Whole Nation

: Two thousand nine hundred and ninety-two

The war report of the Yanzhou Mingyue Army has been delivered to the fat man in the afternoon. Outside sunlight shines on the floor of the room through the glass window. Brant Bonnie and the bright moon princess in a white Zhongbian palace dress pushed away The door of the room came in, and the two women also learned just now that Bai Wufeng had pulled the Yanzhou Army out of the whole and entered an attack against the Prairie Army.

"Let Mingyue Yanzhou Army play, does Li Yuehua mean, or does your majesty mean?" Brant Bonnie asked with a deep breath, with a cold face.

"It's my order" The fat man's activities are a little numb legs, don't look at Die Si Shiqing's face at all, said coldly

"I want to know why, the Mingyue Yanzhou Army is not ready now. Although it has five or six thousand people, it is actually supported by the foundation of the Yanzhou Army. When facing so many prairie people, even if they can win, meaning Where is it again?" Hearing what it meant to be fat, Brant Bonnie's eyes were red and the tone was full of grief

Since the last dispute over the rescue of the Ninth Banner, the relationship between the two has been a bit cold, especially the fat man ordered the Baizhoufeng Yanzhou Heavy Cavalry, who will perform extremely strongly in the rescue of the Ninth Banner, from Burant Bonnie’s Wilderness Regiment was called out and inserted into the Mingyue Yanzhou Army. For Brant Bonnie, it’s like digging his heart. A trained heavy cavalry is the most important in this era. In order to get the cavalry fighting power like the Ninth Banner, Brant Bonnie put down even the hatred of the prairie people, not to mention the re-riding in the prestigious Yanzhou of Central Biya

"Meaning?" The fat man pressed the battle report heavily on the table, stood up coldly, and looked at the sorrowful Brant Bonnie. He smiled indifferently. "What meaning? The Mingyue Yanzhou Army of six thousand people, If even the prairie army of 3,000 small tribes could not fight, they would have no value in existence!

"It's all ready to fight again, there is such a good thing in the world? And I believe that His Highness Mingyue should be clearer than me. At this moment, what can represent a Central African army that can defeat the prairie people!" Fatty looked at him. Princess Moon, who has been silent,

"Your Majesty’s order is not wrong. At this moment, the emergence of a Central African army capable of defeating the Prairie Army is far more important than avoiding danger." As expected by Brant Bonnie, Princess Mingyue was grateful. Looked towards the fat man, that look did not seem to be false

"You're crazy! Just know that once the presence of the Mingyue Yanzhou Army is exposed in advance, the prairie people will gather heavy soldiers in the northwest, and then you will have difficulty in opening the situation."

Brant Bonnie looked anxiously towards Princess Mingyue, or both of them had a plot of betrayal by their own country, or a pity for this stubborn princess, and always a cold face for fat women. Ni, she is very kind to this half-fleeing princess of the moon

"It's unavoidable, if I still have time, I naturally don't want to be like this, but in the current situation, there is no choice at all." Princess Moonlight smiled sadly, gritted her teeth, and said that her beautiful face was firm and her eyes were deep. Looking out of the window, there is already a somewhat autumnal ground, and the voice is crisp and moving. "Yelud’s house besieged Linhang for 16 days. My elder brother was overwhelmed by pressure and left the tens of thousands of Central Asian troops still struggling outside the city. Hundreds of thousands of people in Linhang took only one hundred people to flee to the sea in droves. As a result, the military’s last resistance was completely defeated. In order to retaliate the fierce resistance encountered in the periphery of Linhang, the Yelu family ordered the six after entering Hangzhou. The day is not sealed"

"Hundreds of thousands of Yelv troops poured into Linhang, and there were countless corpses inside and outside Linhang. Over 300,000 civilians in Central Africa were slaughtered. Although the massacre in Linhang was not as large as the 600,000 people when Dijing was broken, For the empire of Central Biya, which had suffered a lot of vitality, the impact of Linhang's knife had already passed the emperor's holocaust. "Princess Mingyue's voice paused, and the smile was extremely cold." Although the horror of the empire was terrible, those prairie people robbed After looting, he quickly withdrew, leaving at least a large area of ​​land and population to the Central African Empire. As long as time is taken, there may not be a chance of revival, but this time the Yelv family is different. After the Yelu family captured Linhang, there was no Choose to withdraw, but continue to go south to expand the results. This is not a looting, but a conquering war to establish your own dominance. After breaking Linhang, Linhang was swept away in half a month. A dozen nearby cities"

