, even if it was powerless. Stop, and always send people to follow along the road, but the situation over the past few days shows that Erow is very abnormal

Not only did the original nails disappear, but even the river crossings along the way were clear and unobstructed. Obviously, I wanted to get rid of the unstable factors of the imperial navy as soon as possible. The Eeros are a fairly conceited people. It’s not really weak to the point of powerlessness. How can I express my dissatisfaction. The embarrassment of the imperial navy’s main force is still not possible, but it is still possible to set up more checkpoints along the way to delay the fleet’s movement, and there is only one explanation at the moment. The reason is that the Eeros are really unable to care about the withdrawal of the imperial fleet,

"Reply to Your Majesty, we have left the Kailuo River to enter the Inland Sea"

Dustromkay waved his hand to the adjutant behind him. He knew that His Majesty the Emperor must be waiting for the news. The just-concluded Cornelia War ended with an unexpected result. The Aden Army was defeated. Under the circumstances, it was unexpectedly found that the Eero army evacuated Port Cornelia overnight. The two countries invested millions of troops to and fro sawing the important port, so they easily returned to the hands of the Aden, but won. The Kingdom of Aden did not show the slightest joy, but also withdrew the Aden army from the area of ​​Cornelia in the shortest time.

It is reported that the general battle between the two armies of Eero and Aden in Port Cornelia caused a vicious plague, and the armies of both sides were affected. It is said that even the emperor Eero was in it, so the two armies abandoned this one in unison. The largest estuary in the east coast area, in order to avoid unavoidable two directions to the north and south, each opened a gap of about a hundred miles, this fierce war that lasted for more than half a year will stop without a fight, and finally Port Neliya was completely ruined. Just when the entire Obaro did not understand the war, the Emperor Falcon took out an agreement signed with the Emperor Eero very promptly. It is the content that the Empire rented Cornelia Port for a full hundred years, that is to say, the real ownership of Cornelia Port at this time is the Northern Falcon Empire!

Such news broke out that the entire Obaro region was dumbfounded. Although Eero remained silent on this, some other countries suggested that the Falcon Empire’s behavior was to rely on strong forces to buy and sell, but with the As one of the great powers of the South, the ecclesiastical state voiced its support for the Empire’s control of Cornelia, and other countries were only stunned. For the few big powers in the south, Fezer was already crippled, and the northern region announced it. Independence from Fei Ze, he built a Hokuriku Federation, and King Fei Ze is now alive and dead, because Fei Ze royal family is gone, and any other king has influence,

All that remains are the newly-emerging central eight nations. The entire Obaro knows that this is a dog raised by the Northern Falcon Empire. Tens of millions of funds of the Imperial Bank fell down. The Emperor Falcon said in a sentence, the eight countries said that they would bite whoever they bite. Although the Eero Empire has not yet shown a tendency to decline, this tragic war that has dragged on for half a year has come down. The number of soldier casualties reached more than 200,000, and it was not possible to recover within a short period of time. The sect country that had been living on the land of Lamputa has become the largest country in the south.

Now the ecclesiastical countries are so clearly on the side of the empire, suddenly leaving the monarchs of other regions speechless

It was so decisive that the coalition forces of the southern countries mobilized 700,000 troops in the Istan region with the northern falcon empire in the past. It showed the determination of the south to resist the north firmly. Although it ended in a terrible defeat, but The unanimous attitude of the entire South once made many people think that the territory of the Falcon Empire will stop in the Inland Sea in fifty years

However, it took only a long time for the empire to seize a large piece of land in the south of Fizer, and it also smoothly raised the eight central countries into their own watchdogs. Now even the maverick ecclesiastical country is also on the empire side. , It can be said that almost all the coastal areas of the South fell,

The entire southern European Barlow continent has fallen to half

Without showing the mountains and the water, the Imperial Emperor completed the strategy for most of the South in just one year, and Cornelia Port was finally placed under the empire, which made the imperial Falcon Emperor's unpredictable arrival. At the point of the altar, the Eros and Adens invested a million troops in the battle for the port, and eventually fell into the hands of the Northern Falcon Empire without a soldier, so I don’t know how much to wait for the emperor of the Falcon Empire. The depressing jaws of the miraculously sealed military slammed all over the ground, and the dust of Cornelia Port settled, making the entire Obaro aware of

The most magnificent blow was not the unthinkable reversal lore of a sword sealing the throat, but the unnoticed dust under the eyes of everyone.

what is happening!

The ambitious monarchs of various countries have repeatedly ruined hundreds of pages of reports on this war, and they have not figured out what method the Falcon Emperor used to gently wave from the two competitions to praise this Put Cornelia in the Golden Port of the East Coast into her pocket,

Or really know that only the Falcon Empire, the Eero Empire and the Kingdom of Aden,

However, neither the Eero Empire nor the Kingdom of Aden was silent on this matter, and the Golden Harbor, which had been killed and killed, was completely abandoned. The Falcon Empire did not express it at all, because hunting The Eagle Empire had only a few pitiful military operations in this war

The current Cornelia is divided by a hundred miles near the port of Cornelia. The Eero Empire has left a 100,000-strong garrison in southern Cornelia, and other troops are withdrawing. This basically represents a unilateral truce, and the Aden Army is in northern Cornelia. Although there has not been a major move, the situation is quite embarrassing.

The Aden Army’s base camp was originally less than thirty miles outside Cornelia Port. Because of the rush to retreat, the materials shipped from the country were lost by a large majority again. Now the Aden army does not want to withdraw, but Withdrawing into hundreds of miles of desert without sufficient supplies, it is suicide!

