Whole Nation

: Two thousand seven hundred and seventy-six

"Sir, the number of enemy troops is more than 4,000, and it has broken through our army's battle. It has already approached the fourth flank barrier and is quickly approaching towards Sirius City!" An imperial cavalry wearing black armor, wrapped in arms The grinning wind came from a distance, the arrow clusters generally ran up to the location of the Muli River,

"A group of more than four thousand cavalry? Isn't it a joke? Where did it come from?" The generals behind Mulihe's faces all changed,

According to the tradition of prairie warfare, the main flanks often have more than a thousand riders as barriers to each other. This time, a full range of elite riders were arranged on the flanks. Every two hundred rides form a blocking line, even if Encountered by the strong advance of the enemy cavalry, it can also play a certain role of delay

However, judging from the situation on the side, the enemy who has approached is not only a strong breakthrough by virtue of its strength, but it is approaching towards Sirius City desperately, and the smoky warning signals representing the war are like black pillars. Connected between heaven and earth, under the warning signal of each smoke, it is to block the death of the cavalry and the breakthrough,

Even under the weakness of several blocking lines,

Fifteen miles, twelve miles, ten miles, nine miles, eight miles... The other party is advancing fast, still like a hurricane, less than an hour, and more than half of the wolf smoke warnings have been lifted off, proving that the other party is away from Sirius City It’s already less than five miles. At this speed, for an hour at most, the opponent’s cavalry will slash into the side of the army.

"It's finally time to come, otherwise, it's really annoying to wait like this." Mulihe smiled coldly, and said to a confidant behind him, "Zamuge, the previous battle is for you, the other headquarters cavalry Follow me to block the flanks from approaching, in any case, the front line should not be lost!"

"Yes, understand!" The general nodded coldly, and ran forward with several guard cavalry.

"Cavalry follow me!" Mulihe raised his hand, and a large number of cavalry who had been waiting in the lineup began to turn. band

"It's the wolf smoke warning, someone on the flank is approaching!"

The high level of the Sirius army in Sirius City also saw a bit of mystery, "The division of troops, the emperor* has divided the troops!" Some people shouted, pointing at a large number of imperial cavalry who flew to the side like a landslide tsunami, which further confirmed the high-level leaders Conjecture, at this time, there is really a force coming here at a high speed, excited,

"Ah, ah, ah, what are you waiting for, kill it out with all your strength!" someone shouted exhaustedly

"Elder Bai Qing, the opportunity is inevitable, the loss will not come again!" "Yes, such an opportunity slipped away, it is a pity, please decide immediately!"

Several leaders of the Central Asian forces also surrounded the elders of the Sirius army and said back and forth that this elder is about seventy years old and has white hair. Although he is very old, he put on a bright silver mail armor. It also shows a breath like a mountain. If you put the time fifty years ago, the name of the white army of the Sirius Army not only deterred the entire wilderness, but also the rumours of the Central Church in China, and even some privately. According to rumors, there was a guard leader named Bai Qing under the Zhang family who was in charge of the emperor's power.

Then there was a person with the same name and surname in the Sirius Army. The background of the Sirius Army was the Zhang family. Even if someone raised such a question, it quickly disappeared silently under the Zhang family’s means. Decades of wind, frost, rain and snow in the wilderness, Elder Bai Qing has been a very prestigious figure in the Sirius Army Presbyterian Association

"Kill it? Do you want to die?"

The old man's wrinkled eyes, with a pair of sharp eyes, did not have the slightest look of excitement, but with a trace of helplessness, he knew that even now he could not stop it, but he still wanted to give it a try. Raised his finger at the Sirius soldiers who had rushed out

"Don’t be deceived by the illusion in front, you should be very clear that the power of the emperor* is definitely not what he had seen before. The reason why there is no siege, its real purpose is to wait for the support army on the side! At the end, they are just bait for fishing! Now the situation is unknown, and the other party just transferred the cavalry and killed them, which will only cause more losses."

