Whole Nation

: 247 Scarlet Tyre

Shan Wu sincerely thanked Li Sencha for casting the bow vote.

The sound of the intensive trebuchet winch made the whole Tilburg city wall like a noisy open-air workshop. Thousands of people crowded together. Hundreds of trebuchets squeaked violently due to the pulling. The sound of rolling stone bombs caused the whole city wall to tremble slightly. This time the Tyres assembled more than one hundred trebuchets, half of which were set in the city head and on both sides.

Dense rocks fell from Tilburg. The advance of the Samor's Army Front was met with considerable obstacles. Because the base of Tilburg is a sloped hill road, the stones thrown down above are much farther than ordinary catapults, which caused some losses to the Samor Army without prior preparation.

Hundreds of heavy siege soldiers of a forward squadron were hit by rain-like stones, the blood and flesh on his body were blurred, the shield was deformed by the smashing, and the twist was like a twist. The wooden base of the tall building car made a creaking sound in the falling stone rain, and each building car was like a dandelion flying in the rain,

"Slap". A huge anomalous stone hit the two main supports of a building car with whistling sound, and the gravel was scattered with wood chips. Falling down from a height like a raindrop, the soldiers who fell below raised their shields to block, and the main support with a thick waist made a dull cracked sound after several consecutive such impacts. The building car crashed down like a giant. Of the army, causing chaos

"Order the infantry to stop advancing." Fat people's faces are cold, fighting dead people is common, but I didn't expect Tyre's resistance to be so strong. After hours of shelling, they can organize a counterattack of this scale. It seems that the coalition forces are fierce when they drive out refugees. The means let the refugees hate the coalition forces. I even hated the Samor Army,

This time, because of the hasty time, I only carried more than a dozen building cars. Not to mention the siege, I am afraid that even the walls are not close; but there is no room for relaxation in this battle. Since the refugees have no good feelings for the Samor Army, it is better to let go and do a big job

"Order the Thunder God Banner Group to prepare! I will not believe it. The Thunder Castle can't open the walls of Tilburg!" The fat man turned coldly. Commanded the herding soldier behind him.

Behind heavy thunder god's gun barrel was still white steam. The gunners were busy clearing the remaining gunpowder. This time the fat man himself stood by the thunder god. The dead Samor soldier whipped the fat man's anger like a whip. . Since it doesn't fall, let you burn all the jade.

The 130 Thunder Gods, which were originally placed in the back, were pushed into the frontier army formation that was still far from Tilburg. The auxiliary siege heavy soldiers quickly dug a blocking pit at the bracket position behind the Thunder God.

This is the basic operation before the thunder cannon shot. Without the strong isolation belt at the back, Thor's huge recoil might cause Thor to jump from the tail. Most of the previous explosions have been for this reason.

The shells were unloaded from the carriage, and a hill was set against the thunder god. The torch of the artillery made a creaking sound. The whole army was silent, and only the sound of the wind was heard.

"Thirteen degrees southeast of the target, the right wall of Tilburg." The legionary commander waved the legionary command flag in his hand, and the tall Supor horseshoe turned over the black mud in front of him, and hurried past the line of thunder gods lined up, according to the order. The runners started to raise the gun carriage and moved slowly


The muzzle of Thor's black hole turned to the west wall, which is a low corner of Tilburg. Not far away is the columnar fort that has been destroyed, and two large arrow towers rise above the city walls.

The flowing moat flows around there, and several large boulders are entrenched in the middle of the channel, which hinders the smooth flow of the river, making the moat, which is not spacious at all, extremely narrow, even suspicious of jumping on the rocks. Can jump over

Fat people choose here, considering that the river here is the narrowest, it can completely collapse the city walls, let the gravel cover the river, and directly cross the moat. Open a gap for the infantry forward. When Raytheon fired the gun, it was too far away. Only a roll of thick smoke could be seen, but Thor’s true face was not clearly seen by anyone. Now we see the weird weapons suddenly appearing at the front of the Samor Army. The Tiers have a lot of discussion, although they don’t know what it is, but they can also feel the chill of unspeakable coldness from the muzzle of dangerous black holes.

"Quick! Go to the east side, the Samorites want to attack from there!" The Tier on the city's head parted and hurried towards the eastern wall. The Tiers were not stupid. This is Tilburg. They are them. In its own site, the east end channel is Tilburg’s biggest weakness, so two strong arrow towers were specifically set up there, but now it seems that the Samoan army is clearly preparing to attack from the east side, but unfortunately they don’t know, They are running towards hell!

