Whole Nation

: Two thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine

Qingyang, Centralbia

The rain was whizzing, and the drops of water formed on the eaves made it even more chilly. It was obviously the hot season in June, but it turned into a coldness like late autumn, and the phoenix tree beside the city wall Withered in the wind, the streets are covered with scattered leaves. The wind swept through the rolled leaves, just like the fragmented pieces interwoven in the air, the wind and rain were shaking, as the current portrayal of the Central African Empire,

Qingyang is the most important estuary town in the middle of the large river in the south. It connects the north and south, the transportation hub of the waterway and land, and the cars and boats flow through the weave. At its most prosperous, the urban population exceeded 600,000, and the city range reached more than 40 miles. In the days of foreign merchants, businessmen from all over the world gathered in Qingyang.

Since the beginning of April, the army of Yelujia who lost in the Yanzhou battle began to approach the Qingyang Riverside, and the attack would be launched at any time, and the city had lost its prosperity. A large number of residents and businessmen began to move to the southern region to pray for evasion of the harassment of war. Although the Chinese Central Church issued a number of orders prohibiting migration, it was announced that the prairie people would only ride horses, not take boats, and there was a big river in Qingyang. The danger is that there are even more than 50,000 troops guarding it, which is absolutely solid.

But obviously no effect has been achieved. The prosperous city with hundreds of thousands of people has become deserted and lonely in just over a month, as if on the verge of death. The wind blew across the empty street, and it seemed that the damp smell was more intense.

Twenty miles outside Qingyang, the No. 1 person in the cabinet of the Central Asian Military Ministry, Li Long, a person who had high hopes from the Li family, was watching an imperial carriage coming from a distance, and it was imperial foreign affairs One of the officials, actually an intelligence officer of the Imperial Supervision Department, upholds the will of the emperor and went to "look at" Lakoddin in the central hinterland of Centralbia. The appearance is not excellent, because the appearance is a little bloated, it is really It is difficult for people to associate a fierce creature such as a tiger with him, but inside the Imperial Supervision Department, Lackingdinger is known as the Tiger of the Supervision Department due to his excellent memory and resilience. There are rumors that as long as Lak What Gedding has seen, as long as within three months, can still be accurately described by Lakoddin, it is simply a human-shaped memory

This is a typical meeting that can only be expected to be unspeakable. The Central Asian side is also extremely vigilant. Li Long, the head of the military headquarters, even walks out of the city for twenty miles. Naturally, he will not carry too many entourages. Four guards,

Lakoddin did not bring too many entourages, but there were still a dozen of them. Among these entourages, there were not many real entourages. Except for a few personal guards, the others were all people with their own strengths. Specializing in geography, someone specializes in water network There are even special studies on the strength of the buildings. The military operations of the empire in the wilderness have made it impossible for the country in China to ignore

The strength of the empire's strength is evident from its ability to kill the wolf army in one fell swoop, and then the Yelu family was frightened south, poured into Yanzhou, and poured into the middle, also under the persecution of the empire's force, and now fighting In the name of, killing into the wilderness is almost critical from the area controlled by the Central Church of China. A fierce Western barbarian neighbor, no one will be at ease, and from a strategic point of view, the empire can completely occupy the wilderness. , And then withdraw his hand to use the wilderness as a supporting point to expand into the Central Biya area. When that time comes, what block will the Central Biyat take?

"Master Li Long"

"Lake Godin"

The two briefly exchanged greetings. In the carriage, in order to express the intention of the empire, Lakoddin sent the file directly to Li Long. Li Long opened the file nervously and looked at it. He could not help but looked up suddenly and looked up. Contrasting to Lakoddin opposite, he asked, "What do you mean by your empire? The province of Yamanaka has been in my country for two years, and it is already the land of my country. The flag of crusade, and even declared the province of Yamanaka as the sphere of influence of the empire."

