Whole Nation

: Three Thousand and Four Dreams Painting Jiangshan(19)

Yelv Qiye woke up from a deep nightmare, and when he opened his eyes, there was nothing in the dark surrounding him. There was a hard wooden board underneath, covered with a layer of soft things, coming from the smell of fragrance Judging by this layer of wheat straw. You can feel the rhythm of the surrounding world gently shaking, Yelv Qiyeguang felt a headache, dry lips and thirsty, and unconsciously shouted "water." The shaking suddenly stopped, and a slight creak , A light suddenly appeared in front of me.

A woman’s voice in the bright place said, “It seems to be awake. Fortunately, it hasn’t hurt the internal organs. Or is it dangerous?” Who can’t see who it is, and passes over a glass of water. Yelv Qiyeguang grabbed the water and sipped it, and the cool liquid entered the dry throat, an indescribable comfort. Just finished drinking, before she asked, the woman handed over a glass of water again, and slurped again, feeling that her body was a lot easier.

"Am I dead?" Yelv Qiyeguang just asked to exit, and she felt that she was too stupid. Why did the dead get thirsty? At this time, she remembered her situation, remembering the unknown sounds she heard before she passed out. Suddenly alert, that is to say, you have been caught now? Her subconscious backhand touched behind her, and the touch of the cold pattern with the dragon sword on her hand came from her fingers. She secretly stretched her hands and feet, and did not find the tied chains and ropes. Was she not caught? Seven nights of Yelu struggled to see the surroundings,

In the swaying carriage, a woman in a long skirt sat across from her, and it was the woman who spoke, which looked average, but looked very clean

"This is the southwest of Yanzhou" The woman has been waiting patiently by the side, waiting for Yelu Qiyeguang to drink the water before saying aloud again, "If your Highness wants to return to the state, it is impossible because Yelu The army has completely blocked the front line of Daizhou. Anyone who tries to cross Daizhou from Yanzhou will be detained."

"Do you know me?" Yelv Qiyeguang's face was slightly cold,

"Well, we are not malicious." The woman smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth and took a picture from her body and placed it in front of Yelv Qiyeguang. Yeluqiyeguang's eyes were straightened. Although the light in the carriage was very dark, it was enough to see the picture. The person on board is himself,

"Who are you? ‘Yellow Seven Yeguang’s muscles tightened at once, and his hand grasped the knife handle behind him consciously. These people were constantly monitoring themselves.

"It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is that we are the only ones who can save your highness!" The woman's face calmly put away the picture, and she was terrified,

The cold wind envelops a large flake of snowflakes and comes with the wind. Among the vast white land, three broad long roads running parallel to the east are like three horizontal lines turning the whole land into three pieces of upper, middle and lower. The main business road that runs through the entire wilderness area is built. For the purpose of road construction, the ministries are stationed according to the camps on the road construction. A total of more than 600,000 people in the northwest prairie people are working for the empire this winter and for the empire in the wilderness. The development provided sufficient labor. The temporary camps for prairie people are on both sides of the main road, densely covered with tents of prairie people.

The morning cooking smoke is rising from the direction of these tents. A circle of livestock, cattle and sheep, and laughing and playing children are moving between the tents. It is difficult to cover up a quiet scene in the heavy snow. It has been difficult for people to spend half a month. Hundreds of thousands of people in the northwest grasslands faced with famine and invested in the empire, and the tribes moved with the extension of the business road

Azulik, the leader of the Allen Department, is one of them. He is taking the head of the tribe to monitor the people who repair the road, and he hears the dense sound of horseshoes coming from a distance.

