Whole Nation

: 243 Storm and Tilburg

Everything in front of him made Tirnate feel anxious. He leaned on the fat body of his **** and shivered beneath the board wagon. His eyes were round and his face was miserable. The fire burned his tent and the fire reflected the canyon. The sky makes Tirnate’s heart colder than the night wind,

Tens of thousands of people were in a mess, and there were rushing troops everywhere, dense heads, and seeing his scalp, the tumult and the screams, resounded like laughter from the devil in hell. At first, Tirnate also tried to appease the fleeing soldiers, but he soon realized that this approach was in vain,

The chaos is like a collapsed snow disaster. The man wrapped around the man, the man pushed the man, and everyone went forward aimlessly, behind him was the Samor light cavalry driven by the sword, and the roaring flames were mixed with the screams of pain. So that Tirnate doesn’t know what he’s calling

"What a hell." He scolded with rage. It’s best to burn these farmers’ legs with mud”

Most of this unit is a famine farmer from the McKent region. They have not experienced wars. When they were expeditionary forces, they were only used as heavy-duty troops. The battalion was bombed in the face of this sudden situation.

Even the guards around Tirnate fled. The heads of the five banner regiments under his command ignored him. Everyone knew that the army commander was a straw bale, that is, the patriarch sent to Miaoerdian to be ashamed. At a critical moment, who still has the thought to accompany him to act here?

The deduction of money. Not only did the coalition despise. Even the Tir Army despised Tirnate, who can safely fight for such a vampire commander

"Bai Ma! Everyone rushed out with me." A flag leader shouted to ride the horse, completely ignoring the fact that Tirnate would not ride a horse, and took away all the guards near the big tent, leaving only Tirnate standing there alone,

"I curse you for being burned to death by flames and hit by mountains and rocks. Let the untouchables trample to death.

Tirnate scolded with grief and anger, and the flames rushed up. The thick black smoke inside the big tent made his tears and nose run together, and the big tent's support made a crunchy sound. The whole tent was crumbling. crucial moment. A flatbed carriage parked in the corner of the tent saved Tirnate’s life.

"Did you find it?" Several horses stopped by the carriage, and the cavalry immediately asked each other. An oddly shaped long-handled sword hung down, the sharp blade was only ten centimeters away from Tirnate's eyes, and it was covered with blood, and a pungent **** smell made Tirnate under the carriage take a breath. .

This is not a Tyre soldier! Within the Tir family, Tirnate is responsible for trade and weapons manufacturing. Tirnate can be sure that he does not have such weapons in his soldiers. Instead, he is in the abandoned capital of Zhivading. I have seen this strangely shaped **** weapon

"Samor's War Sword, it's the Samor!" Tirnate's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, feeling a bit of pain in his mouth. This sword was like a flame. Roasting Tirnate's soul, the foot of death was so close to himself. Obviously, the person the Samor is looking for is himself

"I don't want to die! I can't die." Tirnate's eyes were empty, and he seemed to be in a nightmare that was difficult to extricate himself. He whispered in his mouth, "I am the orthodox of the Tir family! I can't die! I can't let the Tir family's inheritance be cut off.

"Someone! Come out, otherwise we set fire to the carriage!" The Samor cavalry beside him showed the strange appearance of the carriage, and quickly surrounded the carriage. Several sharp knives were chopped down on the carriage's baffle, and the crispness appeared. Cut in

"Don't, don't set fire!" Tirnate lowered pale from the carriage and crawled out with shaking. "It's me, I'm Tirnate!"

The fire in the canyon burned until early in the morning, before it was wiped out by a dripping mountain rain. The whole canyon was filled with an unpleasant smell. The dampness was mixed with burnt smell. It was disgusting. The bottom of the canyon was covered with black dust, and many were burnt. The body was vaguely visible inside, mostly after being hacked to death by the Samor cavalry. Scorched black roasted by spreading fire

At night, the flames of the sky attracted the main force led by the fat man, the Vantier Army may die or escape. More than a thousand people were captured by the Samoan army. Thousands of people were hacked to death by Hu Keqili's light cavalry cavalry, many were burned to death, and more than a hundred were trampled to death. The commander-in-chief, Tirnate, was captured, and the five heads of flag were missing... Master! That Tirnate has been arguing to see you! "Hu Keqi, who had just returned to the camp, was tired and reported to the fat man. "He said he had a major secret about the Tyre family, a secret that could help us solve the big problem with Samor. He said he would meet you in person. Only willing to say! ". The secret to solving big problems?" The fat man stunned. There was a silence for a while, and there was a mysterious smile in the corner of my mouth. "Interesting! This fat pig is not as stupid as the outside world. It can even see the embarrassment we are facing!" The fat man waved to Hu Keqili. "You last night Well done, let's go to rest first, let people put him in, I am very interested in his secret!"

