Whole Nation

: Two thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven Cut off the sky (16)

The night breeze in early summer was a bit cold, and the chirping in the grass rose and fell, mixed with the strange sounds of the night owl, the stars and stars, pouring down above the head, and moving downwards towards the front. The cavalry troops are shrouded in the soft white light of the moon. These cavalry soldiers are wearing armor like night, without torches. In the night, they are like monsters rolling in the night, turning from the wings to the rear of the imperial team, all the way along The surveyed hidden roads moved closer to the Kalluu fortress

"Sir, will the Imperial Emperor really be in Kaluu?" a subordinate of the Imperial Guard asked with some hesitation, he did not know how Argenon Kaja determined the location of the Imperial Emperor. According to the principle, the Empire The emperor must be the secret of the emperor team

"Relax, everything is under control, if the emperor’s advancement did not cause major errors, then the position of the imperial emperor must be Kalu"

Algeron Kakat looked comfortable on the battlefield, looked at his tired men, and said in a very positive tone, "Before I started, I have repeatedly performed back and forth more than ten times, and in the end I was sure, Emperor The location where I arrived now should be Kalu"

"Because Kaluu, as the most important gateway to Yamanaka, must be the main attack target of the emperor, and the Vecchia Falcon, the emperor of the empire, must be sitting in person." Slightly smiled. Of course, it is still sloppy to judge this way. I said in Kaluu, because Kaluu was given to the emperor deliberately. The purpose is to crucify the imperial emperor in Kaluu. After Kaluu, there is no terrain suitable for the large army to be stationed on the road of more than thirty miles to the provincial capital of Zhongshan. Therefore, if the emperor captured Kaluu, he would set up the base camp in Kaluu."

"Great, the wisdom of the adults is shocking"

"I didn't expect to be able to do this, and it was indeed Lord Argenongkaja!"

"Yeah, it is easy to position the emperor in a position with a Kalou. Such a strategy is only available to the great talents of Argenon Kaja." Hearing Arjunon's words, the guards around the face appeared The moving look, all showing a look of excitement,

Such things as killing the Falcon Empire Emperor can make these young Gauls who are full of hatred for the Empire feel a **** punch

I just want to kill this emperor. It’s not easy. The emperor **** is also the emperor’s venerable guard. The guards around him are brave and brave. They are known as the first army of the Obaro 6 and the most important and difficult point How do you know where this emperor is at this moment!

After all, the confusion caused by the destruction of the army in the mountains is only very short. The emperor only needs to complete the inventory on the battlefield, and then the most elite Gaul Guards are not there, which means that the time left for the assault troops is at most. Within twelve hours, once the imperial team noticed something, the whole army gathered it, not to mention killing the emperor, it was impossible to run out of the mountains!

"Everyone, believe me and move forward!"

Looking at the excited faces, Algeron Kaja suddenly felt a sense of excitement, and his eyes were red. This is the result of the adrenal glands stimulating and rising. This is already the last elite left by the million Gallo army, and it is a domineering. The Gaul Empire is unyielding for three hundred years in the northern part of Obaro, this will be the final noise of Gaul soldiers

The wind is blowing on my face and it seems to be getting hot

Argenon Kaja even felt that he smelled a **** smell. It should have been brought by the massacre of tens of thousands of mountain troops. According to the fighting power of the emperor, he left the so-called tens of thousands of mountain main forces in Feilong. It should be that the corpses have spread across the field, and the news that all the main forces of the mountain army have been destroyed should have reached the base camp of the emperor. The emperor must be celebrating the victory happily at this moment, even if it is a **** of war, after all, it is a human being, and he never thought of it. There will be a lone army killed fiercely from the back

The weather is all in your own hands, and the bureau set up by the lives of tens of thousands of people in the mountains will never be seen by anyone. As long as it is fierce enough, who dares to say tonight, will not cut the man. 'S head, let this sky be pierced by a sword

Six hours later, in the middle of the night, the cavalry team that came with the night arrived silently on the outskirts of Kalouu, and within five miles of Kalouu, Argenongkaja stopped to continue The pace of progress. Because in front of him, the Emperor’s camp has begun to show up

Countless tents spread like huge spider webs, the fire was like stars inside, and a long black wall plaque was erected on the campsite. On the camp gun rack, a sharp long foot penetrated the chilling. Murderous, in the red light of the night, a particularly huge golden falcon flag suddenly appeared in the distance

"Emperor Emperor Base Camp!\\\'

Looking at the emperor flag representing extraordinary significance in the distance, everyone's pupils twitched unnaturally, and the bridle of the war horse fell into his hand.