"The Yamanaka Province has always been part of the Gaul region, how could it be the land of Central Biya!" Lakoddin smiled disdainfully, drawing all the documents back, and said condensedly "and this time it was not me The empire brazenly sent troops into the wilderness. As a part of the Gaul rebels, the Yamanaka province actually supported the rebels to attack our imperial team. The crusade is justice. On the contrary, the leader of the Yamanaka province rebels fled into China and Belgium. On the Asian border, for the friendship between the two countries, it needs the help of Master Li Long to assist in the arrest!"

"Bullshit, don't you know that Algeron Julia is the official official of the fourth class in the Central Church of China, and your empire should be arrested as a rebellion, it is simply to reverse the black and white!" The document pressed against the desk, and the nose snorted heavily.

"The rebels are rebels, no matter how dazzling the aura is, they can't change this!" Lakoddin pulled back the document without any hassle. His brow suddenly flicked, looking at the carriage through the window. In front of, whispered "I thought I could make a difference here, I didn't expect it to be the same!"

Li Long froze for a moment, didn't figure out what this sentence meant, creak, the carriage stopped at once, and was blocked by the flow of people

"What's going on?" Li Long's face was discolored. From the car window, he could clearly feel the breath of war. The houses outside the high city walls have been demolished and the trees have been cut down. There are still many workers cleaning up the site, digging deep in the mud of the moat, and many people pile up log boulders on the city walls, and there are whip supervisors everywhere, beating the unsatisfactory workers, the city The location of the door, a large number of homes with children, the North Bank refugees with children and women, the carriage used for loading, the cups and bowls, the mosquito nets, all kinds of things, even some people even bring furniture

"Master Li Long, I heard that the Yelu family on the north bank has sealed the river. Where did these refugees come from? This has been the scene for the first few tens of years. I thought that it would be better in Qingyang, which was relatively prosperous. The number here is even more!"

"These people are not from the north of the big river, but refugees on the first line of the continent sixty miles away from Qingyang. Where did the earth dragons occur? More than half of the seven or eight cities were destroyed." Li Long's eyes showed a bit of coldness and fierce fingers The ground is clenched. The so-called earth dragon is an earthquake. The people of Central Biya have always believed that the earthquake was because the dragon under the earth was turning over. Just a few days ago, an earthquake broke out in the Luzhou area. Although it is not powerful, it is a dead and injured person. In total, there were seventy or eighty, but the houses around Luzhou were badly damaged. While a large number of refugees were preparing to flock to Qingyang City Gate, there were also many residents in the city who were preparing to leave the city. The cavalry of the Yelv Army had arrived in Hebei. On the shore, the Yelv family is not more than a year ago, even the navy fleet has a certain size!

"Let us go in, almost starving!"

"Let's go out, it's time to kill!"

So many people had a violent collision near the city gate, the noise, the cry of the child, the cry of the woman, chaos, and more crying heaven and earth crying, heartbreaking. Obviously, the Central-African soldiers who were guarding the city were accustomed to everything they saw. They turned a blind eye to crying and swearing. They drove out all the refugees who entered the city, and they did not hesitate to push them out of the city gate.

"Noisy, the prairie people haven't crossed the river yet! Be careful that the prairie people's gangsters are inside." The soldiers are also troubled by the residents out of the city. They repeatedly search for luggage and items, and some have to search the body to see some. Small items of value are simply left behind, and those who are interested will immediately come up and order them, and be released, and those who are reluctant to spend money are blocked at the Hengmen. They must be searched thoroughly, and they will not be released from the city. "Now it is a national disaster. In order to resist the prairie people, we have also thrown away blood, leaving some large amounts of throttling that should also be taken by the "watchmen",

The city gate was originally very wide. If all of them were opened, it would be completed soon, but the guard soldiers only opened half of the city gate, so it seemed particularly crowded. After waiting for more than two hours, it was considered to be the carriage of Lagoddin. Li Long did not wear an official uniform, but only a white coat. Such aristocrats in China have seen too many these days, most of them are homes. The broken family of Dao is either a literati,

If it is in a prosperous or prosperous world, or these scholars may become an official in power overnight, but since the fall of Emperor Jing, the Central African Empire moved south, and the Central Asian Church has not opened an imperial examination for two years because of the need There are too many nobles in the north, and there are still vacancies for these literati. In this case, the original rich literary style has become thin, and even the locals no longer give these literati.