"Reload". The captains of the teams shouted strenuously. There is a team leader for every three Thors. Every twelve goals is set as a squadron, because Dao Chuanbu thinks that the two Thors are the best... to form a shooting queue, and the twelve Thunder Knifes are used for general small attack or defense tasks

"Poison rumble."

The loud explosion made the ground tremble violently, and the artillery wheel was even lifted up, leaving deep rut marks on the mud, a dense white smoke coming out of the artillery position, and the flames of death sprayed from the gun barrel Then, the powerful sound of hundreds of Thors made the whole world reverberate, and the earth underneath shook violently.

The fat man saw the pillars of black smoke blooming on the east wall of Tilburg. Thick smoke was sputtered from the inside with flames. The gravel was ejected like raindrops. Two arrow towers collapsed in the explosion and one was overturned. The other punch base began to deflect in half

On the high post behind the "Booming" Samor Army, a more violent thunderstorm bombardment from the formation was heard. This was the heavy bombardment of the Thor that had been cleared. This is the roar of death in the ears of the Tyres, and the voice of angels in the ears of the soldiers of Samor.

"Long live Samor! Long live Samor!" Hearing these big guys start roaring again, the following Samor soldiers shouted loudly, and a larger black smoke pillar emptied over the city head, and the blazing fire was rushing towards On the head of the Tyre supported by the east end, flesh and blood flew. After seeing a black smoke, the whole city wall was blackened. The broken limbs and wounded soldiers were lying on the ground. Countless bricks and debris and human bodies The city head fell into the cold water. A white column of water splashed like a violent piano note, it was the sound of death in hell

The Tiers on the city walls are like ants that have been turned over, and they are chasing around in a mess. A group of violent flames drives them. That is a heavy-duty Thor special o-type fuel projectile with countless black spots with flames and sadness. 'S cry jumped from the head of the city into the moat, just to seek to end the pain of burning the flames earlier

"Papa!" A huge collapse sounded throughout the battlefield! When bombarding the same area on the wall of Tyre, the square where the original powdery ground appeared was blasted with an obvious gap

In the flames of countless explosions, this gap became larger and larger and eventually evolved into an irreparable large gap. Several huge cracks appeared on the city walls. Like a black vine climbing on it

The city wall above the gap was completely collapsed. Hundreds of Tyre soldiers hiding inside the city wall. With the cannonball smoke and the collapsed city wall, the smoke was extinguished and the bones fell into the moat with countless gravel and mud. This terrible scene shocked After the two sides of the battlefield assaulted! Waiting for the already-excited Samor infantry to yell, holding a large shield in his hand and rushing to the gap of the collapsed gravel pile, the forefront soldier jumped out of the almost icy cold River water, with a big siege shield in hand, built a bridge between rocks and gravel,

Cannonballs crossed the city walls with a roar from their heads, the flames of extinction and the black sister column appeared on their heads continuously, the Tyr archers were blown up and down, and the sporadic shooting could not hinder the surging below. Crowd, Samor's heavy infantry's shield collided with the Tyre heavy infantry who came to block the mouth, and the red-eyed sides wrestled like a beast. The narrow space allowed them to use all available weapons. Including teeth, the screams on both sides resounded through heaven and earth, this is a fight between life and death, there is no mercy, only hate, more

"Poo poo!" Tier Bing continued to fall with his eyes suffocated. There is a thin hole in the chest with blood spray. This is the masterpiece of Samor's heavy siege group. The short three-armed piercing thorns in their hands make them like a fish in this chaotic melee~www.wuxiaspot.com~The big shield The gap between them is the best penetration point for this spiked weapon,

Despicable, shameless, everything for the glory of Samor, is the tradition of this glorious army. They are legends in Samor’s siege troops. From the falcon territory to the northern kingdom, they have experienced countless life and death fights. , They are all masters of melee combat, and the unguarded Tyre are like pierced river embankments in front of this unit.

More and more Samor soldiers poured in from the gap, and the Tyres had to retreat into the city of Tyre behind them, fighting a difficult street battle with the Samor army.

In order to resist the invasion of the Samoan army, the entire city of Tyre was almost transformed into small battlefield fortresses by the Tyres. On each roof, several large houses were equipped with trebuchets on the roofs, and all the walls around the houses were changed into The smooth wall surface, only the last house in the back opened an entrance,

All the people in the city were mobilized. Spears and agricultural tools were with them. Tyr archers kept standing on the roof and shooting, and farmers threw stones from the roof. This caused a lot of losses to the Samor Army that broke into the city. More than 1,000 soldiers were drowned in these complicated streets. It was not until the Longbow troops invested that the Samor Army stabilized its position in the city.

Yesterday I went to the country to pick up my wife. !

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