The Emperor of the Empire was actually in Kaluu. Argenongkaja licked his chapped lips, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. Although he judged it that way, he was so sure. As expected, a big rock suddenly fell in my heart, really blessed by God! But his face quickly changed again, with a bit of annoyed glance at the night sky above his head, the sky was full of stars, the moonlight was like a wash, and the beautiful scenery. Unfortunately, for the night raid, this kind of weather was really bad.

If it’s all black, how silent it is, silently sigh,

The arrow is already on the string, I have to, what is still sighing at this time! Argenon Katya cheered himself up, squeezed his fingers, firmly withdrawn his gaze, took a deep breath, and lowered his voice to the cavalrymen behind him, saying: \”The whole army prepared for thirty minutes. After thirty minutes, only Do one thing, that is to move forward, as the brigade moves forward, remember that unless you die, you only have to move forward and in the direction of the flag! Do you understand? "


The imperial guard cavalry ordered to dismount, check the situation of their respective horses, and feed the horses that have been running for several hours with the fine food carried on their body. Tonight is the last battle, no matter whether you can reach your goal, cut the evil The head of the falcon emperor will be killed by the emperor swarming in the end. Whatever the use of leaving more food, it is better to let the war horse eat more. It takes a little more effort to eat. At least you must see Let’s die in front of that evil king again, many Gaul Guards thought this way

As their final battle, these young men of the last Gaul Guards looked serious, and after preparing everything, they began to hang the Guards headband that had not been worn for a long time. On the spikes of the spire helmet, a blue ribbon was dropped. The ribbon was nearly two meters long, like a colorful flag, and it hung down to the back of the war horse. It was as heavy as the silence.

"Wow," the scales of the armor made a crisp collision, and a uniquely shaped Gaul cavalry began to consciously become the head of the entire assault queue.

The armor of these cavalry is thicker than other cavalry, but it is the existence of heavy cavalry. What is impressive is that behind these cavalry armor, there are two pieces of locks like wings. The backs are backed, and the backs are on several sides. The short flag marked by the Gaulian royal family, and the long blue belt behind it slowly fluttered in the wind, just like the God of War cavalry flying in the sky came to the earth.

There is only one such unique decoration in the Gaul Emperor team. That is the legend of Gaul, which is the most prosperous period of Gaul. The iron wings of the royal family are the heavy cavalry. They guarded the heavy cavalry. The rifle is neatly put down, they will become the most terrifying impact striker. Use the horseshoes of the heavy cavalry to crush any objects that are in front of them into crushes. They are sharp edges that cut through the brittle objects. Behind these heavy cavalry, the three thousand imperial guard cavalry are like a huge triangle.

In the wind, three thousand blue ribbons fluttering. This is a decisive battle. Everyone wants to die as the Gaulian Guards, instead of knowing nothing about the so-called cavalry in the mountains. His eyes swept all this, Alger Nongkaja pulled out a brilliant sword and danced a dazzling sword flower in the air

"Do you remember the sound of swordsmanship in the ceremony of the Gaul Guards? This is the voice of countless martyrs who craved the blood of the enemy for three hundred years. It is the prelude that ignited our glory and glory. Now it’s time to let that The Emperor Barbarian knows, what is the time for blood debt and blood repayment!" Argenon Kaja's passionate voice echoed in the wind,

"eye for eye!"

Three thousand Gaul Guards cavalry responded loudly, and the sound of the sound seemed to be able to dye the earth in front of them. The horses under the crotch seemed to be driven by these breaths. The armor and horses came out of the dense cavalry. The whistling metal friction sound, the fierce wind hitting your face in the quiet air, like igniting all the fighting blood,

"Remember, forward, only forward\\\'

kill! "

"Kill the Falcon Emperor!


