Whole Nation

: 2012 Dream Painting Jiangshan(6)

The rainstorm was like a waterfall. On the wide flat in front of the eroded Sirius City, countless swaths of water swarmed down the gullies. The hands of the dragon broke tightly on the cold stone bricks of the city wall. His eyes were full of blood and the city gate Closed, meaning that the southwest cavalry outside the city has no way back

The few remaining Southwest Dragon Cavalry soldiers have retreated to the gate position, and the Yelvjia Cavalry who are not willing to pursue behind them, when the bow and arrow range near the gate, only the unwilling to mount the horse, waving the sword in his hand. Chopping with **** air,

These few hundreds of cavalry are the last number of Southwest cavalry who came out of the shock. Not to mention the whole body, the physical strength is also to the limit, and even more human horses kneel down on the ground with a soft knee, throwing the people on their backs down. A big circle rolled on the muddy beach, and it was considered to be lying on the ground, panting heavily, and even the energy of the flick was no more than ten meters in front of them, that was dead. The iron gates of Sirius City are closed together. Each door is made of fine iron and covered with hundreds of soft tops. It takes more than five soldiers to open together with only the weight.

This is not going back!

The southwest cavalry slowly climbed up, holding the weapon in their hands, silently, but silently set a position in front of the city gate, each cavalry's face was determined, a gesture of preparing to fight to the end, far away The Baihe pro-armies of the Yelu family also gradually stopped the war horses over a hundred meters, and their fierce eyes returned.

The dragon soldiers on the city wall also pulled their bow strings, facing Qiping at the bottom, and the cold light of countless arrows clustered in the rain water. This is the maximum that people in the city can do. No amnesty!" As long as the prairie cavalry dared to approach, a fierce arrow rain flew away,

"Don't get too close, pay attention to the stone throwing of the Central Biya people" Mu Krisu shouted, "Come here, cut off the heads of those Central Biya people!"

The danger of being close to the city wall, look at the ground covered with thousands of unrecognized bodies of the Yelv Army who were smashed by countless stones, and you know that there are not many in the country where you can see in the invisible places behind the wall. The spring has been pulled open, and once approached, it must be an overwhelming raid, but how can these Central Biya who dare to offend the grassland warriors easily bypass, cut their heads, and let the opposite The Biya knows how cowardly they are in front of true grassland warriors

"I see it, Central Coward, this is the price that offends my prairie warriors." Mu Krisu grinned. Since he dared to fight with the prairie army, he would naturally have to bear the cost of failure. In the face of the landowner who is blessed by eternal life, anything that offends the host will have to pay a price

Countless blood-red spheres were thrown from the Yelv army and rolled down in the mud

"Asshole, these grassland people **** it!" The eyes fell on these blood-red spheres, and all the eyes of the Southwest Army soldiers were red at once. It was the heads of the cut Southwest Cavalry. The Southwest Cavalry feet attacked this time. There were six or seven thousand people, and less than two thousand were finally withdrawn. The heads of nearly four thousand people were built into three or four heads up to a few meters in height. In this way, blood was presented in front of all the Southwest Longjia Army , The rain hit the heads of these immortal people, flowing down the pile of broken pieces, a blood-red color,

I don’t know when, a heavy drum sound sounded on the city wall, "Boom!" The sound of the drum was low, straight into people's hearts, and gradually turned into a compact rhythm. Afterwards, they showed a dignity,

"This is." "Teana's novel "⒉... Central Biya drum!"

Yeluguda looked coldly at the battlefield. He heard the sound of drums in his ears, and his face was also dumbfounded. Is the Central Biya people crazy? Yeluguda’s eyebrows were slightly frowned, and the drum was the commanding drum of the attack by the Chinese and Afghan army. However, the situation in front of me, I really don’t know how to attack the Chinese people who were pressed back to Sirius City again. The other Yelv troops are also at a loss. They don’t know what a drum is. They just feel that the drum sound is like a battlefield rising and shouting and killing. The blood of the body starts to boil unintuitively, and a high fighting intention is in the heart. Rise up, it seems that it is difficult to calm down after a good rush

"Attention, there may be fraud in Central Biya!"

