Whole Nation

: Two thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven Cut off the sky (26)

Under the gloomy sky, a long team moved slowly towards the west, looking around, all of them were chaos-stricken Central Asians. Bai Wufeng stopped the warhorse by the roadside, took off the water sac and drank water. He wanted to make it worse. When he realized that he was facing the wilderness to the west, he began to appear in the team.

"Why is it going west, but there is Ximanzi's site?" Someone found the anomaly and whispered.

"Isn't it going to sell us all to the Western Barbarian as a slave?"

"This is hard to say, otherwise why don't you let us go home"

All kinds of sounds made Bai Wufeng also have a headache. The previous killing of Liwei was entirely based on the breath. Now he is heading west, watching these embarrassed civilians, and then moving the knife to these unarmed civilians, always Feeling panicked in my heart,

"How can you do this, how can you sell them all to the Western Continent?"

"Who don’t have wives, children, children, or anyone who cares about your family, don’t you feel ashamed, where you are at Ximanzi, I’m afraid that the situation is not as good as the prairie people." An old man jumped out and pointed at Bai Wufeng’s nose and scolded a few Yanzhou cavalry rushed up to grab the old man, but Bai Wufeng shouted

"This old man is?" Bai Wufeng gave a small salute immediately,

"I'm Li Keyan, the local inspector!" The old man, Da Yi Ling Ran, completely ignored his own life and death.

"Superintendent? Li Keyan!' Bai Wufeng was shocked for the first time, his hand clenched the handle of the knife, but he let it go again, and looked at the old man with a silly look. His whole body shivered for a moment, Li Keyan, as long as Is a Northwestern, who would not know Li Keyan!

Yanzhou is also a part of the northwest. It is rumored that this old man's character is a bit sloppy. It seems to be true. In this case, the average person dares to jump out, and the head of the person who killed before is rolling, and there is no blood on the blade. If you wipe it off, you dare to jump out and point at someone to scold, this old man is really not afraid of death! Loose scholar robes braced the stiffness of the wind and could become a superintendent of the party. They are all very famous university students in the region. Bai Wufeng did not know that among these Central Biya people, there are even Li Keyan, which is in the whole Northwest are famous people, and they are also people who admire Bai Wufeng,

When Bai Wufeng first entered Yanzhou, he wanted to win a quota for him to become a disciple of Li Keyan through family relations. However, after all, Bai Wufeng was only an outsourcing after all. Such a precious quota was naturally left to the core of the Zhang family. The children have always regretted Bai Wufeng,

I didn’t expect to see Li Keyan himself in such a situation today. Don’t say that Bai Wufeng is stupid, even the people around him are a little stupid.

"It's all ordinary civilians. Please ask adults not to embarrass them." Li Keyan looked at Bai Wufeng with a solemn face. His mind flashed the scene of the man splitting Huang Lin, his fingers clenched tightly, and said sharply, "If the adults are real If you are short of money, sell me. My name is Li Keyan. They belong to the Li family. As long as you write to the Li family, they will definitely give you money."

"Sell Li Keyan!" Bai Wufeng looked at the old man's emaciated face, and could not help moving slightly. It was indeed a bone-clad man. It is no wonder that he was demoted from Emperor Jing to the northwest at the age of thirty. The number of Northwestern students sent away may not be obvious in the Northwestern military world, but in the Northwestern literary world it is a real Optimus Prime existence. There are more than half of the scholars in the Northwest, all of whom use Li Keyan as their disciples.

"Adult, our number is a little too small. Once there is a commotion, I'm just afraid..."

A subordinate also leaned over and said that his eyes fell on Li Keyan, a little fear was revealed. Offending Li Keyan is equivalent to offending the entire northwestern scholars, and there are countless Northwestern students who have entered the imperial government system. Not cost-effective,

Although he has lost his sense of identity with Central Asia, Li Keyan is also a great Confucian who has to be respected only by himself. He has supported the Northwest school affairs with his own strength, and he has put a lot of Northwestern candidates into China and Belgium. The first person in the Northwest Civil Service of the Asian Empire has the reputation of being clean and water-like in terms of criticism. It is said that Li Ke is a superintendent and a member of the Li family. The family is considered wealthy in principle, but Li Keyan takes money and things. To support the poor students, it turned out that his two sons, one in the famine year, had no food to eat, and the Guanyin Tula could not be eaten too much, and his stomach was dying, and another had to secretly borrow money to subsidize the family, time When he arrived, he didn't have any money yet, but Li Keyan broke his leg alive, and claimed to have cut off the relationship with Li Keyan.