So when I saw Li Long in white, several soldiers looked at the rifle, looking at the contents of the carriage with nothing but a spear. They soon discovered that there was a lot of valuable property on the carriage, and their eyes were shiny. The leader of the team leader flashed a bit of coldness in his eyes, came over to cross-examine, and after a few random questions, the words changed suddenly. , Sneer at the corner of the mouth, "It's a rampant foreigner who commits crimes. Don't worry about what the prairie people haven't seen like the young man. It's just like a model dog. Come, come and catch all the gaps between these prairie people!

"Wow" Hearing the gap between the prairie men, the nearby soldiers all gathered around at once, watching the few people on the carriage, thinking that it was already frightened. Several soldiers had already grabbed the carriage and began to move. The belongings on the carriage, as if they were originally given to them, are called a cheerful, and have already been cross-examined just now, knowing that the goods above are not determined by a certain power, and you must know that with the influence of the empire in China and Belgium The rapid rejuvenation of the Asian region,

"Master Li Long, your country is really enthusiastic!"

Lakoddin smiled coldly, Li Long's face was scared, because the last time the Li family suffered an involuntary disaster because of the empire, he purposely came only in plain clothes, and the purpose was to block those people's mouths, but did not expect to arrive This is the situation at the gate of the city. This is simply hitting yourself in the face. As the head of the military department, it commands the military forces of Central and Nationwide. This is still the case in a major town like Qingyang. The situation in other regions can be imagined. It is known that this is caused by the prairie people. In order to make up for the lack of military power in the Central Chaotang, Chaotang has agreed to the proposal of family recruitment, and the quality of the uneven soldiers naturally brings the same results.

"Tell them that we are merchants of the Falcon Empire"

Lakoddin calmly waved his hand to the coachman in front. This sentence was very light and plain, as if a gust of wind had blown it, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye, but the soldiers of the gate had already changed their face and eyes. Frightened, the soldiers who got on the cart to move the goods slowly stopped their hands, put the things back in the distance, and jumped from the carriage. Falcon Empire, the name of the man, the tree Ying, this falcon empire that was not previously known to most Central Biya people, has recently been known to a degree that is known to everyone, because there are rumors that the northern coast’s Yelv cavalry is most afraid of the caravan of the falcon empire, Some people even vowed to see the fierce and evil Yelujia cavalry once escorting the imperial caravan, completely like a servant,

"You are really people of the Falcon Empire?"

Soon, a city guard officer appeared in front of Lagoddin, his skin was slightly reddish, his eyes were bright and sharp, and he was sharp and deep~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a person who has really seen swords and swords on the battlefield, and his eyes are on Lak Geding's western continent swept his face and landed on Li Long,

"This is?" The city guard officer's eyes narrowed into a line. Li Long's body was typical of the Central Biya people. The other party's body revealed a cold and proud atmosphere, which made the city guard officer a little bit more. Hesitantly, it seems that he has seen this person somewhere before, the other person's breath is clearly belonging to the soldier,

"As a soldier in Central Biya, do you feel ashamed to plunder the people blatantly?" Li Longqi's body trembled slightly, although the military headquarters also received a lot of such reports, knowing that the army below was chaotic, Eating and taking cards will become a common practice, especially when Chao Tang ordered to abandon the north of the river, forcing many soldiers on the north bank to cross south. These soldiers abandoned themselves violently, as if they had changed from soldiers who had fought against the prairiemen to soldiers. To this extent, Qingyang, which is tens of miles away from Linhang, is still the case, and other areas can be imagined

"I haven't sent the rates for half a year. If I don't do this, how can I survive?" The city guard officer showed a disapproval on his face, and slightly lipped his mouth. "Everyone doesn't do this by eating from the mountains and from the river. The prairie people are about to cross south. At that time, we don’t want us to top it up. Now we eat a little and take a little, but we have to use our lives to pay it back! Is this wrong?" (Unfinished.)


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