"That's it?' Looking in the direction of the horseshoe, Azurik's pupil shrank sharply, and he quickly rolled off the horse, kneeling on the ground at once, and the people behind him were also all face. Great change, just like Azulik, kneeling on the ground, and all the people of the Arun tribe, looking nervously at the front one by one,

I saw that the black armored battle horses in front of the mountains and the wild floated on the snow of the military flag. The dense war horses were like a thick black line, killing the sky, and thickly cast a black shadow on the earth, just like a raised one. The huge sharp machete can drown everything in front of you at all times. After ten minutes, the rumbling horseshoe stopped, all the black armored imperial cavalry stopped, and a black-haired young man in front of the queue drove When he came out, his sharp, knife-like gaze projected and asked, "This is the tribe, who is the leader"

"Here is the leader of the Allen Department, I am the leader called Azurik, His Majesty the Emperor"

Asurik's body shook, and immediately took off the fur felt hat he wore on his head, kneeling on the snow on one knee, the hat-removal ceremony was the most noble etiquette on the northern grassland, and tribal leaders like Asurik This kind of gift can only be performed when you see King Khan. For the current Arun Ministry, it is no longer possible to return to the northern grasslands. The youth in front of them is their king. Other headmen do not necessarily know the emperor of the Falcon Empire, but When I saw Azurik’s hat-off ceremony, I heard that Azurik called this dark-haired young man His Majesty.

"Emperor Falcon!"

"My God, I didn't expect to have a chance to meet the Falcon Emperor!" The young men looked forward with fear and curiosity, holding sticky caps in their hands, shouting in unison, "See Your Majesty the Emperor"

"Do you know me?" The fat man waved his hand unexpectedly and said, "Since you are already the subjects of the empire, you don't need to be restrained, let's get up." His eyes swept from the faces of the heads of these Allen leaders In the past, under eye contact, it was like snow and ice in the sun. The heads of the minions quickly drew back their eyes and lowered their heads. I don’t know why. Everyone’s dried vegetables felt a strange feeling rising in their hearts, so insightful. Eyes, black as if the stars in the sky were flashing, it seemed that the emperor on the opposite side was not a human, but a god's mansion overlooking all living beings, but a single eye seemed to be able to see all the secrets of other people's hearts clearly. In the circumstances, even if there was some disrespect before, I dare not show any signs at this moment.

"We didn't expect His Majesty to pass by here, there was no preparation"

Asurik stood up, his voice trembled, and his nervous, white and extremely white face said respectfully. Although he was almost sixty years old, he had a generous forehead and always treated people generously, and it was considered a longevity on a grassland with a bad living environment, so There is a certain prestige among the chiefs of all ministries. In the situation where the emperor of the Falcon Empire is in person, anyone will be a little flustered, and the other headmen are even more embarrassed. The body kneeling there is slightly trembling and the face is pale. They are prairie people and believe in Longevity is the witness and executor of the superiority and inferiority on the grassland. For the strong, he has always been admired and convinced. The emperor of the falcon empire in front of him is undoubtedly the most powerful and emperor standing in this era. One sentence is enough to determine all their destiny, and this Falcon Emperor is a real war god, a powerful killer, just these two points are enough to make them have a colder than the snow tremble,

"You don't have to be so nervous, I just passed by, but disturbed the camp, but I remember that the section responsible for the Arun Department should not be in the front twenty miles? Why are you still here?" The fat man looked around, fiercely, He knows that for the prairie people, smiling is not a good expression. The prairie people prefer cold expressions, because the prairie people have always used brutal killing as a sign to judge whether a monarch is qualified. Too kind, it will make the prairie people form. The appearance of being weak and deceitful is like the chaos of the East Court. If the empire treated the East Court more harshly, the East Court will not rise to rebellion.

"The road section we are in charge is indeed twenty miles ahead, but it was only delayed because of the heavy snow in the last two days..." Azurik hesitated, his expression lingering, There seems to be something unspeakable

"Is there something wrong? Just say, to be honest, the speed of road construction during this period is indeed a bit abnormal!" The fat man's eyes looked at Azurik. Recently, I don't know whether it is because of the weather The problem is still an environmental problem.

Azurik's complexion changed. He didn't expect that the Emperor of the Empire had just judged the problem from his words. He gritted his teeth and could only answer with a scalp, "Your Majesty, I heard that the Empire will be repairing the road. I drove us afterwards, I don’t know if it was true?” As Azulik said this, the faces of the other leaders changed, and the expression of anxiety appeared directly on his face.