Tirnate was covered in mud, and his footsteps were pushed in by several guards. The precious clothes on his body had already turned into cloth strips, and there was a mark of Wu Qing in the corner of his eyes. It was smashed by the collapsed tent with a flattering smile. It's like being kicked by the owner and wooing Ganzhou Gangha dog,

Tirnate bent down to salute, "Honorable Southern Governor, the humble Tirnate greets you!"

"Let's go down first!" The fat man turned around and waved to several guards. His sharp eyes made Tiernath uncomfortable, and the fat man smiled, "Dear Sir Tiernath. Now here it is Only you and I. Your secret can be said!"

Tirnate did not expect the fat man to talk so well, and thought that the rumored murderous Samor Falcon would put a war knife on his neck, his eyes twitched a few times, and hesitated for a while.

"Adult, I believe most people know that the head of the Tier family is Tilturant. But few people know that Tilturant is just a mediocre from the side branch. The true orthodox is me, and I am mentioning The orthodox heir of the Ayr family, my father is the Marquis of Tirta Hubert, and the father of Tir Turante is just a humble little lord in the country" "What does this have to do with me!" The fat man gave a disapproving look "I am not interested in the complicated struggles within the Tyre family. Is this your secret? If it is just this, then you can go on."

"No! No! Sir, please hear that!" Tirnate panicked. "The fact that the coalition forces left Miao Dian made the Ruidian people very angry. You know them. They always think they are right, and now they are fighting. The Germans fought, and had no time to retaliate." When I left Xun Erdian. The Uyghurs have recaptured Narentus again. I believe that the battle is not far from the end. The next step should be the negotiation between the two countries. Before the Mourdians took the time to end the battle of Tilburg, it was an adult. Now I am most concerned about things, I have a way to help adults solve this problem! "

"Oh, I wasn't expecting you to be smart! Unfortunately, smart people haven't lived long. Don't you know this?" The fat man smirked at the corner of his mouth and put his hand on the saber on his waist. This action made Tirnate look pale,

"Adult, I haven't finished yet!: Tirnate almost screamed this time. "This time the adult led the foreign coalition to attack his country's lord. In any case, he can't stand on the reputation, but I can let the adult not only Successfully rule the Tyre family, and the reputation will not be damaged! Only I can do this! "

"You?" The fat man looked suspiciously at Tirnate. "Hope you won't let me down again. Otherwise I don't mind killing the orthodoxy of your Tir family!"

The fat man's hand left the saber at the waist, which made Tirnate's pale face slightly rosy, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was smart enough, otherwise he would definitely cut the murderous devil in front of him.

Tirnate hesitated and said, "I am the orthodox of the family. It is my duty to recapture the position of the patriarch. Adults can completely push the affairs of foreign coalition forces to me and introduce external forces to assist. This is not uncommon in the battle for the lord. In this way, adults can occupy Tilburg in a fair manner, whether it is to the royal family of Kyoto. Or the forces of other places, it is a reasonable answer!"

"Oh! You said that earlier, everyone is better off!" The fat man recovered his face again, patted his shoulders, and let the guards put Tirnate down, offering delicious and delicious food, Take control alone

Tirnate is right. Attacking his own lords with foreign forces is indeed his biggest illness. This will not only make him a "traitor", but also a stain on Samor's reputation.

Fat people always worry about this. When Tirnate proposed the interview just now, the fat man thought of this method of Li Daitao's stiffness. All the previous actions are completely acting~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is to force Tirnate to speak out.

Five days later, the Second Banner Corps of the Southern Army rushed from Djerborg to formally slogan to regain the orthodox for Tirnate, and soon, Samor. Kugit. Vedic, Shaman, Dorok expressed their support for the orthodox status of Tiernat. The invasion of Tyre’s territory became the battle for the orthodox title of Tyrnate, which undoubtedly embarrassed the Tyre family in the storm.

In order to allow the tide of the victims to have the greatest ability to shake in the Tilburg area, the coalition forces slowed their advancement in McKent, and only the second flag group of Samor entered the Tilburg border in the name of Tirnate, which is a symbol The act of meaning, this is the toughest ultimatum to Tilburg

Tilburg now has only one banner group. The expeditionary troops that had high hopes brought back the news of the defeat of Miaoerdian, which shows that the strong support for the Xundian people now has no energy to take care of the poor Tier, and various chaotic voices sounded within the Tier family. In front of the Wanlian Army, in front of the flood of victims, and in front of the soldiers hungry, surrender or continue to fight. It became the biggest controversy between each other. The panicked Tilburg continued to see soldiers flee, the victims were in turmoil, the villages were burned, and the people were displaced in the snow.

In the middle of January, the third month of heavy snowstorm. A team from Tilburg came to the negotiator and entered the coalition camp.

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