Whole Nation

: Two hundred and fifty-two

Tildy from the face rushed from the ten hands of the shield sword and heard the ugly bow-string sound from the ugly. "Lee Shield!" shouted a shield swordsman at the head, and the flexible sword-shaped diamond shield behind "Xo" formed the Dao shield wall and surrounded him. The crossbow arrows fired, and there was a rainy crisp sound above the shield,

The area that Lingdun can protect is only half a meter wide, which is basically the kind of head protection but not foot protection. Some clever Samor crossbowmen chose to shoot from the lower body, which was more difficult to defend against. The crossbow arrows shot at the leg of the Hufan Infantry with a roar,

"Ah" There was a commotion in the shield swordsmen array. Thirty shield swordsmen were shot through the thighs by the crossbow arrows, and they fell to the ground with blood, and a painful scream, "Crossover!" Hu Cong shield swordsmen stepped over their companions without hesitation. The excellent tactical coordination made the formation of the Hushou Swordsmen undisturbed, and let the opposite Samor crossbow shoot for a while, and some people continued to roll to the ground, but still bravely moved forward, the distance between the two armies was quickly shortened, "huh" Shield Swordsman's heavy breathing sounds seem to have been heard

At this time, the knight who rushed into the collapsed mouth had lost more than half. Under the double blows of the heavy siege soldiers wielding the hammer and the long bow of the thorn tile, the narrow collapsed mouth had been blocked by layers of bodies. Sufficient Samor heavy siege soldiers also lost most of them to prevent the impact of the knight,

Only a dozen meters wide, the crumbling mouth is now a striking red. The horse in armor is lying on the ground. The human body and the horse body are mixed together. It is almost impossible to have a foot.

The rest of the knights had to strangle the war horses, and by the height of the horseback, they were killed together with the heavy siege soldiers of the commando." The knight's epee waved up and down, bringing up a curtain of light, a burst of cold light passing through, blood stained Red armor, no matter whether it is a knight or a Samor siege soldier, there are people constantly falling in the pool of blood, adding height to this corpse wall

"Huge attack!" There was a shout suddenly behind the siege soldiers. Dozens of weird spears with oblique blade ancient books quickly stabbed from behind the siege soldiers. This sudden blow was like a venomous snake throwing a letter, a scorpion tail

The collapsed mouth was narrow and crowded. The knights were in a mess. The knights only felt the cold light flashing in front of them, and the five-meter horizontal spear with a hook. Let the dozen unguarded knights roll down from the horse,

Some were even hung on the armor by a horizontal spear, and were forcibly pulled off from the horse, becoming the hammer under the hammer of Samor’s heavy siege soldier

"Spread out! Come off soon!" the leader of the cavalry captain shouted in shock, and saw the cold light burst in front of him, and several five-meter transverse spears pierced into his armor like a long poisonous snake.

"Wow!" The thick heavy knight armor broke. A sharp spear thrust into his body, and blood spewed out from the four blood grooves in the horizontal spear,

"Slap" The captain of the Cavaliers was wielding a heavy sword in his hand, and a horizontal spear pierced into the waist was cut off by this powerful sword.

"Pull him down!" Several Samor's guards shouted in unison as they saw their opponents so brave, seriously injured and capable of fighting.

"Slap" A heavy armor murmured on the ground, and the captain of the Cavaliers pulled the armor from the horse to the ground,

"Broken" the captain of the **** knight captain rolled a few times, and a roar, cold light, passed, and another cross spear inserted into him was cut off by the knight's sword in his hand.

"Samor mud legs! Want to kill me Tirlensis! Next life!" The captain of the **** cavalry captain, with two spears in his body, shouted, and his **** hands were slashed, Standing up swaying,

"God of War Tyrrhensis!" The knights saw that their captain was so powerful, and they shouted in excitement. Just now, there was a bit of low morale.

Oh shit! Is this guy still human? This is too abnormal! The bravery of the captain of the Tier Cavaliers saw Samor’s palpitations,

"Think of it, there are no doors," a shout rang from the right side of the arrogant Tyrrhensis,

Tirrence felt a thunder in his ear. I saw a giant heavy hammer swept across the waist. The wind in my ears was fierce like a thunder, and I dare to go up at this time.