"I don't know how such rumors came out, but I can guarantee that this will never happen!" The fat man said that all the tribal leaders' faces were under his eyes, and his nose was heavily muffled. After a long time, it turned out that Someone messed up secretly,

This is a prairie man with hundreds of thousands of fierce temperaments that can be used for grazing and combat. If it can settle down, it is equivalent to setting up a wild horse in the critical northwestern region of Central Biya. The excellent area of ​​the country, coupled with the prairie people’s excellent environmental adaptability, hardship and cold resistance, tough and brave personality, although the winter in the wilderness is cold, it is already very good compared to the harsher prairie winter. There is no big storm of all creatures in the ten-mile range, and there are no wolves looking for food in the winter. In addition to the colder weather, the prairie people have little environmental threats. For their hundreds of thousands of prairie people, they are even Yelvugu. After reaching this mouthful of fat, I gave up, how could it be just to build a few commercial channels,

However, I have to admit that the person who released this rumor has grasped the weakness of the prairie people. It is now the season of ice and snow. The northwestern region has been occupied by the dragon family, and the northern grassland court does not accept them. If it is really driven by the empire Out of the wilderness and self-destruction, for the entire tribe is definitely a disaster of extinction,

"Your Majesty is true?"

Hearing the personal promise of the Falcon Emperor, everyone in the Allen Department had a little pale face just now. Although the empire forced the 100,000 grassland tribes in the wild, but the Yelu family who abandoned everyone, but the empire There is no special killing and ill-treatment of these 100,000 grassland young and strong, and it also allows their tribes to enter the empire's refuge, which makes many captured tribal leaders grateful. The empire is even in the city. Once the road construction is completed, these captives will be returned. From this point of view, the ministries have a greater sense of identity with the empire,

After discovering that the empire can provide them with enough materials and food for the winter, the grassland tribes have always been actively completing the tasks laid out by the empire, especially the grassland tribes themselves have enough horse-drawn carts for transportation, which greatly increases The progress of road construction was so great that the empire was expected to take more than two months to complete the three main business roads. The result was that the construction was completed in only one month, which was supposed to be a delight. Exciting things, but these grassland tribes are not happy,

The empire gave them materials and food to help them build roads for the empire, but now that the road construction is almost completed, it is difficult to say whether the empire will continue to provide materials and food

I don’t know when a rumor suddenly spread among the ministries, saying that once the road is completed, the empire will ask the prairie tribes to leave the wilderness and go to other places to spontaneously die. This has caused many tribes to panic, so that some prairie road repairs People are passively idle,

"I guarantee this in the name of the imperial emperor." The fat man grinned slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~Although the voice is deep, but it is extremely clear, all the prairie people who heard the voice of the emperor can't help but be excited Tears

"The empire will not drive you out, but will give you more preferential treatment. You are the empire, the empire should have the treatment you will have, the wilderness will be your new home, and the empire will give you enough protection!"

"Long live, long live Empire, long live His Majesty the Falcon"

The prairie people couldn’t help but cheer, and more people ran into the tribal camps, and they still screamed words that would not be expelled. Since the rumor spread, on the one hand, they are building roads, but they know once The road was repaired when the tribe was driven away, so this contradictory feeling really made everyone live in a kind of repression every day, and now has the promise of the emperor of the empire, a big rock in his heart suddenly fell to the ground, The words of others may not be credible, but the words of the emperor of the Falcon Empire are no problem!

Leaving the camp area of ​​the Allen Division, the fat man stopped the warhorse and waved a hand to a guard captain behind him. "Order the border to increase the investigation and find out who is spreading the rumor! I have a hunch, hundreds of thousands." The prairie people in the northwest are building roads in the imperial wilderness, and the long road directly reaches the land of the northwest. It is absolutely impossible to say that the Dragon family who has just established a foothold in the northwest has no action. This is definitely related to the southwest dragon family. !" (To be continued.)

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