"The war situation was turbulent, and the smoke was rampant. Hundreds of thousands of Central Biyans were taken to the north of the river by the Yelu army as fighting spoils. Millions of Central Biya people were displaced southwards and thousands more. Ten thousand Central Biya people are in panic and panic. It is said that the southwestern dragon family has blocked the road to the southwest for self-preservation. A large number of people fleeing are congested. The number of people starving to death along the way is countless toward the south. The people who fled were also uncomfortable. There were more than a dozen large-scale conflicts with the mountain people in the southern mountains. Tens of thousands of Central Biya people have died, but even so, they still cannot stop the pace of those who fled. The silence of the Song people in this matter has basically demonstrated the attitude of the southern mountains. These refugees are afraid that they will not be able to enter the mountains!"

The princess Mingyue was full of tears in her face, her white fingers clenched tightly, "The earth is in heaven, the prairie people treat me as the Biya people like cattle, sheep, and slaughter at will. The joint army of the three tribes dare to go along the river. Mopping up, how rampant and arrogant this is, if no one in Central Biya dares to stand up, then there is really no hope in Central Biya! Your Majesty’s decision is not wrong! In fact, even if your Majesty cannot give such an order, I also Will be kindly asked by His Majesty to deliver"

"You" looked at Princess Mingyue and then the fat man, and Brant Bonnie felt that she was speechless

"Look at this, I sent it three days ago. I was going to tell you a few days ago, since your high princess has such consciousness, I don’t need to wait now." The fat man reached out and took a copy from the desk drawer Report, gently put it in front of Princess Mingyue

"Is this?" Princess Mingyue picked up the report and glanced at her face, her face suddenly changed.

Brant Bonnie took a look at it curiously, and his fingers twitched a little. He couldn’t help but ask, “Is Yelu Hongtai crazy? Let Yelv Qiye bring troops into the Daicheng city near Yanzhou, and he will be the only one The son of Yeluguda sent his entrustment in the northwest, but he stayed in Linhang."

"Can't you see it yet? This is a sign of Yelu Hongtai's founding of the country." The fat man's mouth slightly flicked away. "Yellow Seven Yeguang went to the city to prevent the North King's Court from going south. Yeluguda came to the northwest. Naturally, it was to guard us, Empire. All the negotiations with the Yelu family have been through the relationship of Yelv Qi Yeguang, and Yelu Guda has always been hostile to the empire. I don’t believe that Yelu Hongtai did not know.

"But Yelu Hongtai chose to send Yelu Kuda to the northwest, which should be why the imperial caravan, which had been unimpeded, was suddenly looted by prairie cavalry within the range of Yelu's home, according to our The eyeliner rewarded that the first thing Yeluguda had arrived in the northwest was to agree to the three tribes’ request to sweep westward along the river, and had already given orders to gather them, requiring the prairie tribes in the entire northwest region to obey the Yelu family. The orders are all close to the entrustment, and it is conservatively estimated that there are already fifty or sixty thousand people. If it waits until it gathers the entire grassland army in the northwest, it may not be too much if it is 130,000 or 40,000."

"With so many troops, Yeluguda is going to fight the empire?" When Brant Bonnie heard this, he didn't know what the Yelu family wanted to do, so it was a fool.

It was just that she couldn’t believe it. The Yelv family had such a crazy move, sent small-scale troops to spy along the river, and gathered up a large army under the entrustment. This is not what it is to prepare for war! But the Yelu family still has an agreement with the empire. . . . . "Brant Bonnie's rosy and tantalizing lips opened, but I felt that I couldn't say anything. The agreement, since the Yelv's family went south, has not broken the agreement with the empire that year, and will now Yelvuda, who was hostile to the empire, sent to the northwest. The hostility is full. A secret agreement is not the same as waste paper!

"The empire still hasn't really torn his face after all. The empire has just settled in the mountains. It takes time to prepare. It is necessary to minimize the attention of Yeluguda and let Bai Wufeng's Mingyue Yanzhou Army be dispatched for this reason." The fat man stretched his finger on the table. Knocked, and there was a cold like a blade in the corner of the mouth. "It’s not difficult for the Mingzhou Yanzhou Army to defeat this small cavalry westward. The real test is whether Yelvuda will be so Overwhelmingly, if Yeluguda really did that, then the empire and the house of Yelu no longer have room for a turn, then go to war!"