As an assault leader, the battle-hardened Atlet knew that this time was the most critical moment of the virtual battle between the two armies. It was the decisive battle between the two armies’ battle wills. Victory or death was in between. If you can’t stand it first, whoever will be crushed to the end will be chased to death

If the Tiers were to raise their confidence in victory. At that time, even more than double the number of people who can’t hold the collapse,

While you are sick! It's your life! Atlet is not dead, the Cavaliers mental poisoner, the opponent's Cavaliers captain has obviously been seriously injured. Now it is completely supported by strong willpower. As soon as this person was killed, the Tyre army must have lost their morale,

"Bastard! Dead metamorphosis!" Ettled's hand slammed with a sledgehammer in his hand, whistling,

Tyrrhensis raised his arms flat, and the thick sword in his hand was like a steel shield shielding his chest. "Lock, lock" Atlet's heavy hammer. On the sword face, there is a shocking Jin Tiezhen ※

"Crack!" After the Knight's Epee had resisted more than a dozen times in a row, he finally couldn't withstand the heavy blow, and the sword face smashed into a meniscus with a crack, and the sword face fragmented,

Tier Lances' just-stabilized figure was also hit by the storm like a rainstorm and knocked over to the ground again

"Save Lord Tyrrences!" the knights saw their captain was knocked to the ground and shouted pale. Several knights ignored the heavy siege soldiers who were fighting, and drove towards the Samorian formation in the back. Rushing, the sword of the knight slashed in his hand, trying to kill a **** road from the heavy infantry

Here, the Samoan army is also fierce, "Don't let him run, hang him." The **** eyes and drums of Samor's guards are almost round. Everyone has long seen that this man has a very good skill. At least five or six heavy siege soldiers died on his heavy sword that is much heavier than others. If this person can easily escape, it is not known how many brothers will die in his hand,

Several spears were spurted out of the Samoan army again, and there were several sounds of piercing into the body. Four spears were pierced from the back of Tyrrhensis, two of which were worn in two layers. Armor, which holds the underwear of Tirrencias, and forms a wrestling moment on both sides

"Work together and pull him in." Everyone in the Samor's lineup screamed and pulled together, and Tyrence's unsteady body slipped, and the constantly twisting body slipped a shocking blood on the ground and was treated like a dead dog. Dragged into the Samoran formation,

A Samor's guard quickly withdrew his sword and cut off the head of Tyrrhensis. Then he kicked out hard, and blood was sprayed from the headless chest, and Tyrrhensis was the first Tyler. He has been talented since childhood, and he is invincible throughout the Tier family. He is known as the "invincible rider" in the Tier formation. He did not expect to die in this humble ruin.

"Sir Tyrrhensis is dead!" Seeing the leader was beheaded on the spot, the remaining knights saw each other face-to-face, no longer fighting, ignoring the sterns who were still charging in the arrow rain, they fled their horses, and were flanked by both sides. His stab tile longbow shot a lot and saw the perverted Tyrrensis finally beheaded. Atlet finally let out a sigh of relief, leaning against the heap of ruins, panting,

Just a while ago, his giant hammer danced so much that his arms were sore and sore. If it wasn’t for Tylensis’s sword, he might have died.

A team of 100 heavy-hearted knights only fled back a few dozen people, but Samor’s heavy siege soldiers also paid a heavy price. Together with Atlet, only 16 people survived, all with blood on their bodies. , If it wasn’t for Samor’s guard’s crossbar assault, the entire queue would have been


However, the real test really came. Although the reloaded knights retreated, the queue of more slayers from the shield swordsmen was only 30 meters away from the crumbling opening. The leg attack of the crossbowmen made the scuttlemen pay from the shield swordsmen. At no small cost, at least hundreds of shield swordsmen screamed in the mud with their thighs pierced by arrows, but for shield swords squadrons with a total of 700 people, this cost is still negative.

Look at the tired soldiers all around, the thorny long archer with sour arms, Etleyd's eyebrows straight up from the ruins, the dense diamond shields crowded together, Etleyd feels numb, these comments The fighting power of the Kyrgyzstan army is far beyond what was originally expected. Now we have only one hundred people. How can we fight this battle?

As the distance got closer and closer, the horizontal spear array lined by Samor's guards, Han Feng, replaced the scarred heavy siege soldiers. The **** eyes of both sides looked at each other, and they could feel the atmosphere of a decisive death.

"Sharp formation!" Hu shouted from the Shield Swordsmen queue~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just now the team with four diamonds cooperated, and suddenly there was a change. Hundreds of shield swordsmen at the forefront quickly gathered together into a huge arrow and slammed into the Samor formation.

This is a relatively common formation for Shield Swordsmen, because Shield Swordsmen have extremely good defensive ability and flexibility,

With a solid shield and excellent close combat ability, the dense front and back formation can easily squeeze the enemy's dense defense line, and then the follow-up shield swordsman will quickly expand to both sides until the enemy's defense line is completely torn into pieces ,

"Crack" "The spear of the cross spear is intermingled with the shield's blocking sound." Poof poo "The samurai guard's cross spear was blocked by the diamond-shaped shield grid, and the Tyres did not guard against the blade when the spear was retracted. , Immediately to the next piece, which shocked the Hushou Shield Swordsman behind him,

What weapon is this? Stinging doesn't count. You can still use the pull back to kill!

The crossbowmen and longbowmen on both sides continuously fired at the swarming swarmers from the shield swordsmen.

The arrow shot through the chest and arm of the shield swordsman, letting the shield swords piece by piece, but this did not stop them.

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