Moreover, Li Keyan is still a member of the Li family. Now, it is Li Yuehua, the little princess of the Li family, who is in charge of the wilderness intelligence. This background has to be taken into consideration. Bai Wufeng can kill Huang Lin with a sharp knife, but he can’t deal with Li Keyan’s Northwest Confucianism. Knife

Moreover, from the current situation, it is unrealistic to want to bring back all the hundreds of thousands of Cambians. It is the naive idea of ​​Bai Wufeng's previous idea that it is the prairie people who took these Cypriots. Rescued, the other party will be grateful to Dade, and most of their homes are destroyed. Naturally, they will follow their own way, but in fact it is not the case at all. More than 100,000 Biya people have been saved, but the other party I don’t appreciate myself at all, I just want to go home immediately, this is the nature of Central Biya,

Most of those who secretly leave have a family, even if they are forcibly deducted, they are not here.

On the contrary, the rest did not run, but the real family was ruined. The prairie people swept and looted along the way, burned countless, and destroyed countless, along the way, the walls were numerous, and most of the houses were ruined, even a good shelter from the wind and rain There is no village at all. For these people, the world is really wide, but there is no place to stand. Even if they go back, it is a dead end. These talents will really follow Bai Wufeng and figure it out. Bai Wu Instead, Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and waved his hand and said, "Okay, let the order go, stay at will, if you are willing to follow us, you can continue, if you don't want to, you can leave, don't chase."

'Adult is wise', the subordinates nodded with excitement, all of them were from Central Biya, looking at these embarrassed compatriots, their hearts were always entangled, so the cavalry below were also suffering one by one, Now it was ordered to be free, and it was a burst of cheers

"Regardless of you, go to stay voluntarily"

The Yanzhou cavalry began to disperse, even if someone saw them running away, they would no longer catch up. Once the binding force was lost, a large queue of more than 100,000 people would disperse at once, and the Yanzhou cavalry of more than a thousand people in the area could not care too much. Seeing the iron armored Yanzhou cavalry have given up the outer line, there were only dozens of people who tried to escape at the beginning. At night, they camped, which was the flight of hundreds of people. By the next morning, they had ran away. Thousands of people, all the way to the west, are scattered all the way, but they walked for a hundred miles, waiting for the border of the empire, and looking at the long queue that was already sparse, Bai Wufeng could only shake his head and smiled wryly. There are too many, and we recounted the number of people, 67,453, which means that less than one third are left,

Why didn't Li Xue go?

Bai Wufeng looked at Li Keyan riding on a skinny horse, and Ning asked, after all, Li Keyan was old and could not walk anymore last night. Bai Wufeng asked him to give him an old horse, who thought Li Keyan would When he left in the first time, but unexpectedly left Ba Ying, this Li Keyan got out again, which really surprised Bo Wufeng

"My old wife died in war, and my son didn’t recognize me. I had nowhere to go. I have heard that there is a falcon empire in the west. Anyway, it’s the old decayed body. I can’t live for a few days. "Open your eyes before you open" Li Keyan, a wrinkled old face is full of calmness, with a simple and excessive knotted hairpin to hang up the white hair randomly, the long gown and robe even more sprinkled in the wind, ridiculed. 'I'm not afraid of your jokes when speaking, when I was young, my biggest dream was to one day be able to walk the horizon with a sword, take a look at a distant place, take a look at this world, and see if there is an end to this sky. Unfortunately, this desire It has always been difficult to achieve, but I did not expect that when I am old, I have such a crazy state! "

"Fortunately, since Li Xuexue has this thought, there may be unexpected joy and it is difficult to say."