The band of the helmet was blown and danced, as if countless battle flags were raised at the same time. The assault began, staring at the distant Emperor's headquarters, the horses of horses raised their horseshoes into a shadow, and 3,000 Gaul Guards cavalrymen The torrent came from behind the Emperor Camp, the blue belt formed a terrifying blue long river in the wind, and the sound of the tumbling horseshoe rolled up the grass debris of the earth,

The emperor camp in front is still calm,

"Your Majesty, the news returned by Miss Bonnie!" Yue Shan's slightly awkward tone of empire came from outside the curtain of the military tent,

‘Come in,’ the fat man put down a logistic report in his hand and shouted to the door, “The main force of the Yamanaka Army has collapsed? The fat man raised his head to look at Yueshan, and asked in a condensed voice, that the heavyweight of the former Central Asian Yanzhou Army had behaved quite satisfactorily since he took refuge in the empire. This is pretty good,

"Your Majesty already knows?"

Yue Shan was stunned for a while, he also just received the report, "No, I know it by seeing the expression on your face"

The fat man reached out to him and smiled slightly. He didn’t worry about the dangers that Brant Bonnie would encounter from the beginning. According to intelligence, the tens of thousands of mountain troops that Argenongkaja temporarily gathered with heavy money were actually all It’s civilians, idlers, mercenaries who haven’t even been on the battlefield. It’s the Gaulian Guards under Arjunon Kaja who really have the fighting power, but the number is not much, there are only more than 3,000 people. If you want to use the three thousand imperial guards to support an army of tens of thousands of people, if it is just a general operation, it will be impossible to fight the elite army of the Empire.

On the contrary, there are too many civilians with no combat strength, and it is more likely that the three thousand imperial guards will be defeated alive. According to the truth, Argenongkaja knows this, and may have reached the end of the road. For the sake of it, I can’t take it anymore.

"Indeed, Miss Bonnie really lived up to the expectations of Her Majesty, and defeated the main force of Yamanaka with more than 10,000 military powers, allowing the battle to win the game ahead of time. "Yue Shan put the battle report in his hand respectfully on the fat man's table" at noon. , Brant Bonnie’s rescue team arrived at the battlefield. After more than two hours of intense fighting, not only the tens of thousands of main forces in the mountains were defeated across the board, but also the Ninth Banner of the Muli River was rescued from the predicament and cut. The report of the killing general in the mountain is also attached.

"Oh? Killed the general in the mountain?"

Suddenly, the fat man stood up, picked up the report in disbelief, glanced at it, and flashed a trace of accidents. There was no suspense to defeat the mountain army, but it was a bit impossible to kill the mountain master.

What kind of person is Argenon Kaja? Since he was captured once in the Southwestern War, he would be as fast as he could defeat. At that time, the Empire fought against Gaul several times in the General Assembly Battle, and he escaped without any means. Mouse~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is this the blind cat that killed Brant Bonnie this time?

No, this is absolutely impossible! The fat man hit the table with a fist and asked sharply, "Is the identity of the general in the mountain confirmed, but is Argenon Katya himself?"

"Is there any problem? Miss Bonnie has sent someone on the way." Seeing the emperor's unusual behavior, Yueshan also felt the problem, and quickly returned to the road. Although he had been in the empire for only two years, he knew this The emperor of the army **** is actually a very idle guy, even the face of 100,000 enemies will not have such an expression.

"I don't know, I hope I think too much"

The fat man walked back and forth a few steps in the same place, dripping his face with dignity, and said, "I am too clear about the tradition of the Aljonong family, that is, pitting people is more ruthless than pitting enemies. If the dead mountain master will not be Argenon Kaja, that’s not a general problem, or this guy is just paying attention to the hidden escape, using the death of tens of thousands of troops to buy time for his escape, there is another possibility, this guy has a huge Conspiracy! Do not hesitate to use tens of thousands of troops as cover, what the **** does this guy want to do?"

"No, according to the strength of the mountain army, what else can they do?" Yue Shan said with a look of depression. "Does the other party still have thousands of people to attack the empire base?"

"En?" The fat man blinked, looking at Yueshan

"Your Majesty, your subordinates are only quick talkers." The cold sweat on Yueshan's forehead came down. As a Central Biya, he did not dare to touch the authority of the emperor. If it was in Central Biya, just like that It's just asking for disasters. What does it mean to impact the empire base, are you cursing your emperor?

"Enemy attack!" At this moment, a terrible voice sounded outside the military account, and a small quake of the earth roared into the ear (to be continued.)

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