The Yelv army in front of them commotioned and unconsciously stepped back. Their expressions were tense. They were caught by surprise in the previous scene, and there were countless deaths and injuries. If it were not for the powerful and powerful Baihe pro-forces who overwhelmed each other, how would the war situation develop It's really unpredictable,

Since there is a first time, no one dares to say that there is no second time,

Feel something awkward, but it is Yeluguda in the distance. If the Central Biya people still have the strength, they have already beaten out. They need to hurriedly close the city gates, and even their cavalry are shut out. Let’s kill these remnant Central Abyssian cavalry first. Yeluguda raised his hand and was about to give an order. His eyes were a meal, and he saw a large piece of rope dropped from the city high, only to see the city The Southwest Cavalry, who was already irreversible, wrapped the rope around himself and worked hard together, and saw people pull directly up the wall, almost a blink of an eye. In front of the line of sight, even dozens of people dragged up!

"Asshole, fooled, archery, kill them!"

Seeing that the fat is already going to slip, Mu Krisu is also anxious. The drumming of the other party is simply a bluff. What counterattack is completely delaying time. I don’t know if the other party was deliberately knocking the drum to delay the time. Then it is really silly,

Numerous prairie bows were raised at the same time, arrows clusters flew across, and a fierce shot was fired towards the southwest cavalry dragged by the rope on the city wall. The southwest cavalry hung by the rope and climbing the wall snorted, and suddenly saw a large piece The blood of the southwest cavalry splatters, but after all the distance is already the range limit of the prairie bow. The specialty of the prairie bow is fast, rather than strong penetrating power. I saw the arrow flying to the nearby is already floating with the rain. Only two or three of the ten arrows can still hit the target, but even if there is a southwest cavalry hitting the arrow, the injury was not too heavy. Only after the arrow hit the body against the wall, it looked like a blood rain. On the contrary, it was painful and grinning. After dragging on the wall, it was more alive and kicking.

"Long live!"

A cheer rang from the walls of the "Idiot Prairie People", and seeing that the companions who had been in life were rescued in this way, the morale of the entire Southwest Longjia Army burst, and the frustration caused by the frustration just now was also thrown out of Jiuxiaoyun. The army was decaying, especially the Baihe pro-army. After relying on the armor, he ran directly out of hundreds of rides and rushed to the city gate. As a result, the dense raindrops of arrows shot down the city wall were born again. Shooting back, throwing more than 30 dead bodies strewn with arrow clusters

"The young patriarch is a fault of his subordinates, and his subordinates request that they take the lead and take down the city!"

Mu Krisu's face was blue, and his heavy armor was kneeling in front of Yeluguda's warhorse. The rain was running down the gap of the armor. Under his feet was a wow pond. The other generals did not dare to make a sound, but just watched one by one. In Yeluguda on the battlefield, Mucrisu was a general of the Baihe pro-military army. Strictly speaking, he could be regarded as a slave of the Yelu family. Naturally, his identity was not comparable to that of a general.

"Does our army have the power to continue to attack?"

Looking at Mucrisu, Yeluguda's eyes were cold, and the whip hit him **** the shoulder. He said sharply, "If it is a normal mistake, it's fine, this mistake is really a little bigger, this time. Going west, the result was an embarrassment and fled back. The army has been running for a few days. It is already a lack of people. Attacking Sirius City has been the last point of strength for my Yelv army. If it is a fight, or it can still be won, it is now because of Your mistakes have caused the **** efforts of tens of thousands of soldiers to be ignored. Even the morale of the whole army has fluctuated seriously. Even if I promise to let you continue to attack the city, the emperor will not agree! We are here in vain! It has been delayed for a long time! You still want to delay for a whole day, and you still can’t take Sirius City by the time, do you let everyone move to be buried with you!"

"Don't dare!" Mu Krisu's forehead was covered with sweat. He was so angry that he proposed to attack the city again, but he forgot his present situation, but he was running away!

"Order the whole army and bypass Sirius City!" Yeluguda took a deep breath. At this moment, he finally felt his father, Yelu Hongtai had to wrap up the anxiety of the tribe's south, and the imperial army was in the **** Chasing behind, the Southwest Dragon family also appeared in Sirius City, this is not letting people live!

Long Po stood at the head of the city, like a javelin, and looked at the cavalry of the Yelv Army with a sharp gaze, splitting the earth's rain curtain like a torrent, bypassing Sirius, and swept directly towards the northwest. The interception failed! There is silence in the city and the city, and there are more than 20,000 dragon soldiers left in the face, and their faces are silent. The only thing that can be heard is the torrential rain falling down from the sky.