"The elder elder is so wrong, what about the emperor*, Lord Lin’s hundreds of cavalry have not crushed them all, not to mention that we still have tens of thousands of people, and the flanks are here to save us! Do we want us? I watched the other party's army as if it wasn't destroyed. If the elders were unwilling, then I would take Anlu with them! Here, please invite the elders to sit in town and not accompany them." A stout general Sirius flashed across his face A trace of contempt, arched his hand to Bai Qing, and turned away with a few people,

"The elders seem to be really old! Even the courage of World War I is gone! "Someone whispers behind me." It is really boring to stay like this, it is better to follow Master Lu An "" Yes, no matter life or death, always It’s better than suffocating here.” Several other Sirius army officers murmured to each other, how angry their eyes were. While Bai Qing looked to the front, more people turned around quietly, soon, Bai There were only a few guards around Qing, and even the two grandchildren who had always admired him had left silently. Everyone thought that the great elder Bai Qing, who was once in the wild, was an old hero. He has smoothed his sharpness and turned into an old man who just wants to be safe, and Bai Qing raised his hand to take off the helmet on top.

"Kill, kill the western barbarian!"

"Go up, don't step back!"

"Go back, you can't beat it!", the blood was pouring down, and the long sword of a retreating Sirius army leader bounced off the armor of the heavy infantry of the Empire, and then turned into two halves from head to foot. The half-pulled body was thrown into the air by a dancing tomahawk. The bright red internal organs and blood fell like rain, and the **** courage hit the real steel elite. It was such a tragic situation.

When the heavy weapons of the heavy infantry in front slammed into the enemy’s armor, the javelin in the back will fall into the enemy’s group, hitting the enemy’s followers, and the archer will shoot from the side. Killing will be like a guillotine cutting off the front and back of the enemy. If the enemy wants to concentrate their forces, they will become the killing target of the Empire’s heavy crossbow vehicle, cutting the enemy layer by layer and crushing the enemy like a huge grinding disc. ,, heavy infantry, pikemen, shooters, bow shooters...

Layers of troops are like a line of killing spread out across the board. Each is arranged to effectively destroy the enemy’s vital forces in a large-scale battle. Any enemy who attempts to attack will be stripped layer by layer. After the battle of Gaul and the battle of Central Europe and Baro, the battle of the Imperial Array has changed from the main use of long-range weapons to the operational mode of an efficient killing machine. No one can break through the imperial empire. , From the Gaul heavy soldiers in the heavy armor to the Hungarian iron ride of the Mercedes-Benz collision, the countless corpse mountain blood sea laid the invincible name of the imperial *

But now, these Central Biya in the wilderness, even want to force the emperor * formation!

"Go forward, break their bones and press them back!"

Zamuge raised his hand coldly, and his cold and thin expression was like ice. Although he didn’t know why Master Mulihe showed his weakness, but since he gave the command to himself, he didn’t have the need for kindness. In front of him, the Sirius Army in front of him was basically a group of bandits with no combat effectiveness. The gap between the weaponry and the Imperial Team was simply the difference between heaven and earth.

Not to mention the fierce and fierce fighting style of the Emperor's team, it is a fierce beast that has been forged by a thousand battles, and almost instantly, the turbulent crowd is like a torrent of water hitting on the hard rock wall, and it is transformed between the two armies. The scary scarlet splashed red,

The heavy infantry of the Empire have all experienced the battle of Gaul. They are elites who have been bloodied with the heavy infantry of Gaul. How can it be comparable to the rogue bands such as the Sirius Army. Just the heavy armor on the body allows the Sirius Army The long knife used cannot be cut in. Instead, it is the battle axe of the heavy infantry of the empire. A **** afterimage was constantly turned up in the soldiers opposite the Sirius army. The blood and the meat residue stained the front of the battle. The Sirius Army is like a wave hitting the dam built of steel, and it is broken into fragments and bloody,

"Quick, save the people back!" shouted sternly

"Go forward, you cowards!" Because the cavalry led by Lin Rufeng performed so well before, so that most Sirius soldiers did not expect that the Imperial Heavy Infantry, known as the meat grinder on the battlefield, was so scary The fierce combat power, the giant axe in the hands of these tall and strong imperial men, is like a legendary **** who can open the mountain. It is a nightmare for any melee arm. , A team of people rushed up, just contacted, just under the violent slash of the heavy infantry of the Empire, screaming wailing, screaming for killing death, the thin long sword of the Sirius army hacking the clang of the iron armor, the sparks of the stars Let the face of the knife holder be green, how to fight this?