Because of this, more than one hundred thousand Aden’s troops had to be mobilized in northern Cornelia,

The Cornelia region is a very famous marine monsoon and rainy season in May. The rain is pouring down, and the ground has completely turned into a muddy beach. More than one hundred thousand Aden troops lacking materials have to soak in the mud. The environment is even more contagious, and the people are panicked. When they learned that Cornelia Port was leased to the Falcon Empire by the Eros, it was again fifty miles back to the north.

The Adenites were afraid of being fought by cavalry of the Falcon Empire. The fierceness of the imperial cavalry had already deterred the entire Obaro region. In the North-South War, a record of beating all 60,000 Aden camel cavalry, and the entire Aden kingdom The camel cavalry is more than one hundred thousand, that is to say, nearly half of the camel cavalry was destroyed by the Falcon Empire cavalry, and now the Adenian camel cavalry mentioned that the falcon imperial cavalry felt panic, holding a machete. The hands are shaking, and no country has ever been able to use force to such an extent, from north to south, sweeping invincible!

Because someone in his sleep shouted "Imperial cavalry is coming" and caused more than three hundred soldiers to be crushed and trampled to death, and more than two thousand soldiers were injured in chaos. If not to pull out the strategic buffer zone of fifty miles, Aden The army’s command line was very suspicious that without the presence of the Imperial Cavalry, the low morale Aden’s army would explode and collapse.

The sound of rain hitting the window was very light, the fire was burning in the small stove, when the water rolled up, the faint scent flew out with the heat, but it did not affect the atmosphere in the hall at all, the fat man put down his report, Raised his hand and glanced at the Pope Pdamiya who appeared at the door. The cold face frowned slightly, and said coldly, "I heard that the church has become a mess in the country, and the Trinity is another. One, it is said that you are pulling out your wings with all your might. Are you not worried at all?"

"Your Majesty laughed, since it is a trinity, why is there a separate wing, mine is hers, there is no distinction since birth, but there is only one less, in order to avoid causing storms, always need to amend some "Pudamiya sat down with a calm smile, and took the water from the table without seeing it. Her rosy lips lightly sipped against the cup, which made the fat man's eyebrows wrinkled because it was his Water cup, a beautiful woman with a divine face picked up her water cup and didn't mind drinking water, even if the fat man's face was thick enough, he would feel quite embarrassed,

"Sure enough, it is Fuyi tea from Central Biya, that is, it is only available here from Your Majesty!"

But Pudamia, who just drank water, was unusually natural. He even tasted it carefully in his mouth, which made the fat man very hurt. Fortunately, he got along these days. The fat man has taught the beauty of this country. Zong Yi's rogue habits have been adapted. In order to hit the Eeros, he will not let his half-sister die to die. Sure enough, it is not something that ordinary people can do. of,

Pudamiya sat there, in a pale pastel red dress, with a delicate collarbone, a string of fine purple hanging on the snow-white neck, and a half strand of hair hanging on the towering, soft and gentle. These parts are really big, people have to notice, but it has nothing to do with faith, seeing the fat man does not want to take care of himself, the beautiful pope did not continue to speak, just sat there tasting tea, the fat man continued to look down at the report, Puda Mia walked over and poured a cup of tea into the cup and placed it on the fat man's table. The fat man put it aside, letting the cup steam hot.

"I'm going back, get on the boat this afternoon"

Pudamia’s long eyelashes turned, and she sighed long, "I know that Your Majesty is very concerned about Lorna’s death, but I can guarantee that I did not let Lorna die, and the plan is not like this. Otherwise, I will not be the one who visits the empire’s representative missionary country. As Her Majesty understands, there are people who clean up the people who support her, and even my people are affected as well. Obviously I am If the calculated party, if it wasn’t for His Majesty’s inadvertently obtaining the secret of the Trinity, I believe it’s the head of the land now! I believe that Lorna should feel the same as me. How much is the difference! But fortunately, that person did not do anything. At least he declared the support of the ecclesiastical state for the empire at least nominally. Otherwise, I hope that your majesty will kill me!"

"I have no interest in the internal struggle of your missionary country. For the sake of ultimately supporting the empire, I will not pursue this matter, but if there is another time, there will be no room for negotiation!"

The fat man's expression slightly moved, if he couldn't hear Pudamia's tone with some real feelings, he was too lazy to take care of this woman. The Leah incident was almost even affected by myself. The fat man felt a bit dazed when he thought about the red smoke that swallowed everything. Although it has not been confirmed, there is news that at least more than 30,000 people have died in Eero. , Seventy or eighty thousand people were infected, the life and death of Emperor Eero are unknown, and now Eero is already in the enemy.

"If the ecclesiastical state fights against Erow~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don’t know if your majesty will stand on that side... ‘Putamia’s eyes flashed to the fat man and suddenly asked

"Are you going to fight against Erow?"

"Hundreds of years of hatred, even if we don't fight Eero, will Eero let us go?" Putamia's pretty face seemed to be stained with a layer of frost, and the corner of his mouth smiled coldly. "The Eero people are really I thought we didn’t know that the southern rebellion had always been caused by them behind their backs. The reason why they have never been shoveled out is because we still don’t want the Eros to know how much power we have hoarded. We have been preparing for the war for thirty years, even the little girl... "Putamia suddenly stopped talking, seeming to realize that she said something she should not have said

"What is the meaning of the cover-up, just say you have found the Red Dragon Palace! Cornelia Port is just a mine source, and the Red Dragon Palace should be the warehouse that stores these Red Dragon mines, I think if you are not stupid If it is, the biggest possibility is to hide the warehouse in the most unlikely place, for example, the control area of ​​the Adens. "The fat man sneered a bit." If you don’t get the Red Dragon Mine, it is estimated that you will not be with the Eros. War-fighting"

"You!" Pudamiiya's body shook slightly, her pretty face turned pale.

(To be continued.)

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