Bai Wufeng smiled, beat the horse to whip, and moved forward, which was the empire boundary. For Li Keyan, who is full of loyal and thoughtful minds, if he knew that there was Li Family Li Yuehua and the most honorable royal princess of the Moon in front, only I'm afraid I can't say such a chic thing

Bai Wufeng took more than 60,000 Central Biyans across the border and entered the empire. He did not know that he stabbed the horse honeycomb, nor did he know that he was behind him at the moment. The grassland tribes in the northwest have swept like storms. Come

Thousands of prairie swift rides spread quickly westward along the earth like a large net. Soon, most of the scattered Central Biya people were found by the prairie scouts. In the dawn of dawn, the prairie iron ride rolled up For a while, the smoke and dust have a sense of covering the sky,

Yeluguda stood on a hill in the grass, the wind blowing his thick short hair, wearing a cross-shaped helmet on his head, looking at the distant eyes, with dignity and ruthlessness, stopped the horse, A subordinate horse rider flew from the front, jumped off the war horse ten meters away from Yelvudda, the look and his exciting report

"Sir, catch it!"

"Oh" Yeluguda's eyes swept like a knife, like a wolf found prey flashed a bit of coldness, the army has entered the west for a day and night, with the three stalks of Baiji as the guide, it should be similar to the reason, Stabilizing the war horse with his feet, looking at the subordinate, Ning Sheng asked, "Is it clear that the other party's identity is not there, how many troops, and where did he go?" "

"The other party claimed to be the Mingyue Yanzhou Army, and the number was only more than a thousand, and there were sixty or seventy thousand people in the Central Biya who followed him." After receiving the news that the prey has entered the imperial wilderness, Yelvuda's face There was a full silence for more than ten seconds, and his eyes were only gazing at the mountain ravine in front, Empire! This is no wonder, what can be defeated in three parts of Baiji with a thousand cavalry, except for the empire! Although I don’t know what this so-called Mingyue Yanzhou Army is, but there is no doubt that behind this army is the Empire is supporting

"What about the young patriarch?" The tribal chiefs all looked at Yeluguda. There was a breath of killing in the silent air. One hundred thousand troops had already started. Did they choose to stop just because the other party fled into the empire? The second report on the Mingyue Yanzhou Army was sent ten minutes later. This is another Central Biya who was intercepted.

One of the obscure news made Yeluguda's eyes narrow into a line

"What, you are not mistaken? Mingyue means Princess Mingyue, and Yanzhou Army is the remnant of Yanzhou that year! Are you sure about that?"

Yeluguda's face was stunned, and the other tribal leaders also had an expression of disbelief. Hasn't Princess Mingyue of Central Biya already claimed death? As for the Yanzhou Army, when the army was trapped and killed, there were some fish in the net. It is just another matter to link the two pieces of information together under such circumstances. The Biya people recognized one of them, and they were members of the Yanzhou Army, and the two were still in the same country, so what they heard from the other party was this.

"Young patriarch! Whether it is true or not ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ must be strangled, and there must not be a trace of hope for the Central Biya people." The patriarchs of more than a dozen tribes said in unison at this moment, the emperor of Central Biya The life and death are unknown, and the royal family is weak. No one dares to stand up. As long as time is taken, China andbia are the result of internal diversion and division. At that time, the Yelu family will go to the south, but if the princess of the moon is really still alive, it has been pulled up. A Central Asian army with Yanzhou Army at its core, once the news reaches the hinterland of Central Africa, the shock and impact on the Central Asians can be imagined.

"Okay, everyone moves forward, even if you cross the border, you have to find them!" Yelvuda took a deep breath and raised the whip in his hand

"Forward!" All the tribal chiefs issued an order. The 100,000 grassland cavalry's advance was like a tumbling wave, the mist was still floating on the ground, and the war horse rolled up a white group like a vortex. The stormy cavalry, the dense rumbling sounded through the ground, followed by the cavalry,

The ground is like chess, and the prairie cavalry's swift black line is rushing towards the west. The sun has just exposed half of its face from the clouds. The light dark clouds are like a layer of black gauze, and the low morning mist has spread. In the hazy morning light, a black line emerged from the edge of the grass, a dim and messy stretch of stretched road at infinity, several huge queues like a sea of ​​war horses. (To be continued.)

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