The emperor's counterattack finally began, the army rolled forward, the front of the black line formed by the imperial black armor, crying and crying

The cold, blood-red eyes are like a lone wolf that appeared in the cold rain. The heavy infantry has stopped because of physical exertion. The second row of assault lancemen became the main force of attack. They veiled behind the heavy shields and set up a row of gun arrays with sharp lances in their hands.

Stepping on a neat pace, forming a steel thorn wall with a line of confusing lines, all they have to do is forward, forward, no matter what is in front, forward, penetrate everything until injured Fall down, or hear the shout of the captain stopping, if not, they will take the bloodthirsty madness, exhaust all the strength of the body to push down all the flesh and blood bodies in front

"Help, retreat!"

"Retreat if you don't want to die!" Various shouts, the Sirius soldiers in the same order in front were blocked by the people in the back, and the people in the back did not know what the situation was. After that, the spear pierced into the body. When it was pulled out, the limbs that were brought up were everywhere, and the bright red blood penetrated into the soil.

The imperial rifle infantry stepped firmly on the pile of corpses, with a neat cry "Kill!"

"It's over, the Sirius Army is over!"

The collapse of the mountain, the soldiers of the Sirius army who had previously shouted loudly, are now running wildly, and the ground is full of people in a string. Behind these Sirius troops, a black tide-like line is slowly advancing. This kind of uniform, smooth and orderly advancement is actually a real efficient killing. Scattered Sirius soldiers are like squeezed tomatoes, falling down in pieces,

The Sirius Army is a force in the wilderness. The biggest battle is only to grab territory with other forces. Although each has tens of thousands of people, when it is really fighting, it is a chaotic battle, a military formation, a battle sequence, and an attack formation. There is no concept at all. Here, personal bravery is the first. Therefore, although there are only more than a thousand people in the Yanzhou battalion of Bai Wufeng, the entire Sirius army is suppressed. No one dares to move. At this moment, they face them For the real battlefield butcher, what can be apart from the collapse!

"Raise the white flag and declare your surrender! Otherwise, few people will come back alive!"

At the head of the city, Elder Bai Qing closed his eyes in pain and shouted with hoarseness. At this moment, there was no time for tears to fall. For a moment, it may be the loss of hundreds of lives, the battle line collapsed, the emperor* All that remains is to sweep, chase, and kill any enemies who do not surrender,

This is a real war, not a bandit grabbing a site. There is no middle way to choose ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Either surrender or kill all. This is also the reason why Elder Bai Qing did not agree with the whole army before, because he was born in the military. How can the Bai Qing of the Zhang family of the first family not know the elite difference between a messy bandit group and the real battlefield, one exists only for money, and the other has only one role, that is, murder!

But he couldn't stop it, and he couldn't stop it. One stone and two birds. The Emperor's team played a good show. In the long wind, the old man danced pale in the wind, just like the sun, he once looked at a familiar The figure left, his lips wriggled a few times, and finally he said nothing

"Big Elder, the Sirius Army is no longer the former Sirius Army, and the hope of Zhang Jia's resurgence cannot be pinned on a big tree whose roots are rotten." "Weng Feng is leaving, Zhang Family's fall in Dijing , So that the original Sirius army completely disintegrated. The Situ family just sent a signal that immediately turned the situation completely, let Wufeng see the reality, such a Sirius army can not support Wufeng hope, even more impossible Survive in the battle between the empire and Centralbia!"

Bai Wufeng's steadfast voice seemed to be in his ears, the battle situation outside the city was already a flesh and blood, and the white flag wolf army descended! (To be continued.)


(Enlightenment Book Net)

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