In this collision, although the Dragon family only killed and injured more than 5,000 people, they almost lost the excellent war horses that they spent countless heavy money to buy from Obaro in the past two years, as well as the cavalry troops and the number of painstaking training. Hundreds of dragon family nucleus children, let the Dragon family just raise their heads and want to compete with the prairie people for the length of their minds, and even the shadow of flying directly is gone. Such a loss is absolutely heavy for the Dragon family, but as the only one The Dragon Army is proud of a Central African army that almost defeated the prairiemen with cavalry.

In terms of the Yelu family, Yelvuda had a slight fluke, hoping to take a break immediately after capturing Sirius City, and then enter the northwest, otherwise the biggest possibility is that the emperor will catch up with him and break the exhausted Yelv army in one breath, throwing away the entire northwest. ,

Otherwise, after bypassing Sirius City, turn to the southwestern direction of Luya Mountain, where there are 15,000 elites of the Yelv family. As long as the two armies can converge, even the emperor will not dare to attack easily, but suddenly The emergence of the Southwestern Dragon Army has made Yelvukuda's luck go missing. The Luya Mountain is afraid that something has gone wrong, otherwise how will the Southwest Dragon Army appear in Sirius City! Who knows what's behind that I don't know, at this moment, only to discard all extravagance and desperately rush into the land of the Northwest!

Yeluguda, who had settled his mind, did not know that there was no shadow of the imperial team behind him, nor did he know that he unexpectedly staggered with a decisive victory. If he attacked Sirius City, Beheaded the dragon family master Long Po, then the dilemma of the entire northwest will be rewritten for this! But his timidity gave the Yelvs the only chance to reverse the situation and just slipped away from his hands!

Northwest Province, Xijinggu

The layers of dark clouds rolled up from the sky and piled up quickly. In the sight of everyone, the wind that covered the whole world quickly, and the wind was blowing across the grass. Wooing across the gully of the earth, with the two sides of the Longjia Army in the south and the Wangting Army in the north, the various departments that were originally scattered in the northwest area have gathered outside the Xijinggu City. The grassland tent at the end surrounded the entire periphery of Xijinggu. The battle report in the area that fell a few days ago made everyone's face look more ugly.

The Southwestern Longjia Army, who entered from the south, said that for the upper Zhongbian people, the prairie people always had a sense of superiority in their hearts. Even the Central Bibian Linhang had been defeated. What the Southwest Longjia family counts is nothing more than thinking The problem is to take advantage of the fire. The problem is that the wool was on the sheep and was robbed from the grassland tribes. Most of it was taken back from the northwestern Central Biya people. What really annoys the northwestern tribes is the northern court. Greatly weakened the influence of the northern court, but Wang Ting is the king's court, far away, everyone can pretend to be invisible~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If it really hit Shanghai Jinggu, there are several tribes who dare to follow Wang Ting Combat?

Fortunately, Wang Tingjun's advancement was not fast, and the resistance of some of the Yelv army defenders had already blocked the ferocious tide of the south, but no one knew what to do in this battle!

At the same time, due to the dilemma of lack of various logistical materials, the heavy rain is now happening, and camps everywhere are strengthening Jingzhai. Step up and dig the drainage ditch under the camp more deeply, there are also roaring under the strong wind, let the slaves work harder, the real prairie nobles have entered the city, only those humble prairie heads and lowly The slaves of Central Biya will hide in the semi-rained and muddy debris,

The prairie people still have insufficient tents, not to mention them. These people who survived the catastrophe for the rest of their lives and struggled to survive, usually lived aloof with a little charity. They were covered with the lute leaves in the wilderness. With half a piece of rotten wood, the whole family, old and young, shrunk together, except for the eyes that were green, and the skin had been whitened by the rain. For a few days, the bodies of the refugees carried out from the camp shack Thousands have passed, and there are more people lying half-dead in the mud, no one dared to manage, and no one dared to clean up,

"So many people are gathered in Xijinggu. Once the plague blows out, they must be completely dismissed! Even if they starve to death, they can't starve to death in Xijinggu!" The direction of the camp turned back and stared fiercely at the nearby Ruli Hengshan. Over the past few days, Xijingu’s chaos was so shocking that she gathered hundreds of thousands of them, plus a Those who understand government affairs like the blind command of Li Hengshan, the whole Xijinggu is basically paralyzed. In such a situation, it is still necessary to fight. This is not a joke! (To be continued.)

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