"This...I'm going back immediately"

Brant Bonnie said anxiously that he didn’t want to stay for a moment. Fatty fatalities killed people. Yeluguda’s hundreds of thousands of troops might be overwhelmed at any time. Even now he told himself that it had just been destroyed. The prairie people in Centralbia, not the hundreds of thousands of pigs running across the mountain, once really pressed up, it must be like a tsunami landslide, and the top is the Empire Wilderness Army that they have just integrated. At this moment, one more You can save one life by dividing your preparations. When you think of this, where can you think about the fat man Xingshi?

Brant Bonnie hurriedly left the room, leaving only the fat man and Princess Mingyue

"Your Majesty's words are true? Yeluguda is really coming to the northwest?" Princess Mingyue's hand tightly squeezed the report into a ball, and her eyes were scary. She didn't say just now, she broke Linhang and ordered six days. This is Yeluguda, the prairie man called the butcher

"The information is true, Yeluguda is indeed coming to the northwest." The fat man stared at the bright moon-like skin of the princess Moon and took a deep breath. Of course he knew that Yeluguda ordered the massacre of Linhang, and He also knew that Yelu Hongtai had sent people to stop it,

However, instead of obeying Yeluguda, he chopped to death with a knife, and then entered the city and slaughtered for six consecutive days. Afterwards, Yelu Hongtai just scolded a few things, and there was no way. After all, Yelu Hongtai was the only one. Son, nominally the young patriarch of the Yelu clan, Yeluguda will slaughter Linhang when he is scolded, not because of any heavy losses, but because Yeluguda needs the heads of hundreds of thousands of Linhang people, To fight for the support of those grassland tribes, to prove that he is the most agreeable king of grassland people

Killing and looting, in the eyes of the prairie people, is synonymous with heroes. Letting the enemy wailing under the horseshoe is the most proud thing for the prairie people. The home of Yelu is about to start, and the army of Yelu is going south, leaving Yelv Qiyeguang to sit in the base camp. It was a hint from Yelu Hongtai to the ministries that Yelu Hongtai valued his daughter more

In this case, if Yeluguda can't come up with any dazzling things, then the Yelu family may really want a queen. In this case, even if they fight, they must fight.

It turns out that Yelvudta is right

Due to the great reputation of slaughtering the Central Beijing New Capital, many originally neutral tribes cast their eyes on Yeluguda. The name of Yeluguda shocked the whole of Centralbia. It was a rare grassland hero and rare grassland youth for hundreds of years. Idol, Yelu Hongtai finally made a choice

Seven nights of Yelu was immediately transferred from the base camp to the northern city of the defensive line~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems to be in response to the south of the northern royal court. In fact, it was not transferred from the ruling center of the Yelv family, as long as the northern royal court still In Yanzhou, who knows when will be transferred back

Instead, watching Yeluguda head to the northwest, it seems to be dealing with the empire, which is equivalent to the disposal of Yelv Qiyeguang.

However, people with a discerning eye can see that this is Yelu Hongtai school Yeluguda to gather the hearts of the people. Although the empire is strong, but it has just been in the mountains, where has the energy to deal with the Yelu family, but the northwest is geographically vast and the population is not dense, But there are also tens of millions of people, and the geographical environment is also conducive to grazing war horses, especially most of the tribes who go south to the Yelu family are located in this area. Yeluguda is sitting here as the young patriarch of the Yelu family. The region is not the same as the emperor of the earth, with a little grace, it is a tribal rune

Compared with Yelv Qiyeguang in the northern generation city, which may be attacked by the northern king's court at any time, I don't know how many times Shutanhe is easier!

"Mingyue Yanzhou Army is the bait your majesty deliberately released!" Upon hearing the fat man's affirmative answer, Princess Mingyue's face also seemed difficult to look. Even if she didn't understand the military, she knew that the attack of Mingyue Yanzhou Army defeated that It is not a problem to support the prairie army as a tentative nature. The counterattack behind Yeluguda is the most terrifying. How could Yeluguda, who has just gained popularity with the help of the massacre of Linhang, how to sit and watch a Central Biya who defeated the Prairie Army The army, blatantly swaying under its own eyelids, is bound to do its utmost to carry out strangulation

"It's true!" The fat man nodded his head, and he nodded unavoidably. "The empire can support the Mingyue Yanzhou Army, but the Mingyue Yanzhou Army must also prove their worth. That's all. If you can't even do it at all, Why did the empire shoot?" (To be continued.)

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